Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer II William Andrew "Drew" Henley

Suffolk Police Department, Virginia

End of Watch Saturday, March 19, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer II William Andrew "Drew" Henley

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones on this day and every day. There are no magic words I can say to comfort them because I walk in their shoes and know their daily pain and how much they miss you. One thing I want them all to know is that they are not alone out here. Drew, you are a true hero and I want to thank you for your dedicated service to law enforcement. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones and those still out on patrol. You will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

March 18, 2008

Hey baby...what a weekend...seeing your name up there on the street sign was so amazing!! I can't wait for Skyler to see it! I know he will be so proud of you!! I can't help feeling like you are around...still laughing with us...still doing your silly dance. I know you would have sat in that room on Saturday and thought "what is all this mess about?" but it's about you...the kind of person you were...are...the kind of person we hope to be...We love you!!!

Little D...thanks for the plate...Scherer gave it to me to take's awesome!!! Scherer...I still can't believe you would have made such a pretty was so great to finally meet your precious baby girl...she is a doll!! you guys are the best ever!!! Hugs to Casey and Caitlyn from me!! know I love you for all you do for me...

Leslies...Jeff...and my sweet little rug rat!! You guys are my family!!! I am so going to move in and live with you!!! it's the happiest place on earth!! and Herman can stay too! I think Liz may come too!

John...I'm so glad I finally got to see your tatoo...makes me want one!!! I hate that you have to work so hard!! You always miss all the fun!!! I love you!!!

Be good to one completely...and tell the people that you love everyday how much you love them...You guys are my world!! I may live in Fl...but my heart remains in Suffolk forever!! I miss you all already so much!!!! watch over them...all of them...keep them safe...don't let Josh go to the middle east!!! Be an angel to them as you have been to me...

I love you Drew...I'm so proud of you baby...always, me

March 18, 2008

Hey Beardy. I stopped by Henley Place the other day. I called Chrissy from there. I still can't believe that you got a street named after you. How cool.
Almost three years has past. I still remember getting the call. I felt like I had been shot by a .50 cal round right in the heart.
I have been back to the Chesapeake area only twice since you left. I just can't see making the trip without hanging out with you, Chrissy and the kids. It's just not the same.
I miss you buddy. Save me a place. Don't forget to say some good words about me. Lord knows I need it lately.
I love you, brother.

MGM (one of the four)

Matthew Mahaley, CIV
Drew was my Best Friend

March 14, 2008

Hey Drew, that time is coming again and I cant believe it will be three years. Man I play back that day everyday front to back and it doesnt get any easier man. That day was a nightmare for me and I will never forget it. I miss you soo much man and I know you are watching down on us as well as your wonderful family. I remember you calling foot pursuit then "10-15" one in custody and I was happy as can be. Drew even though I only knew you for a little while you were a great mentor to me and again I miss you very much. Now God has you now and I know you are one of his protectors. Well let me stop talking so other people can say what a great person you are. I just wanted to let you know that I miss you man and I will see you up there someday.

T. Davenport Jr.
Smithfield Police

March 14, 2008

and so we have come around to that day again...just one week away...I still hate to write the date...I bet I will for the rest of my life...I miss you my are the best...ever...always will be you always, me

March 12, 2008

Hey Drew, time is getting close.......three years now. Three years of wishing things were different! We haven't forgotten nor will we ever forget you Drew. Thanks for watching over us all. I wont be able to make the D.C. Memorial this year, hopefully next year will be a different story. Michael "Andrew" and Matthew's birthday are also around the corner, please watch over them also.

I miss you Chrissy, the Kids, and Liz! Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as you are in mine. I am still just a phone call away if you need me!

Drew..........I will see you soon enough my friend. Miss you!

Officer J. Lane
McKinney TX P.D.

March 5, 2008

Hey's been a while...not much has changed lately...still struggling to do this without you...but we're getting there...You would be so proud of Alex...she is so smart...and sensitive...I don't think I could make it through without her...we still love you and miss you so very much...every day there are still reminders of you and how it used to be...I can't believe it's been almost 3 years already...boy does time fly...I can't wait to see your street sign...I know it's amazing and I know so many people will drive down your street and be reminded of the man you were...not that they need reminding, but it's almost like your back there with them..."meet me at Henley Place"...can you hear them say it now...I can...I would...hey baby..I'll see you at Henley Place...very soon...I love you so very much...I'm still here...I'm still with you...always, me

March 3, 2008

I miss you Drew...........Be safe all of you back in VA and everywhere. Thanks for watching over us all Drew. See you soon enough my friend. I will pass the word on to #1 Jen!

