Richland County Sheriff's Department, South Carolina
End of Watch Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Byron Keith Cannon
We will be in Washington with honor and respect to hear your name read.
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/04
Linda Rittenhouse
May 6, 2006
Deputy Cannon, please know that you and your loved ones are in our thoughts and prayers on this first anniversary of your tragic death. Thank you for your dedication and sacrifice. You will forever be remembered as a hero.
Linda Lamm - LEO wife and sister of
Jay Balchunas EOW 11.05.04
May 4, 2006
Hey Bro,
Just needed to let you know that you are never forgotten and always in my heart. I can't tell you how many times I find myself laughing out loud about stuff that we talked about or things that happened back in the academy. That picture of us still has a central spot in my home and I can't catch a look at that classic Cannon smile with out smiling myself.
I miss ya Bro. I still can't take your name out of my phone. Knowing you made me be a better person. You reminded me of the man I was a long time ago and you inspired me to not let that part of myself go completely.
You are always in my heart and in my prayers brother. As is Kyleigh and your mom.
I wish you peace my friend
Anthony Holloway
Columbia Fire - Rescue
May 4, 2006
I can not believe that it has been a year today. I remember that I was working that night and another officer started telling me about an accident and about an officer not making it and then she said your name and I could not believe it. I think I sat in my patrol car crying for a long time after that and hoped I would not get a call at that moment. I can not imagine how it was for your mom and brother and kyleigh. I have been trying to do better with keeping in touch with the people from our class. I really think that our class was one of the closest that I have seen. I wish that I had kept in better touch with you. I am glad that you were so happy. Hearing from the guys and from reading this you were so blessed with Kyleigh and you family and house and everything and I am glad because you blessed so many people and you made things better for so many people. I told Kyleigh and your mom at your service that I would think of you everytime I put on my badge and I have and always will. I am thankful that I got the chance to know you. Know that we will never forget you Keith. We miss you everyday and always will.
To Kyleigh and the rest of the family~ I want you to know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers and that I am thinking of you especially today. May God bless you and keep you in his loving hands today and everyday.
Tiffany Prout
Myrtle Beach Police Dept.
May 4, 2006
In loving memory on the first anniversary of your home-
"It is well with my soul" and indeed it is with yours. That is a great comfort to know you are supremely happy with Jesus, but it sure is devastating for those left behind that loved you. The only thing that matters is having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ because everything can be taken away from us in a second, but He alone gives the gift of eternal life that lasts forever. I look forward to meeting you one day &
seeing you reunited with your loved ones who are in
Christ. There will be no more tears there. Hallelujah!
Lynn Kole
Washington State
May 4, 2006
A man remembered with such love and respect never dies.He continues to live on in the hearts and minds of others.May Our Lord Bless and strength your loved ones today and in the future.May they know that so many people are carrying them, and you, in their hearts.
May 4, 2006
Hi Sweetie,
It is so hard to believe that on Thursday it will be one year since the tragic day. I can hardly believe that this year has gone by this fast. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you and how much you were loved by so many people.
Kyleigh was home this weekend. She went to dinner with us and some of our closest friends. She talked about you all night long. She was remembering so many good times and all the plans that you two had made for the future. We also went to the cemetary on Sunday and arranged fresh flowers for you. Kyleigh sat for a long time beside you to have a quiet time along with you.
She has really thrown herself into her work. I think that this is her way of trying to deal with losing you and being alone.
She does have Smokey and Cannon that wait patiently by the door when they hear her come home. She's probably going to be the old lady with all the cats one day.
Keith, we miss you so much. We were talking the other night about how either this weekend or next; you and Kyleigh would have been celebrating the rest of your lives together with the wedding that you two had discussed and planned forever. She had waited for that day with you for so long.
We will be out of state on Thursday and that's why I wanted to leave this for you today. You will always be in my heart. I thank the Lord everyday for letting you be a part of Kyleigh's (and ours) life even if it was only for a short period of time. We love you Keith and always will. Continue to watch over Kyleigh. You are still so much a part of her everyday life and will be for a long time to come.
Debbie Hannaford
Kyleigh's Mom
May 2, 2006
Where do I begin...this has been the hardest year of my life. I can't believe that two days from now it will be a year since you were taken from us. The past couple of weeks have been very hard for me. I feel as though the wounds have opened right back up. All the same emotions and nightmares are all coming back. There isn't a second of my day that something doesn't trigger a memory from that horrible day. I seem to just keep playing it over and over in my head and yet after all this time, part of me still doesn't believe it's true.
