Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Wayne J. Koester

Lake County Sheriff's Office, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Wayne J. Koester

Hello My Love,

Happy 3rd Birthday in Heaven, sweetheart!! It’s so hard to believe that three years have past since you were called home to God. It seems like only yesterday when Chaplain Bob laid his gentle hands upon my shoulders, looked me in the eyes and told me you were gone. The pain was so unbearable. I couldn’t comprehend how in the world life was going to go on without you by my side. I remember the first day I came back to the house alone. I had just played your “I love you message” on the answering machine. I was sitting on the kitchen floor, screaming at the top of my lungs, for you to please come and get me. I didn’t want to be here without you. You were my rock and as you said a thousand times, my soul-mate and best friend. That’s when I laid down on the bed and saw the shadow of a cross on the bedroom curtain. At that moment, I was filled with an inner peace. I knew that you were with God and that my place was here with the girls for as long as God would allow me to be.

As I look back over the last three years, so much has changed in our lives. Yet, so much has stayed exactly the same way. The pain of losing you will always be there. That is something that will never change. However, with each passing day, we grow stronger. The more strength we build, the more strength we have to endure the tough days. As we put one more tough day behind us, we learn to put one more foot in front of the other. One thing is for certain in this world of uncertainties. You are and always will be all that I could have ever asked for in a husband. If I could have been given a few precious moments to say my last goodbyes, I would have told you this and more…


Thank you for sharing your life with me and the girls…Thank you for showing me how wonderful it is to love without question…Thank you for being my rock and my fearless knight in shining armor…Thank you for believing in me when I thought differently…Thank you for being a wonderful and devoted father…Thank you for being my teacher, my best friend and my confidant…Thank you for sharing the laughter and tears...Thank you for teaching me how to reach for the impossible…but most of all…Thank you for just loving me!!

I love you and miss you so very much baby! Keep our babies safe and continue to watch over our brothers and sisters. All my love forever.

Your Loving Wife,

February 9, 2008

I just wanted your family to know that we are thinking about them as your third birthday in Heaven approches. Watch over them, I know they miss you and we will never forget you or the sacrifice they make each day that you are not with them.
I still have the blue candles that burn 24/7, look Clint up for me let him know that we still miss him everyday, and to keep sending all the little signs from Heaven, I cry and smile with each one.

Connie Barker F.W.B. Fl.
Mother of Clint Walker Prattville Al. E.O.W. 1-14-04

February 7, 2008


Pat Van Den Berghe
Neighbors for a Better Manchester, NH

February 7, 2008


Pat Van Den Berghe
Neighbors for a Better Manchester, NH

February 7, 2008

Hey Wayne!
We've been thinking a lot about you lately. We are very proud of Ashley and all that she has accomplished in these few years. She is living proof, through tragedy and adversity, we can all overcome.
As you well know, the surrounding Florida agencies are still losing good people to the thoughtlessness and selfishness of others. Miami just lost another soldier, but heaven has gained another angel. God must be building a great army up there!!
Keep a watchful eye on all of us. You will always be our hero!

LEO Mom and wife

January 13, 2008

Happy New Year, baby! We love you and miss you very much!!!!xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Your Loving Wife,

January 1, 2008

It’s Christmas morning and the house is very quiet. Jordan and Jamie are snug in their beds and the smell of turkey is in the air. The girls will be up soon so I wanted to sit down and spend a little time with you while I could. This is our third Christmas without you, yet it’s still very hard knowing you won’t be here to share it with us. We miss you terribly, baby! I know I could sit here all day and ball my eyes out because I miss you so much but I know it would do no good. You are in Heaven with Jesus and knowing that brings me peace and comfort. Today, you will be celebrating Jesus’s birthday with him. Amazing, isn’t it. One day though, we will all share in that joy and we will share it with you as well.

Last night, I took a break from cooking and sat in front of our Christmas tree. It’s so beautiful this year. I was amazed really because I really don’t think I actually looked at our tree and thought anything about it in the past two years. I mean, I knew it was there but it was more like just putting the tree up for the girls or for the tradition of having a tree. Your picture is snuggled up next to it. I stared at it for awhile watching your smile. I know one day I will see your smile again. That silly grin that would brighten even my darkest days.

Well baby, miss you and love you so very much. I hear the girls stirring so I need to get the hot chocolate ready. You will be in our hearts and minds today. Merry Christmas! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Your Loving Wife,

December 25, 2007

Just wanted to say we love you and miss you!!!

