Broward County Sheriff's Office, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Ryan Christopher Seguin
God how I miss you. I'll never forget the day I got the call from Shannon tellin me what happened. I dropped to the ground and just started to cry. I think about you everyday. It had been so long since we had seen each other with me being sick and out of work when I got that call but we did manage to run into each other at Round Up and crack a few jokes in. I still can't believe you aren't here. I can't believe I'm never gonna hear your voice come over that radio again responding to a call. Words can't begin to tell you how much you are missed by everyone. Still to this day you are so loved. You gave the Ultimate Sacrifice and I thank you for that. You are always in my prayers and I'll never forget you Ryan.
Deputy P. Palmer
Broward Sheriff's Office/Friend
April 24, 2006
Ryan.... Ok so the antenna is still broken to this day on my car because of you! :-) but thats ok, because it reminds me of you chasing shannon and I around your old job at turtles music and hitting us on the back of the legs..Thats what I miss.. the silly/goofy/jim carry(sorry just had to put that in there) Ryan we loved... Not a day goes by where I am not thinking of you & talking to you..The last time I saw you was when I was at my orentation at BSO and you flew by me at the end of the hallway.. By the time I called out to you, you were gone...I would have loved to talk to you one last time since it had been so long..Not realizing my second week on the job would be so hard.. I know you are in a better place and doing well because it was you trying to reach out and touch all of us the day of your funeral..You were telling us it is ok..We felt was amazing.. You have accepted this and now we just have to accept it and know you are ok and we will all meet up again someday.. You were such an amazing person and did so much for so many..It was an honor to have met you and become you friend.... R.I.P. Ryan Seguin 02/15/06
Miss you lots!!
Your Friend
Danielle Bojanowski
April 18, 2006
Its Easter, Son and I miss you so much. I wanted to call you so bad today to wish you a Happy Easter. I just wanted to tell you I love you and I'll never stop thinking about you.
Love you lots,
Mom - (Stepmother) Lori
Fort Lauderdale Police
April 16, 2006
Happy Easter Ryan!
April 16, 2006
You'll be forever remembered...
Alabama C.O.P.S.
April 7, 2006
While we did not know you, we are truly grateful for your dedication, mourning your death; never forgetting your sacrifice! Not to worry, dear friend, your brothers and sisters in blue will carry on your watch for you ~ rest in peace.
Daniel & LaWanda Ross
April 5, 2006
Although we never gave the greatest sacrifice one could give patroling the streets where I grew up. My thoughts and prayers are with your family, friends, and department. One day soon I hope to make you proud watching over the streets in a way that would. RIP
Recruit Rachel Keller
Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy Basic Recruit Class 300
April 3, 2006
Upon stumbling on this page, the first thing that came to mind, how truly nobody was ready for you to leave us. I still remember the days you, travis and jason were in the academy. Shannon, Jen and i would always come bother you and you'd have us in stitches with the stories you'd tell. I still remember you teasing me, the days before your graduation, asking me to pin your badge on you. Ryan, where's my calendar? I was so happy the last time i saw you, it had been so long, yet i remember it like it was yesterday. Now more than ever, looking back on your pictures and my memories with you, i know how incredibly blessed we were to have you in our lives. I know you're in a better place now, and looking down on your family, friends and colleagues, but it doesn't make us miss you any less. I love you, Ryan. May you rest in peace.
love always...
Dana Tam
March 26, 2006
Thank you for all ways being there for me. Whenever I needed somebody to back me up, you were always the frist to chime up and responded to me. More then being a good back up, you were also a good freind to me. You gave me motivation to be pro active, to join you on CST, try out for SWAT and even trying to find a girl that would put up with me. I owe you alot and what hurts the most is knowing I'll never be able to pay you back. Ryan, I will never forget you, I will tell stories about you for as long as I am on this earth. Thank you and God Bless you. I will see you again.
