Arkansas State Police, Arkansas
End of Watch Monday, September 12, 2005
Reflections for Corporal Mark Wesley Carthron
Hello cuz,your anniversary date is coming up on sept.12.Man it has been a bad year for me ,and i really dont know how i got through it.I guess it was the memories of you and the last conversation we had.I remember like it was yesterday.You were giving me advice on life as usual,and it will be with me until the day i joined you.I finally finished my college degree,youm know the program that you foung for me on the net.I guess thats the only other thing that has kept me going throughout the year.I remember you said when ever i graduated you were going to come home and take me too my favorite restaurant,i guess now im going to have to go by myself,dont worry cuz i'll save you a seat, but knowing you ,you will already be there.I know I know i want forget your grill cheese!Man the world has not changed mark,in fact it has gotten worse.People are continuing to get killed and its getting be blessed that you are not in this cruel and hateful world.Im just sad that Angela is not with you because she really misses you ,but im pretty sure you already know that and also i wish that i could be with you also.And also your parents and brother.I wish things were better around here,but it will never be the same without you.Remember mark continue to watch over me where ever you are.
Your Cuz,
Telly Wells
September 9, 2006
Sweetheart, I love you with all my heart. The pain of missing you is unbearable at times until I remember where my strength comes from. Without God, I wouldn't have the will to live and go on. This week is hard for me, coming up to the first anniversary since you left me to be with the Lord. I have been to your final resting place several times over the last few weeks. It is still so hard to believe that you are not here. I'm still sleeping with your picture in my chest. Mark, I know I have made decisions over the last 11 months or so that have either upset or made some people angry, but I can't let that worry me. I know above all else how much you loved me and how much we loved each other, nothing else matters to me. My goal is to live my life (forever loving and missing you) the way God wants me to and someday get into Heaven to be with you. The memories we made in the 5 years, 6 months and 28 days that we were together are forever stored in my heart and mind and no one can take that away from me. I love you so much Boobie and I always will.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
September 5, 2006
Sweetheart, I miss you more and more as each minute fades into the past. I still reach out for you at night. Cuddling in bed was one of our favorite things to do. I love you Mark and I pray that we will be reunited in Heaven one day. You brightened up each day with that sexy smile of yours. I know are doing the same in Heaven. I don't understand why you had to leave me, but I also know you are much happier in Heaven. I know it's very selfish but I wish you were here with me. My heart hurts so much. I'll be loving and missing you for the rest of my life here on this earth.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
August 30, 2006
I woke up this morning loving and missing you sweetheart; and praising the Lord for bringing us together. Oh how I love Jesus for loving me so much that he gave me such a very special gift - you. Sweetheart I look at your pictures all the time and our pictures together, but I still don't have the strength to watch our wedding video or any home video that you took of us and the grands. Each time I hear Mary Mary's song (Yesterday) on the radio, I wonder when will I get there. I trust the Lord and I know He is the only one that can bring me through, but those tears are still flowing. I miss you Boobie. My coworkers are still looking for the old Angela to return, but she died that morning also. I pray each night that we will be reunited in Heaven one glad morning. I live each day with that thought on my mind. I love you Boobie.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carhron
August 20, 2006
Loving you and missing you with every breath I take, my heart will always belong to you Boobie. I feel like the most blessed woman on this earth, because I was blessed with you as my husband and my best friend. You were truly my better half. I miss you so very very much. The Lord continues to give me strength. I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. Rest sweetheart in the bosom of the Lord, you deserve it. I love you. I will see you again someday, never to be seperated from you again.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
August 11, 2006
This is your Cousin Craig from Texarkana.Just wanted to let you know that we still love you and that we are still missing you. The thing I miss most is your great big smile. I will never forget how dependable u always were.You were always one phone call away.WE love you andwe miss you.