Love Always,
Ashley, Jamie and Jordan

December 20, 2007

Hey !
I know I know its been a while. Happy Thanksgiving .I miss you and love you so much . I wish you were here to give a big hug to. You were a blessing to me and you have left an everlasting impression on my life. By the way , Im happier then I have ever been and as you can probably see the kids are great . Im praying alot but it would be awesome if you can keep an extra look over Russ's shoulder in Iraq.


Brandy Koester

November 22, 2007

Hey baby,

Happy Halloween!!! It sure would be better if it would quit raining. Maybe you could help it that matter. Ya know? Like you did at Easter, hehehe. Whether is does or not, according to Jordan, a little rain is not going to stop her from trick or treating. The way she figures, a pirate gets wet on the boat she sails, so a little bit of rain shouldn’t matter, LOL. She’s too cute for her own good. Jamie has decided not to trick or treat this year. Her boyfriend and best friend are coming over to give out candy. Personally, I think they want to scare the stew out of some kids. But whatever, all in the name of fun!!!

We sure do love you and miss you very, very much. The holiday season is coming up pretty quick and with draws more and more memories of past family gatherings. More often than not, they were always at our home. The smell of turkey baking in the air and children laughing. It’s hard to think about them sometimes. Holidays are suppose to be special times but no matter how many holidays pass, none of them will ever be the same without you here. Still, we continue forward, putting one foot in front of the other and living life the best we can.

Work is going great and I still love my job very much. I truly love helping people. There is no better feeling in the world than knowing you have the ability and opportunity to help others who perhaps cannot help themselves. You can call it the “rookie” mentality but I believe we do make a difference each and every day. It’s not just about making drug busts and arrests (although that is about all the media likes to portray). It’s the little things that count more often than not. We smile, wave and chat with the kids in the neighborhood, encouraging their hopes and dreams of becoming whatever it is they want to become. Finding the elderly on the side of the road with a flat tire, knowing they really can’t afford to call a wrecker service to fix it, but have no idea how to change it on their own (had that one yesterday). Poor thing, although I have to admit, it was a new car with a funky set-up. I actually had to read the manual to figure out how to turn the suspension system off and the air compressor on (under the seat job) in order to air up the “special” spare tire that was in the trunk. Twenty minutes later, she turned to me and said “Thank you for being here”. I simply said it was my pleasure to help (and it was) and she was on her way. We have so much more to give our communities than just the obvious. We have to be the jack of all trades so to speak. To some, it’s frustrating but we chose this profession and with that choice, we have to live up to the high standards it requires. I love taking off my uniform at the end of shift knowing that I helped at least one person that night. Thank you’s are not expected. I don’t have to hear what a good job I did. I know in my heart that I went to work today and did the absolute best job I could do. That’s enough for me.

Well baby, I love you and miss you very much. Shower the children with your love and guidance. Keep watch over our brothers and sisters. XOXOXOXOXOXO

P/S Thanks for stopping the rain!!!

Your Loving Wife,

October 31, 2007

Hey baby,

We love you and miss you very much! So much has been going on this month, it’s hard to know where to start. We had quite an event this past month. A tornado touched down in our neighborhood and ripped it to shreds. It started out as just your basic raining night however, by the time we left dinner with Jill, the sky started going nuts. Eerie lightening, ya know! The kind that go cloud to cloud and cloud to ground. We had both going on at the same time. I was telling the kids on the way home that I really hate storms at night because you can’t see them coming. Well, we got home and the girls went to off to bed. I was on the phone with Dad and the wind was really picking up. I didn’t have a good feeling about it (call me paranoid since Feb 2 ) so I called the girls downstairs. Jordan, bless her heart, got a pillow and blanket and went straight into the bathroom with Jamie at her heels. I continued talking to Dad and went and opened the front door. The wind started to die down and then a few minutes later it completely stopped (I think my heart started to do flippity flops). I kept telling Dad how quiet it got and no sooner than I got those words out of my mouth, I heard a noise. At the time, I couldn’t understand what I was hearing, just some type of noise. It kept getting louder and louder. I told dad that I thought a tornado was coming but I couldn’t see anything. All the sudden, I saw it, right beside my neighbor’s house. All kinds of things started flying over their house. I told Dad, “oh my God, there’s a tornado and slammed the door and ran into the bathroom with the girls. We sat there waiting and waiting to be scooped off to the city of OZ. Meanwhile the power goes out. Now mind you, I’m still on the phone with Dad (or so I thought) and trying to keep the kids calm and him at the same time. I started calling everyone I know. Jill, David, Gina, everyone, just trying to warn them that a tornado was coming. Well, nothing happened (at least at our house). No windows broke, no roof torn off, nothing! I open the door just a tiny bit and couldn’t hear anything. I told the girls to stay put and checked out the house. I peeked outside and it was then that I realized, my cell phone went dead. I pick up the house phone and it was dead too. No phones, no power, nothing. Jamie had a little bit left on hers, so I called Dad back. Poor thing!!! The last thing Dad heard me say on the phone was “Oh my God, there’s a tornado” before my phone went dead! I can only imagine how he must have felt and what he must have been thinking. I called Gina to come sit with the kids and two minutes later I was dressed and out the door. It was 11pm and I was hoping and praying that we didn’t have another Feb 2. on our hands. I met up with a few Eustis Officers and away we went. We searched through blocks and blocks of utter destruction. Amazing no one was killed and there were only a few minor injuries. I so have to tell you this one thing, though, because I got a few laughs from some of the guys. After I saw the tornado and slammed the door, I dead bolted the door. Yep, your silly wife locked the tornado right out of our house. Go figure! The tornado would have had to knock on the door to get in to the Koester’s house or something like that. Yeah, I was hearing comments like that til 5 in the morning. LOL.

