Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Bryan Scott Hurst

Columbus Division of Police, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, January 6, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Bryan Scott Hurst

Hey many months has passed since you have been gone we miss you so much when I herd about what happened to you I started crying because you were a great role model to me you told me toy always belives in my self and look where I;am back in school and 12 grader at that a lot of things has happned some for good and some for bad the best was because of you. I think about you all the time even when the police are always coming to my house you were a great officer and a great friend to those who knew you we all love you and miss you so much maybe one of these days we will meet agian in the heaven sky.
love you

betsy davis
alum crest hight

September 20, 2005

It brings tears to my eyes to read these reflections, even though I never met you. I am so sorry.

Patrol Officer, K-9

September 18, 2005

Hey brother sorry I didnt get a chance to talk to you sooner. You missed a heartbreak in the Shoe last week. My cell phone didnt work for s**t all day. It reminded me of Michigan last year. We couldnt get a hold of each other all day and just before the game..... we finally spotted each other. Donnie and I still talk about how it must have been fate to drink in the Shoe one last time. Anyway, Donnie and I plan on coming up next month and watching a game with you. Hopefully the cemetary staff doesnt throw us out.It's not like we drink or anything (hehe).

Melissa and Malia appear to be holding up. I'm glad she is staying strong and taking care of their lives in the best way she can. Despite other peoples opinions, she has to make their life the best way she can. We all grieve in different ways but it cant control our lives. I know she misses you and has a living reflection of your soul through the eyes of Malia. I hope that Dawn and I can continue to get to know her better. We will always be here if she needs our support.

As I always say before departing, continue to watch over us and we'll continue to watch over yours. Your brother in Blue!!


September 15, 2005

Bryan -

I take my hat off to you, I was also a victim of this coward, and I wait for the day that he gets his.


September 15, 2005

To Bryan's Mother,

I visit this site daily. This is the first time that I have worked up the courage to post a message on my brother's memorial page. I met you and your husband at the graduation ceremonies back in the spring of 1997. I want to let you know how much your son meant to me and the rest of the 95th. Bryan and I established a bond in the academy... I hold dear the many memories that we created together as friends and brothers. As you have lost your son, I have lost my brother... I cannot imagine your pain but I continue to deal with the pain of his passing on a daily basis. Please know that there are so many friends and fraternal brothers and sisters out there that grieve the loss of our brother today. I love your son like a brother... thank you for the gift that you gave us all... I would not trade my time with Bryan for anything in this world... Respectfully Submitted with Warm Regards.

Retired PO, 95th Recruit Class
Columbus Division of Police

September 15, 2005

Words are never enough to express the appreciation for sacrifices made by law enforcement officers, and especially, there remaining family. Too many times, good men and women leave us while upholding civic order and maintaining the standards of life we enjoy in America. I hope the family, friends and co workers of Officer Hurst know that their are some who do not take for granted and truly understand the sacrifice Bryan made. It is clear he saved the lives of countless others in his efforts. As you know, his presence will remain with you in spirit. May you find some comfort in words below.

"Every now and then,
Soft as breath upon my skin,
I feel you come back again,
And I believe."
Diamond Rio Lyrics

Maryland Police Agency

September 14, 2005

We are connected,
My son and I.
By an invisible cord, Not seen
by the eye.
It's not like the cord
that connects us til birth.
This cord cannot be seen
by any on earth.
This cord does it's work
Though no one can see
The invisible cord
From my son and me.
The strength of this cord
is hard to describe.
It can't be destroyed.
It can't be denied.
It's stronger than any cord
Man could create.
It withstands the test,
Can hold any weight.
And though you are gone,
Though you are not here with me,
The cord is there.
But no one can see.
It pulls my heart.
I am bruised I am sore.
But this cord is my lifeline
As never before.
I am thankful that God
Connects us this way.
A child and his Mother
Death can't take away.

