Lake County Sheriff's Office, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Wayne J. Koester
The Broken Chain
We little knew that morning,
that God was going to call your name,
in life we loved you dearly,
in death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
you did not go alone:
For part of us went with you,
the day God called you home.
You left us peaceful memories,
your love is still our guide:
and though we cannot see you,
you are always by our side.
Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same:
but as God calls us one by one,
the chain will link again.
March 19, 2006
To Deputy Wayne Koester, his wife Ashley and his four children, and to his other loved ones:
It has been thirteen months since your tragic death, but please know that your memory is honored and revered today.
My heart goes out to your family. You’re in our thoughts and our prayers.
Reading the reflections you leave for your husband, father, brother, friend give me some insight into the wonderful man Wayne was and how he touched so many lives in a very inspirational way.
I hope that our paths cross in D.C.
Ashley, he must have been so proud of you following your own dream and challenges of pursuing a career as a sworn law enforcement officer.
Deputy Koester, you rescued us, saved our possessions, our lives and our families. You are one of the rare heroes among us. You were always there for us in the most traumatic moments of our lives. No matter when we called, we just expected that you would come and do whatever it took to help us, and you always met our expectations. Your selflessness and dedication are awe-inspiring.
This world, this country, your community truly are better places because of you. To have lost you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We are grateful for and to you, and honor you for all you did for us day in and day out whether you received a word of thanks or praise.
Rest in Peace, Deputy Koester. I am humbled by your valor and courage.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the distinquished service Deputy Koester gave to his community and the citizens of Florida, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on February 9, 2005.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
March 16, 2006
Just thinking of you today. I love you and miss you, baby. xoxoxoxoxo
Your Loving Wife,
March 16, 2006
I Love You !!!!
well we get report cards...
and i have realy good grades!!!
i'm sure you would be proud!
love you!
ur baby gurl
March 15, 2006
So,you would be proud,yesterday I climbed 5 miles up the side of a mountain,,From 9 line medevacs,to dragging a body down the mountain,running and laying down suppressive fire on the"enemy"even some IV sticks(on the first try ofcourse).I was the first female to ever do this course in afghanistan along with 20 other men in the army and navy ,So yes Im feeling a little taller now.I used to always ask you if you thought I would have it in me to be a police officer or if i was too "small" ,you always told me I could do anything,heck Im a soldier right? Well today I woke up ,and like alot of other days I decided I would look at your pics and listen to the " the scientist" ,and I hate ,and let me tell you Im frustrated that no matter what I say ,or how much I miss you and how much we all miss you,you arent coming back ,I HATE THAT .I want you back here ,Today I finally have off,so I think Im just going back to bed.. I love you .
Brandy Koester
March 14, 2006
Hey Baby,
Just wanted to tell you we love you and miss you very much. We just go back from taking the kids to Busch Gardens. Today was one of the good days. Kids had a wonderful time. I look back on all the times you tried to cure Jordan's fear of heights, making her jump into your arms off everything high enough, wellllll, she rode her first "BIG" roller coaster, today. Im not sure if she'll ever ride another one but I'm so proud of her for trying it. We bought the photo for her scrapebook. Jamie tried to get her on another one but not a chance. She did get her on all the big water rides. Which was pretty incredible. Jamie has been an amazing big sister. Always sticking to her like glue. Keeping at least one of her eyes on her all the time. As if the child could ever go out of my sight. Either of them. I think next weekend, its Wet n Wild. We're planning trips every weekend, getting as much in as we can before I go into FTO. NO days off until that probationary period is over. Jamie and Heather are going to church camp for a week this summer in North Carolina and then Jamie and Jordan will be going to Dads for a few weeks in July. I sure will miss them like crazy. But they went last summer and Dad took them camping. They loved it and want to go back again this summer. I may let Jamie take the 4 wheelers up with her so they can ride on Dads property. Not too sure on that one but I'm sure she end up convincing me to let them. Im such a softy, but they never give me once bit of trouble so its worth it. Well, baby I am worn out from today so Im going to attempt to get some slept. Watch over our babies and keep your gentle hand on them as guidance. I love and miss you, honey. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Your Loving Wife,
March 12, 2006
As many who worked with us Wayne know that day effected so many lives. I've needed to seek help outside of work to deal with the situation, and I have drive to get back out there and continue doing what I love. The pain I felt for what my huband experienced with you and the pain from the position that I was at does not even come close to what Ashley is still going through. There will forever be a whole in everybody's hearts that new you. God bless you Ashley for you strength you are loved and missed
deputy sheriff
LCSO P1177
March 12, 2006
It is so hard to beleive that we have been with out you for over a year. I know I havent written often on this page and it is not because I don't want to I think it is because I get scared. You know how hard headed I can be, and I never want to be weak. I just stay very busy then everything will be ok. I just want you to know it has been really hard to stay strong all of the time. I never thought that listening to the radio would be hard when a certain saon comes on. I definatly can't listen to deliah I just try to make sure that the family I have here with me still just gets a little more attention and that they feel a little more special.
