Arkansas State Police, Arkansas
End of Watch Monday, September 12, 2005
Reflections for Corporal Mark Wesley Carthron
Hey Bill. It's funny that other than our wives nobody knew that we called each other Bill and Bob. Even they don't know the story behind it. I thik I'll just keep that one a secret. It is simply devestating to start a new year with you around. I look at our parents and I see two completely different people than before your death. I try to keep their spirits lifted but that's sometimes hard to do. How do you remove the heart and expect the body to contunue. Daddy made sixty-five on Friday. I called him and we talked for a long time, but his thoughts were really of you as were mine. Angela and I talk fairly often. I always try to make her laugh a little bit or at least smile but of course no one could do that like you. There are so many little things about you that I miss. The only hope that I have is that we will see you again. Until then RIP.
Thomas Carthron Jr. (AKA Bob)
January 1, 2006
It's New Year's Eve and I am missing you soooooooo much. I really don't know how I feel about the coming new year. There won't be another year that will mean much to me because you won't be here. I just hope that however long the Lord allows me to breath and walk this earth, I hope the time passes by fast. Each minute, hour, day, week, month & year takes me that much closer to being with you in heaven. It might sound crazy but that's what I live for. You know how we used to critique commercials, they have come out with some crazy (some low budget) ones. You would get A kick out of the new Mo Money tax commercial. Talk about ghetto! Boobie, I love you more than anything or anyone and that will never change. You taught me what "REAL LOVE" was all about. My heart breaks all over again each time I wake up to another day without you here. Even though you are not physically here, I carry you in my heart every second of every day. You will have my heart always. I love you sweetheart. So keep watching over Dexter and myself. We both feel your presence here. I went out to eat with our best friends Vince and Carma last night. I kept looking over to the other side of the back seat wishing you were there. I wanted to cry because it hurt so bad. I made it through dinner. Vince said he's not taking me & Carma anywhere together anymore because we talk about people too much. That's one thing you always told me not to do. I hear you. I love you baby.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
December 31, 2005
P.S. Li Vince still calls your name. He always looked over Angela to get to you. Now, he goes to Angela.
December 28, 2005
Mark Vince and I mess so much. You were a very good friend to us and we will never forget you. It seem like yesterday all of us was together laughing and talking crazy stuff (you and Vince) Don't worry about Angela Rosemary, Dollie, and myself are keeping a close eye on her. Vince and I will forever love!
Vince and Carma Richardson
December 28, 2005
Markie Mark
I think about you quite often. You were a great trooper, and an even better person. I've still got that sippie cup you gave me (baby huey) when I started at Marion.
Angela, I pray for you to have the strength to make it from day to day. Mark loved you dearly. May God bless you and your family.
Thomas Martin
Detective Thomas Martin
Crittenden County Sheriff's Department
December 28, 2005
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
I woke up this morning wishing that I could serve you breakfast in bed and surprise you with a wonderful gift (preferably electronic). I miss you baby. Drew went to your grave site with me today. It was a beautiful day - the sun was shining so bright. I long to see your smiling face and to hold your hand. My favorite place to be is still with you, but I know that I have to be patient and wait on that. Everyone trys so hard to lift my spirits, but no one can do that but you. I love you so much baby. Maybe one day I will be strong enough to see that I still have a life and a purpose to be here, but right now all I know is that you were my life and my purpose for being here. I'm working on it though. Do you remember tht poem you wrote for me entitled "You Are". That's exactly the way I feel about you. The last stanza reads, You are my sunrise, You are my sunset, You are the apple of my eye, You are what my heart never forgets. I love you Mark.
Mrs. Mark W. Carthron
December 26, 2005
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!! We miss u greatly!!! I love u Pop-Pop!!!
Tamara Oneal
December 26, 2005
This morning I went to church to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Tomorrow (the 26th) is your birthday. I know you are in Heaven and I would like to think that you and your big brother, Jesus Christ, are celebrating your birthdays together. I went to your grave site again today. The pain of missing you is so deep that at times I feel numb. I never dreamed that we would not be together on this Christmas Day. It was supposed to be a private Christmas - just the 2 of us (& Dexter of course). I thought that you & had many many more holidays together. That was my plan anyway, but our Father in Heaven had other plans. He really does have the last say so you know. I don't know how long he'll make me wait to be with you again, but I'll have to be patient, because he has work for me to do here still. One day we will be together again Boobie. I love you sweetheart. I try not to feel sorry for myself, but sometimes I do. I can't bear to be around happy couples, because I start to think how unfair it is that I'm alone (without you). Every where I look in this house, I see you and I feel your spirit. I received 2 very uplifting letters this week from 2 very important people in my life - my sister and my very close friend. They really lifted my spirits and confirmed how very blessed I was (and continue to be) that God brought you and I together even for a short time. We really accomplished a lot in 4 years and 2 months of marriage (more than a lot of couples do in a life time). I thank God every day for you. When we were dating, I thanked God evey day for you. I thanked him that day I walked down the beach and saw you standing there with the minister smiling with those dimples. I thanked God for you each day that I woke up in your arms. I will continue to thank God for you, my Boobie. Poobie loves you more than ever.
