Columbus Division of Police, Ohio
End of Watch Thursday, January 6, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Bryan Scott Hurst
We think of you and your family during these holidays, and offer thoughts and prayers as you celebrate without your loved one. Cherish the memories of the past and be open to new ones with your loved ones and friends. Your loved one will never be forgotten and always honored for their sacrifice.
Alissa Scott
Widow of Wayne Scott
E.O.W. 09-10-02
Lisa Schultz
Widow of Don Schultz
E.O.W. 05-12-03
Co-Founders of Survivor Help Network
November 29, 2005
To the family of Bryan Hurst
I know the pain you are going through I also lost a member of my family... Also a member of the columbus Police Dept...
November 29, 2005
To the Hurst family,
I am sorry about your loss. I know what pain you are going through. My dad was Daniel Lobo. Once again I am very, very sorry.
Kadie Lobo
November 27, 2005
I just wanted to say that you are not forgotten. There is a lot of people down here who think of you all the time. Your friends miss you like crazy. I am sorry for what happened to you. You are missed.
November 25, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving Bryan. Continue to watch over us as we continue to miss you. Hope you enjoyed the Ohio State game. What a game. Im sure you enjoyed the oucome from up above. Gone but never forgotton.
Shawn Hoskins
November 24, 2005
Well, here we are, the real deal. Today marks the official start of the holiday season. As usual, I was at work. I actually thought it would be easier to just be at work, so I wouldn't have to think about everything. WOW WAS I WRONG. Seeing all the people in their cars, with their families, all dressed up for was emotional overload and hit at once like a ton of bricks. Probably 3 months of bottled emotion all erupting at the same time. There I was, driving aimlessly....Malia is away, family is all hours away. Needless to say, my Thanksgiving was celebrated with a McRib sandwich from McDonald's, which was the only place open in all of this county. Of course, everyone started asking me weeks ago where I would be going for Thanksgiving. When I told friends that Malia would be out-of-state and I'd be at work, I was invited to other families' Thanksgiving dinners...but it just didn't feel quite right. Honestly, I just wanted to come home and relax. So here I am, hanging with the dogs and enjoying the first moment of quiet that I've had in a long time.
Looking back to last year, I can definitely see that it was God's plan for me to be in the situation I was in last year. We were pissed off that the arbitrator's decision was taking so long, but I think it was a blessing that it was happening when it did. Last year was the first Thanksgiving that we were both off for in years. We had your family over to our house. I was so proud of myself for actually cooking. I went all out and made everything, from the sweet potatoes to the green bean casserole. Your mom made the turkey, because that was the one thing I wasn't confident about doing. Everything turned out perfectly and it was a great day. It means a lot to me that your last Thankgiving was actually spent with family and not at work.
I feel like I need to catch up on a lot of sleep. Too many nights of getting only 5 hours or so are starting to wear on me. Last week, I had another awful kidney infection that is a result of just not taking care of myself. That will definitely be a resolution for 2006.
I need to call and see how Malia is doing. My mom said she was great on the airplane!
November 24, 2005
Just wanted to drop a little note to ask you to continue to look over your brothers and sisters in blue! Don and myself went and shared a couple of beers with you on Saturday before the game. Man what an incredible win! Last but not least, I wanted to tell Marissa she did and excellent job on the headstone I have never seen anything like that before.
Go Bucks!
P.O. Larry Waltermyer #2317
November 23, 2005
I actually had my application for the academy filled out and ready to be turned in when i learned of your sacrifice. It is kind of funny how such a tragic event would further inspire me to pursue this career. I can only hope that I get the opportunity to serve the community the way you did. I have alot of respect for you. To your family I apologize, for no officer's family deserves to be put through such hell. You are truly an inspiration.
Cadet D
November 23, 2005
Officer Hurst:
Had I known this site existed I certainly would have written sooner to express my gratitude.
On January 6, 2005, I was working at a business not more than 500 yards away from the bank where you were tragically taken. The incident occurred early in the day so needless to say my staff and I were on edge the entire day as we saw helicopters and police cars circuling the area thinking that this coward was still in the area. Had I known at that moment what I know now, that you wounded this punk and hindered his ability to hurt anyone else, I would have been able to be more at ease and would have been able to grieve for you and your family instead of fearing for my own safety.
No man or woman can be more dedicated to his or her job if he or she pays the ultimate price, and you did so for the sake of the people you were sworn to protect - and you did so with honor and courage and for that, I salute you. I hold you, a complete stranger, in the higher regard than I do most people I know personally. May God continue to bless those, particularly your wife and your daughter, who still suffer from your departure.