Vic and I are so lucky to have Amber, Ryan , Jamie and Jordan in our lives, as were you. They are really terrific kids.
Our families have certianlly pulled closer to each other over the past year too. We get to see dad more often and Paula Mike and the kids too. I know that you would really love that. When you left you broke that circle of the family check list we had. Vic telling you because we knew you would tell Paula who would in return let dad know. Now we just go right to the source.Not a bad thing though.
You know you still owe me a dining room chair that you and Vic broke while rough housing around. I will always cherish all of the nights we played spades and hearts. Oh and all the LONG nights of Rail Baron. I never though that game would ever end. And Ashley and I will always remember the woodpecker, may he rest in peace!!! lol You can no longer pracitce you pressure point moves on me either. I really don't miss that, it hurt! Still alot of good memories.
Please be with our family during the month of May. It is going to be a very emotional one. Tallashee, Washington DC and then your trial that starts on May 15. i guess it will be another month for me to stay pretty busy
You have left behind so many people who loved you. Each in their own special. Some loved you has a brother, son, father and husband. Others loved you for helping them just because you have such a huge heart and thats what you did. My prayer to each of them is to be able to find their own inner peace, and to live their life not accordinly to how we as humans judge them and how we look at them but how God look at them when they go home.
Keep looking in on Brandy for us over in Afganistan. We miss her so much too. Caitlyn and Aadyn can't wait for her to get home. I hope with you on her side she will be able to follow her dreams.
Steven will leave in July to go to boot camp. He joined the Navy. You would be so proud. He has really grown into a fine young man. Don't get me wrong he has done some things that would make you shake your head and give that little smerk that only you did best. But over all he really is a good kid.
Also I know we pray for Tom and Bill every night and their families, but we really do worry about them. We have tried several times to have time with them over the last year but I think it is still very diffucult for them. Help them find some peace, and to let them know that we are here for them.
Well so much more to say. But clearly not enough space or time to write. I will finish your book soon. I hope it reflects the type of man you were.
To all fo the Lake County Sheriff's office thank you so much for everything you have done for our family. I don't know what we would have done without Linda Green, Chaplian Bob and Sheriff Daniels during our horrible first week.Wayne made sure we had the best Lake county could give. Thank you so much for all you have done you will be in our thoughts and prayers always.
Jonell Koester
March 11, 2006
Hi Ashley,
Thanks for the note on Michael's page. We all just finalized the plans for D.C. a couple of days ago. I can't believe it's coming up so fast. The kids and I are looking forward to getting together with everyone there. We've met alot of people at the COPS Kids Camp and at COPS Spouses Retreat so it'll feel good to know some people. I'm looking forward to finding and meeting you there too....what a crazy bond we share...Unbelieveable that it will be 15 months in May. So many changes have happened, yet some days it feels like no time has gone by.
Take care of yourself and your family and know that you're included in my prayers.
Denise Scarbrough
Widow of Sgt. Michael Scarbrough EOW 2/9/05
March 8, 2006
I remember the day like it was yesterday, Febuary 9, 2005. I was at my house only a few miles away from the crimescene. There were helicopters flying over, and I recieved a phone call telling me of the shootout. So I tried to get a hold of Wayne, the Nextel went through, but there was no response. That is when I knew. I proceeded up the road toward the scene but was stopped by a Lake County Sherriff Road Block, they confirmed Wayne had been shot. I phoned the National Gaurd Unit Wayne and I served with to brief them. Soon they phoned back with the sad news of Wayne's passing. Wayne I myself, and the soldiers of B-BTRY 1/265 ADA miss you. You will never be forgotten.
