Richland County Sheriff's Department, South Carolina
End of Watch Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Byron Keith Cannon
I know it is hard to believe that two years have passed. Whenever a loved one is lost, part of you feels like it has been forever, and part of you feels like it was yesterday. Know that on this very difficult day, Deputy Cannon's family, friends, and fellow officers are in our prayers. You are not alone.
Wife of an officer
May 4, 2007
The second anniversary of you being called away has arrived. For some the last two years have passed with speed, for others the time has been an eternity without you. You are a true hero and heroes never die. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol.
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
May 4, 2007
Keith, i can't believe it has been 2 years already. I still can not believe your gone. I still think about you all the time. i wonder what we would be doing if you were still here. i hope you are taking care of Rodney. i can't believe what hap[penned. he was a good cop and I hate what happened. But I know you will look after him. I am sorry I have not come by to see you in a few months. Living in Florida now is great, but I can't come see you whenever I want anymore. That is really hard to deal with. Me and Casey are coming to SC in 3 weeks, so I will be coming by to see you then. i hope Kyliegh is ok. We have not heard from her in a while and we really miss her. I ma sure i can try harder to keep in touch with her, so I apologize for that. Casey misses you a lot and talkes about you all the time. I know she can't wait to come see you either. I can't believe a year ago I was in Washington D.C. listening to your name being called during the ceremony at the Capital. it seems like yesterday I was there with Kyliegh at the candlelight vigil. That is a moment I will never forget and always treasure. I am so proud that I was able to honor you in that way by being there for all that. Well buddy, i love you and miss you. Say hi to Rodney for me, and say I am sorry I didn't get to attend his memorial service. I wanted to be there. The two of you take care of each other . Talk to you soon. Bill
William Scobie
May 4, 2007
Hi Sweetie,
It was two years ago today that you were taken from us on this earth. Not a day goes by that I don't think about what a wonderful young man you had become and how many lives you touched in your short life. I feel blessed that you were such an important part of our family.
I sometimes wonder what your's and Kyleigh's lives would be like today. You would have soon been celebrating a one year anniversary and hopefully planning ahead for the "little" Cannon's.
I thank you for the changes you made in my life. In the last two years I have looked at life and the way I live it differently. I take the time to show the one's I love how much they do mean to me and appreciate the life I have been blessed with. Lossing someone you love so much makes you take the time to think about how quickly life can change.
Keith, you will always hold a special place in my heart and on this two year anniversary day you will especially way heavy on my mind.
Kyleigh's Mom
May 4, 2007
Please sent your loved ones a sign today..a rainbow to lighten their sadness.
May 4, 2007
Well I have been thinking about you a lot and can not believe that tomorrow, it has been two years since you were called home. I think of you everyday that I put on this uniform. I told Kyleigh and your mom that I would think of you when I put on my badge and I do. I remember all the fun times at the academy and I am happy that I have some really good pictures from our time there.
I also wanted to tell you that I am engaged and I really do believe that you were there and helped save my fiances life. He is a motorcycle officer and the night when I got home from your funeral he was in an accident on the motorcycle at work. He was very lucky but I know that it was God and you that kept him safe.
I talked to Dan and Jimmy this week and am trying to do better at keeping in touch, like I wish I had done before. Please know that you are never forgotten and missed greatly.
Kyleigh and the rest of the Cannon family,
I think about you all often too and you are always in my prayers. Just always hold close that Keith was a great person and touched so many people. I can not imagine what academy would have been like if we had not had him in our graduating class. God bless you all.
We miss you,
Pfc. Tiffany Prout
Myrtle Beach PD
May 3, 2007
As time moves on you family and friends will never forget the sting of that day. Keith truly lived a great life. One to be admired by all that got to be around him and who knew him. I'm so happy that I've had the chance to get to know who Keith was as a person by those of you closest to him. I never met Keith but you have left a lasting impression on me. We can say we understand all day long the pain that you have had to endure. But I promise you there's just no way that we can ever really know what each of you has gone through. But may I just say to you that I'm so, so sorry. I know that these may only be empty words, but they're all I can really say. (That I'm Sorry) You will be in my heart and on my mind during this time. May God bless you all- for his eyes also overflowed with tears night and day without ceasing after that day. For he knows you have all suffered.
I will be participating in the Police Unity Tour this year. It has become a very humbling experience, but I'm glad that I'm apart of it. I just want you to know that I will be riding with you on my mind and it will way heavy on my heart. As this comes upon a second year, you are always going to be remembered. I leave this quote from a song to all of you.