Mrs. Mark W. Carthron
December 25, 2005
My First Christmas In Heaven:
I see the countless Christmas trees Around the world below,with tiny lights like heaven's stars reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular,but please wipe away the tear because I am spending christmas with Jesus this year.
I hear the many christmas songs that people hold so dear.But the sounds of music can't compare with the christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you,The joy their voices bring.For it is beyond description to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me,I see the pain inside your heart.But i am not far away ,we really aren't apart.
So be happy for me,dear ones you know i hold you dear.And be glad im having Christmas with Jesus this year.I sent you each a special gift,From my heavenly home above.I sent you each a memory of my undying Love.After all Love is a gift more precious than pure gold.It was always most important In the stories Jesus told.
Please love and keep each other,As my Father said to do.For i can't count the blessings or Love he has for each of you.
So Have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear.And Remember,I am Having Christmas with jesus this year.
To my family and friends.
From Corporal Mark W. Carthron
December 25, 2005
TO Corporal Mark W. Carthron
They say that you will not return
But I feel you are Near In silence and in song Your voice I will Always Hear.
They say in time we will forget,for some that may be true.But not a day begins or ends i do not cry for you.
From your cousin Telly Wells
December 25, 2005
It is about 17 minutes until Christmas. Today has been such a long day. I went to your grave site this morning. Baby I know you are watching over me, but I wish I could wake up in your arms on Christmas morning. I miss cuddling with you on the sofa. I just want to hold your hand again. I miss your beautiful smile and those dimples. Mark I am gonna need an abundance of strength to make it through the next couple of days. Can you help me with that? Drew, Melinda, English & Aiden are here. The grandkids miss their PaPa. Oh baby, how am I going to live without you? God please help me. Christmas will never be the same again. My heart aches for you. The pain never goes away. I love you baby with all my heart.
Mrs. Mark W. Carthron
December 24, 2005
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I'm sure you're spending it with Jesus this year. If you were here with me, we would be spending it alone, probably watching a couple of movies from Blockbuster. That's something we loved to do. I miss you so much baby. These past few days have been hard. I have been day dreaming about the kind of Christmas you and I would have together. It was our favorite time of the year. I did't put up a tree this year and I couldn't bear to look at our Christmas stockings or those silly red Christmas hats that we used to wear. I thank God every day for you. You were such a blessing to me. I just hope and pray that you knew how much I loved you and still love you. I was very devoted to you and I will forever be devoted to you. You are the love of my life, my one true love, my soul mate. One day our souls will meet again. Boobie, I love you so much. I'm sure you already know that one of Mickey's (D24) daughter's is playing basketball and she is wearing your number (D25) in honor of you. I thought that was so sweet. You touched more lives than you realized while you were here on earth. One of my coworkers (Nedi) told me last week that she feels blessed because she knew you. I love you baby.
Mrs. Angela Carthron
December 23, 2005
Its been 3 1/2 months since I said good bye to you. We put you to rest with GOD, but our dreams for you are still living.
Living like the memories that all of us have of you. Like last Christmas when we all came together with you and mommy. That was the best Christmas ever for all of us.
Living like the day you came into this world. The day after Jesus was born. GOD new exactly what he was doing when he brought you in this world on the day after Christmas. He was giving the world a precious Angel. A Super Trooper!!!!!
And although GOD may have needed his angel home with HIM, we're still missing you like crazy every single day.
And I know that you are watching over all of us.
So can you do me a favor? The next time that you see your grandson, Tysier, up at 2am playing with lotion, please come shake my bed!!!! LOL!!!! We love you Pop Pop.
Love you always,
Tam, Jordynn, and Tysier
PS...........I know that you're a little bit upset with me for shaving Ty's head bald. But I just couldn't get a smooth cut like you!!!
December 23, 2005
We think of you often, as we do Mark. We want you to know that we haven't and will not forget the sacrifice that Mark made and the hole his death left in your family, and your heart.
I can only imagine what you are going through with the Christmas season upon us, but I want you to remember what Zane said when we came to see you after loosing Mark.
"God must have needed a good one."
He is with God, as we all will be one day. Please let us know if you need anything. We will always be here for you, and we will never forget Mark. His beautiful smile still shines in our hearts every day.
