Suffolk Police Department, Virginia
End of Watch Saturday, March 19, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer II William Andrew "Drew" Henley
Hey baby...boy oh boy does he look like you!! I am so happy I got to see Skyler and Austin. I am so very proud of the young man he is becoming. He is so strong baby. I know you are proud too! So this year was harder is so many ways. I guess last year I was "ready" for it to be hard, and we were so busy laughing that I didn't have time to be sad. John Lane had a hard time seeing your name for the first time, I had forgotten that it was his first time. CJ touched your name and ran his finger accross. He is so sensitive and sweet. So there we were again, walking all over the city, laughing, sweating....starving! I really wish Lizzy B could have been there...we were saving the Lynchburg Lemonade just for her! love you Liz!!! So I was good until we went to Tent City. Saw little Davenport...he is such a nice guy Drew! He told me about his license plate. Your name is all over the place, and you thought you were noone special!!!! Then someone said "It's like looking at a ghost"...seeing how much Skyler looks like you...and then I cried....and when he had to go...then I sobbed...and sobbed and sobbed...and CJ and Alex cried was so wonderful to spend those few hours with him...seeing him with his brother and sister...yeah, they are still so felt so good honey...don't worry...we are still a family...forever...noone can ever take that away from us...and we love you and miss you so very much! were such a great guy...the best husband a girl could ever loved me so completely...sitting and talking to Jen about you and me reminded me of just how good we were the stuggles we had both been through made us appreciate each other so much we loved each other so deeply...and let the bad roll away...I will forever miss holding your hand driving down the road...or the million phone calls you made to me every day just to say "I love You"..."hello beautiful" was your favorite line! I miss all the things we did. Mostly I miss the way you made me made me feel beautiful...and special...I miss feeling like that!
You were the best Dad four kids could ever have! They were so lucky to have you even though it wasn't for long enough. The impact you have had in their lives is enormous. They will always carry you with them in their hearts! They will always try to be just like you. I see so much of you in them already!
You were the best friend. You were a true friend to so many Drew. They miss you almost as much as I do.
I love you Drew...nothing will ever change that...and I know you love me...and that gives me comfort...I just wish you could be here to see us...hug us...laugh with us...everyone says life is not fair...they are's not fair that kids loose their Dad...that I loose my partner, my best friend in the whole world...but we know life is not fair...we saw 18,000 names to prove we continue on and try to make you proud of us...we are survivors baby...we will survive...
love you with all my heart
May 15, 2007
Today is May 15th, National Law Enforcement Memorial Day. I salute you for your bravery and heroism on this day. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol. You have not been forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
May 15, 2007
Dear Sweet Alex ~
Your words are so beautiful, so very beautiful. Keep all of that love in your heart, honey, and you will be alright. Drew loves you and is looking out for you - you are making him so proud. Keep on taking care of yourself and your mom and CJ.
Love Carin
May 9, 2007
Just got THE bunny today in the mail...ready for his annual bike ride up to DC. He's all decked out and getting heavier each year with all the medals he's earned riding in your honour. Thanks Chrissy for sending him up. Definately couldn't make this trip without Drew's bunny!
Jen Pond
May 7, 2007
Liz, I wanted to take this time to tell you we were thinking of you today, Micah and I. Hoping you are going well. She talks of you often. I am preparing to go back to DC this year....I hope to be there every year that i am able. I just wanted you to know that you are thought of often.....One day our hearts will stop hurting...when we hug them again....until then know that your pain is mine and mine is yours. We love them even if they are gone....we love them FOREVER....without missing a beat. They are walking together now...watching out for us....OUR ANGELS IN BLUE.....
God bless you and your family.... your "sister" in Indiana.... (and Micah too....)
Brukentta sister of Dep. Shad Bassett
Pulaski Co. Sheriff Dept., EOW 10/7/05
May 4, 2007
Last night I had a crazy dream
A wish was granted just for me
It could be for anything
I didn’t ask for money
Or a mansion in Malibu
I simply wished, for one more day with you
One more day, one more time
One more sunset, maybe I’d be satisfied
But then again I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you
First thing I’d do, is pray for time to crawl
Then I’d unplug the telephone and keep the TV off
I’d hold you every second, say a million I love you’s
That’s what I’d do, with one more day with you
One more day, one more time
One more sunset, maybe I’d be satisfied
But then again I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you
Leave me wishing still, for one more day
Leave me wishing still, for one more day
Diamond Rio...and me... love you baby...we miss you...xoxox
May 3, 2007
I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cried
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
is made up on your side
When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
All the words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you
I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left
they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do
When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
And when you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you
We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were
Yeah Yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear will always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you
Avril Lavigne When You're Gone
each day goes by with all these thoughts and dreams in my head
places i want to go
people i want to meet
and dreams that i hope will
eventually come true....
