Broward County Sheriff's Office, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Ryan Christopher Seguin
Well today was so hard, but at the same time amazing how many people were there in memory of you. I always knew how amazing of a friend you were to me but I never really was able to see how many lives you touched at work. Today Amanda, Dana, Jen, Mallorie,Danielle, Your Parents and myself were able to see how many lives you touched and how many of your BSO Friends miss you also. They put up such a nice memorial for you at BSO in Weston. (I wanted to make something to put up there a month after you were taken away from us). But I know you were there with us watching everything today. All of us girls went to lunch together at your favorite place & we got ur famous potatos... hehe! We had to eat them for YOU! Today was so hard, but all of us being there together made it just a little easier. Your mom is AMAZING, she is so strong and I LOVE the present she gave me... I will keep it FOREVER, and the letter OMG it brought so many tears to my eyse but they were good tears. I will always and forever be your lil sis/UMPA! Thank you so much Ryan for being the best friend I could ever ask for. I will never ever forget you or any of our fun/crazy times we had together (walking home from University, breaking my cell phone cover cause you smacked me so hard, going clubbing in Ft. Lauderdale for our 1st time, all our trips to Steak & Shake, going to the beach-you making fun of my weird bum, taking you out for your bday-making you stand on a chair while they sang happy bday 2 you, trying to hand cuff me when you knew how scared I was, making me trip when I was going into my math class after that HOT guy, and the day I asked you if you pants fit because you just took them out of the dryer, OMG and the time you had to change my tire in ghetto town and had to read the instructions on changing a tire....... and soooooo many more) I will NEVER FORGET THEM RYAN, I SWEAR. I love you and miss you so much. All of us girls went to the marker today, thank you for keeping us safe while we were there. We miss you Ryan so much. Please watch over all of us and keep helping your mom she is doing so much better. LOVE YOU TINA! Rest In Peace Ryan! I Love You & Miss You So Much!
Best Friend
February 15, 2007
Ryan, it’s hard to believe it’s been a year since that tragic night. I know we didn’t really know each other all that well, but like others, those brief moments we spent talking had a long lasting impression. When we first met, you were responding to an audible alarm at my neighbor’s house. After doing a quick walk around, we talked about going into law enforcement, how both of our dads were working for the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, and how much you loved being a BSO deputy.
As I begin my law enforcement career, I know that when myself and others go 10-8 you will always be there backing us up. I will never forget you brother.
Sunrise Police Dept Recruit / BSO District 8 Resident
February 15, 2007
My thoughts are with your loved ones on this first anniversary of your EOW. It is hard for me to understand the justice handed down concerning this incident. In the case of my son, the individual that brought on all our pain and suffering was also killed which was justice for me. I know that may sound terrible to some, but they do not walk in my shoes. Ryan, you are a true hero and heroes never die. Your loved ones and the Blue Family will always remember you. Keep watch over all of them. You will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
February 15, 2007
Thinking of you and your family and friends today. It's your first birthday in HEAVEN. Everyday will be hard for everyone left behind, but I wanted you and your family to know we will never forget.
You all will be in our prayers, and thinking of you on this day.
Connie Barker Fort Walton Beach, Fl
Mother of Clint Walker E.O.W. 1-14-04 Prattville, Al
February 15, 2007
I can't believe it's been a year since I received the worst call of my life in the middle of the night from Lori telling me you were gone. As I helped your Dad and Lori get ready to get to you as fast as they could and I made calls to family members. Everyone knew something was wrong as soon as their phones rang at that time of night.
As they hold memorials for you today we will all be thinking of you and how much joy you gave to your family and wish that you were still here with us.
We all love you and miss you very much.
Kathy Burton
Ryan's Aunt
February 15, 2007
Ryan, I sit here on the anniversary of your leaving this world for a much better one, knowing how much you are missed by so many people. The love that has been shown on these pages is amazing. It truly shows how well liked you truly were. I never met you, but do spend time on here reading the tributes others leave. From what I have seen others say about you, you are missed. I just hope your family remembers the positive times they were able to spend with you. Please continue to keep watch over those of us who have not received our glory with The Lord. Thank you for your service.
