Lake County Sheriff's Office, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Wayne J. Koester
I just wanted to say, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
Your Loving Wife,
January 7, 2007
It has been over 10 years since we graduated together from the academy. You learn a lot about the people you train with. Wayne was the real deal. He was a friend to all and dedicated to becoming the best LEO possible. Since Wayne's death there has not been a day at work when I am reminded just how important and dangerous the job really is. I will miss him now more than ever.
Officer Jeff Dixon
Coral Spings P.D.
January 5, 2007
Happy New Year!! Wayne be with us all as we indure another year without you!!!
January 1, 2007
Hey baby,
Merry Christmas baby! I woke up this morning and spent my first few moments of christmas day with you. We miss you so very much. Its hard not having you here, but it gives me comfort knowing you are in heaven with Jesus on this special day. But I also know you were with us in our hearts today and for that I am grateful. All the memories we have of you and the holidays are forever part of us.
This year was somewhat different than the last. I can't say that it was easier but I think we looked forward to it more than last year. But with that small amount of joy comes other emotions as well. Quilt tries to push its way to the surface making you feel terrible about starting a new life. A way of life you so desparately try to cling to but sooner or later you have to start realizing that you dont have to lose that part of you life, your just mixing knew memories with the past ones. So this morning when I woke up, I promised myself to laugh and enjoy the day as much as I could.
So, when I went downstairs this morning to a very quiet house, I turned the christmas music up and starting the day. I started making hot chocolate for the kids like we always did. Sadness starting creeping in so I turned the music up somemore. With the music on, the tree lit up so beautiful and puppies running under foot, I went and woke up the kids. With my camera in hand, what a joy it was to capture their beautiful faces sitting under the tree. Eyes filled with joy from what Santa had brought them. Also wondering what Santa brought for Amber and Ryan. Wondering if their enjoying their own cup of hot chocalate. I dont think Christmas would be complete without it. What a tradition we started so many many years ago.
Well, the rain was non-stop today. Storm after storm came barreling through. Tornadoes touched down from south of Howey, then through Leesburg, Skimming over Eustis ( thankfully only knocking down some treees), then over to Deland and Daytona Beach. I am amazed that no one was seriously hurt with all the weather we had today.
Alright baby, its past midnight now and it's been a long, long day and I'm calling it quits. Off to bed where I'm sure I'll be asleep before I even get up the stairs. I love you so very much baby and miss you. Watch over our little ones and keep them safe.
Your Loving Wife,
December 25, 2006
Hello My Love,
Well, Christmas is just round the corner. As the day grows closer and closer, I find myself thinking about all the Christmas's we have shared. Waking up to the smell of the Turkey and Ham in the oven. Watching the expressions on the children's faces when they walk in the living room to see what Santa brought them in the night. The camera and camcorder recording it all. Making hot chocolate for all the girls and Ryan. I have countless photos of you putting together their toys. I think my favorite was the one of you and Jordan putting together her big doll house. But there are so many more from so long ago. Jordan, as an infant and her first Christmas or Ryan just barely four years old. Memories I love and treasure.
Life sure throws you some curveballs. Some bring you tears of joy, while others bring you tears of heartache. This season brings with it the familiar tears we've come to accept. Their inevitable. In all the sadness I still feel, I know I'm not alone. For many families, this will be their first holiday without their loves ones. Some are wondering how they will get through it and my only advise to them is to just breathe. If something is funny, laugh at it. If something is sad, never be afraid to shed a tear. It's taken me a long time to realize that. I felt so many different things so much of the time. Guilt for being alive without you. Anger for the way you were taken away from your family. We are only on this earth for a short time. All we can do is live each day as if it's our last.
Well, work is going great. I'm absolutely loving it. I hate when the shift ends. I want to keep working and going to calls. But one must go home sometime. It's so different from this side of the radio. I can actually see the public and what they are going through instead of just wondering what a scene looks like. I can hand over a lost child to a parent and see the expression of their faces when they are reunited. It’s an awesome feeling. I know as time goes on, I will come to enjoy my time off but I hope that it's not for a very, very long time. Right now, I'm living my dream and relishing every second of it.
This is a funny one for you. I got an email from my P.I.O. yesterday letting me know that he has been fielding calls from alot of press wanting to do interviews with me. Apparently some locals and National channels are wanting to so ride-a-longs with me on duty. Can you imagine that one, lol. With my luck, it would be the one day I mess up on a call, and it's documented on National television. Way too Funny.