Jordan told me the next day that while we were in the bathroom, she said a silent prayer to God asking him to keep everyone safe. I know the lord heard that 9 year old little girl praying to him because everyone made it. Amazing, absolutely amazing!! Jordan had a class project they started at the beginning of the school year where they had a make a newspaper about themselves. They had to pick six topics about there life and one of the ones Jordan picked was titled, “The Worst Day Ever”. I thought I would share it with you. We have tried to keep some of the ‘bad” stuff away from her because she was so little when you were taken, but she understands. She understands how you were taken and knows without a doubt that You are her Hero!

“My Worst Day Ever”

It was going to be my best day ever and it turned out to be my worst. My class was going to sing to the office. We were just about to leave and the office rang our classroom. It was time for me to go home. When I got there, it was my cheerleading coach, Ms. Pam. I did not know what was going to happen. She took me to my Aunt Jonell’s house and my mom told me that my Dad just died. He died when he was at work. You see, my Dad was a cop. He was chasing somebody and got shot and shortly died before he got to the hospital. We were so upset from the day on. We went to National Police Week in May. We go there to remind ourselves that he is “OUR ONE TRUE HERO”.

Well baby, I love you and miss you very very much. Please watch over the children and continue to guide them in the right direction. Watch over our brothers and sisters, you are their blue angel.

Your Loving Wife,

October 14, 2007

We know you are keeping a close eye on all of us. Your Ashley is living proof of it. Like the other officer :-) said, Ashley was right out there helping people right after the tornado. She was professional and compassionate at the same time. She is a blessing to all of us!

Keep a watchful eye over your brothers, sisters, their families and more! You give us ALL strength!

friend, wife and mother of a LEO

October 13, 2007

Wayne, I'm sorry that I never had the chance to meet you. I just wanted you to know that I had a chance to work with Ashley during one of my training phases in Debary. You would be very proud of her. I enjoyed working with her and her shift. She fits right in and as a retired Sergeant from DBPD I would have been proud to have her on my shift. Take care and keep a close watch over her.

Deputy B.K. Hazen
Volusia County Sheriff's Department

October 11, 2007

Ashley was a true Godsend the other night during the tornados in Eustis. I don't know of to many people who would have come out and helped out like she did. Tell you what though, that was some scary stuff!! Exciting all the same though, and absolutely amazing to see everyone pull together like they did. You are truly missed, and I would have loved to have the opportunity to work with you. I know you're watching over all of us always. Proverbs 28:1

fellow officer

October 5, 2007

The Badge"
He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.
He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.
Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.
He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.
His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.
He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.
And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.
But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.
Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.
Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.
So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.
In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.
Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.
Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission

Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC

October 3, 2007

I love you and miss you baby!

All My Love Forever,

October 2, 2007

rest in peace my brother.

August 30, 2007

Hey baby,

A Deputy from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office once wrote to me that as the months and years go by the sentiments and reflections will begin to fade as our friends and community begin to heal from your loss. I understood what he meant and realized that, in the future, most of the reflections that would be left on your page would be from our family, with an occasional message from others. However, I received an email yesterday from a Deputy Sheriff in Pennsylvania and I wanted to share it with you. I am always so touched when someone leaves a reflection to a fallen officer and their family. It renews my faith each and every time I read a reflection that you and all the fallen officers are never truly gone from this world. You are still providing your strength and courage from beyond, if only as a reminder to other officers to be as careful on-duty as well as off.