A Grateful Columbus Citizen
Grateful Columbus Citizen
November 22, 2005
Well, it sure was a great weekend for OSU fans and I know you were going crazy up there. I remember every January when it was time for you to put in requests for time off for the following year. You were always scrambling for an OSU schedule so there was no question that you would be off for the Michigan game. As for your other favorites, I have to admit that I have not been following the NFL at all this year, so I don't know how your Steelers are doing.
It's been a good week and Malia has had alot of fun. I toted her all over the place today, running errands and doing some Christmas shopping. She was very happy to get to play at the indoor playground at Polaris Mall. Bryan, Miss Malia is proving daily that she is not the most patient little thing. There was a little boy about her age sitting at the top of the slide who wouldn't slide down and Malia just shoved him down so she could get a turn! I have never seen her do anything like that.
After we got home, I enjoyed spending an hour with my staple gun, attempting to put my couches back together after the puppy practically ripped them apart. He is such a little sh*t sometimes. All I will say is that he better be a good guard dog when he grows up. He is really testing my patience but makes up for it because he is so darn cute.
This week is Thanksgiving! It will be kind of sad because I will be at work but at least Malia gets to be with family. Everyone is looking forward to seeing her and I know she'll have a blast. She will be taking the second plane ride of her life!
As usual, I starting decorating for Christmas waaay to early. I bought a 12' tree, which looked awesome at the store but is downright overwhelming in my living room. Even on the top step of my ladder, I can't reach the top so I guess the top two feet or so will just be bare. Oh well.
Well, it's time to get to bed. I will write again soon.
Marissa and Malia
November 21, 2005
How 'bout them BUCKS baby!!
November 21, 2005
Ahhhh, what a wonderful day in Buckeye land! I hope you enjoyed the game. I know I did.
This is my first time leaving a reflection. However, I come to this site everyday to check on our brothers. I have enjoyed reading Marissa's notes to you.
I need to get out to your place to see how your doing. I wasn't able to get out after the funeral, but I'll make it soon.
A real good friend of mine works with Marissa and I check on her through him. You, her and Malia will always be in our thoughts.
Take care and I'll visit soon.
P.O. Bryon A. Stumph
CPD #2260 187C
November 20, 2005
....and Michigan still SUCKS!!! I bet you loved that game yesterday :)
A friend
November 20, 2005
Im sure you were looking down today celebrating and cheering on your Buckeyes as they beat the team from up north!...........You were a good man Brian!
Det. Dan Jones #2079 (Med.Ret.) 95th
Columbus, Ohio Division of Police
November 19, 2005
Semper Fi
Ptl Brian A. Steel
Madison NJ PD
November 18, 2005
When I heard the tragic news...all I could think of was, "Why couldn't I have been there, to back you help you take this bad guy down." Given the opportunity, I know you would have been there for me brother. Although we hardly knew one another, I remember your hearty smile...your willingness to jump onto the front lines with your fellow officers. You are a true hero Bryan. As I look up to Heaven, I salute you.
Retired P.O. Dan Cockerham
Columbus Div. of Police
November 16, 2005
I was thinking of you on Veteran's day as I watched dad throw the wreath off the bridge. Its guys like you that make this world a better place and for that I can not thank you enough.
a friend
November 15, 2005
I am trying to make this a regular thing to write on my day off, but sometimes I just can't. Whenever I leave a post, I get flooded with calls or emails wanting me to further explain on what I write. "So, what did you mean by ____?" You would not believe the questions people ask me....of course, I realize this is a forum that everyone can read and leave their thoughts, but damn, let them be my thoughts and not an invitation to a question and answer session with Marissa. Okay, I feel better now :)
Well, your headstone is finally up and it is awesome. The crystal etch of your portrait, CPD badge, and USMC emblem are amazing. I don't think the lettering is exactly how I requested that it be, but still looks good. I hate to be picky, but it has to be perfect. Under your portrait is the quote "In Valor there is Hope." As a lot of cops know, that is the main theme of the Police Memorial in DC, so I thought it would be fitting. The quote is so true.
We had a motion hearing last week in federal court. It was sickening to look at Lawrence in court. He is as disgusting as anyone could imagine. Just from his expressions and general demeanor, it is obvious to me that he feels no remorse. He seemed very casual about the whole matter - odd for someone facing the death penalty. Sitting not far from me was a young woman holding a baby girl who appeared to be about Malia's age. She HAD to be his daughter because they looked exactly alike. As she was sleeping, all I could think was that neither she nor Malia will grow up with their fathers. For very different reasons of course, but they will both still be fatherless. At least Malia will grow up knowing that her daddy died with honor and not as a criminal.