SGT Daniel DeKoeyer
Florida Army National Gaurd
March 7, 2006
Hey baby,
Happy Anniversary,honey. Today is a hard one. Some easier than others but the special days just break you. We have so many special memories, so many special moments only you and me can call just ours. Our "special" place, the bubbles (lord, that was funny. I thought we'd never stop laughing.), the hill, the mid-night run, our song you wanted to play over and over so I wouldnt stop dancing with you, our last get-away. There are years and years of perfect places and times, I'm not sure if I could choose just one favorite even if I had too. I already know yours ;). It seems just like yesterday, you kissed me good-bye. The night before you died, I remember just watching you. I must have stood in the doorway for what seems like forever just staring at you. Not knowing at the time that our perfect little corner of the world would come crashing down. I never would of let you leave for work that morning. But you did and our nightmre began. Baby, you may have left this world in body but you and your memories are with us forever. They can never be replaced. We know you are watching us. Those little unexplained moments when you are alone but you can feel someone with you. I know you are here with me, watching over your family, guiding us as we take on new things. I know you were with me in qualification. One away from perfect score, can you believe it. You know next time it'll be perfect, you know how I get. I did get perfect score on the other course. Wow, we shot in ways we werent trained for and I was amazed I got master in it. But You and Daddy were taught me well. We miss you so much, baby. Your benches should be ready soon. I've picked out the poem to put on the stone for our family marker. I have been working on my will alot lately. You just never know when its your time to go home. I almost have everything worked out. The plots at the cemetary of where everyone will be laid to rest should something happen to us, and I'm not here to make those decisions. The deed to the plots is also there. The things each person will get is taking some time. We have so many memories in the house of you, I want to make sure each person gets that special item you shared with them. It takes a little time. The stuff for the children has already been decided. I'm trying to put together other things for the rest of the family. I want to make sure everyone has at least something to call their own of you. I also have a list of things that will be buried with us. The executors of the my will, will make sure each request is carried out, and what I do and dont want to be done or to happen. You never know when you time has come and I dont want to leave my family with any questions on what my wishes are or have to make some of the decisions I did, especially during those first few days. Thank the lord, I had those shoulders to help carry me through those steps. They know who they are and have been thanked a million times. Me and the girls have had several talks about what can happen. They know the same can happen to me and still support my decision to fulfill my dream. How lucky I am. We have four tremedous kids who are going to grow up with all the morals and ethics we instilled in them. Each one loving and special in their own way. All destined to be hardworkers, loving parents and a great friend to anyone they let in their circle. I know you will be there when we cannot be to help them make those hard decisions life will throw at them. They will have your voice in their head telling them its ok or wrong. They will listen. They will know. Like all kids, I'm sure not every decision may be their best but they will know what is right for them, I'm praying for it. I'm dreading them growing up. It'll happen, I know, but Im sure enough gonna try keep them from growing up too fast. Keep their feet grounded and focused. I love you, Wayne! I'll be out with you today. Sharing our moment together. Watch over our family and keep them close. Until we're together. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Your Loving Wife,
March 5, 2006
i Love You!
p.s. thank you
so much sgt.mark miller
March 5, 2006
Dear Deputy Koester , my prayers are
W/ you and your family . I still remember how I felt when I was working a detail in Lake county ,the day your
final 10-7 was aired and come across
My scanner , I normaly patrol complexes in Gainesville ,and work very close w/ GPD/ASO ,although we never met My wife and I pray for your
family and fellow officers , I have two little girls one (5)and (1), sometimes my 5yr. sits w/ me as visit this site and she asks why I cry , and I tell her another angel earned his wings to fly , well my fallen brother , I must goto work now, God bless you and your loved ones , Mrs.koester my wife and our prayers and thoughts will be supporting you in
May, Amber your Daddy's proud keep up the Good grades, God bless you all.
Sgt. Mark Miller
Mcgriffs Prof. Security
March 3, 2006
I Love YOu So Much Daddy!!!