“My name is Terry, I am a recent graduate of the Reading police academy in Reading Pa. I was just hired last week as a Deputy Sheriff for Berks County where I live. I too lost a good friend, Officer Scott Wertz last Aug. 6th 2006. I was a radio dispatcher then and I was working when he was shot and killed by a thug just outside the doors of city hall. He was on his way in to the hall and he was to go on vacation the next day with his two sons and wife. While he was down...he called me on his cellphone and the last words he said to me were "terry, I need help I'm shot, I need help man". I will never for the rest of my life forget that. He died in the arms of one of our female Det. who ran outside when she heard the call for officer down. I just want to tell you one thing that I hope you seems like everyone says that they will never forget that person and they will always be there but after awhile it seems like it all fades into the past and they remember when there is a charity event or something. well...I just wanna let you know...every single time I walk out my door to go to work, I will think of your husband and it will give me the strength that day to go to work and do that one job that god only lets certain people do. I will honor this job for the rest of my life...and give my life in the honor of your husband and every other officer that gave his to a never changing world. There is nothing closer then family to us, and I know your husband loved you more then anything he could ever imagine. I just need you to know that someone, no matter how far away I may be, is thinking about your husband every single day of his life when he goes to work. I will honor your husband by doing everything right, and never breaking the ethical or moral codes we live by. Your husband along with every other law officer will be in my heart and I will do anything it takes to honor him. God bless you and your family”.

Deputy Sheriff Terry Ely
Reading, Pa.

How amazing it is that this web-site touches so many people from all over the world. I love you and miss you very much baby. Watch over our children and keep our brothers and sisters safe so they can go home to their families at the end of their shift.

With all my love,

August 5, 2007

I wear a pin on my ID badge. That pin is a star with Wayne's name and the date of that terrible day. Someone recently asked me "who is that for?" I was sad to answer but at the same time very proud to answer "a friend." To Wayne's family, friends & co-workers, everyday on my way to work, I look at that pin & use it as a reminder to say a prayer for all LEO's & dispatchers on duty that day. God bless & I miss all of you at LCSO very much.

Be safe!
Melbourne Police Dispatch
LCSO Dispatch May 1996-July 2001

Joannah Johnson Booth
Melbourne Police Dispatch

July 15, 2007

Hey baby,

Today is the 4th of July and we miss you very much. We're having a gathering at Vic and Jonell's and then taking the kids to see the fireworks later tonight. You will be missed and thought of as we celebrate our nations independence. We'll have good friends, good food and good memories. The only thing missing will be you. It's still so very hard not having you here. I can't ever imagine that it will get any easier as the days go by. All we can do is to keep putting one foot in front of the other. If there was ever a cure for grief I sure wish someone would find it. I cant ever imagining that happening because the only way to cure it would be to erase you from our hearts and minds completely and I wouldnt want that. I cherish every moment of our lives together and would do it all over again in a second.

The kids are doing well. We have been going alot of places over the summer. Last week we went to universal and Islands of Adventure. The week before we went to Sea World with Jonell. Saturday, its Bush Gardens for Jamie's Birthday with some of her friends. Then in two weeks, all the kids( mine and Jonells) are going to church camp for a week. Anything to keep them busy and not have a "boring" summer. We're also going to the beach for a week before school starts. Anyway, a summer filled with go go go. I forgot to mention the Volleyball during the summer, 4 DAYS A WEEK!!!!

Work is great as always. My feelings haven't changed. It is still the best job in the entire world. I dont see how I could have done anything different. Like I've said before, I should of started this career years ago like I wanted. I love my agency and my shift is great. The Sgt. and the guys I work with are wonderful. I envy their knowledge of the road and try to learn as much from them as I can. Sgt still gives us scenarios during every morning briefing to keep us on our toes. It's a great learning tool and keeps our minds thinking.

