Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Jared Scott Jensen

Colorado Springs Police Department, Colorado

End of Watch Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Detective Jared Scott Jensen

You are missed, wish you were here.

August 11, 2007

I want to thank your Dad for stopping at my son Michael's page and leaving a reflection on his 3rd anniversary of his EOW. Unfortunately, your Dad and I belong to a club that no one wants to be a memeber of, Gold Star or Bereaved Parents, whatever you want to call it. There is no greater loss than to lose a child, no matter how old that child may have been. We face each day as a challenge to get through and continue on with our lives with a mission in mind, to keep your memory alive by talking with others. You are a true hero Jared and Heroes never die. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones. I look forward to meeting your Dad in the future and learning all about you. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

August 10, 2007

We all still miss you. Please keep watch over the family in blue.

August 8, 2007

We still cry...for the citizens of Colo springs. It's our loss. God help us, you did.


August 7, 2007

This post is twofold. First of all, I'd like to say thank you to your father, Thomas, for the passion that he frequently shares with us, as well as the rest of your family. I fight back tears, most of the time unsuccessfully, when reading each of their posts.

Secondly, I arrested the cousin of your cowardly murderer last night. He bragged about it and it took all I had not to drag him out of my car and beat him senseless. We're above that and I know you were too, even though I never met you. Thank you Jared, you are my hero.

Police Officer
WRPD, Colorado

August 5, 2007

My thoughts are with all of your loved ones as they travel the grief trail which none of us want to be on. Keep watch over all of your loved ones, wrap your wings around them and protect them. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

August 5, 2007

Hi Jared,

Five years ago today, you started CSPD Academy training. You could hardly wait to begin. How I enjoyed those frequent conversations when you would tell me about some aspects of it. The excitement, enthusiasm the dedication ALWAYs came through loud and clear in those phone calls. And then on Academy Graduation Day ... Oh the joy and pride I and all of our family felt as we watched you step on that stage with your classmates to receive that coveted badge. I know you can see me now ... at this moment as I smile and remember that wonderful day.

I love you Jared. Stay near me ... I need that. I need you.

Love forever,


Thomas Jensen
I am Jared's Father

July 31, 2007

Brother... Still weap when the uniform is off. Think of you and Jordan every day. Please watch over us.


July 29, 2007

I kept finding pennies around my house in the strangest places. I kept wondering, "What's up with this." Then I read a magazine article today about guardian angels. It said angels often leave coins around to remind you they're still there. I put the magazine down and proceeded to get ready for work. Then I found another penny, another one, and then two more in the laundry......
I know you're still with us brotherman. You can stop now with the pennies. Why does it have to be pennies anyway? You can start with some bills though.

July 27, 2007

The Brightness of His Spirit:

Anyone who knew him
felt the brightness of his Spirit.
No life His hand reached out to
stayed the same.
The world once touched
by His unselfish kindness
still echoes with the honor
of His name.

The footprints that He left
were firm of purpose.
The path He walked,
a wise and hopeful one.
And written on the pages of forever
in praise of Him
are these words ...

I love you son ...
I love you, Jared,


Thomas Jensen
I am Jared's Father

July 27, 2007

I'm with you...always:)

July 23, 2007

Hey there Brotherman - I still think about you daily - we still talk about you a lot. I need your help brotherman. I want to put together a fantastic PTSD presentation and try to get buy in from the brass. It seems like they still haven't learned anything from all of this and I need help in getting them to understand that we need to help each other through traumatic events. I know I've talked to you about this before but maybe by putting it on this forum I can get prayers and support from others. I realized they didn't learn anything from your shooting after Ken was killed. I need some help with this.

July 23, 2007

I have not forgotten...
A Proud CS citizen

July 22, 2007

I tagged along on the 7/1 ride, and I think you would have been proud. You and Ken were well honored that day, and every day.

There is a blood thicker than water, and it runs blue. Your brothers and sisters in blue. You've changed your guard, but please keep looking out for the others.