All of our love and prayers,
Zane and Jamie
Jamie and Zane Boyd #642
Crittenden County Sheriff's Department
December 21, 2005
It's been only 3 months since the incident but it feels like forever. I'll always miss you Mark and never forget you. There weren't too many men(even at your age) that I felt was worth of my mother, but you rose to the occasion. I can't even say "You proved me wrong", because since the day I met you, I liked you. You always called me "Son", and I called you Dad but you were more like a best friend. Seeing how happy you made my mother really changed my way of thinking back in 2001, you know what I mean. I'll miss our games of Chess on Yahoo(which b/c of you My Player Rating is extremely low), our daily emails and Messenger "Tough Guy Talk", and just talking to you period. I still catch myself putting your email into the send field of some crazy .mpeg or .avi I found on the net. And just like I told you back in March...the second world wide web(really third*) is coming into existence.
I seen you as I view myslef;an older me, a better me - one who was sharp and attentive to detail, who loved technology and computers, one who would spend hours tutoring others on anything they wanted to know but had not the ability to obtain it. I finally mastered this PhotoShop 7.0 you gave me man. What's the storage unit in Heaven, a Heavybyte? I know you would gotta a kick out of that one...Anyway, if there is a motherboard and a microchip in your vicinity I'm sure you'd be proud of the desktop I commemorated to you.
Hasta la vista, D25.
Andrew L. Pollard, III
Stepson of Corp. Mark W. Carthron
December 13, 2005
My dear sweet husband,
My days and nights are so lonely without you. It doesn't matter how many people are around me, I still feel so alone. I really don't know what to do with myself. I miss you more and more each day. I want so bad to be in your arms. Baby, I love you so much, my heart aches all the time. Thanksgiving was not a very good day for me. I don't know how I'll get through Christmas. You proposed to me on Christmas night 2000. It will be even harder to get through Dec. 26th, your 32nd birthday. Oh Boobie, I love you so much. I sleep with your picture in my arms every night. My Mom and I are flying to Houston to her baby brother's funeral. That will be hard for me, but I have to be there for her. Uncle Raymond came to your funeral even though he was very sick. The two of you never met while you were alive, but I know you will meet in heaven. Take care of each other. I'll love you forever (ILUF). That's what you use to write at the bottom of all your arrest reports. Your Pooh Bear will love you forever.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
December 9, 2005
Hi, Angela.
Just a reminder that I am always here for you if you want to talk. I'm just a phone call away. Every day is tough and is a testament of our strength, but it especially gets heartbreaking around the holidays. So, just call if you need me.
And remember to put up your blue lights!! December is Project Blue Light month.
Jennifer Waters
Wife of Mike Waters, EOW 9/11/03
December 2, 2005
We are so sorry to here about your tragic loss of a loved one in law enforcement. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you in support. As we personally know, sometimes there is little comfort that comes from words. Keep focused as you can on the memories and joyous times for these things may bring you comfort. Rely heavily on family, friends, and other law enforcement. Honor your fallen loved one, for their sacrifice will not be forgotten.
Alissa Scott
Widow of Wayne Scott
E.O.W. 09-10-02
Lisa Schultz
Widow of Don Schultz
E.O.W. 05-12-03
Co-Founders of Survivor Help Network
November 28, 2005
Dear Sweetheart, I love you with all my heart. I miss you sooooooo much. I can feel your presence and your spirit with me every day. I am getting stronger each day that the Lord allows me to breath again. My life would be so much better and I would be happy if you were here with me. Boobie, I need you. I know that you are happy in heaven with the Lord and that you are watching over me and Dexter. I am struggling each day to make sense of my life without you. I need your help with that. Thanksgiving is in a couple of days and I know that I have a lot to be thankful for. But it just won't be the same without you baby. We shared so many happy holidays together either with your family or mine or just the two of us. Most of the time we just shut the whole world out and spent time together. I am so thankful for all those days, nights, weekends & vacations that we spent real quality tine together doing nothing but enjoying each other. I will love you forever sweetheart.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
November 21, 2005
your bravery will never be forgotten and your name will always be spoken with the honor you deserve
TFC Jeff Sheeler/Troop A
Arkansas State Police
November 15, 2005
Boobie, I miss you and love you so very much. Life is really unbearable without you. I waited over half my life for the right guy to come along. When you showed up, you took my breath away and captured my heart. You and I truly became one flesh when we were married. I still can't believe that my better half is not here with me. There are days when I just don't know what to do without you. I try to keep myself busy, but that doesn't always work. Next to you (wherever we were)was my favorite place to be. Baby, I used to tell you all the time that you were all I needed to be happy and I meant that. I seriously doubt that I will ever be happy again. My heart aches so bad. I am longing to be with you again. I thank God every day that he gave you to me for 5 1/2 years. Sweetheart, you touched so many lives while here on this earth. Each day, I'm finding out more about the legacy you left. It really makes me proud that so many people loved you and respected you. You were really something special. You were one of God's angels living on this earth. One day we will be together again. I believe that in my heart. I love you Boobie and I always will. Your Pooh Bear AKA Poobie.