Well baby, I'll write more to you later. I have to get ready head over to Jonell's. I love you and miss you so very much. You will be in my heart today as always. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Your Loving Wife,

July 4, 2007

we are into the summer months. Tomorrow is the fouth of July and we are missing you as much as ever. The pain never seems to leave.
I spent last Monday with Amber and Ryan.They are getting so big. I can't beleive Amber is driving, and Ryan is buying a truck!!! They are getting so big so fast. You would be proud of Amber too because she is really motivated about school and college.
Jamie and Jordan are doing well too. I do not get to see them much while Ashley is on day shift, so it's kinda like I have lost two of my kids.
Steven is home from his 6 month deployment and now stationed in Seattle WA. He seems to like the Navy. Not sure if he is going to make a carreer out of it, but the independence has done him well.
We will be having a get together tomorrow and be thinking of you. We love and miss you

July 3, 2007

Hello my love,

I just got up and it's in the wee hours of the morning. Still dark outside and I'm thinking of you as always.
We start back on dayshift today. You know how that goes. Trying to get your body adjusted back to normal life.
Sgt has been assigned to central for his turn at the helm. We have another Sgt starting today. I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can from him. Everyone has their own ways and own ideas of how calls should be handled. Other than that, work is fantastic as always. I love every single minute of it. There are so many different paths you can take with this career. Right now, though, my focus is on learning as much as I can and doing the best job I can do. I have to tell you though, I have found that I really love traffic enforcement. Not that you'll ever catch me applying for Motors, though. I still haven't crossed any real major highways on my own motorcycle. If I could be in a regular patrol car And work in that unit, then I would be all over it. For now though, I'll keep my mind focused on my job at hand and keep my dreams for later down the road.

Well, we're heading back to Washington very soon. We just received our VIP packet from C.O..P.S and are looking forward to the trip. Well, for the most part anyway. I know a few guys from Volusia that are going and of course all the guys from Lake County as well. It will still be heartwrenching to see you name again but I'm hoping not near as bad as last year. Chris will be put on the wall this year and I feel for Michelle. I know first hand what she is going through and what she will be experiencing for the first time. I wish I could give her some words of comfort but there are just no words that could possibly begin to describe how you feel when you see your husband's name on the Wall of Honor or how she will feel when she gets off the plain and sees all the officers standing there waiting of her and her family. Un-describable emotions.

Well baby, I'm off to get ready for work. I love you and miss you so very much. Take care of the children and watch over our brothers. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

P.S. I found this poem on a frame that I am leaving at this wall. I though it was beautiful and wanted to leave it here for your to read:


Right now i'm in a different place,
And though we seem apart,
I'm closer than I ever was...
I'm there inside your heart.

I'm with you when you greet each day
And while the sun shines bright,
I'm there to share the sunsets, too...
I'm with you every night.

I'm with you when the times are good
To share a laugh or two,
And if a tear should start to fall...
I'll still be there for you.

And when that day arrives
That we no longer are apart,
I'll smile and hold you close to me...
Forever in my heart.

Your Loving Wife,

May 4, 2007

So.. its been a while . You would be so proud of amber an ryan , they are doing so well . I cant believe as Im reading ambers letter to you that I have watched her grow up so quickly . Shes a beauty. I miss you so much and I wish you couldve been here to call 2 weeks ago , I might have called you just as I did my dad at 5 am to let him know I finally made my e-5 , yep thats right Im a sgt !
I know if you were alive you might have beat me to it, or maybe not -lol . Anyhow, Aadyn talks about still nearly every night before he goes to bed, always asking if he can go to heaven to see Uncle wayne and chris. I just tell him , not until Gods ready . Miss you , Love you ,your never out of my thoughts.


Brandy Koester

May 3, 2007

Heya Daddy! Just stopped by to say hello and also that I miss you. School is almost over in about 2 and a half weeks so I am pretty excited about that. I can't wait till the summer. I will also be 16 in a month. Mommy is going to take my friend Sarah and I to see a concert but the night before we are going to probably Orlando and stayin a hotel. I'm really excited. I just wish you could be there, that would make it even better! But the only thing I'm afraid of is the fact that I'm actually growing up, I will be 16, a Junior in High School and I will be driving in August. I remember you telling me that I shouldnt date until I'm like 30 and then now I look back and think of how you expected me to do that. Right now I am dating this guy named Logan, and I know you would've watch him like a hawk. Mom keeps a close eye on him too. Oh and I forgot to mention that I want to become a biomedical engineer which I'm really hoping I will be able to make it through college with that as my major. You always told me that i could do anything so I took that in mind and now I'm hoping and praying.Thank you Daddy, for everything you have given me!
I love you and I always will.

Amber Koester

April 30, 2007

Ashley - My heart goes out to you & your girls. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on or a friend to talk to, just contact me.

Wayne - God speed, brother. May you rest in peace and be a guardian angel watching over your fellow brothers & sisters still serving here on earth.

Deputy Rob Wilkins
Allegany County NY Sheriff's Office

April 16, 2007

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