God Bless you and your bereft family. They are an inspiration to all of us.


July 21, 2007

Jared thinking of you...

Rachel Ozick

July 17, 2007

I read the reflection that your family and friends have left, And through tears I in peace my brother in blue.

Sergeant S. Roush
Sinton Police Dept, Sinton Tx

July 14, 2007

I just want to say it was an honor to ride in the Police Unity Tour for Jared. I carried a bracelet with his name on it for 250 miles on my bicycle from Virginia to Washington D.C. I was very excited and moved to meet his brother Jeff. He hugged me upon our meeting like we had known each other forever. I will never forget the experience and how I felt when I was able to give the bracelet to his brother. Just know that Jared will forever be in my prayers...

Officer Beth Hollick
Phoenix Police Department

July 9, 2007

We had a good today. The sun was shining, there was a slight wind and we all knew you were with us. To this day it still doesn't seem real though. You have not been forgotten, not even a little. There is no moving on, there is no getting through it, we can only continue as best we can. We will never forget. The motorcycle run went great. A lot of people today had their JRod patches and their KCJ patches on already too. It was something to see, but you and Ken had the best seats in the house I guess. All walks of life were there to pay tribute to you guys and to help build the wall. Kind of helps restore your faith in humanity. Until we meet again Jared, I should have told you more when you were with us but I love you bro.

"Fallen but Never Ever Forgotten"

July 1, 2007



June 29, 2007


I've tried s o many times to leave a reflection. I have log on every day...many times but left speechless. I met you one time at your brothers house along with your father, familey and friends.

All I can say... Thank You. I see your brothers and sisters in blue everyday. Your memory is alive.

Peace to you, your family and friends

June 25, 2007

It now has been 15 months. I promised I would never forget...and I haven't. God Bless..

A Proud CS citizen

June 22, 2007


Just like Ken, you can see you are missed and loved. Yours was my first funeral also as a sworn Peace Officer. Then 2 in 10 months. That's too many.

Rest easy brother. Just wanted to make sure you know EPSO remembers. We will never forget, and we shall carry on. I still feel a twinge when I hear your brother's name in the news. God bless your family and give them strength.

Deputy M. Wilde
El Paso County Sheriff's Office, Colorado

June 21, 2007

Jared ~

Last night Aaron brought tears to my eyes (happy & sad). As he was climbing into bed he had a Kevin Harvick (Hotwheel size) car in his hand. I asked him who's car that used to be....and without a beat, he said "Uncle Jare" (he's yet to pronounce the "d" at the end). He then said he wanted to see you....I told him he couldn't see you....but that you were way up high, in heaven, and that your an angel now. He looked up high and at 3 years old didn't quite understand loudly he demanded he wanted to see you. So I went over and grabbed the picture of John holding him (just moments after he was born) and you and Jeff (in uniform) standing on each side of John and handed it to him. He then said the sweetest words....he pointed to you and said "Thank you Uncle Jare". I went to remove the picture from his bed and he cried until I gave it back to he set it next to his teddy bear and we placed the bears arms around the picture as if he were hugging it. After he fell asleep I removed the picture from his bed for fear he would roll into the frame and cut himself on the corners. When John woke him up this morning...the first thing he said was "Where's my picture of me and Uncle Jare".

As you probably know, Natalie gave Aaron 3 Kevin Harvick cars that were yours....He and Faith (had to give her one) cherish those cars, and when someone asks him who gave him those cars....he proudly says "My Uncle Jare".

I miss you so much I'm watching Aaron grow up so fast, I see you in own son doesn't really look like me all that much, but he definately carries the Jensen/Deprey side just comparing your childhood pictures to his. You will forever be my big brother....thank you for all the wonderful memories.

