Suffolk Police Department, Virginia
End of Watch Saturday, March 19, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer II William Andrew "Drew" Henley
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today, Police Officer Memorial day and also another honor day for you, Armed Forces Day. Continue to watch over all of your loved ones for I know they carry that special love and memories of you in their broken hearts. You are a special hero and will never be forgotten.
"If people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever." by Unknown Author
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
May 15, 2010
Hey baby...I can't believe that Skyler is 16 should be here teaching him to should be here to watch him grow up to become a of the hardest parts of you not being here is he and Austin not being with us...we have missed them so much...maybe one day they will be able to come back around...we'll always love them...I hope you can help them to see with Skyler today...let him know you will never leave him...I love you
April 7, 2010
Cant believe your son will be 16 tomorrow and you would be so proud of him as i know you are, and i know you are forever watching over him. He gets his license next Friday and he must have gotten his driving skills from you!!! lol Baseball started and they won their first game last night with another game to follow, he is so sports focused. I just want to thank you for helping me to guide skyler in the right direction, he has the strongest head on his shoulders and with all he has gone thru in the lst 7 years, he is so strong and so brave and so much your son!!!! He misses his daddy!!! 16 years ago we were in labor and you were on your way to the airport to get my mom and you left me at Barry's and grandaddy was on his way from Florida, wow... i cant believe 16 years ago already. Watch over Skyler tomorrow and every day just like you have been.
April 6, 2010
Drew we miss you daily buddy. Just remember, you will never be forgotten. I wore my mourning band for you the whole weekend as I do every year. You are and will always be a true hero my friend! Five years, it is still not fair Drew! Watch over us all, as I know you do........we really appreciate it.
Officer J. Lane
McKinney TX PD, prior Suffolk VA PD
March 26, 2010
Drew there is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you my friend. Everyday that I am at work I drive past Henley Place and I am reminded of the ultimate sacrifice that you made for your community and country. Please continue to watch over your family as I know they still miss you every second of every day. God bless you Drew.
SPO C. A. Scherer
Suffolk Police Department
March 19, 2010
Another year has passed and you are still admired and respectfully remembered in the hearts and minds of so many. My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this anniversary of your EOW. You will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
March 19, 2010
There are all of these thoughts running through my head...memories...where was at this very moment 5 years ago...what was I doing? who was there? I don't remember it all...I remember each second as if in slow motion...Cj coming in, telling me someone was banging on the telling him it was nothing...then realizing it wasn't...the phone ringing...the door knocking...and all of a sudden being numb...trying so hard to be strong...not to panic...the aching in my stomach...and smiling to the kids as I left the house, saying "everything will be ok"...what do I remember next, speeding through the answers to my questions..and then the sea of police vehicles at Obici...and even worse, the sea of police uniforms inside...some faces I didn't know...and then....Scherer...and my head was spinning...he doesn't work nights...he should be at home..this can't be good...and then who can we call, call Leslie...and she came and we sat with you there in that ER room...and you were so looked just like could have opened your eyes at any moment and say "ha! gotcha!" and I would have punched you in the gut and we would have laughed...I miss your laugh drew...I really miss laughing with brought so many amazing people into my life and my heart, and I can't imagine life without them...Jef and Leslie are the absolute best and you did good leaving me in their hands...that was a good idea you had, bringing us together before you had to were always so worried that we wouldn't be taken care of...and how amazing was Chuck during that time...I'm sure I didn't thank him enough, leaving his wife in the hospital and jumping in the car to come be with us...all the calls and planning he did...people show their true character in times of crisis...LT was there for me...John Lane was so supportive...I think he is really a girl on the inside ;)..sorry John!! lol Lance, Debbie...rock solid during the really hard days...McCarley, Antinarelli, PK...your peeps...the whole an honor to be the wife of a police officer...How about that service at the church? Sgt King pulling that bobble head out onto the podium, I laughed so hard...and of course our song "Bad boys"...and everyone laughed....that's what we did drew...we laughed...we had fun...and then that crazy car wreck that you caused on I40 in are such a prankster!!! boy did we get a good laugh about that one!!! I remember when I realized that I had just said good bye to your feet, cause the casket was facing the other direction from the service at the church and funeral home...LOL I'm sure you were lying in there saying "I'm up here!" LOL boy were we a pair...I can still see you doing that silly dance you loved to those awful grey shorts! and the day you graduated from the police academy....and the moment you realized Austin was in the house for our wedding...there was no hiding the glow and pure joy in your face at seeing your son again after so long apart...I miss your boys drew...I love them so much....We are doing really well here baby...Alex will start to drive soon, too bad you can't teach her...guess "chrissy's school of driving" is finally open for business!! hahaha I miss spraying you with the kitchen sprayer when you come around the corner...I miss the way you would grab me and spin me around and start to dance in the middle of the kitchen, while I was trying to do dishes! I miss the way we yelled at each other accross the court...cussing and laughing...I miss the nicknames that you called the kids that I am no longer allowed to know what they are!! I don't miss that station used to make me drive it cause you didn't want a ticket in the academy...that was so cruel!!! lol There are times when I wish I was still in Suffolk, but then reality sets in goes on...and I'd be on my own there just like here, and let's face it, who doesn't love living in South Florida!!?? this house I love, you would love's perfect in so many ways...the kids are so settled here...friends...boyfriend!! lol yeah, you would like him, he's obnoxious and funny and sweet and sensitive and caring...sound familiar? they say girls always pick a guy just like their dad! He likes to do crazy dances...hmmmm.....did you pick this one out? lol
So for today, we are going to laugh...have some fun...keep you in our hearts...and try not to feel sad...It's off to Universal with the kids, and Taryn and the boys...tonight the hot of wine...tommorrow, we ride!!! then home again on know what baby, it does get hurts just as much as it did then, but it gets gets a little easier each year...I think maybe because now I know that I will never forget your face, your smile, your laugh...the way you loved me so completely...I worried that in time I wouldn't be able to see you in my head, or feel you in my heart, but you are there...tucked away in a very deep pocket, and you'll always stay there..forever...and the love you gave me gives me strength to carry hold my head up and believe that I am able to survive gave me that drew...I know we only had a short time together, but the love we shared will last forever...I love you so very much my sweet wonderful handsome husband....I'll love you forever...
