Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Ryan Christopher Seguin

Broward County Sheriff's Office, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Ryan Christopher Seguin

I am so so glad we were each other's best friend and that we always told each other how we felt and how we were always there for one another. I miss you and please please please help me get through this.........ALL of this. I need you so bad to hold my hand, I love you always =)

Ryan's love

December 28, 2006


Merry Christmas and thank you for your ultimate sacrifice. I happened to see your name on another fallen officer's page and wanted to stop by yours. I hope you remember to visit your family and friends during the holidays especially. They need you and love you. Although none of the days are 'easy', this time of year is especially brutal for those of us left behind. I hope you've made many friends in Heaven.... maybe you've even met my fiance, Cole. Know that you are loved and missed dearly and forever.

Amanda~ i know your pain all too well. my fiance was killed a little over 3 1/2 years ago and it is still torture. i want to wish you a merry christmas, even though i know just how tough it is to be happy and in the holiday spirit. i pray that you might find some peace and comfort... even just a little bit... and know that your special angel is watching over you every minute. if you ever want to get in touch with me, i can be reached through Georgia COPS... my dad is the secretary. very much love to you, sweetie.

Jessi Garger
Fiancee of Ofc. Cole Martin
Chatsworth, GA P.D. E.O.W. 4/25/03

December 25, 2006

Ryan -
Everyday I come and read the wonderful things everyone writes to you. You will forever be a hero to your family. May you watch over Phil & Lori, Tina & Earl and all your family - today especially. Give them strength.
Merry Christmas!



December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Ryan! Even though we have no snow this Christmas, Uncle Bob and I left you accouple snowmen last night. We all miss you very much and wish you were with us all today.

Kathy Burton

December 25, 2006

Ryan my love, I would give anything to have you here with me right now! I love you so very very much and miss you with all of my heart. I look over your pictures all the time and cry for you to be laying next to me in the bed and kissing me good night. I will continue to pray for your family, ALL of your family! Just watch over us and keep us all guided my love and know how much you are missed and truly loved by so so many! I will be with you soon, I promise =) Merry Christmas and don't ever forget the trip last year we took to find your mom's dog!!!!!! Or Kari's New Year's Eve party!!! =) I love you, my little boy, forever!

Amanda Bell
Ryan's Love

December 24, 2006

This holiday season is bittersweet for all of us. all of your family, coworkers and friends have you in our hearts this christmas. we all miss you so much. please know that you will never be forgotten, always loved, forever missed. take care of my grams for me, ok? i love you, Ryan.
Merry Christmas.


December 24, 2006


Everyone kept telling me how hard the holidays will be. I listened, but didn't understand how hard it really would be. It's been so incredibly hard. I can't even think straight. I find myself in your room staring at all of the pictures with you,dad,me, Brian Tephford, Lil Larry, Kari, Kristen,Jason Zeidell... and I cry. You were so happy. I can't stop thinking you were supposed to be here with us this Christmas and I want to see you walk through the front door. I want to hear your voice. I want to hear you laugh. I want to feel your hug. Most of all, I want somebody to tell me you're coming home. But in my heart, I know you're not and I know you'll be spending Christmas with God in Heaven. If I had one wish in the whole world, I'd wish I could have you back. Please give your dad and I the strength to make it through Christmas day. You'll be in our hearts and our thoughts.

I love you so much, son.

Forever in my heart, mom

Lori Seguin- retired Officer
Stepmother-Broward Sheriff's Deputy Ryan Seguin E.O.W. 2-15-06

December 23, 2006


Please look after your parents since this will be there first Christmas without you. I know you are an angel above looking over Phil and Lori and they miss you so much. I will pray for you and them this Christmas. Please know that they so dearly miss you. I am so sorry they will have to endure this pain during such a celebrate time. Lori Akers and I fixed up your marker off of 595 and it looks beautiful for the holidays. I promised your mom and dad that since they are so far in Michigan that I would take care of the marker and keep it looking great with Lori Akers.

Again look over Phil and Lori during this difficult time.

We Love Ryan and We love you Phil and Lori.

Love The Welker Family

wife of Ft Lauderdale police officer

December 22, 2006

Just a little note to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, you are our "shinning star."
Love Ya

Deputy Pallotto
BSO, Partner

December 21, 2006

Sadly, it will be the first Christmas without you. I keep thinking of last Christmas when we spent it together. If I could have forseen the future I would never have let you leave the driveway. How was I to know that would be the last time I would be able to hug you. I always cried everytime you left and everytime you would tell me not to cry. I remember waving to you and Amanda as you drove away. I can remember that as if it were yesterday.
It has been a very difficult time for our family. Everyone misses you so much. Blue lights are displayed in your honor at all of our homes. You are our hero and your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
I have so many memories of past holidays. One in particular I think you were about 4 years old, you would open a present and then you would look up and say" this is the best Christmas ever". You repeated this after every gift you opened. Your big smile just kept getting bigger.
My heart is filled with much sadness this year. The holidays are hard. We will not be home this Christmas. I can't imagine being here without you. Earl and I will spend it alone, we thought that was best. So my beloved son I want to wish you a Merry Christmas in heaven. I know you are with God and he will take care of you. I love you Ryan.
all my love always,