I Love you and miss you

Bryan's Mother Carolyn

September 13, 2005

Went to visit your grave last night- I left you a buckeye necklace. Maybe you can help them get back on the winning tack. Wish you could have been there. I met Andy Ward's wife- she is such a nice lady. Keep watch over us- some of us need it more than others.
Cheers to us and those like us- Darn Few Left


September 13, 2005

We continue to pray for you and Malia, best of luck in the days ahead. Bryan set an example that all officer's should follow and you and your family will always have our full support.

Deputy Brian Smith
Union County (Ohio) Sheriff's Office

September 13, 2005


I read the reflections left here often, because I don't want to forget you or what your life stood for. I recently met your friends and family. They are a wonderful group of people. I know this memorial is about your memory, but, Bryan I want to tell you, I can see why you chose Marissa to marry. She has such integrity and she is a wonderful mommy to Malia. Malia will never ever doubt how much you love her. Marissa has made me see what a wonderful and caring person you are. And Malia, well she is so cute. She is a very smart little girl. Her eyes sparkle just like yours. She will turn the tv off or take a toy hammer and hit something, then she turns to me and laughs, knowing full well she wasn't suppose to be doing it. I can't help but Giggle at her. At only 14 months, she sure can talk. Sometimes she is very quiet and all of a sudden she is repeating something another child is saying. But the funny thing is she mimics their voice.
Out of concern, sometimes I ask Marissa too much if she is ok, knowing, that at times, her life may suck, on a bad day. She puts Malia first, just like I know you put them first. That says so much about the wonderful type of person Marissa is.
Bryan I think about you often, and I am sad to say, I never really knew you on a personal level, except through Marissa. Please know that your beautiful, wonderful, smart little girl, is very well taken care of.

September 13, 2005

AMAZING GRACE: The Policeman's Tribute

A man in blue has lost his life
in service of the law.
The love that makes this sacrifice
is the greatest love of all.

A police man was killed today,
the reason why I cannot say.
I don't know why he had to die.
The man in blue died for me and you;
we must remember him too.

Flags fly low, let us bow in prayer
for fallen police men everywhere;
and remember this:
that they are missed.
The badge burns bright like an evening star free from a world of war

I just wanted to stay I am sorry for your lost. I also lost my best friend Adam R Fleshner e.o.w 01/13/03 just know that god only takes the best!!

May the lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other.' Gen.31:49

Holly Spikes
Charlton County S.O

September 12, 2005


Yesterday was Marcie and Darren's wedding. I wasn't sure how I would hold together, but made it through. They are such a perfect couple and they deserve the happiness they have found in each other.

Standing up there during the ceremony, I had flashbacks of our own, as if it were just yesterday. We all still remember how you swayed back and forth when the pastor was talking, and how you couldn't hold back the tears when it was time for you to recite your vows. Afterwards, everyone commented on what a sweet, sentimental man you were. They were right. I can't wait until Malia is old enough to see the video of the ceremony.

There is a photo of you in your tuxedo on Malia's dresser. It's one of my favorite pictures of you. Because I wanted it to match her bedroom, it's in a pink matted frame, which is kind of funny for such a manly photo, but it is so sweet. She can see her Daddy every morning.

This afternoon, my parents are taking Malia to the All-Horse Parade in Delaware. Bry, I can't wait until she is old enough to start riding. You and I had many, many disagreements on the practicality of owning a horse when we lived in the city, but you finally gave in because you knew I loved it. I have a feeling Malia is going to love it, too. She got to ride a pony last month at the Hartford Fair and was not too happy when she had to get off.