i know its been a little while since
i have left a message to you
as each day passes by
i always get those funny little feelings like your in the same spot as me at the same time
then i think oh yea im just crazy
but u never know...
when i think about life itself it scares to me
to relize that your life is over its like
you just stopped
your gone
and no can change or do anything bout that...
each night ill look up at the stars and
i look at each and every star
and give billons of reasons of why i miss you
why i love you
and why im scared to move on in life
i was doing good till i ran out of stars...
u made such an impact on my life
and i feel so bad for c.j
because i remember the first couple
days when you were gone it was like
i wanted to get in my bed get under the covers and cry until i ran out of tears
i missed you soo much you have no idea
i was dipressed and i didnt know wether
to cry because you were gone
or to smile cuz you were in a better place
so everyday i trieds my best to fit both plays in
and c.j is just feeling all that.=[
i remember att your funeral
when they came on the radio
and said last call "charles 115" may you rest in peace...
at that moment at the exact time i stood there
i didnt know what to do
there were thoughts in my head going every
which way and tears comming and going
and i stood there like i had just seen an alien it was like everything
around me was the biggest blur then people
started moving around and
my mom and brothers were going to get in the
limo...i followed them as scared as i could be but b4
i shut the door i opened it back up
and ofcourse in the downpouring rain
i took a look around i found who i was
looking for
~lance callis~
i looked at him he looked right back
it was like there was a big space between us so scared and
confused i stopped every thought i was thinkin
and i watched as his arms flew open to me i looked deep into his
eyes and saw his pain and his hurtness
i ran as fast as i can into his arms
i blocked out the world
my mom and my brothers were all telling me to come on and
other people wanted to hug lance
but it was like i didnt care for those 2 minutes
my life stood still
when he let me go
he just looked at me
he didnt know what to say
and with tears rolling down his
cheeks he came to his final descion
"go you mom is callin ya"
without any hesitation i returned to the limo took one strong look back at everyone gave the most
fakest smile
and made my way into the limo....
i wont ever forget that one night when lance had come over to my house and i will
never ever forget what he told me
it was probably the most important thing i had ever heard in my life...
and i quote
"dont ever tell anyone you hate them...becuase in a
blink of an eyes there life could be taken from them
and then would have to live with that gulit the rest of dont ever say hate"
i remember that now and i will forver
i dont know why that simple saying changed my life
but those words i think could be woth millions
there so powerful and speak the truth
back to you drew...
i cant belive its been 2yrs.
i miss you soo much and everything you have done for me in the past
will always be brought up and remembered for the future
its not fair how the good
gets taken away
not fair at all
but maby we will all see each other again in that peaceful place they call heaven...
untill then ill keep messaging you hopefully your reading
them and knowing how much i cared about you and care bout you now
i know this isnt always true for sum people
isnt it a givin fact in life that "everyone leaves"
i hated to see you go
but u know what they say everything happens
for a reason
untill i know that reason..gueesss im just gonna have to keep
on searching for it
untill i messsage ya again
take care and remeber i love you with all my heart
and no matter how far away you are right now or how old we grow to be dont EVER forget that
i love you!!!
May 1, 2007
You were the best! You taught me how to ride my bike and when I fell off of it you would help me back up. You used to play with our bomerang with us in Virginia out in a wide open space near a playground and a skatboarding park. I miss you so much that I could not play baseball by myself. You were the best father in the whole world because you always helped me when I fell or hurt myself. The one day I heard the phone call and my mom picked up the phone, she said I have to go somewhere, and there was this lady that was a police officer and a friend that watched the Incredibles with us, then my mom was home and told us that you fainted and your heart didn't come back. I wish you could come back and make my mom happy and me happy and my whole life happy and everybody in my whole life happy. I want you to come back and help me doing new tricks on my bike and help me run faster. I love you so much and I want you to come back. Love, CJ, so much. ¢¾
May 1, 2007
You were so never believed it...I look at that picture of you from the beach...I love it most of all because I took it, so you are always looking at me when I look at you...but I love it too because you were so happy...I know you were happy....we were happy...everyday...we had it all didn't we...why did you have to go away? What are we supposed to do now that you are not here? How can it be more than 2 years since we've seen your face...heard your laugh?? How can it be? It feels like only yesterday that you were here...We still miss you so very much....and we love you more than ever...always and
May 1, 2007
To all of you who I call "my family"...and you know who you are...I come here every day still...I almost never miss a day...before it was out of need to be closer to I come mostly to check to see the new names added each just breaks my heart...some days I just drop by for a second or two, other times I stay...I stay and I read what people say to me...It is so touching to me...I can never thank you for all the love and support you have shown me for the past 2 years...I know that we are forever joined a family...I miss you all so much...I count down the days when we can be together again...I love you all, from the bottom of my heart...If there is ever anything I can do for you, believe me, I will be there....