Yours always and
March 19, 2010
I miss you my love....each and every day with you was a gift and a blessing...can't believe it's been almost 5 years...hard to believe we survived so long with out you...I'll love you
March 5, 2010
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones and close friends on this Christmas holiday. Continue to watch over all of them, you have not been forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
December 24, 2009
Hello Love...another Thanksgiving day without's nice to be able to laugh and enjoy my family...but your absense is still felt very strongly...we will always have a piece of us missing...we love you very much Drew...we always will...always
Chrissy, Wife
November 26, 2009
Hey baby....this seems to be our song...I miss you so much....I love you more than ever!!!
A single rose left to remember
As single rose tear falls From her eye
Another cold day in December
A year from the day
She said goodbye
Seems it’s only been a moment
Since the angels took
Him from her arms
And she was left
There holding on
To their tomorrow
But as they laid him
In the ground
Her heart would sing
Without a sound
For the first time you
Can open your eyes
And see the world
Without your sorrow
Where no one knows
The pain you left behind
And all the peace you
Could never find
Is waiting there to
Hold and keep you
Welcome to the
First day of your life
Just open up your eyes
A single lifetime lays
Behind her
As she draws her final breath
Just beyond the door,
He’ll find her,
Taking her hand, he softly says
For the first time you can open your eyes
And see the world without your sorrow
Where no one knows the pain you left behind
And all the peace you could never find
Is waiting there to hold and keep you
Welcome to the first day of your life
Just open up your eyes
As I lay you down tonight
Safe on the other side, no more tears to cry
For the first time you can open your eyes
And see the world without your sorrow
Where no one knows the pain you left behind
And all the peace you could never find
Is waiting there to hold and keep you
Welcome to the first day of your life
Just open up your eyes
November 11, 2009
Hello love...what a horrible weekend...Please please please be with her to be strong to get through this...I'm not sure how much her heart can take...she is so sad right too....wish you were here to hug your girls....we need you!! love you always
Chrissy, Wife
November 8, 2009
Yesterday was 11/7/09, & my friend , Matt passed away. They had a crash site memorial where hundreds of other kids that were close to him or just knew him went. We all held hands around a stip of road with lit candles, as we watched his family get out of the car and walk up to the section of road where their son had been thrown out of a vehicle and skid down the road, you can see the line of blood from where he skid, and then the blood seeping from his head and feet from where he finally stopped moving. His bestfriend was in the car and blames himself. I had to stand there and watch his sister , scream "why, and no I cant do this, I cant do this" , his little sister looks to be about 6 , was hysterically crying. Matts bestfriend who was in the car wrote something for him , when the car flipped a cd case fell out of the car , he said he got out of the car saw the cd case picked it up and walked to where he saw you, when he cameup to you , you were laying in apile of blood , he said he couldnt even look at him. I remember when you died, I remember the whole night just like it was yesterday. And whats sad is its the same concept , you diedon a saturday just like matt did, I enjoyed my friday night just like I did 4 years ago the night you died. I remember last night I went to sleep happy, laughing , while mattthew thomas kornya was being thrown from a car at 85 miles per hour. I know that i was not matts bestfriend, but i did know him ,& I was close to him, im going to miss everything about him , I have sorrow and such sympathy for his family, and I have sympathy for anyone who knew you also drew. I keep thinking about what is his family going to do for christmas , thanksgiving, matts birthday, waking up and knowing there son who once provided such light in everyones hearts is now gone forever , I gave him my sour skittles at lunch thursday 11/6/09 , I hope he enjoyed them , I hope you get to meet him , he has a smerk just like you did. People say time heals everything , well there wrong, I hurt more now then I ever did, and I dont know if thats because I dont like to talk about it, or becuase I pretend it didnt happen. But whatever the problem is im in no way shape or form able to fix it, I am who I am. Tomarrow 11/9/09, the whole school is going to morn Matthew Thomas Kornyas death , we all are wearing guy harvy shirts in honor of the friend, brother , and son. I wish I couldve been closer to matt , or at least gotten to say goodbye. Drew I wouldnt of hadmy last monets with you anyother way , I hope your always looking down on me , just know I am always looking up to you, im going to need a little help , It would be nice for a little visit. Nobody can ever replace you. I love you , & missyou.