Love Ya,

Jonika Winkler
Sister of Det. Jared Jensen EOW: 2/22/2006

June 19, 2007

I was in DC during Police week. What an amazing time. Thousands of our brothers and sister together at the same place. It was truly amazing. I saw Jeff at your panel and Ken's panel. Your nephew was there with him, and it was inspiring to see the look on his face. I can't describe it. Natalie is amazing and has been a privledge to get to know her. You are not forgotten. Tell Ken I said hi.

June 9, 2007

Jared, My Dear Jared,

Police Memorial week in Washington, D.C. was a phenominal example of the bond that exists within the brotherhood and sisterhood of Law Enforcement. The hundreds and hundreds of officers from around the country who volunteered, working 10, 12 & 18 hour days to help the grieving family members was amazing. The dedication, support and love so beautifully on display by all of the volunteers, the Fraternal Order of Police, NLEOMF and COPS was beyond description. The honor they jointly bestowed upon you and the other officers who gave their earthly lives in 2006 while in the line of duty is something I will never forget. Emotionally draining, but unforgetable.

I made and brought with me, two laminated pictures of you, on Police Academy Graduation Day, proudly standing in front of a huge picture of a Colorado Springs Police Badge. It's the same picture of you that is on this ODMP website. Under your picture, I printed in large red letters the most prophetic words I have ever heard and will ever hear. They are the words you spoke to me when you informed me you were giving up your acting career to become a Police Officer. Under your picture the words are ..." Dad, I want my life to matter, I want my life to count. Det. Jared Scott Jensen EOW 2/22/06."

Along with other members of our family, I arrived several hours early for the candlelight vigil. Numerous times, while it was still daylight, I had to get up from my chair and walk ... just walk .. to get away, while staying within the confines of that beautiful Memorial setting. I walked back to that section of the wall that now bears your name. I knelt down to place one of the laminated pictures next to your name. While placing it there, a reporter asked me, as she looked at your picture, " is that your son?" I said yes, he is my son. She replied, "please tell me about him." I told her of your prediction at age 8, that you would be an actor. I spoke of you being on a professional stage at age 11, your high school, college successes (and beyond) as an extremely talented actor, But then, as I showed her the picture with those words, those prophetic words, she knew and the world knows that you accomplished in your 30 years and 17 days on this earth ... you accomplished your most wonderful goal. My dearest Jared ..Your life matters, it counts and it always will.

I did not realize it at the time, but that reporter was with the America's Most Wanted T.V. show. At the end of the following weekend's broadcast, which included many film clips of Poice Memorial week, at the very end of the show ...there I was, showing your picture, your words to millions of people.

Three weeks ago, today, President Bush spoke to the thousands of us about "holes in our hearts" over the (earthly) loss of our loved ones during the preceeding year. Afterwards, he visited with the families who were described as first-year survivors. When he came to me and others in our family, he saw the other laminated picture of you and those words. He stopped, took it from my hands, stared at it intently and said, "Oh, my God." He continued by saying, "I am so proud to be part of a country that has such fine women and men as your son." He autographed the picture, and then the President of the United States asked about you. I told him of your dedication to acting from age 8 to age 26, how talented you were ... then I referred to those words under your picture. I said you were a law enforcement officer, a Detective for 3 & 1/2 years and you loved it. He spoke more to all of us. He hugged your Mom. I asked him, "Mr. President, may I shake your hand." He looked me square in the eye and said, "you can shake my hand... you can hug me .. you can even kiss me." I gave him a big hug, thanked him for being there with all the families then I shook his hand. I will never forget his compassion of that day.

So, my dear son, it took me three weeks to gather what was needed within me to write all of these words. I am heart-broken, I grieve with pain that is almost unbearable. But, I will absolutely keep and honor my vow to you, your Spirit, to do all I can to honor you, your memory and your legacy.

Your life matters, in counts. You have positively impacted thousands already. Many more will be so affected in the future,

I love you Jared,

I Love you, Son,


Thomas Jensen
I am Jared's Father

June 6, 2007

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