I love you so very much baby and miss you every second. Watch over our children and give them a little bit of happiness this Christmas. I know they miss you just as much as I do and hope they know that when their time comes to leave this place, you will be there to welcome them with a big kiss and your famous bear hug. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Your Loving Wife,
December 16, 2006
I think about all the harssment I get and all i do is shrug it off. It seems as if I think about you and realize that there are worse things out these, like you leaving. So that means I shouldn't flip out over some stupid girl talking about me. She just has no life, therefore she talks about mine just so she has something to do. When you died i thought about how i was too young to lose a dad. I thought that this shouldnt happen to me, not now. I was only 14. But im strong therefore im here and having to deal with everything without you and this is the time i need you the most. I miss you daddy, not a second goes by that i dont miss you and i hate the feeling of knowing that you will never come back again. Backstabbing is happening and now i trust nobody because I have trusted plenty and have come to find out that they just hurt you. Even my own family, the world is a psycho place and it needs to change, there doesnt need to be anymore violence, killing, backstabbing, nothing. we have to stop it before it gets horrible. Anymore i think that not having you around is the hardest thing. Daddy its too bad you werent here for my lovely heartbreak, you would have kicked butt. anyways its almost Christmas and its gonna be hard not having you here.Ok daddy i love you more than anything! And... like i promised, i will always be your baby girl.
I Love You.
Amber Nicole
Your One & Only Baby Girl
Amber K.
December 14, 2006
I was just stopping by to send you a Happy Birthday . I cant think of any words to say except that I wish things were different . Aadyn always asks " Where are the two policeman mommy , wheres uncle Wayne and for the 100th time I say "In Heaven baby" It never satisfies him , he continues to ask is Chris there too ? I love you and miss you .I wish things were different.
November 30, 2006
Hey baby,
Happy Birthday!! I know I told you at midnight, but I just wanted to tell you again and say I love you and miss you very much. The girls send you big birthday hugs and kisses. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Your Loving Wife,
November 29, 2006
Ashley and kids,
Thank you for the Thanksgiving greeting. This second one is so different than the first. There are parts that I don't even remember from last year. This year I truly appreciated all the friends and family that were gathered to celebrate, not to say that Michael was not missed...It's just the knowing that in a second everything can change that made me look at it different...appreciate so much more the time that I do have with the ones I love. I know that Michael and Wayne are looking down on us and watching us with support and love while we travel this journey which makes things a little easier. I hope you and your family the best during this holiday season.
Denise Scarbrough, Surviving Spouse
Sgt. Michael A. Scarbrough EOW 2/9/05
November 25, 2006
Hey baby,
Happy Turkey Day! Another holiday has come and gone. I miss you so very much. I had to carve the turkey today. You always took care of that part if our dinner, so it just didnt feel right. It's still very hard without you here. Some days, there are no tears at all but those are usually the busy ones. Other days, they seem to have a mind of their own and no wall is big enough to keep them away. But I've come to accept them. It's all part of the inevitable grieving process, I guess.
Well, work is going great. I've met alot of great friends there. It's definitly different on the other side of the radio. I've even gotten tongue-tied on the radio and thats an area Ive never had a problem with. Usually you cant shut me up but their format is alot different than what we're use to. Its almost silent dispatch which is a far cry from Lake co's. Oh, well. With everything comes change or at least some adjustments.
Speaking of Adjustments, I bought the girls two puppies the other day. Talk about a big adjustment!!! i joke around now saying we have five females in the house. I can't say it on here , but comment Jill had me in stiches. I'm sure you heard it. Only Jill would think of it that way, lol.
I love you and miss you very much baby. The girls and I send you big hugs and kisses. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Your loving Wife,
November 23, 2006
Another turkey day is rolling around. I hope you and your family enjoy each other and have a nice holiday season.
November 22, 2006
I will never forget the one time that I had the pleasure of meeting Wayne, just weeks before he was taken from us. I was at the S.O. and I was making some copies and Wayne came in to make some copies too. He jokingly told me to hurry up or he was going to throw my things on the floor. We laughed together and talked about the Explorer Program while I finished. Then I told him it was nice meeting him and I left. He was a very nice man. I wish I would've had the chance to get to know him better.
Rest In Peace, Wayne.
Explorer Rachel Jenkins
Lake County Sheriff's Office
November 17, 2006
God bless you and your family as the holidays approach.
November 15, 2006
Hey baby,
Death Penalty. That was the sentence handed down by the judge. Death for killing you and 4 consecutive life sentences for Bill and Tom. After all this time, it is finally over . The emotional roller coaster that we have all been going through over all of this, is over. Society has provided their justice for you. I'm not sure what we're going to do, now, to keep our selves busy. We were constantly checking the papers and computer daily, just to make sure we didnt miss anything that was written about you. We waited through months of court procedures and hearings, followed by trail and sentencing. All of this has finally come to an end. I can honestly say that even though it took so long for this decision, I am still grateful. I'm grateful that we were able to put closure to this, when so many families wait years to find and convict the person who took their family members life or who never find them at all. I cannot comprehend how some families never get the chance because their killers are never caught. Its a blessing in a way, because we were fortunate to have our closure.