Wife of Cpl Mark Wesley Carthron
November 5, 2005
My family would like to extend our deepest heart felt sympathies to the family, friends, and fellow co-workers of Corporal Mark Carthron. You are in our thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. We would like to let law enforcement officers everywhere know how much we appreciate them for putting their lives on the line everyday doing their jobs to keep their communities safe. May God watch over and protect each & everyone of you!
Gail M Pabst
Aunt of fallen Detroit P.O. Jennifer Fettig eow 2-16-04
October 26, 2005
Dear Sweetheart, I miss you so much that it's unbearable. My heart breaks over and over again each morning that I wake up and realize that you're not beside me. I love you with all my heart and it's so hard breathing without you. You were my whole world and now I feel so all alone. I know that you are watching over me from heaven. I try so hard to be strong for my family and friends, but no one knows how deep the pain is. We were so much in love with each other, most of the time, we didn't know anyone else was around us. You made me so happy. You were my sunshine. My world is cloudy now and I don't know if it will ever get any better. How can I live when only half of me exists, becuase you and I were truly "one". Boobie, I hope that I will see you soon so I can be whole again. This house is not a home to me anymore. Dexter misses you a lot also. I will keep praying for strength. Only God can comfort me now. It's so painful coming to the house everyday and you're not here. I can't call you to ask you what you want for dinner. I am so thankful that God blessed me with you. He sent you to me at a time in my life when I was very down and depressed. You were the angel that rescued me from unhappiness. We had little problems or arguments like every married couple does, but in my eyes, you were the perfect husband. You treated me like your queen. I love you sweetheart.
Mrs. Mark Wesley Carthron
October 21, 2005
Dear Mark, I miss you already. To think that we haven't talked in about 6 years over trivial things. Sometimes, we take life for granted knowing that tomorrow is not promised to any of us. The day Thomas, Teresa, Doris, and TC came to my wedding, I was hoping that you would come also, but you didn't, and I was hurting a little bit, but my stubborness didn't want to pick up the phone and call you. Obviously, God saw something in you to call you earlier than any one of us expected, and I have to live with that. I prayed that you and Angela have a prosperous and fruitful marriage, because I still think about both of you even though you are not with us, and I know that you are watching over her. Ever since we were 10, you have always been a dreamer and you wanted me to succeed in whatever I did in my life, that's why I respect and look up to you. It's funny how you say things and express the way you feel when that other person is not around, but I know in my heart that you are getting this, so I am not worried abou t it. You are my brother and I love you and miss you dearly and hopefully we will see each other soon. To quote what we used to say to each other growing up when we part, "Catch ya later, cat!!"
Dontrell Fleming
Childhood Friend
October 19, 2005
My Dear Brother;
Since I have known you since I was thirteen, I can not possibly consider you an in-law. As I sat on your final day of celebration, I thought of how you were a great honor to your family and country. But I could not help but to also think of how you were so much more than the man behind the badge you so proudly wore. I'm reminded of those early years, as your brother and I were just developing our relationship when you, like my younger brother would do for me, would do your best to protect your brother from this new woman coming into your lives. As our relationship grew, I remember a conversation, of which I have never spoken of, when you were inquiring about how you would know that you were in love. After a few explanations, you so honored your brother and I by stating that you wanted to find someone that you could be as happy with as, "You and Junior are." I have never forgotten that. You became your brother's and my biggest cheerleader, proclaiming victory at the wedding rehearsal dinner by stating in your toast that you had, "Been waiting for this day a long, long, long, long, LONG time." After marrying Angela, we silently decided to carry on the great Carthron family tradition of staying close and had many plans for the future, including our first couple's cruise that was scheduled just one week after your final day of celebration. All of us, whose lives you so gently touched have suffered a tremendous loss. You will never be forgotten, and I pray that as the days go by, the beautiful memories that you have left behind will bring to our faces many smiles instead of the tears they now bring. I pray for peace of mind and healing throughout our family. Your loss has left a huge pain that sometimes seems unbearable. I encourage the family to press forward and allow healing. Your legacy is one we are very proud of and because of it, we do not have the option to ever quit or give up. Thomas, Sweetpea(Boxer) and I will miss you sorely. We will continue to embrace Angela and Dexter(German Shepherd). Rest in peace my fallen brother. As difficult as it is to say.......FAREWELL.
Teresa Carthron
Teresa Carthron
October 16, 2005