And... guess what???
well..i am bored and when i used to say that you would be like "I can find something for you to do" ..and all of us were like no were not bored now! i loved it! i miss it too! but its not too long before we see eachother again! when lord calls you better know i will be running up there! yupp thats ur gurl! you raised me right.. anyways im gonna go and eat...hehe talk to you later love you!!!!!!!!!!!!(more than you ever know!)
February 28, 2006
Today is one day from the start of a new month.. March already. Im greatful that I was able to come home for your memorial.You are missed so much,everyday I keep praying that this all was just a dream ,or for better words nightmare.I am loving my time in afghanistan although I miss not only my children but yours,they are so beautiful,and they miss you.If its true that home is where the heart is ,i guess then I have a home in so many places,one with my children,one in heaven with you and one right here where I am now. Amazing ,life is just amazing....
Brandy Koester
February 28, 2006
Hey baby,
We love you and miss you so much. I sat down with Sgt. Green a few days ago, going over the itinerary for Washington. A part of me dreads this trip, but its another step we must take. I am excited that we will be able to see your picture in the spot they designate for the National Deputy Sheriff of the Year. Your picture will be displayed for one year at the memorial. I am so proud you were selected over all the nominees in the country. Your courage, dedication and bravery saved their lives that day. As Jill put it, you finally did it, got that last point. Sorry, Chief, Wayne got ya! Contest over!! Chief, this has nothing to do with the "my" clock though. Thats still on! Well, jury letters are being sent out. The worst to come is on its way. Trial is suppose to start in May. Yet another of many steps but after everything thats happen this year, we will get through it. We have your love and strength within us. We are a strong and loving family and we know that you are here by our side through everything we do. You memory is still strong in the world. I'm still getting letters from all over. It is truly amazing how much love and support is shown from far away places. There are so many praying for our family. People who have so much going on in their own lives, their own problems or tragedies, to have that someone whom you've never met, from a place we'll probable never visit, take the time to offer such a welcomed prayer for us, its very humbling. There are no words that can ever say thank you enough.
Keep watching over our babies. Keep them safe. I am praying for our family. I'm also praying for Bill, Tom and Andrea. Hoping that with time, they will heal from their own memories of that day. Keep an eye on your brothers, baby. Although you are not here in body, your spirit lives in them, too. They take you with them on the road. Keep them under your wing. Protect them from harm so they may go home to their familes. I love you baby and miss you. XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Your Loving Wife,
February 26, 2006
When I start my tour of duty, God,
Wherever crime may be;
As I walk the darkened streets alone,
Let me be close the Thee.
Please give me understanding,
With both the young and old;
Let me listen with attention,
Until their story's told.
Let me never make a judgement
In a rash or callous way;
But let me hold my patience,
Let each man have his say.
Lord, if some dark and dreary night,
I must give up my life;
Protect with understanding love,
My Children and My Wife.
February 23, 2006
February 20, 2006
It's taken a long time to figure out what to write here. In the past year, I've come to realize how precious life is. In a moments notice, anyone of us could be next. We all take life for granted, going about our day to day routines, alway rushing to get things done, and never stopping to appreciate the things we do have. The most important is our family. You have an incredible family. I remember one day, years ago, I saw you at Walmart. We made small talk for a while, asking how things were going at work, family, my divorce etc. You told me you were there picking out a card for Ashley. I dont remember the card itself just the word written across the top. It said Soul-Mates. I was going through a divorce at the time, sour on love so I didnt understand at the time how much two people could be in love. You told me you met the love of your life and that you had found your soul-mate. She was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. I remember being envious of the love that you had found. Brother, you had it all. A wonderful wife, three beautiful girls, and one boy that is your spitten image. They are going to grow up with all the traits you possessed. What ever path they choose for their career, they will succeed. Feb. 9, marked your first anniversary. I'll never forget that tragic day. The day we lost the best we had. We've kept a closer eye on each other this past year. So much lost in a moments time. You know, I was told once that if you can look into someone's eyes you can see into their soul. During your funeral, all I could see in the eyes of your family and brothers was pain, grief and anger. As days, weeks and months have passed, I've seen that lesson some. Talking with your family, I see their love for you each time they speak your name. It shows just what kind of person you were and what kind of love you gave them in order to carry on. The devotion to you and the strength they must have is unbelievable. I remember when I first heard Ashley was going into the academy. For years she talked back and forth about getting out of the comm center and wanting to be on the road, wanting to fullfill her dream of becoming an officer. I just couldnt imagine, at the time, how she was going to get through it after what she just went through a few short months before. One day at IST, we've stood and watched her and her fellow classmates going through their uniform inspections. All lined up at attention, some looking scared to death waiting for their turn at getting picked over with a fine tooth comb. We commented on a few, laughed at something Ross said, then it was your wife's turn. As he was making his inspection, she just stood there with such ease, her eyes never waivered. She has such a confidence about her that not even some of our brothers have. She is most definitely your perfect match, Wayne. Months later, we watched as she walked up to accept her certificate. Not only did she graduate, she did it with perfect attendance. I know you were there my friend, chest filled up with pride. That goofy grin must have been miles wide watching your baby. With all that she has been through this past year and the accomplishments she has made through all of it, I have no doubt she would be a welcomed addition to any agency she goes too. She has been in our Leo family a long time and we are very proud of her.