Drew....although you are gone from us, you are never really gone...we will love you forever...I am so grateful that you left me in such good hands...I know you would have never left me alone out here...although some days it feels really lonely, I know I am never have some really amazing friends!! boy are they smart too....picked you for a friend!! And you always thought you were some nobody from North Cacalacky....I tried to tell you that you were wrong, but you listen to me?? of course not...I always knew you were awesome and that one day you would leave such a legacy for your children to cherish...I just never thought you would be gone so soon...I always thought you would be a Leader in the police dept...and you were, but at the time I didn't know how much of a leader you already were...well, maybe I did, but you sure didn't....anyway, Drew....I am so very proud of you and the man you became...and I am always and forever proud to be your wife....I love you my husband...I love you and miss you....but I am ok honey...I really really am....just keep holding me...just keep holding me...I'll see you when I get there...I'll be waiting to hear you say "hello beautiful" again....I will always be yours Drew....always, me
April 16, 2007
Your sister just left the sweetest reflection on my son's website. Although I never knew you personally I do know the pain your family suffers from their loss. Your mom is a special lady as you well know. She and your sister and wife and children are in my thoughts and prayers each day. Thank you for your service to our country.
Brenda Cogdill East
Mother of Trooper A. G. Cogdill
April 16, 2007
I love you...I miss you...more and more each day...I really wish you were here...always, me
April 16, 2007
Thinking of you. I love and miss you like crazy.
April 16, 2007
Happy Easter my love...I will be thinking of you all day today...I love you...always, me
April 8, 2007
Good Morning today your "big man" turns 13...I remember the first day I met you and your boys...they took to me right away...they were so warm and loving...just like their Dad....I remember their girly with your Marine Corps buzz and them with the long can still remember sitting on my front porch, one on each side of me...and them lying in my waterbed with Alex and CJ watching a movie, and then all of them falling asleep...they were so little seems so long's not fair should be here to call Skyler should be able to tell him you love him and miss him...I should be able to hold you when you cry today because you never could see him on his birthday...It's not right that he doesn't have you anymore...but you did good should be very proud...Skyler is sweet....and vey made him that way...he will get through this time in his life, and he will always remember that you love him and you are so proud of him...I hope that he can feel you today..that is my birthday wish for him...
Skyler...if you see this, I hope you know how much we love you and miss you everyday...You will always be my my heart you will always be my son! Alex and CJ will always call you and amount of time apart will ever change that...I love you so very much...I hope you know that your Dad is so proud of you Skyler...He loves you more than you could ever many times he cried for you and much it meant to him to see you and to talk to you...He is with you today Skyler, as he is carry him with you in your heart...that will never change...I can't wait to see you again...I love you Skyler...with all my heart buddy! Happy Birthday Skyler!!!