Officer J. Lane
McKinney TX PD, prior Suffolk VA PD

February 24, 2008

Not ever will i forget that friday, the way you walked down those steps , i watched you take every step and with each step closer away the more scared i grew, i had that nervous feeling in my stomach, and when you kissed me and told me you would see me in the morning i longed for the next day,but when it came devesation arrived with it, i wanted to throw things, but i didnt, i wanted to scream and hit everything in site, but i didnt, i wanted to hurt people, but i didnt.

i will never forget the look on moms face when she entered the room and when she sat in front of me and told me what happend i felt my heart stop i felt my whole body start to shake, i cried over evetything, and i let everyone get to me. The hardest time of my life, ever.

i was 9, no dad. im in tears writting this i cant explain to you what im feeling, i cant explain how much i need you.i cant explain how much pain i have inside me, i cry almost everyday, more and more each day. & everytime i cry ill tell you this i dont feel not one bit better.

yesterday one of mommys friends had a friend who dies the day before valentines day, he has a little girl about 5 or 6. and i cried my eyes out i dont know them or their family but i do know what its like to loose a dad its the most painful feeling in the world, its scary. And this little girl has no dad now, no one to hold, no more daddy.

happy valentines drew. i miss you<3

his little girl<3

February 14, 2008

Hey Drew,

It's been some time since I stopped by your Memorial Page. We really miss you back here....way too many new folks running around. They could really use you on 1C.

Great to hear Quig and Lane...wish you guys were back here too. Boys, please behave yoursvelves. Lane, tell #1 we miss her.

Chrissy, Love ya and miss ya. Give the kids a big squeeze from all of us back here in Suffolk.

Suffolk PD

February 11, 2008

Hey baby...not a day goes by that I don't miss you and think of's still really hard here without you, but we are getting through...I love you so very much...I can't wait to see your street signs...I'm so very proud!!! love you always, me

February 7, 2008

Rest in Peace!

Police Corporal Matt Lyons (Historian)
Oceanside Police Department, Cal

January 21, 2008

Thankyou OFFICER HENLEY for your service and sacrifice. you are a true hero who will never be forgotten. God bless your family and friends.


January 21, 2008

Drew, thinking of you as usual. Another local (Chesapeake) Officer has been sent to assist you up there. Guide him and help look out for his friends, family, and his department. I thank you daily for being in my life, still laugh about our patrol days together. We did have fun, your dedication was unbelievable. Even when my attitude was not the best, you never let it get you down. Thank you again!

I have my mourning band on in honor of Officer Shivers. Although a couple of people here has asked who has passed locally, I tell them someone back home has died in the line of duty. I will honor anyone I can from Hampton Roads, I cannot ever forget the men and women I have had the honor to work with in Virginia. I am glad you were one of them Drew. You were easiest to train thats for sure.

Continue to watch out for us. Miss Chrissy, the kids, and Liz......well the whole gang. Rest Drew, see you soon enough my friend!

Officer J. Lane
McKinney TX PD, prior Suffolk VA PD

January 21, 2008

Hey baby...well what an up and down day it has been...first the officer in Chesapeake...I know you will look him up and guide him through his new place...what a horrible tragic loss...and why do they always have so many kids??? Always so many children loose their parent...that hardly seems right!

On the up side, I saw the most amazing pictures today!! Henley Place street signs...they're up!!! Who knew it would be so quick...I thought for sure it would another year or two!! LOL Anyway...I was doing really well keeping myself together looking at those pictures...then freakin Scherer sends me the pics of your street on the computer...I lost it...I was just so damn happy!!! and so proud baby!! proud of you!!! I know you are sitting up there saying some crap like "what are you people doing? I was just doing my job" but you were so much more than just another guy doing his job! You were the best...and we all know it....I can't wait to see the signs in person...and touch them...which reminds me, I still haven't gotten to touch McCarley's tattoo and I'll get to do that too soon!!! We love you very much...I love you baby..."on this earth and through eternity" you!!! me

January 18, 2008

It has been a while since i came to your page ... I wanted to ask you Drew to look out for one of Chespeakes officers .. he will coming to help you on your watch ... Chesapeake Officer lost his life tonight trying to protect his city and citzens ... Please look out for your new brother in Blue .... Thanks for looking out for him ... I will never forget the day you responded to my house for a Fire.... Thanks again for looking out for him ... make him feel at home ... I know you and Officer Mike Safran ..will make him feel welcome .. Please look over his family as he leaves them behind .. not only his family of Chesapeake but his family at home .... thanks again and welcome him home

susan bachman ...
former senior diaptcher Chesapeake Police

Susan Bachman Former Dispatcher
Chesapeake Police

January 17, 2008

Henley wasn't a very close friend, we didn't go to the academy together and we didn't hang out together. But you never really appreciate how close you really are to someone until they are gone. I am saddened that it took this long for me to leave a comment about Drew, to leave a comment that his wife and kids could read so they could keep being reminded just how special he is. Pretty selfish, but it really breaks me up to acknowledge that he is gone and won't be seen until I/we die to get a chance to join him. I really think about him all of the time and feel honored that I was able to serve with him. I am sorry that all I have to offer his family is condolences, but I am glad that you all know that Drew was extremely admired by his peers.