The day of your accident and the days that followed will forever be etched in my memory. From me kissing you goodbye that morning to talking to you that afternoon, only a couple of hours before your accident and then finally the Sheriff knocking on our door. There are no words to explain the feeling of hearing that you wouldn't be coming home. I saw our lives and everything we had worked so hard for flash before my eyes. I remember I couldn't speak, I couldn't cry and I couldn't scream. I felt like a part of my soul died. I go through each day not feeling like a whole person. I have tried over the last year to figure out who I am, but I can't. With you, my life made sense and for seven years it was us, not me. I don't know how to be me without you. The pain is always there, but the memory of you is what keeps my going.
There are so many people who lost something the day you left this earth. You had touched peoples lives in a way that only you could. You truely were an angel amoung us, we just didn't know it then. I thank the Lord every night for letting me be a part of your life. I am a better person because of you and you are still the greatest man I will ever know.
I love you more and more everyday and I can only pray that when it's my time, you will be waiting for me. I miss you Scoot!
May 2, 2006
It's so hard to believe that it has almost been a year and still you are the first thing on my mind when I wake in the morning and the last thing on my mind when I finally fall to sleep. For so long you were the person that I turned to for EVERYTHING and now I feel as though I have no one. Life has been so tuff without you here. When I go to Columbia now I want so bad to pick up the phone and call you and tell you that I am here or when I have a problem I want to call you and tell you about it but when I pick up the phone to do so I then realize that I can't. It hurts so bad. I haven't yet dealt with the fact that you are no longer here. How am supposed to? I mean you were just snatched away from me and then they tell me that I have to "cope" with everything. How is that? But then again sometimes I feel as though you are right here with me to guide me through any and everything, but the realization of it all is that I would give ANYTHING in this world to have you back!!!!! I love and miss you sooooooooo much!
Sara Wallace
May 1, 2006
Dear Cannon Family, Friends, and Co-Workers of Keith,
I am a Sergeant with the Essex Fells Police Department in New Jersey. I will be riding the Police Unity Tour in Keith's name this May. The Tour is a bicycle ride, which starts in Florham Park, NJ on May 9 and three days later ends at the National Law Enforcement Memorial. I have participated in two Tours in the last three years. On several occasions last year, I wavered and thought of giving up. But the Officer I rode for last year was sitting on my wrist-in the form of a bracelet. I will take great comfort this year having Keith Cannon on my wrist.
I hope to turn over the bracelet to Keith’s family during the Candlelight Vigil on Saturday May 13th. In order to communicate my email address is
Bob Kalosy
Essex Fells PD
Sgt. Bob Kalosy
Essex Fells Police, New Jersey
April 30, 2006
Hey Bud, I just wanted to wish you a happy Easter. I hope you like the flowers Casey and I left for you on Thursday. We miss you man. Talk to you later. Bill
Master Deputy William Scobie
Richland County Sheriff Dept
April 17, 2006
hey kieth, i just wanted to say hi. me and casey were talking about you this past weekend. we were talking about how much we missed you. i had to go to your old neighborhood the other day. someone set a house on fire on caddius creek rd, and it ended up burning 6 houses total. i couldn't help but think about the time i had to come over to give you a class on how to work your sprinkler system at your house. i think it took us about 3 hours to figure it out! then we went to hooters for some beers. i guess with all that water they were poring on those houses it kinda reminded me of that day. i had to be carefull not to laugh in front of the poor victims! it wasn't easy. anyway, i just wanted to say hello. me and casey will be in dc for your memorial in may. i miss you bud. talk to you later. bill
Master Deputy William Scobie
Richland County Sheriff Dept
March 27, 2006
Just to let you know we are thinking of you. Our family will be in Washington to honor your life, memory, and sacrifice.
Linda Rittenhouse
Matt's Mom Forever
Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Officer Matthew Rittenhouse E.O.W.9/16/04
March 19, 2006
I passed by a construction site today. A construction site I have passed by many times before. This time however, an overwhelming feeling and thoughts of you came across me. Then it occured to me that the construction site was one that you and your fellow Region 3 deputies responded to with us (Region 2). All of the memories of you came back that day. Our days at USC. Seeing you at the academy and of course the last time I saw you. The Circle K at 277 and Parklane. You were cleaning your car and I asked if you would do my car next and you said "sure, pull it over here." I always knew that you were a sweet guy, but since your accident I have learned that your generosity and friendship were alot deeper than anyone could have imagined. We all miss you so much. It is still hard to talk about you with other deputies, but it is not because you are forgotten it is because the grief that we all feel is still so raw. Anyone that walks into Headquarters can see the picture of you on the wall with that big smile. Then they realize why your picture is there and they are saddened. There are tributes to you everywhere. The biggest tribute however is the memory that we all keep in our hearts. Until will meet again, rest in peace brother.