Craig and Jacoby Buchanan
Craig Buchanan & Jacoby Buchanan
August 6, 2006
I miss you so much baby. On the weekends, there is not enough to do to occupy my mind, to keeo me from losing it unless I go to work. That is where I've been today. Oh I wish we had more time together on this earth. I love you so much sweetheart. My heart will always ache for you. I will always long for you to hold me again and look into my eyes as only you could. I will keep hoping and praying that our souls will be reunited one day. Forever loving and missing you, love your pooh bear.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
July 29, 2006
Rest in Peace brother. "Heroes live forever"
Fort Smith PD
July 26, 2006
Today would have been our 5th Anniversary and it is so abundantly clear how alone I am. I really didn't want to get up this morning. I miss you so much Mark. I woke up remembering that beautiful day on the beach 5 years ago when we promised each other before God, the minister and 3 witnesses that we would love and honor each other forever. We kept that promise. You were my King and you made me your Queen. I really felt like a Queen each time you held me in your arms. I loved to rush home to be with you, oh how I miss cooking for you and all the things we did together, even yard work. As much as I hated that, I loved doing it with you. I know you are watching over me today and every day. I love you so much Boobie. I am trying so hard not to be sad today, but it's not working very well. I love you soooooo------------------much! Someday we will be together again. That's the only thing that I look forward to. Loving and missing you always. July 14th will never be the same without you Boobie.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
July 14, 2006
It's been 10 months and the pain of losing the most important person in my life feels so fresh. Each day the Lord allows me to wake up, I remember your scent, your touch, your beautiful smile, your strong arms that used to hold me so close and so tight. I remember your voice, I remember the last time I saw you standing, I remember the last time I heard you say I love you. I remember everything about you and my heart continues to break each day that I wake up without you and it hurts so bad. I miss you so much Boobie, but I know in my heart that you are somewhere that I hope to be one day. Teddy Pendergrass's song - My Greatest Inspiration - is playing on the radio right now. That was one of the songs that you put on a CD that we played at our wedding on the beach at Megan's Bay. Just like the words in that song you inspired me and you lifted me higher. Mark I love you with all my heart. I pray that God will continue to give me strength and draw me closer to Him. I'll be loving and missing you always.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
July 11, 2006
Sweetheart, I miss you so very very much. My days and nights are so empty without you in them. I love you with all my heart. Our anniversary is just a few days away and it is so hard to even think about it. We always planned to go back to St. Thomas, where we were married, on our 5th anniversary. This week is gonna be hard for me but I know the Lord will help me through it, just as He has the last 9 months. Mark, I miss you holding me in your arms and looking into my eyes. When I looked into your eyes, I could see how much you loved me and I felt so special. I will always love you and I'm praying that one day we will be reunited. Our souls belong together. I love you D25.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
July 10, 2006
Although I never knew you personally , you will forever be my brother. I will NEVER forget your sacrifice for this agency and state. You make me proud to be an ARKANSAS STATE TROOPER!
Cpl. Jeff Sheeler
Arkansas State Police/Little Rock
June 29, 2006
Hello Mark it's been 9 months since you have been gone,and i still cant believe it.Things are not the same for me since you are not here anymore.When you left,not only did i loose my cousin ,but i lost my best friend as well.Its just not fair the way things ended up and i will never understand why this had to happend to you.As always they say things will get better but to me its not true.I miss you so much man that it continues to hurt inside day after day.Like i said before the only thing that keeps me going is because im in school and that i will graduate this coming August.I wish you were here to share that special occasion with me,after all you were the one who found that this program for me and always encourage me to pursue it.Well im almost finished cuz and i want to thank you for your encouragement.Taryn and i got a divorce and i know you told me to try and get my wife back,but it takes 2people to make it work,one person cant do it by themselves,so i hope your not upset with me because of that.I just have to move on and continue to take care of my daughter.People come and go mark,but we were always their for each other.I will continue to keep in touch with Angela because she will always be apart of this family,and i know if it was you ,you would continue to keep in touch with taryn if something had happend to me.Well cuz until the next time,continue to watch over me where ever you are.
Your Cuz,
Telly Wells
June 29, 2006
Boobie, I miss you terribly. The one and only one person that I could truly depend on and lean on - on this earth is no longer here. I really do feel all alone. People that I care about deeply have let me down. Family members and my so called friends have disappointed me. Of course I lean on the Lord for guidance and comfort. I have found out the hard and painful way who my real friends are. They're the ones who are truly there for me and they don't expect anything in return. Baby, you always told me that we could only depend on God and each other and you were so right. I see that now. I love you Mark and in spite of what family or friends say, I will always love you and I will be Mrs. Carthron until I die.