You're Friend,
Larry Akers, Deputy Sheriff
BSO Distirct 8
Deputy Larry Akers
March 16, 2006
Hello Love.........I do not understand what happened nor will I ever. Each day I pray for you to walk in the door of our apt. and give me a kiss on the neck or on the forehead when I am sleeping at night and then have me wake up when I hear you taking your gunbelt off. I am longing just for the 10 phone calls I would receive during the day just to say "Hey babe" or when I would call you and beg you to come home. I am so sorry I always wanted more of you because I knew how much you LOVED your job and how much it meant to you to be the best cop you could. Well, my little police boy, you went above and beyond the call of duty everytime. When I would ride with you and all of the Dep. would tease me about falling asleep or you would get mad because nothing "exciting" would happen when I would ride so that you could prove to me how your job was awesome. Ryan, I knew your job was the greatest.........even if I teased you I had and will always have so much respect for law enforcement and those that save lives. I was always SO PROUD to be called your girlfriend and I always wanted to incorporate anything about you and your job into my conversations with anyone. You were my angel when I met you that night at the USA parking, you were my best friend when we "fell in love" at the Marlins game, and you will always be my soul mate when we both realized it staying at your dad's house during the hurricane and playing with glow sticks and being silly. If there was anything I could do to take the pain away from all of your family I would do it in a second. I am so sorry that they are having to go through this. I am shaking and have to admit that my world has been turned upside down. I still wait for you to come home and share more stories about Broward County or about all of the deputies that I feel like I know on a one on one basis even if I had never met them! I just want to hear your voice. We were supposed to get married and retire to Alpena or Panama City, (I know Alpena!!) I just can't believe that I had to get that knock that night. The knock on the door that we had talked about, never did I think it would be you. I just only hope that when I would tell you I love you atleast 50 times during the day and then I would ask you if I told you to much that you HONESTLY knew how much I truly LOVE you and will always love you. You will always be an inspiration to us all. You were born a hero, baby. Thank you for everything you did for everyone on this earth. I pray daily for your family and friends and I pray that I will see you VERY soon. I can't live without you little boy and the babies, Sophie and Bedbug, miss you like crazy. I love you more than words can ever were everything to me and will always be my best friend! God Bless you and what you did!! Hold on, I am coming =)
Amanda Bell, girlfriend of Ryan Seguin
cousin of Adam Wright, ATLPD
March 16, 2006
Hello Love.........I do not understand what happened nor will I ever. Each day I pray for you to walk in the door of our apt. and give me a kiss on the neck or on the forehead when I am sleeping at night and then have me wake up when I hear you taking your gunbelt off. I am longing just for the 10 phone calls I would receive during the day just to say "Hey babe" or when I would call you and beg you to come home. I am so sorry I always wanted more of you because I knew how much you LOVED your job and how much it meant to you to be the best cop you could. Well, my little police boy, you went above and beyond the call of duty everytime. When I would ride with you and all of the Dep. would tease me about falling asleep or you would get mad because nothing "exciting" would happen when I would ride so that you could prove to me how your job was awesome. Ryan, I knew your job was the greatest.........even if I teased you I had and will always have so much respect for law enforcement and those that save lives. I was always SO PROUD to be called your girlfriend and I always wanted to incorporate anything about you and your job into my conversations with anyone. You were my angel when I met you that night at the USA parking, you were my best friend when we "fell in love" at the Marlins game, and you will always be my soul mate when we both realized it staying at your dad's house during the hurricane and playing with glow sticks and being silly. If there was anything I could do to take the pain away from all of your family I would do it in a second. I am so sorry that they are having to go through this. I am shaking and have to admit that my world has been turned upside down. I still wait for you to come home and share more stories about Broward County or about all of the deputies that I feel like I know on a one on one basis even if I had never met them! I just want to hear your voice. We were supposed to get married and retire to Alpena or Panama City, (I know Alpena!!) I just can't believe that I had to get that knock that night. The knock on the door that we had talked about, never did I think it would be you. I just only hope that when I would tell you I love you atleast 50 times during the day and then I would ask you if I told you to much that you HONESTLY knew how much I truly LOVE you and will always love you. You will always be an inspiration to us all. You were born a hero, baby. Thank you for everything you did for everyone on this earth. I pray daily for your family and friends and I pray that I will see you VERY soon. I can't live without you little boy and the babies, Sophie and Bedbug, miss you like crazy. I love you more than words can ever were everything to me and will always be my best friend! God Bless you and what you did!! Hold on, I am coming =)
Amanda Bell, girlfriend of Ryan Seguin
cousin of Adam Wright, ATLPD
March 16, 2006
It has been one month, but only seems like yesterday that I got a call from your stepmom Lori - you have touched YOUR families life's more then you will ever know. We have heard the most wonderful stories about you, that have really touched our hearts. We are so sorry we didn't talk with you more, but I'm sure all of your cousins will now see more of each other, and you did that!
We love you and miss you very much!
Love Aunt Kathy
Kathy Burton
Ryan's Aunt
March 16, 2006
Ryan, the last five weeks have been the worst an longest of my life. The mere thought of never seeing you again send's me into tears. I can't get you out of my mind, or the senseless way your life was taken from me. You had so much to live for and I had so much planned for us to do together. I'm so sorry I didn't spend more time with you. My life seems turned upside down now. The log home we're building was to be yours someday. Now it's a bittersweet process of completeing it, knowing that you'll never see it. I talk to you often throughout the day just to get by. I remember how much you reminded me of how I was as a young Police Officer. Whenever we talked I would always want to tell you about the progress on the house and you coming to visit in August. You would always change the topic and start discussing your last arrest, foot chase, or taser use. I remember the look of your face when you brought your patrol unit over and we installed all the strobe lights and radio. You knew your car was the coolest in the district, and loved it. I remember listening to you on the radio when I was working midnights. I was so proud of you. You would try to answer every call you could, if you were close or not, you always wanted to be involved with every thing going on. I would listen to you during routine calls, traffic stops, and foot chases. You never sounded like a rookie, you always sounded like a seasoned cop. When I returned to Florida for the funeral and meet deputies and citizens you had contact with, I was amazed at all the tales of good deeds that you had done. You were truely an Angel to everyone who knew you.