Deputy Monica Johnson
Richland County Sheriff's Department
March 9, 2006
February 17, 2006
Keith, So how's everything going upstairs? Man, I got to tell ya, it only seems like yesturday that a bunch of us from the academy went out to Baily's. You spend pretty much the entire time there asking me how it felt to be married at our age. The more I told you, the more excited you seem to get. I know you were really looking forward to sharing that expirence with Kyleigh. I still think about you ever day I pin that badge on my shirt. We'll never forget you. Rest in peace brother.
Ptl. Allen Costner
Irmo Police Dept.
February 11, 2006
Keith, So how's everything going upstairs? Man, I got to tell ya, it only seems like yesturday that a bunch of us from the academy went out to Baily's. You spend pretty much the entire time there asking me how it felt to be married at our age. The more I told you, the more excited you seem to get. I know you were really looking forward to sharing that expirence with Kyleigh. I still think about you ever day I pin that badge on my shirt. We'll never forget you. Rest in peace brother.
Ptl. Allen Costner
Irmo Police Dept.
February 11, 2006
Hey man,
Like usual, something ordinary triggered a good memory of you today and though it still comes with a familiar pain I can smile thinking of the good times. It is hard for me to write stuff like this and I know you will understand. But I continue to think of you, Kyleigh & Cy, your family and hers, and pray for you all. Kyleigh, anything you need still stands. Miss you man.
February 10, 2006
Dear Kieth,
Hey bud. I know it has taken me a long time to write this. And yet i still can't find the words to express how lucky I was to have known you, and to have worked with you. I miss you everyday. I miss talking to you. I want to thank you for teaching me how to be a better person, and a better cop. As I write this, I can't help but to be overcome with grief. I have been thinking a lot about that day. Like when we talked just 2 hours before it happened. I wish we would have talked longer, or told you what a good friend you were to me. I remember the last thing you said to me. It was, " I got your back dog." I have been trying to have yours. I try o be there fro Kyleigh as much as I can. You know I had to give her your engagement ring. That was the hardest thing I ever had to do! I hope every day that the words I told her, and the way I gave it to her, that it could be worthy of everything you had hoped it would represent when you gave it to her. I have been to see you a couple of times. It is hard for em to go there. I apologize if I haven't been there enough to keep you company. I hope you liked the flowers me and Casey left for you. You remember the guy who pulled the shotgun on me and tried to shoot me but forgot the round in the chamber was already fired? Then you happened to be the one who caught him like 2 months later. Well, you will be happy to know that he was just sentenced to 10 yrs full time. See, that's what i mean when i say you were there for me. Out of nearly 700 Deputies in this department, you were the one who caught my guy. I miss catching bad guys with you man. I hope that I can live up to the standard that you set every time you put on that uniform. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think of you. I guess I will say goodbye or better yuet talk to you later. Thanks Keith for being you, and teaching us what it means to be a good person, and a good friend. Bill
Master Deputy William Scobie
Richland County sheriffs' Dept
January 28, 2006
I was reading you reflection you were a great person like my brother was. He was taken from us from a terrible tragedy like you were. I hope you met him up in Heaven He was a great person and was wonderful to know like you were. God bless your family.
George Zourkas
Brother Of Niles IL, Police Officer Steven Zourkas E.O.W. 4-8-05
January 13, 2006
Sheriff Cannon you are a true hero in every sence of the word. May you rest in peace.
Dear Kyleigh when I saw this on the news and read it in The State, I just couldnt beleive it. My heart so broke for you and Keiths family. I cannot imagine what you have and are going through. I may not know you, but please beleive me when I tell you, that you have been in many of my prays. We are sisters bound by the badge. May you find some comfort knowing that Keith is a True Hero and now he patrols a higher power. You are in my thoughts.