Tina Lambert
mother of Ryan

December 21, 2006

My thoughts are with your loved ones during this holiday season. I know every day is a tough day for them to get through, but holidays are even harder. I have decorated the outside of my home for Christmas with all blue lights. One of those lights will be lit every night until New Years in your honor as my way of saying you are a true hero and have not been forgotten. Keep watch over you loved ones and those still out on patrol.

Bob Gordon
Father of Falleh Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

December 20, 2006

I miss you so much Ryan. My birthday just wasnt the same without you there picking on me =( And Christmas just wont be the same without you here drinking like 5 Sunkist and telling all of our crazy stories we had together. I miss you more & more every day. I talk to you all the time and I just wish I had ONE more day to tell you how much you ment to me and how much I cherished our friendship. You are and will always be my best friend no matter what. I know we didnt tell each other how much we ment 2 one another but in my heart I knew and I pray you knew also. I wish I had one more day with you, so you could see Dana & I again. I wish we could have made your one wish come true before you left us. I regret being so hard headed but I know you see us now & not a day goes by that we dont think or talk about you and our memories we have with you. I hope you watch over all of us during this next year. I know this year was soooo hard for everyone. So please help us get the new year started off. In my heart and memories is where you will always be. I miss you Ryan AKA Jim Carey! Umpa just isnt the same without her sick kick making her trip over garbage cans & telling people at the resturant that I am your sis and I am prego with your kid cause we are from Tenn.... LOL I miss that soooo much! I miss you picking on me about stupid things I said or did. What about the time you met me at school & u just took ur pants out of the dryer and I asked did you have a hard time getting them on cause mine always shrink.. OMG u NEVER let me down about that one, u were like no dumb @$$ I dont wear skin tight pants like you do.. I miss you Ryan =*( I wish you were here to make everything better! Things are so hard right now and you were always here to try to make things right. You could always make me smile even when I was having the worse day ever. I miss you and I pray you know how important you were to me. I love you always & forever my tall/lil brother/Jim Carey! Merry Christmas and I know you will be with ALL of us on Christmas watching over us! I will light a candle in memory of you for Christmas and I wont blow it out till Christmas night. I miss you so much!

Best Friend

December 18, 2006

Last night was the Project Blue Light ceremony for all of us to remember the risk that law enforecement agencies have every day at the Alpena Michigan State Police Post. It was very nice. They mentioned your name and talked about you along with the other law enforecement who have lost their lives.
We all miss you very much and we all think of you every day.
I moved your picture, it's on the shelf with all my Christmas angels, right where it should be, you are our angel.

Kathy Burton

December 8, 2006

ryan, little boy, ringbear, honey bunny, ......i miss you and love you so much. if there is ever a day that goes by that i don't tell you how much i love you and how much you mean to me, know that i do with ALL of my heart. i hope i can always make you proud, my love! =)
ryan + amanda (2 peas in a pod) kindered spirits forever!

Ryan's girlfriend/fiancee'

December 7, 2006

I miss u, Ryan.


November 27, 2006

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone. It was really hard not to send a text message to you saying Happy Thanksgiving =( You can come over and grab some food and 3 Sunkist.. I know you are in Heaven watching all of us stuff our face. But its just not the same without you here & taking like 3 Sunkist and just chatting with my family & I. I miss you so much Ryan. Not a day goes by that I dont think of you and some memory we had together. One of your friends was just killed in the line of duty and it brought back so many sad memories when we lost you. I know you are safe and watching over all of us, but I wish I just had one more day with you to grab steak & shake or Scrubbys and tell you how much you mean to me. I wish I could have told you to your face how special of a friend you are to me. I know we showed it in our actions but I wish I would have taken the time to tell you how much of an impact you made on my life and how happy I was to have you in my life. You were like my little/tall brother.. And you picked on my 24/7 but I swear I LOVED every minute of it =) I miss you Ryan, and I always will till we meet again in Heaven. But untill then watch over all of us please and keep everyone safe. We will see you soon and I will give you a HUGE hug and tell you how special of a friend you are to me. I miss you and love you Ryan Always & Forever.. Love Your Little Umpa Shannon (Short/Old Sis) Dana & I miss you sooooo much Ryan. We have become such good friends again and I pray you can see us now, I know it is what you always wanted & I am so sorry we didnt get over our issues for you. But we do love you & miss you so much, we always will. Please keep us and everyone us down here in this crazy world safe please.