Ryan, I'll leave this message the same way I would end our phone calls
"I Love You, and Be Careful"
Love DAD
Father (retired FLPD)
March 15, 2006
Dear Family of Ryan,
My heart breaks for you as I read the story of Ryan and the relections left for him. Our precious son was taken from our lives during hurricane Ivan, September 16, 2004. Nobody else was supposed to be on the roads, but my son was, doing his duty, loving his job, thinking of others first. Matt loved being a police officer, he never wanted to be anything else and since he always said "Mom, I'll be ok" I believed him. I can tell Ryan was the same way. A beautiful, honest, officer that loved what he did.
How does life go on without the son of your life? We just hold on, until we see their precious faces again and hold them in our arms.
Please know we share your grief and loss in our hearts and will honor Ryan's sacrifice and life with his other brothers and sisters in blue.
Linda Rittenhouse
Matt's Mom Forever
Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Officer Matthew Rittenhouse 9/16/04
March 15, 2006
It is so hard to find the words that could describe how the impact of your loss has affected me and those you have left behind. The impressions you left on everyone will be everlasting, particularly with those who stould with you, side by side, through so many shifts.
It has been a true honor to have worked with you. Your passion for your profession was second to none. Your smile and sense of humor defined your character.
I take this brief moment to thank you on behalf of all those who have not. To tell you how much you will be missed and to reflect on your memory.
Your family and friends will always be proud of the things you have done. For the sacrifices you have made to keep others safe. For this, my dear friend, I promise you that I will forever carry your memory so that you may never be forgotten.
Farewell Ryan .... Untill we meet again my brother ...
Deputy George I. Nunez
Broward Sheriffs Office D-8
March 10, 2006
For the Mother of Ryan I cannot imagine the pain in your heart. I am also the mother of an only son, Ryan, and my husband is a Deputy Sheriff. I was at work today when I met you. You told me the story of the son you lost just three short weeks ago. I haven`t been able to get you out of my head. You told me about your trip to PCBPD today and I just want to help you any way I can. My family and I live here in Bay County, (on the beach), and we want to try to help you in anyway that we can. Please contact me. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Candy Brotherston
March 9, 2006
Thank you for your service.
Ofc. S.L. Coffman #15174
California Highway Patrol
March 9, 2006
March 6, 2006
Dear Ryan,
As I sit and reflect on your memorial service, and seeing how proud your parents were of you, I can't help but say Thank You. For your ultimate sacrifice will always lay heavy on my heart, and while we continue to work hard down here, I know the life you gave may help save the life of one of our brothers/sisters, maybe even my own. May we never forget your courage and pride, and always honor your memory.
Deputy Sheriff Stuart Sussman
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office
March 6, 2006
To Ryan, It is so very hard to understand why we lost you. I find comfort in that Our Lord had his own plan and timetable for you and that you are the lucky one, You are with him. I am very proud to have been part of your life. Don't worry, I will take care of your Mom. See you in heaven.
Earl Lambert, Stepfather
March 4, 2006
RIP brother. we know the pain and feel the pain of your brothers, sisters and fanily.
CPD 011
March 4, 2006
With deepest regards and sympathy. Thank you for watching over those on the streets. It is our watch now.
Lexington Division of Police Recruit Class 22006.
Recruit McClanahan
Lexington Division of Police
March 3, 2006
March 3, 2006
To the family of Deputy Sheriff Ryan Seguin,
My thoughts n prayers are with you at this most tragic time in your lives. In many ways I share your pain and suffering. My son Atlantic City, N.J. Officer Thomas J. McMeekin Jr. was struck and died while devirting traffic away from an accident scene one year ago on March 4th.
The support we recieved then and still do today from Tom's brother n sister police officers has been amazing and i'm sure you'll recieve the same from Ryan's brother n sister officers.
Again my thoughts n prayers are with you.
Thomas J. McMeekin Sr.
March 3, 2006
My Dear Son,
I really wasn't surprised when you told your dad and I that you wanted to be a police officer. I know your Dad was pretty shocked. But I knew better. Actually, I was tickled pink. I guess part of it was because your Dad and I would come home from work and share stories about what happened at work. You know- the arrests we made, the car chases, etc. Your eyes would just light up. I knew you had it in you. You were always there helping others. Just like when you were a small boy and you jumped into the pool to save a drowning baby. You were born a guardian angel. But to tell you the truth, I always worried you would break a bone or get stitched up like a lot of officers do. I just didn't want you to get hurt. I didn't want you to sustain injuries like I like did and wanted so bad for you to be safe and healthy. Never in a milion years did I think you would be the one to make the ultimate sacrifice. I've listened to all of your co-workers, residents in the community, and business owners in District 8 tell wonderful stories of the great things you did on your watch. I've always been proud of you. I just hope you know it. Coming from a family of Police Officers, you strived to be the best of all. In your short tour of duty, son, you are the BEST! YOU'RE THE BEST COP, SON! I'll never stop loving you!
All my Love,
Mom (Stepmother-Lori)
Mom - (Stepmother) Lori
Med. Ret. Police Officer FLPD
March 2, 2006