Bry, you would be cracking up at her behavior now. I know you were able to catch small glimpses of her personality in your short time together, but we are seeing the real deal now. She is so funny when she can't figure something out, or when one of the dogs runs off with one of her toys. Malia has very little patience and is so headstrong. She is so independent and wants to walk everywhere. She wants nothing to do with the stroller or wagon anymore and likes to walk around the mall like she owns the place. That little girl doesn't know a stranger and is so outgoing and likes to entertain everyone. All efforts to childproof the house have pretty much been abandoned - she figures out EVERYTHING! You would laugh so hard watching her effortlessly remove the childproof latches from the cabinets and then smacking the dogs with them. She smacks them on the snout and says "BAD!"

Bryan, you and I were never very traditionally religious, and I'm still trying to read about different interpretations of the afterlife. What I hope for the most is that you are able to see Malia right now, and see the little person she is becoming.
If I knew that were true, then it would be so much easier to be at peace.

I read an article about death and dying that was written by Dr. Phil. Yeah, I know, you thought he was funny, but he still is a licensed psychologist and a PhD. The crux of the article was that it is not a betrayal of the person you lost or a betrayal of your memory for them to give yourself permission to move on and let life be about the living. The article also says that the old saying "Time heals everything" is a bunch of crap. Instead, he suggests that it's what you do with that time that counts - celebrating your time together instead of focusing on death and loss. It made alot of sense to me.

We love you and miss you.


September 11, 2005


Today is 9-11. I think about all the firefighters and police officers who gave their lives to save others, just doing their jobs because that's what they loved to do.

So, naturally I think about you and how you saved others also.

Still missing you and thinking about you every single day even though I don't write on here anymore.

On a brighter note, we're having a girl! Tracy picked out Rebekah Lynne and she's due December 30th.

Look out for us all.

Semper Fi,


Brandon C. Walton
Toledo, OH

September 11, 2005


We're gonna need your help tomorrow brother. Kaz and I and a couple of your boys will be by tomorrow morning to salute you with a couple cold ones. It's going to be hard to go to the game without you.

Love You - Go Buckeyes!!


Donnie Oliverio

September 10, 2005

Marissa I do not know you, but may God bless you and continue to do so during this time. Once again NEVER forget you are in everyones prayers and upon there minds. BE SAFE

September 1, 2005

I was just reading yet another one who will join you, Melissa and Larry. I thought of you while reading reflections left for the gentleman who lost his life protecting just yesterday.Even though I only know of you through other officers and their friends..I take at heart what you all do. I have/had family n friends also in law enforcement. I too thought of being on the road myself when I complete my degree in criminal justice. You are in our thoughts still and always will.

Westerville Ohio

August 30, 2005


It's been a long time since I've written. I always want to but I never know exactly what to share and what not to. Sara does it so easily, sharing so many details of her life and how she is feeling. Sometimes I wish I was able to do the same.

So much has happened in the past few months. We celebrated Malia's first birthday with a big party at the house. We rented a huge tent and this inflatable trampoline - all of the kids had so much fun. For many, it was the first time we had all gotten together since your birthday graveside memorial and I could tell it was difficult for some. I know it's hard for some people to see the beginning of a new life that Malia and I have established for ourselves. I understand that, but at the same time, I will not be made to feel guilty about wanting to live a full and happy life. I sometimes feel as if people want me to see me cry, want me to feel helpless and alone, unable to function. The reality is that with a daughter to raise on my own, a full time job, and a household to run...there just isn't time to feel sorry for myself. It serves no purpose for me and it certainly isn't healthy for Malia.

With Marcie and Darren's wedding fast approaching, I've been thinking a lot about our own. That was the best damn party ever! I still hear stories about how people felt the next morning :) In your memory, they are going to ride in your mustang on their wedding day. I know that would make you proud. Speaking of the mustang, Donnie is treating it like a baby. I've never seen someone handle and care for a car so diligently. As I knew her would, he looks out for Malia and I in every way. He is one of my constant supporters and assures me that I am doing a good job. It's strange that I never got to know him so well until after you left us. I now know why you two were best friends. He cares about others and would give the shirt off his back - the same way you did.