Christmas is coming and I got Malia her dress for her photo with Santa. Remember last year? We got her all dressed up with her red plaid dress and stupid velvet headband (you know how I despise those things) and took her to JC Penney. She refused to sit still and screamed at the people taking her pictures. Nothing worked but I was determined to get her pictures taken for Christmas cards. We finally gave up and left. But, before leaving the mall, we thought, "What the hell, Let's have her see Santa." As soon as she sat on his lap, she was grinning from ear to ear and squealing with happiness. All of the other babies were terrified of that Santa, but Malia was thrilled. Five minutes later, we had the best Christmas picture ever. It was your favorite picture of Malia and that is why it was buried with you, right in your shirt pocket.
Donnie and Lori had Jacoby's 2nd birthday party over the weekend. Last year, they had it in early December. I remember that because we have pictures of you, Malia and I standing in front of their Christmas tree. I believe those were the last pictures we had taken with all three of us. Anyways, it reminded me of just how close to a year we are getting. It seems unreal.
I will try to write later this week. Gotta pick Malia up.
Love you,
Marissa and Malia
November 14, 2005
Gump, Happy Veteran's Day!! I celebrated the final OSU home game with your brother. One week to Michigan brother!! I'll stop by Friday and see your headstone and drink a beer. If you can find Woody and tell him that "We dont give a damn about the whole state of Michigan, the whole state of Michigan, the whole state of Michigan. We dont give a damn about the whole state of Michigan........ WE'RE FROM OHIO!!"
Andrew Ward
November 12, 2005
Dear Bryan, I first want to honor and thank-you for your service as a Marine and an officer. You gave the ultimated sacrifice in order that others may live. You gave to provide the very freedom that allows us to live not just survive. To your family, your wife, your daughter, your friends and co-workers the deepest sympathy is extended from me and my family. We know your loss as my brother was also taken from us in the line of duty. He was also a marine, killed approx. 2 weeks after his 34th birthday and about a month before his 3rd wedding anniversary. We continue to struggle without him. Comfort is seldom found in words but I offer them to you. Unfortunately so many of us know your grief. So many times we ask why. Searching for the answer that may bring and end to our suffering. I have not to date found one. These words were printed on the back of shirts in honor of my brother. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." Bryan is with his brothers and sisters who also gave the ultimate sacrifice. He can now be with each and everyone of you all the time, as he couldn't here on earth. We need our gaurdian angels too. God bless your family, and I know Bryan, just as my brother has found peace in the Arms of the Angels. Susan, Pat,and Bill Hewitt.
Susan Hewitt
Sister of SGT. JEFF HEWITT 04/04/04
November 12, 2005
To the family of Officer Hurst,
I am so terribly sorry of your loss. I know how difficult it must be, when life was taken so tragically so suddenly. I visited with a family who lost their son tragically, suddenly, unexpectedly on a beautiful fall morning four years ago, and know how much it hurts. However, with the strong love and support of others, as is abundantly clear and evident here, I know that you all will be able to continue to cherish and honor Officer Hurst's memory, dedication, service, and sacrifice.
My deepest sympathy and condolences.
November 11, 2005
To Officer Bryan Hurst:
On this Veterans Day, I honor your distinquished service to your country.
Phyllis Loya, mother of Larry Lasater,
Pittsburg PD eow 4/24/05
November 11, 2005
Officer Jim Gilbert
November 10, 2005
Today is the Marine Corps Birthday and I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday.
From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli,
We fight our country's battles in the air, on land and sea.
First to fight for right and freedom, and to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title of United States Marine.
Our Flag's unfurled to every breeze from dawn to setting sun.
We have fought in every clime and place, where we could take a gun.
In the snow of far off northern lands and in sunny tropic scenes,
You will find us always on the job, the United States Marines.
Here's health to you and to our Corps, which we are proud to serve.
In many a strife we've fought for life and never lost our nerve.
If the Army and the Navy ever look on heaven's scenes,
they will find the streets are guarded by United States Marines.
HURST, you upheld the traditions of the Corps to the very end, saving many lives. Honor, courage and valor. I know you're being rewarded in heaven but we all miss you very much down here.
Semper Fi my friend, rest in peace.
Brandon C. Walton
Toledo, OH
November 10, 2005
As all Marines on greeted on November 10th, I wanted to say Happy Birthday, Marine. Semper Fi.
November 9, 2005