Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

Pittsburg Police Department, California

End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

Jo Ann & Cody picked up Joseph & Vincent from school yesterday. I asked Joseph how Cody was and his response had me laughing for the rest of the day. He said, 'Mom, Cody talked my ear off". I guess this is a glimpse of things to come!

Thanks for watching over Daniel. He's on the road to recovery. The entire family is breathing a great big sigh of releif.


March 8, 2007

To a True Warrior (9Y6):

I have never met you and yet I strive to immulate you. I would not recognize your voice if I heard it, however I would follow your lead without question. Although far too short, your life was one of honor and selflessness. From the Marine Corps to Law Enforcement you dedicated your life to the service of others. Your leadership, nobility and compasion for others, were second to none and I can't begin to tell you how much I respect you. Although you are gone your memory will always live on. Your legacy will continue to push others to hold themselves to a higher standard. As a Marine and a Cadet with Class 14 I am honored to have the privilege of carrying your spirit with me to the streets. I know I speak for everyone in the class when I say that we will not forget! We will always remember you and what you stood for! We will not back down! We will always continue to charge forward in the pursuit of those who intend to harm others. Officer Lasater I thank you so much for your support and the motivation to never quit. You are an American hero and a true warrior.

"Pain is Temporary, Pride is Forever!"
Hendrix C.S.
Sgt/ US Marine Corps


March 7, 2007

HI Larry,

Well, Class 14 is beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel as we approach graduation day..... THANK YOU so much for being such an inspiration to them and to us.

Next weekend (St. Patrick's Day) I got them involved in a "team event" The SD Enforcers Football Team is challenging the USMC All Star Football Team in the First Annual "Hero Bowl." I told the Prez of the team, Jason Sullivan and the Vice Pres, Greg Ellis about how I thought this game had your name written all over it and they TOTALLY agreed! I can't WAIT to see what the game brochure looks like! I was told that you will have your own page. I am SO EXCITED about that! We are going to use the game as a team building/bonding event.... I am just wondering which team you are going to be routing for > The Cops or the Corps? I bet that is going to be a TOUGH decision for you!

Your picture on the Wall of Warriors is the next to have the Class Pride Run photo to be hung under it. It is going to bring me such joy to see that picture hung, but it is also a time of sadness because it solidifies you on the wall.

I THANK YOU so much for being an inspiration to Class 14 and to us. I was looking at the pictures of Cody that they proudly have hanging in their class and it is almost unbearable to look at him for too long. I just want to let your family know that although none of us had ever personally met you, you are our Brother and we are honoring you with the HIGHEST RESPECT and HONOR. You are such a wonderful inspiration and we are truly honored to have you in our academy and we are truly BLESSED that your wonderful family has allowed us to be a part of their lives and yours.

I am sorry to write such a long winded email... Thank you for all that you continue to do my Brother.... Until next time......

R.Akans #1354

March 7, 2007

Good news...Sage was born! She's so adorable and tiny. She's about the same size as Cody was at birth. I can't believe he was ever so small.

Cody grabbed a little boy by the shirt today because he tried to play with the toy Cody had. He eventually decided to share but when I see a little glimpse of his temper it reminds me a little of myself.

Please please please watch over Daniel. He's such an amazing little boy and it's so unfair that he has to be in the hospital again. I know how much you love him and I always think about Easter with him in the truck and us saying that that will be Cody in a few years.

Love and miss you

March 6, 2007

To my dearest son

Your beautiful niece Sage was born on March 4th, exactly two years to the day that her brother Seth was born. He was such a little trouper at the hospital Sage was born in Berkeley and not Walnut Creek, but I could not help but think of how you, Jo Ann and I had awaited Seth's delivery exactly two years before. Another family moment you were robbed of. Love forever, Mom

March 6, 2007

Please watch over your Godson Daniel today. He's back at Children's Hospital and scheduled for surgery today. We need you to say a special prayer for him and watch over him extra close.
Thank you,
We love & miss you.