Best Friend

November 24, 2006

Dear Ryan,

I only met you a few times while you were a Deputy. But I remember the night I backed up your father on a traffic stop and he told me you got your notification that you were hired by BSO. He was very pride of you. Even though you are gone from here you will always be in hearts. God Bless and till we all meet again.

Dep Mike Dingman (BSO)

Dep. Mike Dingman
BSO College and Friend

November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving Ryan,

As it always has been through the years, your picture is on the refrigerator, right where I can see it everytime I open the door--and you know I do that alot!

I caught myself laughing as I remembered the time you visited and you thought the salad dressing had a "squeeze top", you were quite surprised to find out it was the "pour" kind and you had half the bottle of dressing on your plate! We all shared your dressing that evening and had a great time talking hockey!

You will be with us at Thanksgiving dinner this year, just sharing in another way. Give your mom a sign.

Love ya,
aunt Patti

Patti Cueny

November 22, 2006

Ryan, as Thanksgiving approaches the enormity of your death becomes even more unbearable. I know that there will be no phone call on Thanksgiving Day. I can still hear your voice saying "Hey mom, Happy Thanksgiving sorry I didn't call you earlier but I worked late last night." I just want you to know son that I will leave my cell phone on into the evening just in case.....
I started decorating for Christmas and I came upon your stocking. I actually reached into the stocking down to the toe. I was hoping to find something you had left behind from last year. I knew you would never leave anything behind but I had to check anyway. I then saw the Christmas ornaments. There are some I painted when I was pregnant with you, many that you made in school and then there is the ornament "Baby's First Christmas". Little did I know that last Christmas would be the last one we would share together. We had so much fun. Robert Henry and Leslie were here. It was such a happy time. It's amazing how everything can change in one moment.
We will be burning blue lights in memory of you and all police men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice. You are the best son I could have ever asked for I am so proud to be your mother. I love and miss you so very much.
I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving in heaven.
all my love always, mom

Tina Lambert
mother of Ryan

November 21, 2006

today was one of the hardest and worst days of my life since you were taken away from us. my grandma passed away. please look after her for me. she's a pistol, very independent until the end. i was thinking about you all day today in the hospital. i miss u and love you. give gram a big hug and kiss from me and show her around ok? love you, ryan..


November 17, 2006

Dear Ryan

As you already know, as you are watching from above our agency has lost another. This has been an incredibly difficult year for BSO. As his incident is talked about and your story is retold it is often mentioned that you and Brain were and again are close friends.

Let me say I am ever so sorry for not have written something sooner. The night of your death was and will ever remain one of the most difficult days of my life. The days after we all just tried to cope and comprehend. We questioned so many things about life and death. And we found that these questions maybe just can't be answered.

I am so greatful for having you as a partner and a friend. We shared many great times, both at work and afterwards. I have told many people that when an officer dies God grants them a special wish. I believe yours was for the Detroit Tigers to get to the World Series. Well this they did, they just couldn't win it on their own.

Yesterday I along with many of the areas finest visited the same funeral home you were at. And later today, Brian, as you did, will patrol down Broward Blvd to be honored in the same hall in Fort Lauderdale.

You will not be forgotten - 1* - With God's Love.

Sgt. F.A. Japes
BSO / District 8

November 17, 2006

Dear Ryan,

Every day you are in our hearts and thoughts. Your graduation picture is still on my dresser, just as it has been since the day you graduated, and where it will remain forever. We don't always know what to do with the void that has been left in our hearts since your passing, but we try to cope in our own ways.

aunt Patti

Patti Cueny

November 15, 2006

I Never knew but im friends with some who did Rest in peace brother


November 14, 2006

My dearest son, as I was looking at a picture of a heart in the doctors office, I noticed it was in two halves. That's my's broken. It hurts terribly to have a broken heart. I miss you every moment of the day and night. I love you, Ryan. all my love always, mom

Tina Lambert
mother of Ryan

November 13, 2006

Dear Family,Friends and co-workers of Deputy Seguin, may you find Peace only God can give as we approach the holiday season.Please know that prayers from The Blue Line Family are with you. We feel your hurt and the emptiness left in your heart when Ryan had to take his final flight. such a handsome young man,and the wondering of "WHY"? A question we all continue to ask. A precious Hero,with one breath,stepped right into the arms of our Lord, with a host of Fallen Hero's standing at attention and saluting,saying "Welcome Home" Brother. Your shift has not stopped,you now are assigned to patrol streets of gold and to keep watch over those you left behind. Family and friends i will never understand the judicial system. seems like the criminal that took Ryan's life,got off easy.IT IS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!But Hero's never die. And that is what your son is. A hero to all of us. Please know that your Blue Line family is here for you.That you are in our prayers.May the love and peace of God embrace you. Love and Prayers, Carolyn Moore.....mother-in-law of Sgt. Jeffrey T.Hewitt EOW 04-04-04 Asheville,N.C.

carolyn moore

November 12, 2006

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