Loving you always!!
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
June 28, 2006
Hey daddy!!! LOL. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Father's Day. I wish I could call you and hear your voice and your laugh as Ty and Jordynn scream Happy Father's Day to you. You are greatly missed. I call mommy even more than I did when you were here.(which was always 3 times a day!) Just to check on her or to tell her that I love her. I know I haven't been up here in a while, but its hard. Lately I can't even think about you without crying. But I'm gonna stay strong. I talk about you to the kids all the time. Jordynn always asks me.."Is pop pop in Heaven?" And tell her yes that we will see you again. We love you soooo much.
Missin u alwayz............Pumpkin, Peanut, and your lil man.........
June 18, 2006
It's Father's Day and I'm sitting here thinking about my baby. I spent part of the day with my Dad and the rest of the family. I remember last Father's Day, your parents were here. We had a good time that weekend. Baby I miss you so much. I wish so bad that you were still on this earth with me. As long as God allows me to stay here on earth, I will never understand why we were seperated. I still want so bad to be with you wherever that may be. My heart longs for you. I think about you all the time. I love you so much. Someone referred to me as your wife in the past tense, meaning nothing by it (I hope), but I am still Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron. I will always be your wife in life and in death. Death did seperate us physically but not emotionally or mentally. I can still here your voice in my head. There are times when I start to do something or make a decision about something and I can hear you telling me what to do. Boobie, I miss you so very much. I will love you with all my heart until the minute that I take my last breath. There were never two people that loved each other more than we did (and I still do). I love you baby.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
June 18, 2006
Sweetheart, I'm sitting here thinking about you and missing you so very much. It is so hard still to believe that you are not here. I love you so much and I will never be truly happy again without you. I don't even like that word anymore. I had true happiness with you. You gave me that beautiful gift - happiness. When our souls are reunited one day in heaven, then I will be happy again. Sometimes I wonder if I even have a heart anymore. I think maybe it's just numb or worn out. I get so tired of my heart aching. I do have some good days when I allow myself to be distracted by other things. But when I come home and see and relive "our memories" in this house, the pain comes rushing back. This house used to be our home, now it's just a house full of memories. Baby I am trying to be a big girl and make you proud, but sometimes I just want to give up. I love you so much and I miss you every second of every day. I remember how you used to tell me that you wanted to inhale the air that I exhaled and you would. There are so many reasons that I fell in love with you. I believe with all my heart that God brought us together. I don't believe that he would seperate us in eternity. So I am gonna hold on until he brings us together again. I love you Boobie.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
June 5, 2006
With honor and respect we heard your name read in Washington.
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/04
Linda Rittenhouse
May 31, 2006
Hello Mark its been 8months since you have been gone,and i am still questioning and bitter because of what happend to you.As always they say things will get better ,but it hasnt happend for me yet.I dont know if things will ever be the same again and i know life goes on but i just wish i could rewind that friday the last conversation we had before your death.If i would have known that day was the last time we were going to talk,i would have spilled my guts out to you.There was so much left un said and now i dont really have any body to talk to.People say that they are there for you,but they are really not,when you have problems people usually disappear,and thats what made you a great person ,because you were always there for me whenever i was going through something,and i missed that and the conversations we used to have.Well im still having them with you only now i dont get a response from you.The only thing that keeps me going nowadays is the advice you did give me,like stay in school,you always motivated me to get back in school,even thoigh you were the smart one.But thats how great you were you were so smart and you always new you could go back to school,you just wanted to get your business started and off the ground and you were doing that,you were actually controlling your own DESTINY,because everything you told me you were going to do you did it and was continuing doing them.I just dont understand it mark,how can god take you and you were trying to take care of your family and provide for angela.It seems to me that in this world all the bad people get all the breaks,i guess you have to commit a crime to live long in this world.You never broke the law a day in your life,was always trying to help people on your job and off the job and god chose to take you,I dont wish death on anyone but if he was going to take a life that night,why not the guys who got the whole thing started.Those guys will see there families again but i will never see you and i dont think that its fair and i dont understand why god had to take you and never will.Mark continue to watch over me where ever you are.