Reporters still ask whether I can ever forgive him for what he did. I have been having alot of issues with that. How can I forgive the man who has taken you away? That is the question I have been struggling with since this all started. For some, the answer is easy. Never. Others, they find it in their hearts to forgive. Jonell, Vic, Me and all the kids went to our first visit with Bay Street Baptist on Sunday. The sermon was on Forgiveness. I truly believe in the Lord with all my heart and I know that he works in mysterious ways. Now, how is it, that on the day before the sentencing, we go to a church that I've been wanting to visit since my ride a long with Rob in the academy last year and the first sermon we hear is on forgiveness. Coinsidence or not. Then, there is Chaplain Bob and his story about the grain of sand in the oyster. It is truly amazing how God lightens the burdons of the heart with all that he shows you, if only you can open your eyes to see it.
I love you so very much baby and hold you close to me forever, for one day, we will be reunited again. Watch over our children and keep them close to your heart. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Your Loving Wife,
October 24, 2006
Lake County, Florida
October 24, 2006
I wanted to say i just watched the news and I am glad the outcome was in Waynes favor.I never had a doubt. I pray that your family can find some closure now.
By the way it was my pleasure to meet you at Chris's veiwing.I was the one you talked to on the side of the building that went to school with Wayne.
You are a remarkably strong person and your community is proud of you.
October 23, 2006
I'll miss you and i will never for get all the memories we had and shared together.You will always be in my heart and soul..I love you so much!!
sarah ricardo
October 22, 2006
I was glad I got to meet you on Thursday evening at Sheriff Daniels' viewing. I'm sorry it had to be under such sad circumstances. I realized that night that I am part of this very large family of Law Officers. I was able to talk to a few officers around me and tell them about my story while waiting to get in the church. I remember it well, even though it was 38 years ago when I lost my father. The pain really never goes away. I came back even more so yesterday when Sheriff Daniels' funeral procession passed by my school. I teach at Lake Hills School just down the block from Bay Street and the church. I was able to go out on the road and watch it go by. It happened to be my lunch break and I just had to be there. The tears just poured out but I needed them too.
I knew the enormenty his funeral was going to be. I happen to live in Rosewood Homes just a couple of blocks from the cemetary as well. I will pay my respects at his gravesite soon. I know the cemetary where Wayne is at too. I also do homebound services for handicapped students that cannot particpate in regular school due to medical reasons. My one homebound student lives in Umatilla and I often pass by the cemetary where your husband is laid to rest. I will make a point to stop and pay my respects personally to Wayne soon.
Please keep in touch. I view this website often and am encouraging many others to view it too that are not familar with it. Please, if you can, try to visit my dad's page. I finally left my reflection to him and will make many more so many others that visit will know the legacy he left behind.
Take care Ashley and may God continue to Bless you and your family.
Kim Keena, Lake County School Teacher
& Daughter of Paul D. Wilson, EOW 9/14/68
October 21, 2006
Who would have thought that Chris Daniels would leave us so soon after he started his dream? At his funeral yesterday his little girl Lindsay got up and spoke about her daddy. She said that her daddy came home from a day of gold and went straight to the pool. She went out to see him and he smiled at her and said ?I am living my dream?. Wow how funny that before you went to heaven you got to live your dream by becoming a Lake County Sheriff?s Officer.
I know that you two are together in heaven now. Both of you having asked God into your heart. You keep an eye on Chris and we will be here keeping an eye on his family.
You would have been proud of Amber and Ryan yesterday. They attended his funeral even thought it was hard for them and brought back many emotions and memories. You have raised two strong children. Amber has even written to Lindsay who is just a year younger that her, just to let her know that she understands how she feels and will help her any way she can. We stood as one family yesterday just as Chris and our LCSO family did for us when you left.
Monday we have court to see what the judge says is the appropriate punishment for killing you. It will be another hard day for our family. I am hoping that it will give our family a type of closer, and will bring an end to the chapter of our lives which includes your death. You will forever be in our hearts, but the healing process will be even more in effect, when we do not have to relive each detail of your death, and look at the man who took you from us. God will move the judges heart to make the right decision, and what shall be done will be done.
We love you very much and will continue to make you proud
Jonell Koester
October 21, 2006
As the Lake County Sheriff's Office prepares for yet another long hard day, your memory will be so fresh in our minds. Your hand will lay ever so lightly on all of our shoulders as you watch in disbelief. We will all be able to feel your presence in the, wind blowing, flowers growing, clouds moving and also in the stillness of the moment of silence we will all be taking. Your memory holds a very special part in our hearts, thank you for helping make this sad Friday a little easier, we know that you welcomed him with open arms and a great big smile, not as SHERIFF DANIELS, but as, YOUR FRIEND CHRIS. You both share the same beat again. Continue to do such a great job!