"The sky now divides
To bring you back into the fold
Welcome home
Still my need to recognize
Any comfort you may show
Only grows
Guess I'll learn to accommodate
While my heart just sits and waits
God found You
Where am I to take refuge
When the storms of pain release
Shelter me
This blessedness of life
Sometimes brings me to my knees
I call on thee
I have not the words to write
a farewell to you tonight
God found You
I know hearts are weeping
While your voice is now singing
On High, Angel on High. Angel on High"
Police Unity Tour Member
May 2, 2007
It has been a long time since I have written, and I first need to apologize for that. I have been thinking about you more and more this last month, because we just lost another RCSD brother, Rodney Gonzalez, the love of my life, and it has been a very tough month and a half. Knowing that you are there gives me the comfort that I need to know that Rodney will be Okay. I just hope you two have found each other and I hope you both continue to watch over all of us here at RCSD. To Kyleigh.. unfortunately I can relate to your pain, and I am so sorry you have had to go through the loss of the one you love. I know every day will get easier, but it doesn't stop the hurt or the void we feel when we lose the ones we love the most. Please know that if you ever need anything, feel free to call me anytime!! Keith, please take care of my Rodney. I feel a sense of peace knowing he is there with you. His smile was like yours, CONTAGIOUS!!! I hope you both will continue to watch over us and keep us safe always!! I miss you brother!! Take care!!
Deputy Kellye Hendrick
Richland County Sheriff's Department
April 26, 2007
Happy Valentines Day Baby!!! I love you.
February 14, 2007
Hi Sweetie,
Just wanted to say "Happy Valentine's. I wish that you were here to say this to you in person. And I know Kyleigh wishes it even more. She was the love of your life and you her's. Continue to watch over the boys in blue. You will always be in our hearts.
Debbie (Kyleigh's Mom)
February 14, 2007
HAPPY NEW YEAR BYRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
January 1, 2007
Happy New Year Baby!!! I love you.
December 29, 2006
December 24, 2006
Hi Baby,
Well, Christmas is here again and the second one that we will spend without you. I know that the celebration you will be having is far greater than the one you would have here on earth. As usual, Mom has made your favorite cookies and desserts and her Christmas tree is covered in your ornaments. I miss you everyday, but the holidays are especially hard. Mom and I are going to leave a light at the cemetery on Christmas Eve that will glow all night for you and Bill and Casey are coming to say goodbye on Sunday. They are moving to Florida and I will miss them greatly. They are like my family and it will be hard to say goodbye.
You cannot imagine how much I wish that you would be walking through the door of my mom's house tonight wanting to know what she was cooking you for dinner! I remember our last Christmas together...we were so excited. We were getting ready to move into our first home in less than a week and we were so happy. Everyone gave us things for our home and we were like two little kids. I remember mom gave you a pair of bedroom shoes that you almost wore completely out and I look at them sometimes now and laugh.
I got a letter from Sheriff Lott the other day to let me know that they honored two deputies with scholarships in your name at their Christmas party last weekend. I was so proud. But then again...I was always proud of you. I love you sweetie and I miss you everyday. Please always be with your loved ones and watch over your fellow brothers. Merry Christmas baby!
December 22, 2006
Hi Sweetie,
Well, another Christmas is here and again we miss you being here with us. Every year I make the brownies with the reese's cups in the middle just because they remind me of you.
Kyleigh will be home later today for the holidays. She is going to spend time with her Dad and on Christmas Eve she and I will go to Marion and place a candle there for you. My Mom does this every year for my Dad and brother and we want to make this a tradition for you also.
Keith we miss you in our lives so much. Sometimes it feels like you will walk in the door at anytime and then I realize that you are really gone. I wish Kyleigh could find happiness and peace in her life but she just hasn't been able to get to that point in her life. She loved you so much. You will be in all our hearts, but especially during this Christmas season. Watch over all the ones who love you and your brothers in blue. Merry Christmas to one of the most wonderful young men we had the priviledge of sharing in our lives.
Debbie (Kyleigh's Mom)
December 22, 2006
I sit here reading your reflections and all the wonderful things people have to say about you, and I realize that it still hurts to know you’re gone. I'm overwhelmed by all you did in such a short time and hope we can continue where you left off. Your shoes are some big ones to fill, but we will do our best daily. My heart is heavy and my eyes are full, but with continued pray I know that your family will be okay. STAY SWEET!!!, run with the angles and keep an eye over us down here. Luv Always (your Sister-In-Law:-) enforcement)
Senior Deputy Peltier-Littles, Malita
Richland County Sheriff's Dpt.