March 6, 2007

Good Evening,

I am currently attending the Palomar Police Academy... We have dedicated our class, class 14 to Officer Larry Lasater. I can only imagine what you must have been and are currently going through in your life after Larry's departure. He was a Marine, an Officer, a father and a good man. I never had the chance to meet him, but I wish I did. I'm not sure if you know, but I will be joining the department in Pittsburg as soon as I graduate. Our class remembers and thinks of Larry everyday. I know that nothing less than having him back will make things ok, but I hope that what we're doing will bring atleast a small amount of comfort to your family.

Cadet and soon to be Officer Saechao, Pittsburg PD.

Cadet Saechao
Pittsburg PD

March 4, 2007




March 2, 2007

Every time I come to this sight, tears well up in my eyes. I never knew Larry, but the things his family and friends have to say just break my heart. How do you loose such a good soul and not feel such pain?

I know how it feels to loose a Grandparent and cousin, but I don't know what its like to loose a child or spouse. I can't imagine the pain...I don't think I'd want to get out of bed. The pain would be so hard..

Life will get better. Loosing a man like Larry is a hard thing to swallow, but I know it is God's plan. Why? We will all find out soon enough. Hang in there and keep that precious Cody happy. I know there are days that we don't want to smile, but keep up those smiles for Cody. Larry would want you to :)

Cousin to fallen officer....

Take care.

February 21, 2007

I hope everyone who writes to you here knows how much it means to me. The words of encouragement really help.

I went out to dinner with your brother, Lenore and Seth. Seth and Cody are so cute together. They were walking around the restaurant (yes, Cody is FINALLY walking!) and I could only imagine how cute you and James must have been as kids together. You would have really teased James about the beard he had going a couple of weeks ago. Don't worry, I teased him for you.

I'm starting to plan your remembrance for this year. I can't believe in 2 months it'll be 2 years. Time has gone so fast. Sometimes it really feels like yesterday that I saw you and then the next minute it feels like it's been so long. This has changed me so much. It's changed my view of people and the world.

February 16, 2007

Larry - It's been a while, I just wanted you to know that you and your family are in the thoughts and prayers. You are missed by so many. We'll meet angain one day!

Joann - I'm sure as time passes, things aren't getting any easier, but know that there are plenty of people who are pulling for you. I hope that the love you have for Larry will help give strength and Cody's smile will give you the courage to keep going!

Jimmy Olmstead

February 16, 2007





February 15, 2007

I have a million things I could say to you but Cody kept me busy all day and I'm exhausted. I'll just say that I love you and miss you always...

February 11, 2007

Thank you for all your kind words. We are so thankful God bless you and your family . The Rolniak family (DET WIILIAM(WALLY) Rolniak eow 2-4-04)

family of Det Rolniak

February 6, 2007

"Who Cries For The COP "

To Honor All
who proudly serve

Who cries for the COP...
Walking his beat.
Down a mean street..
Where violent men hold sway..
Where life is cheap...
And Death doth keep..
His tally day by day..
Who cries for the cop..
When assault is made..
With flashing blade..
And guns that shatter the night..
And scanners sound...
Of "Officer down !"
Tells of his helpless plight...
Who cries for the cop...
When ambulance wail.
Tells a mournful tale...
Bringing tears to a widow's eyes...
Who gives a damn..
When triggers slam...
And a brave policemen dies?
Who cries for the cop...
With bloodstained shield...
As life doth yield...
And his labored heartbeats stop?
Tell me true... I'm asking YOU...
Who cares ? Who cries for the COP?
Written by:

Thomas Cannon

from Richmond, Va

We all care and we all cry for you and your fallen brothers and sisters. Mom

February 5, 2007

Cody has a sense of humor. I've felt that about him for a while now, but on Friday it was confirmed! One of his favorite games is 'Peek-A'Boo'. Well, on Friday he said 'Boo' for the first time. Then what he did is as I was sitting on the floor, he stood up behind me. Then he sidestepped to one of my shoulders, poked his head out and said, 'Boo!' and then laughed & laughed. Then he sidestepped around my back to my other shoulder, poked his head out and again said, 'Boo!' and laughed and laughed. This game went on for awhile. Then his other favorite game is to push his favorite stuffed kitty around on his firetruck. Well, he wants you to place his kitty on the fire truck in a specific way. So, after kitty is placed he will push his kitty around for a while. Then if he feels that you are not paying enough attention to him, he intentionally knocks his kitty off of the fire truck so that you can come and put it back for him. He has certain 'rules' that you must follow! The kitty has to be sitting in the front of the fire truck, his little paws must be through the stearing wheel and then you have to say, 'Kitty needs a seatbelt!'. If you don't follow the 'Cody Rules', he gets mad at you! His little personality is really coming out. He's so much fun! He's such a joy to be around. It makes me so sad to think that you're missing out on all this. But, in my heart of hearts, I know deep down that you're not missing out. I know you can see it all.


February 5, 2007

Just a thank you to all those who leave reflections for Larry. Your messages mean so much to all of us who love Larry.

And to the cadets of the Palomar Academy: Thank you so much for honoring our beloved by dedicating your class to him. I am glad that he is a source of motivation and inspiration to each of you. Even though he was my child, he was the person I aspired to be...he had such heart and I could talk forever about everything that made him such an awesome guy. The memorial video you watched captured so much of his personality and character: the love for his family, his determination, his intensity, his command presence and leadership abiities, and his love for life.
So in these final months of your training, keep working hard and strive to do your best so that his spirit may continue to soar and his memory continue to inspire.

Semper Fi.

Phyllis (Larry's Mom)

February 4, 2007

Officer Lasater,

Three more months till graduation! As you can see the dillema for me right now hasn't been too pleasant for me to accept, but I will get through. Only the strong survive, and I'm not about to face defeat. I don't mind taking the rough roads through life, because through it I realize more what my strengths and weaknesses are, and it makes it so much more meaningful at the end. Plus, along the way I meet people who care enough to push me along, and I'm blessed with some special people who continue to stand by me,giving me the support and pep talks I need to get me back up. I pray that they will always be there.

Things happen for a reason, and I'm sure there is reason for me being injured right now. Last night as I was in class I looked at your picture and it put a smile on my face. I felt that you told me everything is going to be alright. I know it will be, I just have to keep tracking, and "dig deep". The first time I heard that(dig deep), I was in training in N.C. (in order to work with a Marine unit, we have to go through training along with the corpsmen). We were hiking with 55/65 pound packs on, and I was pratically running most of the 6,7,8 mile hikes to keep up with the class. The load wasn't the problem, my short legs were and my big boots! I had blood blisters underneath my toe nails, because my boots were too big for me. As a result, I lost 8 toe nails during that 2 1/2 month training, but never before in my life had I fought so hard to make it physically through something. As much as I was hurting I didn't want to stop, I couldn't. Many of my classmates said that they too struggled, but that when they saw me looking like "a pack with legs" passing them with my head down, they had no reason stop. For once in my life I actually inspired people! When I look at your picture and Cody's, I'm inspired in the same way to keep going. There is no reason for me to stop, especially knowing that you have already made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for the motivation! God Bless you and your family! Give my gram a hug for me please!


Cadet R.

Cadet V.R.

February 2, 2007

To the family,
I share your pain.
After seeing the PAPD (NY) notes from Phylis Loya for my fallen comrades, I felt compelled to visit this site and find out more about Larry Lasater. My heart goes out to the family.
May you find peace.