Lake County, Florida
October 19, 2006
It is so hard to put into writing what we are all feeling tonight. Sheriff Daniels was killed in a tragic accident tonight duing the bus race. Another devasting loss to this department, our friends and our families. Right now, I think everyone is still in shock, including me. He has done so much for our family since your death. I just can't believe this has happended. I went to the comm center tonight. I just had to be with them. Its your shift thats on tonight. So, yet again, they are having to deal with another loss and still maintain their focus on doing their jobs. My heart is breaking for Michele and the kids. I know what a terrible nightmare they going through right now. I know it will be so very hard in the coming week and many there after. I know what a strong man you are so please watch over them tonight with Chris and let him know we will do everything we can to help them. They are our family too. I love you so very much baby. xoxoxoxoxo
Forever Yours,
October 15, 2006
Mrs. Koester, it's closing on 2 years since your terrible loss...and the loss to all of us. I just want you to know that we are still thinking of you. Wayne will NEVER be forgotten. We go on each day, guided by his example and yours! The letters and sentiments may fade, with time and healing, but our hearts, respect and memories never will. Sorry to break it to ya, but you're stuck with us :) God bless you and yours!
Deputy First Class
Orange County Sheriff's Office
October 4, 2006
I thought about you alot today as Matt and Diogi were layed to rest in a funeral I'm sure was as honoring as yours. I couldnt help but think about that day we laid you to rest. Jonell was over today and we just sat around talking while the kids went swimming. We were just sitting around and someone knocked on the door. It was a group from Bay Street Baptist, the church I've been wanting to visit. They were wanting to poll the neighborhood around their church. I stood outside for a while talking with them until they realized who I was. You could see the emotion on their faces and they wanted to say a prayer with me and for us. I cant explain what I felt with them. The only word that comes to mind is just peace. After I went back in, I was telling Jonell about my last reflection to you and how I felt that you were with Matt's family when he passed away and knowing you would be there with them again today. I have to think that somehow they came to my door for a reason today. Of all the days for them to be here, they chose the day you were with your brother. Amazing..
I love you and miss you baby. xoxoxoxoxoxo
Forever Yours,
October 3, 2006
Hi Ashley,
I live in the UK and every once in a while I like to browse through the reflections on the Officer Down Memorial.
I dont know your husband Wayne, but as I was reading through the reflections I could tell that he was a very loving and loveable man.
I would just like to say that my prayers are with you and your children and all the men and women of law enforcement who risk their lives every day to make the world a better place. They will never be forgotten!!
Im sure that Wayne is watching over you and the family and he is proud of you all.
God bless you.
October 2, 2006
Hey my baby,
I miss you so very much. Every day, I wake up and know that you are by my side. I can feel it in every fiber of my being. It's been like that since you've been gone. A few days ago, though, it seemed like you were so far away. I didnt know what to make of it until I realized that you were not far away from us. You were just simply lending your strength to someone in need. Just like you did when you were here and were helping a friend who really needed you. I can only imagine that it's with the Williams family and the Sheriff's office since they lost Matt and Diogi in the shooting. My heart breaks for his family and for the other officer, for we all know too well what a nightmare they are going through right now. We still feel like it's a nightmare most of the time. A nightmare we are all living through. There are still days when we just dont feel like getting out of bed because the pain is still so hard to bear. But I know that you would not want that from any of us. So, we get up, stand tall and push our way through the grief and begin the day just as if it's our last. Thats all that any of us can hope for. Just to simply have another day to be with our families. Another day to share in the joys of our children. Another day to wrap our arms around them, hold them tight and tell them we love them.
I went through some of our cd's tonight and I found some of the cd's you made for me. Your thoughtfulness never ceased to amaze me. I truly was so very blessed to have you in my life and for that I am so thankful to God. Well, I saw Jason today. He came over to fix the sprinklers. He said he told his wife it was ironic that he was going to our house to fix our sprinklers, when you were the one who put the sprinklers in his yard. I got a laugh out of that one too. I remember that day well. There was just no way of explaining it to me, how you were going to get that sprinkler line to run underneath the concrete driveway. Then you explained the finer points of having a Ditch Witch, lol. I'm glad I was able to see him, though. You know, out of all the people that were at the hospital that day, Jason and Jeff were the ones I can most vividly. I can still see them standing at the door of that room that put me in. Most are just blurred faces, except for their's, Chaplain Bob's, the girls from my shift and a few others. I told David that I didnt even remember him being there and he is the one that put your necklace around my neck. I did remember someone putting it on me, I just didnt remember it was him. Its amazing how much your mind blocks out during traumatic times. For that I am very very grateful.
Matt's funeral is Tuesday, so I know where you will be. Standing beside your brother while his family grieves for him. I too will be keeping them in my prayers. I love you and miss you baby. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Your loving Wife,
October 1, 2006