December 5, 2006
Keith, 10-90! I left for a while and now I am back at central. I was reflecting on some of the old times and thought about you. I remember joking with you about your radio voice, your chase voice, and your call in to central just to check in, or see if we have the new line up voice. I remember us laughing when I said " you are one of the coolest Whisky-Mikes I know". Your probably laughing about that now. You may be 10-42 from this level of understanding, but you will never be 10-42. I'll just consider you having a long Sig30. I'll make sure the new recuits to the radio will know how important it is to know your law partners. Keep smiling man, and make sure everything is 10-04/Sig18 up there because until we meet again. I'll hold on to the voice! Ismail
Telecommunicator- Ismail
November 30, 2006
Hi Sweetie:
You will be in our hearts and on our minds during the Thanksgiving holiday. I would love to see you and Chris in the kitchen injecting the turkey tonight. You two always had so much fun during the holidays. We miss and love you.
Kyleigh's Mom
November 22, 2006
Hey Sunshine,
Couldn't forget to wish the love of my life a Happy Birthday! I can't believe that you would have been 28 today! This marks the second birthday that you have been gone, but I still celebrate your life every year. I miss shopping for your gift and especially picking out what new cake you would be getting. I remember the the birthday cake I made for you the year you started with Richland County. It read "Happy Birthday Deputy Cannon" and I had it all decorated with cop cars, a jailhouse and a cop chasing a bad guy in handcuffs! You laughed so hard when I was lighting the candles and caught the cops baton on fire!!! You never let me live that one down. I cherish all of those memories and I keep them with me everyday. Most days, the memories of you are what keep me going. I still have many, many bad days but I can finally walk by your pictures in my house and smile. That classic Cannon smile of yours could light up a room and when I catch a glimpse of it, I just think of how lucky I was to see it each and everyday. Baby, I still miss you everyday, but I know that you are still with me and our love will last for an eternity. Thank you for bringing so much happiness into my life. You will always have my heart! I love you today and forever.
November 15, 2006
Happy Birthday Sweetie.
I have had you on my mind all week this week. The holidays seem to do that to the ones left behind. I looked through pictures of all of us last night and wished with all my heart that we were going to take new ones this year to add to the album. I miss the two of us celebrating our birthdays together. It's just not the same anymore. I know that life goes on....but sometimes it is really hard. Kyleigh is doing ok. She's working hard and likes her new apartment. She misses you soooo much. You were the love of her life and always will be. She went to Clemson with her Dad the other weekend and plans to go the Clemson/Carolina game next week. It's so sad.....the biggest part of her heart went with you and I don't think she will ever be the happy person that she was when the two of you were together. She gets very lonely when she see her friends with their husbands/wives or that some of them have started families. That's what she dreamed of having with you. She is a very strong young woman and you would be so proud of her. I miss you Sweetie. Please continue to watch over all of those who love you and your brothers in blue. Happy Birthday to a wonderful young man!!
November 15, 2006
It has been over a year since your tour of duty ended and I know the tears still flow from the many broken hearts of the loved ones left behind. You are a true hero and heroes never die. Your loved ones will never let you be forgotten, nor will the Blue Family ever let that happen. Keep watch over your loved ones and wrap your wings around them to help them with their grief. Come to them in their dreams and let them know you are okay and touch their hearts with your love to let them know you are with them standing by their side every day.
Poem by Richard Fife:
No person is ever truly alone.
Those who live no more,
Whom we loved,
Echo still within out thoughts,
Our words, Our Hearts.
And what they did,
And who they were,
Becomes a part of all that we are,
Bob Gordon, father of fallen Chicago Officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon, Gold Star Father
September 26, 2006
Hi Sweetie,
I know it's been awhile since I have left you a reflection, but you know you are in my thoughts and heart everyday. I spent the weekend with Kyleigh a couple of weeks ago. She took me out to see the billboard and the road signs. It was heart warming to see that such a special and wonderful young man has been honored this way.