On 9-11, 37 officers in my department persished while saving others in the World Trade Center. I was at the scene and was their Commander. I was very lucky when I was able to dive under a vehcle when the 2nd tower collasped.
Now, 5 1/2 years later, I remember their sacrifices and spirit every day. I'm sure a "brother-in-blue" like Larry shared the same spirit. May God give you solace.Remember his sacrifice was not in vain. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Tim Norris

Tim Norris Retired Inspector

January 31, 2007

Thank you for the reflection you left on my husband's site. It always amazes me those that leave the messages. I pray that God allows us to be comforted daily as we live the rest of our lives. I pray for the strength He gives us to conquer the mountains we must climb and the valley that is before us with fresh water at the very core. I also pray I am blessed to meet you one day. Thank you for being an All American. For living and dying for all of us. Rest in peace

Cheryl Schultz
Surviving spouse of Kevin Schultz EOW 8-17-2002

Cheryl Schultz
Pojoaque PD-surviving spouse

January 24, 2007

Dear Mrs. Lasater and family,
I have started writing on here what seems to be a hundred times but I just haven't been able to bring myself to say what I feel. As you know, Class 14 is dedicating our year at the academy to your husband/father/son. As other cadets have mentioned Officer Lasater has been an inspiration and a constant source of motivation to us all. We have all had our trials and struggles at the academy, with tests, Physical Training, instructors and even amongst ourselves, but the one constant thing that keeps us all motivated is the memory of Officer Lasater. As we come upon the final weeks of the academy, know that you and Officer Lasater are in the thoughts and prayers of every cadet in Class 14. I look forward to meeting all of you at graduation in April.

Cadet Jared Davis
Palomar Police Academy Class 14

January 24, 2007

Dear Lasater Fam.

My name is Norma Santos, I am a cadet in class 14, which was granted to honor your beloved son/husband/father. I just
want to let you know that my class and my self are very proud to honor officer Larry Lasater because we all know that he was, and always will be a real HERO.

I also want you to know that I Officer Lasater, you and little Cody have been a spacial motivation for me to go threw the academy. I have all of you in my thoughts at all times and I pray for you to get stronger each day. I hope we get to know you at our graduation day. God bless you all!

Norma Santos

January 22, 2007

Mrs. Lasater; I feel awkward writing to you because you don't know me, I come here because a friend of mine Officer
Lucy Cruz who was killed in the line of duty here in Florida a couple of years ago and I began reading different reflections because sadly everytime I would log on to the site the first page would list the latest officer down and one day I saw your husbands name and started reading the reflections and the love that you and your husband shared reminded me of my relationship. My husband is a police officer too, he was with a department that was in such a bad area here in Florida and I would always worry about his well being and there were a few close calls of him being killed the same way as your Larry, stupid teenagers who have no respect for the law and have guns!!!!!. One day I had him sit with me and read your reflections to your husband and for the longest time I wanted him to not take that job because it was in such a bad place and we have children too, to think about. Well your reflections hit home and my husband has now left that department for a smaller one and a much safer one on the beach. I want to thank you for sharing your feelings and letting others realize things before its too late. I know it can happen anywhere anytime but I am so grateful to you for writing all those reflections and thoughts that somehow helped my husband to move away from what could have seperated another family. I know that your world ended on that day and that no matter what people say it does not help! but you did help me and my family!!! and for
that I thank you. God bless your little one and may god hold your hand through this horrible tragedy. With great respect, Laurie

January 22, 2007

Just letting you all know that Larry, Cody and the family were on my mind. I had to check in and see how everyone was doing. Hang in there! Take care and God bless,

Lori Johnson Rowley, wife of NC LEO
Daughter of Sgt. James Johnson, EOW 11/11/04, FCSO, NC

January 17, 2007

This just doesn't get any easier. Sometimes I think of you during those last moments before you left for work that day. You had no idea that you would never come home. It haunts me to think what was going through your mind as you were waiting for help. It will haunt me for the rest of my life.

On a happier note...I took Cody to the zoo today. He had a great time watching all the animals. He took off his socks in the car and as I was putting them back on I told him his feet were as cold as ice. He's been saying "ice" all day. The way he says it is so cute! Now that he's going to start the repeating stage I have to be careful what I say.
I have pictures out to hang up and he went over to a picture of you and gently put his hand on your face. I try not to cry in front of him but the other day I just couldn't help it. He was so concerned and came up to me and just stared. He then just sat next to me for a few minutes and only started playing again after I reassured him that I was ok.

Love and miss you always

January 16, 2007

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