Wayne, man, you are definitely missed around here. Keep a watch over us, brother, as your brothers will continue to watch over your family. We are here for them for anything they need.
LCSO Brother
February 19, 2006
Wayne, We've known you since you were a kid and married our baby, Ginger. Now, I can say thank you for that as you have given us the greatest gift in Amber and Ryan. You would be so very proud of them! They are amazing kids and Ginger is doing a really good job. Although you were no longer married when you left us, you would approve. Did you see them at your anniversary memorial? They were so brave and so touched at the presence of your friends and family. Ryan cried when Chaplain Bob gave him the purple heart. I was afraid once he started he wouldn't be able to stop but he "sucked it up" just like you used to tell him. He and Amber were very proud of you and I know they miss you horribly. Keep your eyes on them, Wayne, they are going to be incredible individuals and adults. Thank you from us for your part in them, we love them very much.
Shelley Creamer
February 19, 2006
omg i looove work i dont know why i waz scared! it is soo much i miss you bunches and valentines day waz yesterday and i thought about you and how you would alwayz have something for us waiting ont he dining room table ...i loved it and i miss is alott! but as i wake up and your not here i realize that your still here!
it gets easier but i learn to go through with the fact that you're gone day by day .i juss take it slow and know that every second is closer to the lords calling and i will be with you again! so i will talk to you later i love you so much and remember .... i love you and always will!
Amber(your baby girl)
p.s. i got my report card and here are my grades are:
art: 98
personal fitness: 100
business systems:91
algebra 1: 72 =( i know im raising it!
February 15, 2006
February 14, 2006
Hey ...well i start work today and im kinda scared! well i think i'll be fine i know you will help me out through the way! well im gonna go so i will talk to you later! love you forever and ever love ur baby gurl
February 11, 2006
Deputy Koester..just wanted to let you know that you are not forgotten..please be with your family - friends & co-workers as they celebrate your 1st birthday in Heaven..continue to watch over them & your fellow brothers/sisters in blue..YOU ARE GONE..BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN..REST IN PEACE & WITH EASE BLUE ANGEL!!!!
girlfriend of a dpd
detroit, mi
February 10, 2006
Just wanted to say that you are missed everyday. Today marks the anniversary of that awful, awful day in Lake County that nobody will forget. It is now easier to talk about you because we have all come to the realization that everything happens for a reason, and now you are the angel to watch over the other L.E.O. Everybody in town is so very proud of Ashley. She has done a tremindious job staying focused and accomplished her goal of becoming a L.E.O. one more of the precious for you to watch over. I can still remember the first day you started for the City of Umatilla. It was an honor to work with you, you always had a smile on your face. We always spoke to each other only to find out later that we had Tim Green in common. You grew up with him and I married him. Our friendship was no more than small talk with "Hello, How are you?". I can remember small talk about the kids and even when you and Ashley met. You were always so happy. I hope that you are as happy now looking down on those that you love and know they love you back even more. You are still doing a great job!!!
J.Jay Green, friend
February 9, 2006