Kyleigh smiled and said "Keith always said he was a superstar." She misses you so much. She is moving to a new apartment in a couple of weeks. The new place is a gated community and I will feel a lot better knowing she has that extra security. I call her every morning and every night to make sure she is safe. When you two were together; I might talk to her once a week. I knew she was safe and you where there to look out for her and be there if she needed anything. Football season is fast approaching and it was a time of year we loved to argue over USC and Tenn. I had to move my Tenn Gnome the other night because "Cannon" was going to knock it over. I placed it beside your picture for the time being. Chris chuckled and said "I'm sure Keith is loving having that Tenn Gnome beside his picture." Kyleigh gave me one of the best Mother's Day presents I think I ever received. She put together a picture album of the 7 years you had been a part of our family. It is one of my most prized possessions. I sit sometimes when I am there by myself and look back over all the good times and the pictures of you two and how much you two were in love. She continues to try to get on with her life but sometimes you can tell that it is a struggle to get through the days and weeks without you. She puts on a good face to the outside world but I know it's hard for her. We love you Keith and always will. Continue to watch over your loved ones and the brothers in blue.
Kyleigh's Mom
August 25, 2006
I never knew about this site until Scobie told me about it tonight over breakfast. I only wish I would have known about it sooner because I would have surely written to you by now. I pass the billboard of you on I-20 everyday on my way into work, and I always say hello to you, and tell you how much I miss you. I still cannot believe you are gone, and wish everyday I could see your bright smiling face. I know that you and I were not as close as others here at the department, but somehow I felt like we had a friendship that was always there. I guess it's because you had to watch over my crazy brother at the academy. He came to your service and so did some of the other guys you went to the academy with. I know "Goose" misses you just as much as we all do, and he talks about you every time I see him. He told me that when I got a chance, to say hello to Maverick for him. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and miss you everyday. I know that you are watching over all of us here at RCSD when we go 10-41 and 10-42, and I couldn't think of a better guardian angel to have on my side than old "Smiley"!!! I miss you more than words can say! I'll be talking to you soon!!!
Kellye Hendrick (Goose's sister)
Deputy Kellye Hendrick
Richland County Sheriff's Department
August 11, 2006
Hey Baby,
I finally got a chance to sit down and write to you. Things have been so busy the past couple of weeks. The State Memorial and your induction into the Hall of Fame was wonderful. It was tough, but I was so proud of you. The highway signs are up and I actually pulled off the road on my way home from Atlanta last week to just sit and admire your name and the way in which you have been honored. I know it was dangerous and it was about 11:00 at night, but somehow I knew that you would keep me safe.
We were in Washington last weekend for the Candlelight Vigil to hear your name called one last time. I have never seen anything so amazing. It was the most spectacular display of honor and emotion that I have ever witnessed. I got to sit with Scobie and Casey and your family. It felt so good to see them and everything was perfect. Your mom gave me one of the Unity Tour bracelets and it meant the world to me. I sat in front of your name on the wall for the longest time and it just seemed so surreal. Part of me wanted to pick up the phone and call you to say that your name was on the National Momument, but it doesn't take long to remember why it's there. I hope the Sheriff was right and that the healing will now begin. I the hole in my heart will never be filled but at least I can finally make some peace with losing you.
As usual, just when I think I am doing better and life seems to be going alright...something else comes along and knocks me right back down. Last night Michelle called to tell me that her and Kyle were engaged. I was so excited for her but it's bitter-sweet. To think that you and I would probably just be returning from our honeymoon, it hurt me a lot. I sounds terrible but in a way I guess I'm jealous. I never got to show off my ring, be overwhelmed with excitement and we never got the chance to plan our wedding. It just doesn't seem fair, but everything happens for a reason and the seven years we had together were more incredible than any engagement or wedding could have ever been. I truely am happy for her, she deserves it, and I guess now I will have my hands full helping to plan hers.
I miss you more than you know and I would give anything to hold you one last time. Thank you for all that you gave me and all the happiness you brought into my life. I love you with all of my heart and I will never let go of that love. I know that I will see you again one day so remember to save a place for me. Until then, continue to watch over your family and mine and all of your brothers in blue. They need angels everyday when they walk their beat. Love you bunches!
May 19, 2006
Dear Cannon Family, Friends, and Co-Workers,
My name is Bob Sutter. I am a Narcotics Officer with the Myrtle Beach Police Department. I will also be participating in the Police Unity Tour Bike ride this coming week. Like Sgt. Kalosy of Essex Fells PD, I will also have Keith with me during the ride. I will be covering the 250 miles from Virginia Beach into Washington D.C. It is an honor for me and I hope to be able to turn my bracelet over to Keith’s family during the candlelight vigil on May 13th. I will be leaving for VA in the morning. If you are able to make it to D.C., please give me a call. If not, I will see what I can do about visiting Richland County. My cell phone number is 843-457-3504.
Bob Sutter
Pfc. Robert Sutter
Myrtle Beach Police Department
May 7, 2006