Only Daughter.
November 8, 2009
Skyler and I are friends on facebook, my daughter and Skyler became friends during National Police Week with my daughter and son. He told me he's playing football and loves it. I asked him how much he could bench, he said 250lbs, I said you are joking - he laughed and said - can't get nothin by you Jenn. Austin is well and as funny as ever. He loves to sing country music, keep a watchful eye on that one, he needs his angel dad. I was complaining to Skyler about sitting in the rain her in Maryland watching my son Jake play football, he said that was my job as a mom. My dad would be here if he could and so would Jake's. You are their hero, you are my hero - I am blessed to know your sons!
Surviving Spouse, Maryland
October 17, 2009
Hey baby...I wanted to tell you how much I love my new job...You would love this place too...I think I'm going to take your clock and put it up above my's the perfect place for it....I feel so close to you there..all the things you loved are represented there...I love you so very much...I'm so proud that you are my husband...still hard to talk about you in the past tense...I'm happy Drew...I mean I wish I had you to complete my life...but I'm happy...I love my would love this's absolutely everything we ever wanted...the kids are doing so good...Alex is in high school now...can you believe that? she was such a little girl the last time you were with her...some days I want to beat her...but most of the time she is the most beautiful girl you already know!! Cj is in 7th grade now..he's so tall...he's still the sweetest boy ever!! They miss you so much....I know it's hard for them to have a single parent...but we are strong...we will hold on to each other forever...we will always take care of one special request, please help Skyler to know that I love him as much as day he will know and understand....I love you more than ever my love!!! I still have you with me are forever in my
August 29, 2009
It has been a little while Drew, I wanted to stop in and tell you that we are thinking of you! Thanks for keeping an eye on us.........see you soon my friend!
Officer J. Lane
McKinney TX PD, prior Suffolk VA PD
August 23, 2009
Hello my love...It was five years ago today that you gave me your name and it was one of the happiest days of my life...I love you just as much today as I did back then...thank you for loving me and for making me feel beautiful and special...I miss you every day...all my love,
August 16, 2009
August 10, 2009
Hey Drew - just wanted to leave a quick note. I was thinking about you yesterday. I had just finished teaching a class with the brand new officers in the post academy training and was on my way back to work when that night played out in my head. You were such a great Officer and I learned so much from you. I still see your face from time to time after you apprehended that subject and we placed him in handcuffs and I asked if you were ok and you looked right into my eyes and told me you were fine. That's the last time we spoke. All I could think of was what went wrong. I miss you brother and think of you all the time. Thanks for being there for me those many nights we spent together on midnight shift. I miss you.
Det. D. Wellford
Suffolk PD
July 23, 2009
I miss you so much Drew...I love were the best man ever...I wish more than anything that you were here with's so hard without you....but I don't want to wish for anything ever cost too much...just know that i will never stop loving you or missing you or needing you...forever and
chrissy, wife
July 11, 2009
Happy Birthday my love!!! I wish you were here so I could give you the biggest birthday kiss ever ♥ and miss you....always, me
Chrissy, Wife
June 26, 2009
Happy Birthday Drew, we miss you! You are always in my thoughts my friend......
Officer J. Lane
McKinney TX PD, prior Suffolk VA PD
June 26, 2009
Hey Drew...I was thinking about you today and decided to go to the Officer Down Memorial page and there your picutre was as being remembered today...I miss you...I am planning on flying to FL to see your wife and kids this fall...I told Chrissy that I will make spaghetti since you loved it so much!!! LOL! I only made if for you guys all the time! :-) Love to you always Drew...
June 22, 2009
Happy Father's Day to the most amazing dad that there ever was! Today was not the same without you here...the kids and I really miss you!! We love you!!
Chrissy, Wife
June 21, 2009
Officer Henley,
Just sitting back thinking about you and all of those who have lost their lives during their duty with a law enforcement agency. May you and all the others continue to watch over us and may you rest in PEACE.
Joan Jones
Forensic Unit Supv. Joan Jones
Suffolk Police Department
June 5, 2009