Bryan, we love you and miss you. Pray for me to make the right decisions in this upcoming legal battle. It looks like accountability will finally be held.



August 28, 2005


Only 2 weeks til the's getting close! i'm bummed you won't be with us, but you will be in spirit...partying like i partied at your wedding! :) Marissa and Donnie are letting us use your mustang for our special day transportation...we all think it's a great way to honor you and hope you agree!


August 26, 2005

semper fidelis: Always faithful

That was you, Bryan.

August 26, 2005

You are a strong, smart, beautiful, woman. Never question that. Hold your head high and know that Bryan would be so proud of you. Not many people have gone through what you have...yet they think they know what you should do. Stay strong, but also let yourself lean on others when you need it. Those who judge you are weak. Know that those who care love you and will be there for you and support you forever. We love you.

August 23, 2005

if you lose your way or are confused . . . ask yourself 'What Would Bryan Say?' then listen.

the right choice will honor Bryan's memory. i wish you well.

August 21, 2005

Hey brother, it's been awhile. Just wanted to say I'm sorry you wont be celebrating with me next week when I get married. However, Donnie, myself and the rest of the boys will have our own personal toast in your honor. There isnt a day that goes by I dont think about you. Your picture is pinned to my cruiser visor and it's the first thing I see. It's almost like my guardian angel pendant that watches over me.

Dawn has gotten to know this Memorial Page and checks it often. It makes me proud that she has taken a serious interest in our Brotherhood. Although it saddens me that your death has to make us all see how precious life is. It has made me appreciate what her and I are about to share even more. I only pray that you'll be able to continue to protect us, so that one of our own doesnt have to suffer again.

Everytime I go to the OC I sit facing your memorial. Allot of times I have to go by myself or with one of the boys. It is hard sometimes to sit there and watch everyone so festive and not break down. No one understands the tribute and reality of what we've seen and done. Again brother, continue to watch over us as we watch over yours!! I'll write you in a few weeks when the BUCKS stomp Miami (OH). I wish you could be there to tailgate with me.

Andy Ward

August 18, 2005

I never understood my brothers, who are all police officers, when they referred to other law enforcement officers as "brothers" and "sisters". It was not until I became an officer myself and I realized that we have to act as a whole rather than an individual itself. Every time I hear about a fallen brother or sister, it makes me angry, in which it helps me to remain aware and proactive. My prayers and respects are to the friends and family of Officer Bryan Hurst. Like I was told in the police academy there is a bullet with each of our names on it. I hope mine is hung on my wall but if it isn't I want all my brothers and sisters to not have any sarrow for me. I love what I do and I accepted that loving what I do may cost me my life but if the unfortunately were to happen I am not leaving without a FIGHT. Remember brothers and sisters to watch out for each other and spend time with family like there is not going to be a tomorrow.

Marina Rosalez, Sheriff Deputy
Galveston County Sheriff's Office, Texas

August 18, 2005

I never understood my brothers, who are all police officers, when they referred to other law enforcement officers as "brothers" and "sisters". It was not until I became an officer myself and I realized that we have to act as a whole rather than an individual itself. Every time I hear about a fallen brother or sister, it makes me angry, in which it helps me to remain aware and proactive. My prayers and respects are to the friends and family of Officer Bryan Hurst. Like I was told in the police academy there is a bullet with each of our names on it. I hope mine is hung on my wall but if it isn't I want all my brothers and sisters to not have any sarrow for me. I love what I do and I accepted that loving what I do may cost me my life but if the unfortunately were to happen I am not leaving without a FIGHT. Remember brothers and sisters to watch out for each other and spend time with family like there is not going to be a tomorrow.

Marina Rosalez, Sheriff Deputy
Galveston County Sheriff's Office, Texas

August 18, 2005

Keep things safe for all of our loved ones that are with God. You would be proud of the display that is on the wall at the Outside Corner. Let us never remember who we are and what we stand for...


August 18, 2005

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