KerryAnn Ratzlaff
Proud Wife of A PSO
KerryAnn Ratzlaff ~~ Proud Police Wife
January 2, 2006
Can you believe that one year ago today we were moving into 5 Marabou? It seems like it was only yesterday that we walked through that front door of our first home and began the journey of starting our lives together. You were so excited and so proud of our home. It was perfect... our "Little Marabou", as you liked to call it. It wasn't very big but there was so much love inside. I have so many wonderful memories of the short time we shared in our house. From snuggling by the fire to planting flowers last spring. I used to love to hear the "shark" pull up in front of the house each night and I could never wait until you walked in...I always had to run outside to greet you. I remember the Sunday before your accident, I came home and you were outside watering flowers. You told me that you had cleaned the entire house so that when I got home, we could spend time together instead of me rushing around trying to clean up. We ate dinner and took Cy for a long walk around the neighborhood. I am so grateful for the time we had together in our home. Those are memories that will stay with me forever. Sometimes I think about it and it makes me smile and other's too much for me to bear. I only hope that one day a wonderful young couple will move into our home and it will bring them as much happiness as it did to us.
Christmas was tough, but we made it through. My family and I kept a blue light glowing by your picture to honor and remember you. All of your ornaments were hanging on my mom's tree and she even made your favorite cookies.
Thank you for being with me last week in my accident. It could have been much worse than it was, but you kept me safe. They are going to total my car so I guess I get to shopping for a new one. Thank you also for bringing Bill and Casey to me that night. I don't know what I would do without them.
It's going to be hard to celebrate the New Year without you. Though quite honestly, I don't think I will ever do much in my life that you aren't a part of in some way. You have my heart and you always will. There will never be another love like the one we shared and you are still the greatest man I ever knew.
Stay close to your family as I know that this is a difficult time for them. Christmas was one of the many firsts that we will have without you.
I love you and I miss you everyday....
December 30, 2005
I have come to this page a few times since the accident and I even started a reflection once but couldn't finish it. It has taken me a while to actually write something but you know that you and Kyleigh will always hold a place in my heart.
Bill and I have stopped by to see you in Marion a couple of times and we had the chance to talk with you a little. I really hope you liked your Christmas Flowers. That was Bill's idea - Can you believe Snoop of all people would think of something nice like that?
I can't tell you how much you have helped me draw closer to the man upstairs. I definatly needed it, but just hate that you were the sacrifice that it took. Please continue to watch over "Snoop" and I and keep nudging the man upstairs to see if he can bless us with our very own "Scrappy" soon!
I am so glad that Bill and I can be there for Kyleigh. I know you were keeping your eyes on her last week and I am just thankful that we were able to go help her home!
Thanks again for all you did and all you will continue to do for us! Happy New Year!
Casey Scobie
Dear Friend
December 30, 2005
To Keith's family, friends, and other loved ones...we are thinking of and praying for you during these holidays. May God bless you and keep you.
Probation & Parole Agent
S.C. Dept. of Probation and Parole
December 27, 2005
Hi Sweet Angel,
Everyone seems to be bustling around getting ready for the holidays and I just can't get in the mood with you not being here with us. I look at your ornaments on my tree (the law enforecemnt bears with each one of your badget numbers that you had) and wish with all my heart that you were here. There's not a day that goes by that you are not on my mind. I miss our phone conversations or in the kitchen asking "what have you got good to eat "Miss" Debbie.
I keep a close reminder of you everywhere I am. You are my screensaver, the large picture of you in our family room and every night when I go to bed I look at my nightstand at a picture I have of you there and say good night sweetie.
I know you are always close to all of those that you loved so much. Just like I know you where with Kyleigh yesterday when she was in terrible car accident. She could have been hurt a lot worse than she was, but I know you where there to protect her as much as possible.
I remember when you and Kyleigh had been dating a few years and you where at my parents home. After you guys left my dad looked at me and said "that's a special young man and he will make something out of himself one day". My Dad was a smart man and he was so right about you. You were a special young man and you did make something out of yourself. You had the love and respect of so many people.
Keith, you were and always will be the one and only true love to Kyleigh. You will always have a very special place in all of our hearts. You will never be forgotten. I am burning a blue candle during the holidays in your memory.
Christmas will be very difficult for all of those who love you but I know you will have a great Christmas in heaven. Do me a favor and give my Dad a ride in the "Shark" on Christmas Day. I know he would love that.
I miss you so much sweetie. Please continue to watch over Kyleigh and your family. They love you so much.
Kyleigh's Mom
December 22, 2005