Jay P. Quigley
former SPD officer

January 14, 2008

Hi Chrissy ~

I wanted to stop in and wish you a Happy New Year!!!

I read your reflection below about going back through all of Drew's pages and feeling like it's so much sadness and how you want there to be less of that - I know exactly what you are saying, I feel the same way. I want this new year to be full of good things - peace in our hearts, hope for the future, fresh beginnings and new promises. We deserve to be happy - Jesse and Drew would want us to be - so it's time we decided to start turning away from the sadness and to begin looking for happiness. It's been long enough. Enough heartache, enough pain, enough's rained long enough, it's time for a rainbow and some bright sunshine!!!

Anyway, we should talk soon - it's been too long.
Love you.


January 9, 2008

Kind of silly, but when we would shake hands, he would always tickle my palm with his finger...I am sure I was not the only one he did this to, but I try to act like it was just me. I also remember seeing him in Wal Mart, picking out shoes for that pretty little girl of his. Almost three years later and I still remember him, still look at the pin with his picture on it, still remember guys like little D and Duck who were on scene when he died, remember the sorrow of that morning when dispatch called to inform me of his death, still remember walking that piece of crap he chased through the scene with the detectives the next morning, wishing he would make a run for it so I could kill him. A great man, plain and simple. A great man.

Jay P. Quigley
former SPD officer

January 8, 2008

Dad, its me Skyler, I just wanted to tell you I LOVE YOU and miss you so much. I finished Basketball and jumped right into wrestling. Yesterday we had our first tournament and I got fourth place. We had a great Christmas, wish Nana, and uncle matt would keep in contact more. i talked to chrissy. mom got these tree ornaments that had your name on them and so we got to put them on the tree and mom got me this awesome police sweatshirt that she yells at me to take off so she can at least wash it once. I got a new snowmobiole last friday so mom and i hit the trails. i just read about the namiong of the street after you and was alittlw mad no one told me about it. the police departmant has not wrote to me and austin or called us or anything since we left there thre years ago i just thought they would wnat to keep in contect. i love you dad and will write later my friend and me are going to play rock band we got it for christmas. skyler

Skyler Henley

January 6, 2008

Happy New Year baby!! I can't believe it's 2008 already. 2005 seems so long ago...and yet it feels like only yesterday. We love you and miss you each and every day!! Hope you had a big party last night...hope you and Jesse were together!! I have been seeing a lot of Marine activities lately. Maybe it is a sign from you. I sure don't ever remember seeing so many Marines any other times!! The Toys for Tots activities..and even in Times Square last night. I know how much you loved the Marine Corps. Once a Marine always a Marine you would say...I am connected to them now too! I love you were a great Marine! You were a great Police Officer!! An amazing incredible friend...but you were the best husband there ever was!! I will always cherish the short time we got to be husband and wife. I will always cherish the day we became one in front of God and our families. Thanks for having a great family. Thanks for loving mine. Miss you baby...always, me

January 1, 2008

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones as the new year approaches. Wrap your wings around all of them and help them with their grief. Appear to them in their dreams in vivid color so that they know you are near and watching over all of them. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

December 31, 2007

Hey Drew, I know it has been a little while now since I have written. You are always on my mind. I miss Liz, Chrissy, and the kids. Please watch over us all during this New Year. You will never be forgotten Drew. See you again one day my friend. Happy New Year and belated Merry Christmas!

Officer J. Lane
McKinney TX PD, prior Suffolk VA PD

December 31, 2007

Merry Christmas my love...I can't believe it's been so long. I wish you the best day you could ever have where ever you are. Know that we love you and miss you very much. I hope you were there to help your sister with the "foot prints" last night. I can't wait to hear all about it from Lawson! Again your legacy lives on. We love you very much!! We miss you so very much baby.

Merry Christmas!!

Love from all of us...
Chrissy, Skyler, Alex, Austin and CJ

December 25, 2007

It's almost much planning...those darn lights...ugg...I just can't even deal with them anymore LOL...and planning for Jessie's wedding...the hard the thought is for Alex...she worries about her wedding day, although it is so far away...I try to reassure her...but it's just words and she knows it...You were a great Dad to her...she still won't watch the Incredibles...we miss you...we love you...Wish you were here

PS I love you...always...I'm still smiling :)

December 22, 2007

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