Baby, be with him today...I miss you so much...I love you so
April 7, 2007
It's raining today...then I heard the is you? are you telling me something? What am I supposed to think? What am I supposed to do? I wish I could hear your voice or see your face...I miss you everyday Drew...I will love you were the was our destiny...just as your destiny was to be a police officer...I wish you could have been a trooper, like you always wanted...but I know you were happy where you were...I just wish you were still here with me...I miss you so much...I just don't know how to feel happy anymore..not here all alone...maybe one day...I love you baby...always your wife, always your love, always
April 6, 2007
Hey baby...tomorrow our girl will be 12, she is so much a teenager already!! Some days I want to scream! I wish you were here to keep her inline...but more than that I wish you were here to show her love...she misses you so much, even though she doesn't say it often...we are all just trying to be strong...CJ thinks about you everytime he goes to the's hard not having you there with him for me too...I always feel so sad...So next weekend your boy will be 13...a real live teenager!! Can you believe it?? I know you are very proud of him...but it's so hard for me, being so far away from him and Austin...I know they will never forget the love you shared, but I wish I could still share my love with them...I wish I could hug them and talk to them about you...Keep a watch over them baby...all of them...they miss their Dad so very much...I know that they feel you when you are holding them, never ever let them go...I love you more than you know, or maybe you do know?! I miss you my love...did you see McCarley's tattoo? It's beautiful isn't it!!! There are so many people many who are still hurting since you many people who love you...all the things you never believed you were! A great father, friend, husband, lover, name it...I miss my best friend...I miss talking to you...hugging you...I miss all your crazy stories about the activities at work..who you chased...who you caught! There are still some times Drew when all I want to do is be with you there. I hope you will wait for me...even when I am old grey and wrinkled!! You better be there waiting for me! I just want to see your smile...see you smiling at me...they everything will be allright!! Are you having fun up there? How is Jesse? Are you guys golfing? I know, silly questions! You are having a beer watching football...DUH! Keep smiling baby...I love your smile...I love you...always, me
March 31, 2007
Two years now and it's still not easy. I look to see you at the rear of Headquarters where we always met to shoot the breeze. On the evening shift driving home I sometimes here your voice on 1 adam. I drive by the old house sometimes wishing to see you and the kids in the yard. It's just not easy.
Det. John McCarley
Academy mate Suffolk P.D.
March 20, 2007
You seem too good to be true, but there are 16 pages
of reflections here to prove otherwise. God bless all
those you left behind who will miss you forever.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
March 19, 2007
Wanted to say thank you for your service. Two years have passed but you are not forgotten.
Washington, DC
March 19, 2007
Two years. Two very difficult years since you died.
Didn't sleep a wink last night. Waking up every thirty minutes remembering back to where we all were at that moment in time two years ago. And then woke up with a horrible stomach ache. Couldn't exactly figure out why for about a minute and then I remembered.... two years. I just will never be the same. How can a sister with two brothers be the same when one isn't there any more? How am I suppose to continue to travel through this world without hearing you nag me every second you could about coming for a visit or just simply returning your calls. Why didn't I return that last call? A regret I will have the rest of my life.
I am so afraid of forgetting the little things. Like the way it felt when you hugged me in the parking lot of Shoney's the last time. Or your voice telling me you loved me. Did you know how much I loved you? I don't think you possibly could have. I didn't tell you enough. And you know what the real kicker is? Lawson will never know his Uncle Drew. We talk about you every night. He knows you are his angel and you love him very much. But it breaks my heart because he would have loved you... and you would have loved him!
I just don't understand. There is no understanding I guess. I have spent the last two years of my life wondering why it wasn't my heart that was bad. Wondering if you can feel my love from Heaven. If you have any idea how loved you are. You were so freaking humble, I really don't think you knew how much people loved and admired you... including me.
Went to Suffolk with Chrissy this past weekend. Many toasts were made in your honor. I went there with the idea in my head that nobody was going to come and see us. That if Jeff and Leslie were the only ones I saw, I was ok with that. But you know what? They all came. Chris and Jeff set the whole thing up and all your buds showed. It really was wonderful. I was so glad I went. It wore me out, but I didn't care. It was worth it to hear stories from these guys. They knew a different side of you. I knew my big brother who used to throw me over his shoulder like a potato sack or tickled me until I couldn't breathe or threatened my boyfriends life if they even thought about laying a finger on me.... they knew a true leader. A man who loved his job and was amazing at it. A man to look up to. It is always cool to hear that side of the story, you know?
Chrissy is going to kill me for typing all of this... gonna make her cry. But I needed it. I needed just to sit down and get it all out. Funny how people forget. Went the entire day today waiting for someone to hug me. That's all I needed. I just needed a hug from someone who cared that I was hurting inside. It finally came about 5:45 this afternoon when Matt walked into my class and in front of about twelve five year olds practicing their arabesques hugged me, kissed my forehead and told me he loved me. Big brothers. Everybody needs them. I'm suppose to have two.