February 15, 2007
It has been one year since you have been taken from our lives! The thought of everyday missing you, wanting to see you! Hoping that maybe i will just turn the corner and poof you will be there! I went to Dillards the other day and thought about the day that i picked out the royal blue shirt for you to wear to the wedding! I passed the colors and found the one that you picked! I picked it up and could smell you! How strange it is to think that you are gone from us, when we need you the most! You were so young and so filled with life! Our true hero for life! Thank you for fighting to keep our streets safe!
I love you and miss you!
Deputy Ryan Seguin
Febuary 15th 2006
My brother and friend
Kyla Brown
Friend, and Lil sister!
February 14, 2007
every day for the past year i have been marking time. every month on the 15th, it gets a little harder, knowing it's been however many months since i've seen you last. laughed with you last. hugged you last. *when you would let me or shannon hug you at least!* it's a year now, that you've left us. some days have been easier than others. this will NOT be one of them. i know how much you're missed, how often i still think of you. no matter how much time has passed, how many people come and go in my world. i will never ever forget you Ryan. please watch over your parents and family. they miss you and need you to guide them through the tough days. I love you, Ryan. until we meet again, in my heart is where you will forever be.
forever friends...
February 14, 2007
Dear Ryan I can't believe a year has gone by. I never had the privledge of meeting you, but if I did,I know I would have liked you right away. From what I've heard and read about you, you were a great person and an even greater police officer. I haven't talked or seen your mom for quite a long time (your mom and I are cousins)but I always remember her as being very sweet.
I'm sure becoming a police officer was something that was always in your heart. I have always wanted to be one but didn't pursue it for different reasons. Just months before you passed away I thought about pursing it again. I took a class and worked in dispatch for a little and found myself making excuses again for not sticking with it. Today I'm here making plans again to finally become an officer....but this time I'm not backing out. If it's in your heart it's hard to ignore isn't it? We'll see if I have what it takes.
I can only wish to become the kind of officer you were, that is a big job to fill. Watch over your family, especially your mom cause she misses you terribly.
Thank you for your service, I hope to meet you someday on the other side.
Laura Latuszek
February 14, 2007
today is 02-14-06, I am making sure my uniform is ready for the 2 memorials the Sheriff's Office is planning for you on
02-15-07. Rest in peace, and watch over your family.
Police Officer #1353
February 14, 2007
I cant believe it has been a year almost that you were taken from us. I leave my phone on all night long now and I never turn it off, because the night you were taken away from us my phone was off and Danielle called me house with the news. I was in shock for days. I didnt want to believe what they were saying on the news, I wanted to wake up and see you again and have you pick on me... Its almost been a year and I still cant believe you are really gone, I dont want to believe it. You were such an AMAZING Man. I was so proud of you when you went into the academy, I went there to visit you so much. Now Bryan, my little brother is in the academy and he comes home with stories every day. How much it reminds Dana & I of you coming back to tell us all of your stories. God I miss you Ryan! I know in my heart you are safe and in a better place, but I want you here with us. Life just isnt the same without you! Dana & I are so close now, but I swear I wish you could have seen it with your own two eyes =*( I wish you could have seen Bry graduate from the academy, my Dad is going for Seminole now, and I am almost done with school.. I wish you were still here to see this all with me. You were my best friend, you helped me with sooooo much Ryan. I pray you watch over all of us on Thursday, as we will all be going by the crash site to leave flowers, pictures, and bears for you. Please keep my brother safe also when he gets on the roads. I am so worried about him, loosing you was so hard. I cant take loosing anyone else so please Ryan watch over everyone. We all miss you so much. Words cant express how hard Thursday is going to be. And I am so sorry I didnt call you a year ago and ask you to meet me at Roundup like I ALWAYS did... If I would have went that night maybe just maybe you would still be here today =*( I still blame myself for not going to roundup that night, I wanted to but I was just so tired I went to be... I pray you know how much I miss you and care about you Ryan. You will always have that special place in my heart (My Best Friend/Jim). Also Ryan I know Rob did some hurtful things to me but please watch over him also for me... Thank You Ryan! I love you and miss you so much. Not a day goes by that I dont think of you or remember the good times we had together. Rest in Peace Ryan =*(
Best Friend
February 13, 2007
February 12, 2007
As the first anniversary of your end of watch approaches you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. You will always be remembered as a hero. Rest in peace...