your Cuz,
May 29, 2006
Sweetheart, I'm sitting here missing you so very much. My heart still beats, only because God allows it too. It used to beat for you, for the love of you. No one could interrupt the beats of our hearts when we were together. But that evening in September, the beat of your heart was interrupted and so was mine. Our love will last forever. I will always love you with all my heart. My heart aches for you. I need your shoulder to lie on. My days are filled with work, yet they are empty. My nights are filled with watching tv, cleaning or visiting on the phone, yet they are so lonely. I am still struggling with who I am without you. I want so bad for you to be proud of me. I know I am a much different person than I was the day before your accident. I want to be a better person. The trip to DC for NPW was better than I expected. There really is a lot of healing that goes on there. The memorial service was beautiful as was the candle light vigil. It was heartwrenching, but worth it. I even talked to President Bush. He even kissed me on the cheek. Oh Mark, what am I gonna do with the rest of my life without you? I love you so much and I thank God for bringing us together. You were my hero, my knight in shining armor, my king and the love of my life (my soul mate). One day, we will meet again. My world was a much happier place with you in it. I love you Boobie.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
May 24, 2006
Mrs.Mark Carthron,
I rode this year in the Police Unity Tour from Ground Zero in NYC to DC wearing a NLEMF bracelet honoring your husband with his name inscribed on it....I was honored to represent Corporal Carthron, a hero who has joined other heroes on the wall this year...I will send his bracelet to you in care of the Arkansas State Police. God Bless you. Ken Keeler
Supervisory Special Agent, OIG, Library of Congress.
Special Agent
Library of Congress/Office of Inspector General
May 13, 2006
Sweetheart, in a couple of hours, I will be leaving for Washington DC. I am beginning to feel sick at my stomach. I have been praying asking the Lord for strength to get through the next four days. I know that you will be with me in spirit. I am such a proud state trooper's wife and I want to be strong for you. Please Boobie, don't leave my side, because I so desperately need you right now. I feel like I'm having to say goodbye to you all over again. I love you baby so very much and I miss you more than words can describe.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
May 12, 2006
Baby, it's my 1st birthday w/o you and there is nothing happy about it. I am grateful for my friends and family and coworkers that wished me a happy birthday and the cards. But it's just not the same. I wish I could hear a happy birthday from the person who meant the most to me on this earth, my Boobie. I love you Mark with all my heart and I miss you so very much. I just don't understand why we have to be apart. It's not right, it's not fair. I would love to look into your eyes and to be in your arms right now. Birthdays will never be the same without you and neither will any other day. I can't rush my time away because God is in control of that, sometimes I just get impatient, because I want to see your smiling face again. I know you are my guardian angel now and I do know that you are in a far better place than I am. I guess I'm just selfish in wanting you with me. Baby I miss you so much and when I take my last breath on this earth, I will still be loving you with all my heart.
Love Poobie
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
May 1, 2006
Dear Sweetheart, I long to see your smiling face and feel your arms around me. If only I could hold your hand or lay my head on your shoulders. I miss you so much. I'm searching each day for something to hold on to, some purpose for my life. I don't belong here on earth without you. We were supposed to be together forever. I counted on that. Boobie, I need you to make me laugh again like only you could. I love you Mark! My heart gets heavier each time I think about going to the Memorial in DC in May. I pray that I am strong enough to make it through. I know you will be there in spirit with me. Mark, I don't know if I can say goodbye again. Lord, please give me strength. Mark, I want to be with you and it hurts so bad. One day, somehow, our souls will be reunited. I have to believe that in order to go on. I love you Boobie.
Love Always, Poobie
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
April 27, 2006
Every time I read the reflections left by Mark's wife I think about how hard it must be. But I also see how proud she was of Mark, and to be his wife. I know that Mark has to be so proud of her, and her actions. Mark i remember teaching you Patrol Tactics, Felony Stops, and Pursuit Driving in Troop School- you were always such a pleasure to have in class, and you made a great state trooper! God Bless....and we will always be there for your wife! Keith
Lt Keith Eremea
April 24, 2006