I held pretty darn strong today though... until I shut the door of my car in the parking lot ready to head home from work. I hadn't as much turned the ignition when I lost it. Sobbing. The entire drive home, sitting in the car in my driveway, on my front porch and then on Scott's chest when I got home. I just miss you. Its getting easier for me to talk about you. I can actually tell stories now without that stupid lump in my throat. But, some days I'm still just trying to make my way through a foggy day. Just barely finding my way. Today was one of those days. I really don't like to show my feelings all that well. As you know, I just hide them from the rest of the world until I am alone to deal with it. Today was one of those days. But I lived through it. No choice really. But I sure ain't happy about it!
Thank you Drew. Thank you for being my brother. We went through so very much as a family growing up and I know in my heart it brought us closer together. Some of my favorite moments as a teenager were spent in the passenger side seat of your car just riding to town to grab a bite to eat. I just looked up to you so very much. I just hope you know it. I hope you know how much I love you. I hope you do feel that from Heaven.
Enough about you.... :-) Chrissy... thanks for making the trip with me. I know it was not easy traveling all that way, but it was worth it, right? Jeff and Leslie... thanks for everything. You were Drew's friends, but now you are mine too, and I hope it is forever. Who else is going to introduce me to the world of Borat? Chris and Casey... thank you for all you did to put the shin-dig together. You are two of the most kind hearted people I know and I just wish you the best of luck with that new baby! John... just a simple thanks for being you should suffice. All the other Suffolk clan... thank you for coming to hang with the Henley folk. I really don't think you have any idea how much it means to us that you all still come with hugs and laughter. There really isn't anything better to help us through. I love you all with all that I am.
Well... guess that is enough for one night, what do you think?
I love you Drew Henley. I love you more than you could ever know. I can feel you looking from the stars sometimes, and I just hope I am making you proud and not embarrassing you in front of your friends too badly. :-)
With all my love...
Lizzy B
Baby Sis
March 19, 2007
Officer Henley, thank you for your service and dedication. Your actions on 03-19-05 will be remembered as heroic. You sir will not be forgotten. Please keep watch over us as you patrol the golden roads of Heaven. Rest easy brother. To the family, friends and co-workers of this great man, take comfort in knowing you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Winston-Salem PD
March 19, 2007
I had to come back...I just needed to feel like I was near you today...Today so many people have showed me love...the phone rang all day!!! I know how lucky I am to have such good friends and is so hard to think about where we were two years ago...It was so long ago and yet it was just a moment ago....where was I at this time? I was probably finally taking a shower after a very long day...I remember I didn't cry that much...I kept saying I was ok....and then I went into the shower....and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed....then I got myself together, and went back out to face everyone....I must have been in shock...I must have been just could this be happening? it must not be just can't be promised to never ever leave me...that you would always take care of me....and now I am alone....not alone in the world...just alone in my heart...I miss you so damn much Drew....I can't even begin to tell you how hard it is here without you....I am so glad that we had the time we did, although not long enough...we loved a lifetime...we knew then...I know it now...we were destined to be help each other through the rough stuff....we were soul mates weren't we? I guess that's why my soul is not complete anymore...that is why it feels so empty inside...and yet, you are still in there....still in my heart...still in my soul....I don't know how I will ever feel complete again....but I am trying baby....cause I know you are always with me...holding me in your arms...I may not always feel it...but I know you are here with me....I will love you will always be in my heart....I will always be you
March 19, 2007
Drew: Miss you bunches.....can't beleive it's been two years.....two years too many! Miss you everyday. It was great seeing Chrissy and Lizzie B this weekend. The time went by way too fast though. Your wife and sister are the best in the world!!! Keep an eye out for your SPD family too! Love ya always, Leslie
Leslie Irwin
March 19, 2007
2 years....over 700 days....too many minutes to count....I miss you now as I have since then....I wish you could have been there this weekend to hear your friends talk about much they look up to you and admire you...what a good man...a strong man...a natural leader...yeah they were talking about you!!! Although it was sadness that brought us together this weekend, the love we have for each other is because of you and that is a wonderful thing...I am so blessed to have so many amazing people in my life...I hated to leave....I just felt like I was "home"...every day I miss you and wish you were here to hold me....but I am moving through this...with a smile on my face and tears in my heart...I love you forever and always...thanks for loving me...and thanks for giving me Liz, Jeff, Leslie, John, Deb, Chris, Casey, PK, name only a small few....JenPond...Debbie, Lance, Jadi, Danny....and so many more who are there for boy Butts....ok this is starting to sound like an acceptance speach at the grammy's "I'd like to thank the academy"....ok...I am done...I love you baby....forever and ever and ever... me
March 19, 2007