Linda Lamm - LEO wife and sister of
Jay Balchunas EOW 11.05.04
February 12, 2007
Missing you so very much.
love always, mom
Tina Lambert
mother of Ryan
February 12, 2007
It is with complete shock that I read of the fateful accident that took your life. You were probably no more than 4-5 years old the last time I saw you, while visiting your parents. Your Dad and I worked together at Ft. Lauderdale Police Department and it is no surprise that you followed in his footsteps as a dedicated police officer. I too lost a son many years ago and I know the pain your parents are feeling. You can rest peacefully knowing their pain will eventully become bearable, but their love for you will never deminish. It has been many years since I last saw your parents, but I wish it were within my power to reach out and ease their pain. Ryan, you have given more than anyone could ever expect and you deserve to rest peacefully.
Gary Cline
Retired / FLPD
February 10, 2007
Dear Ryan
It has almost been a year since you have been gone, since that moment that changed your life and the life of those that surround you. And yet we are still here, carrying on, driving on, trying to deal with the insanity of life. I hope you are in a better place for I, like so many others, miss you. It seems like just yesterday, you were here, with us. However, as hard as it is to believe, you are gone ... forever, and there is nothing no one can do to bring you back. Your family misses you very much, as do your friends. You were a great person, a good son, and a wonderful friend. I will carry your memory till the end of my time and hope others will remember you as I did. Thank you Ryan, for the things you did ... for the person you were.
SA George I. Nunez
February 7, 2007
I never knew you,but from what I have heard you are someone I wish I could of had the oppurinity to meet. Your life was taken so quickly for what only time will tell. I know your mom and she misses you so much! Please give her a hug tonight so she will always know even though you are not here you are still watching over her. I pray for happiness for her even though I know she thinks if she trys then it will mean she is not missing you, so if you can let her know it is okay to miss you and still be happy now i know you would want that for her. God Bless you and one day we will meet, until then.
Alisa Spivey
alisa Spivey
friend to mom
February 7, 2007
I will miss you everyday for the rest of my life.
all my love always,mom
Tina Lambert
mother of Ryan
February 3, 2007
I listen to this song ALL the time. Everytime I hear this song on the radio I know you are having them play it so I know you are ok and watching over me. I miss you Ryan so much! I will see you again some day in Heaven =*(
Sunny days seem to hurt the most.
I wear the pain like a heavy coat.
I feel you everywhere I go.
I see your smile, I see your face,
I hear you laughin' in the rain.
I still can't believe you're gone.
It ain't fair: you died too young,
Like the story that had just begun,
But death tore the pages all away.
God knows how I miss you,
All the hell I've been through,
Just knowin' no-one could take your place.
An' sometimes I wonder
"Who you'd be today?"
Sunny days seem to hurt the most.
I wear the pain like a heavy coat.
The only thing that gives me hope,
Is I know I'll see you again some day.
Best Friend
February 2, 2007
So, it came and passed and yes, we celebrated as if you were right there beside me the whole time. I know you were because you showed me Harley, again! ;) God, please let Ryan know how much of an amazing man he was and will always be. I love him with all of my heart forever. Thanks for the birthday wishes baby and thank you for sending me jessica and robin down here. I needed that! Please hold my hand through the up and coming weeks and say hi to Ashley's Jeremy. She loves him and misses him so! I truly can't wait to be with you again. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART =) I will take care of your mom and Earl when they get here, I promise!!!!!
Amanda Bell
Ryan's love
January 30, 2007
I know the one year anniversary of your death is approaching. I don't want this day to come, I want to go back to a year ago and see you again & tell you how much you mean to me. I know that February 15th will be very difficult day for everyone. You will be honored on February 15th. Dana & I are going to go together, I am taking the day off from school because to me you are so much more important. I want to honor your life and all you have done for everyone. I know Dana & I will go by the marker to leave you pictures, flowers and balloons. We miss you so much Ryan. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and miss you. You know I talk to you ALL the time. Things right now seem so hard. These hills are getting harder and harder to climb. I try to remember all the good times we had together but still I wish I had more time to make more memories with you. I will cherish every memory we ever had together and I know one day we will make more together in Heaven. But until then I know you are watching over everyone and I know you are there by our side. You will always be my gardian angel and best friend. I know February 15th is going to be so hard for everyone but Dana & I will be there with your mom to try to help make it a little easier for her. But always know Ryan we miss you so much and I am so proud of the man you became. You accomplised so much in your short time working for BSO. And as a friend I could NEVER ask for a better friend than YOU. I will never forget all of our memories. I will continue to talk to you in Heaven & pray to you. I miss you Ryan so much! As the one year mark comes closer please keep us all safe. We all miss you Ryan. Please also keep everyone safe when they visit your marker. We will see you again soon Ryan I promise, we will all be re-united in Heaven one day. Then I can tell you how much you truly ment to me & how much I cherised your friendship. I miss you Ryan & I will never forget a single memory I had with you! *Hug*
Shannon (Ur lil sis/Umpa)
Best Friend
January 25, 2007
Beloved son,
As the one year anniversary of your death approaches I find myself crying more. The sadness that has been buried deep is resurfacing. I know that February 15th will be very difficult. It will be 365 days since I have spoke with you and 365 nights that you were the last thought on my mind and the first thought in the morning. Grief is a hard cross to bear. It never leaves you. You can't give it away because you could never give this much pain and loss to another. I sometimes think where did the year go. Most of it is a blur. I find myself remembering conversations that we had so I can remember your voice. I was so angry one day when I couldn't remember your cell phone number. I will never remove your address or phone number from my book. I told Earl this and he said he had kept all of your numbers in his book. We talk about you all the time. There are so many great memories. One in particular was when you and Earl were watching the scifi channel and he told you everything on that channel was true. You got a funny look and started laughing. You were in middle school at the time.
We will be traveling to Ft. Lauderdale for the 15th. You will be honored that day. You have so many wonderful friends and coworkers and I can only imagine how hard it is for them.
I miss you so much son. You grew into such a fine young man and I am so proud of you. You know you will always be my baby boy.
all my love, mom
Tina Lambert
mother of Ryan
January 24, 2007
So just to let you no I got in the Western Michigan University. I was so excited. It has to be the best thing ever and to have that off my back. Its amazing. I finally found your grave today. It hurt to see it but I know for a fact that you watch me everyday and probably laugh at how stupid I am. But I cant help it. I hope that you enjoyed your Christmas and that you watched over your mom and Earl. I no that they had a good time I talked to your mom I think when she got back and she sounded like she had fun. But I miss you and I love you and hopefully I'll see you soon!! Love you cuz!
January 16, 2007
I miss you son. All my love, mom
Tina Lambert
mother of Ryan
January 10, 2007
Ryan I dont know where to even start... This is the start of a new year and it sucks starting this year without you. I wish you were here, everyone needs you and wants you so bad. I miss you so much! I wish you were there with me last night walking next to me saying I think we are heading west but I am just going to walk with you to get off some anger. Dana & Danielle were both walking with me and I know you were there also... I know you would never leave me walking alone no matter where I decided to walk from. Things right now are so hard & confusing and I dont know what is the right path to take. I pray I take the right path & steps to better my life but right now I'm not sure whats right or wrong. You were always there to help me put my head on straight. Now I have to try to do it on my own. But in no way will I ever forget you. You were and always will be my amazing Jim Carey. I love you and miss you more than anything. I know you are watching over laughing at a lot that is going on, saying darn girls and their drama... But I hope we are putting a smile on your face & I know you were there the other night when we were all walking down Stirling road.. There is only one thing I pray you can do for me, cause you PLEASE watch over Rob. He really needs an amazing angel right now and I pray you can keep him safe & watch over him. I care so much about Rob and know deep down he needs an angel so please just keep a close eye on him for me. I love you and miss you Ryan. We will see you again soon. I am 1/2 way to 50 already! In my heart and memories is where you will always be Ryan. I Miss You So Much!
Best Friend
January 6, 2007