Columbus Division of Police, Ohio
End of Watch Thursday, January 6, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Bryan Scott Hurst
You actions that day were unbeleivable! I am truly honored to know that you have received the National Public Safety Officer's Medal of Valor Award! Marissa got to stand in the oval office next to President Bush to recieve your award. It is good to see that your actions were recognized! How many kids can say their mom met the President of the United States to recieve and award for her fathers heroic actions! Brother that was unbeleivable! I am glad to see a hero was recognized, although we didnt do the job for recognition, it is still nice to see officers get positively recognized! Happy St. Patty's Day Gumper!
Ofc. Daniel R. Jones #2079 (Med. Ret)
Columbus, Ohio Division of Police
March 17, 2006
Prepared Remarks of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales
at the Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor Ceremony
Washington, D.C.
March 16, 2006
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
As Regina mentioned, we’ve just had a chance to visit with President Bush in the Oval Office. I was in that extraordinary room many times when I worked in the White House, but few occasions have been as special as this one…because I had the honor of introducing five brave officers to the President.
He made it very clear how much he appreciates their service and sacrifice. So do I. And so do the American people you help every single day.
Here at the Justice Department, we are constantly striving to make our communities more secure, to safeguard our neighborhoods from crime and violence, and to protect the rights and liberties of every American.
We’re trying to follow the example set by these individuals – and the fine public safety community they represent. Every American sleeps better knowing that we have men and women in uniform – from military fatigues to police blues to firemen’s jackets – standing guard, keeping watch, and preserving our safety.
Of course, we are here today to further honor officers who went above and beyond the call of duty – putting their own lives at risk – to earn this mark of heroism.
Their stories, which we will hear in more depth in a moment, cannot be repeated enough.
Cries for help. Heavy gunfire. Daring rescues. Courageous acts of selflessness.
These officers sacrificed themselves, so that others could be safe. They made split-second, instinctive decisions – under great pressure – to help others without regard for their own life or safety. These extraordinary acts of valor are nothing short of heroic. That is why I am so proud that these five individuals have been recognized with the Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor.
One of these brave men is Bryan Hurst. Officer Hurst was killed in the line of duty as he traded fire with an armed robber while on special duty at a neighborhood bank. He made the ultimate sacrifice as he pursued the fleeing suspect through a lobby of innocent bystanders – none of whom were harmed or injured thanks to his heroism.
Officer Hurst’s wife, Sheriff’s Deputy Marissa Hurst, and his daughter Malia, are here with us today to accept the Medal on his behalf. The Nation has lost a brave officer, and we join the entire Hurst family in celebrating the life of an extraordinary son, father, and husband.
I should note that last week, in Ohio, a federal jury imposed the death penalty for Officer Hurst’s killer. I’m proud that many members of the Justice Department could play a role in bringing some measure of closure to this terrible tragedy. Assistant U.S. Attorneys David DeVillers and Michael Burns are with us today. They prosecuted only the second federal death penalty case in the history of the Southern District of Ohio.
It is telling that Marissa Hurst saw this death sentence not simply as redemption for her family, but as a victory for police officers everywhere.
Of course, it is not just the sacrifices of our law enforcement officers that we honor today. It is often their families who shoulder additional burdens.
That’s why I’d like to recognize the families who are here today or who may be home waiting again for your return. Across the country, it is wives, mothers, and daughters… husbands, fathers, and sons who themselves are heroic in their support of the fine men and women protecting all of us. They serve our Nation, too.
My brother, Tony, is a SWAT officer in the Houston Police Department. And I know that my sister-in-law, Kris, hugs him each day knowing the dangers he faces with every shift.
She lets him go because she knows – as each of the families here today know – that we need these brave men and women in the fight against terrorism, violent crime, dangerous drugs, and countless other threats to our communities.
We have considerable work ahead that requires our attention and our energy. But the example of today’s award winners shows that we have what it takes to achieve great things in the service of justice.
On behalf of the President and the American people, let me once again extend my deepest congratulations to these five brave public servants. You are the strength and hope of our Nation. And your service and sacrifice are changing our beloved America for the better.
May God watch over you and your families, and may He continue to bless the United States of America.
March 17, 2006
Even though he is now sentenced to death and justice awaits. It is sad to say that evil has already prevailed. Evil has taken away our "Friend, Officer, Soldier, Husband, Father, Son and Brother"!! Even after his death, we'll still be without one of this worlds Guardian Angels. I think of you every night I make a gun arrest. I think about who's life I may have just saved. I only wish that the one gun that got away would have not taken my friend with it. Please continue to watch over the rest of us as we struggle to protect those we're sworn to. "In Valor there is Hope". Rest in peace brother, I'll talk to you soon.
March 12, 2006
well it has been a long road to justice but as I stated from the first guilty verdict, JUSTICE NEEDS TO BE DONE FOR A HERO! ATTAINED... I'm sure the appeal process will take a little bit, but I really believe Nothing will stop the BUS from heading to Terre Haute Indiana home of the Federal Justice System Death Chamber.. Closure will come then for your family, friends, and fellow officers... Rest in Peace brother. You have done well....
Officer Jim Gilbert
March 11, 2006
Finally, real JUSTICE is served with the DEATH PENALTY! May you rest in peace brother.
We celebrated up here in Toledo last night.
We're always thinking about you and still missing you every day.
Semper Fi "2057,"
Brandon C. Walton
Toledo, OH
March 11, 2006
Marissa, you looked so strong on tv today. Know that all of us here in Chillicothe will still hold you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. I have a feeling that you relived January 6th today and for that I am truly sorry.
I love the new picture you put up of Bryan too. I love the fact that Bryan and Larry both love OSU. I know they are comparing stories up there. I also trust that they are watching over each and every one of us on our watch. Take Care.
Ross County Ohio Deputy Sheriff
March 11, 2006
I have kept tabs on the daily happenings in the trial, but just didnt feel right being in there listening to him. I did start to glow when the judge said he is sentenced to die! I realize that life is short and when its our time to go we go, so since my incident and after what happened to you I have really changed alot of things in my life for the better.....Why we may not understand why bad things happen we all knew the risk we took daily being a cop! I respect all officers for doing such a dangerous and thankless job! GOD LOVE THE FEDERAL SYSTEM! YOU CANT KILL, OR TRY TO KILL A COP AND GET AWAY WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS A VERY STRONG MESSAGE!!!!!!
RIP Brother
Ofc. Daniel R. Jones #2079 (Med.Ret)
Columbus, Ohio Division Of Police
March 10, 2006
I am realy glad to hear that justice was served on that sob that killed Bryan... I am very glad that he got senceted to death..
March 10, 2006
I have been waiting 14 months to write on this page. When the time is here I can't put it into words. I can tell you that you are my true American Hero. You saved my life and I will always remember what you did for me, and the other bank employees. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about Jan 6. Thanks again I will never forget you.
Heather Clifton
Heather Clifton
March 10, 2006
A quote from Judge Frost, "You are hereby sentenced to DEATH." Let it be known that if you kill a cop in Ohio the government will seek the death penalty and our citizens are not afraid to impose it. Your brother Kaz and I are going out for some beers in your honor. I'm proud of you and am relieved that justice has been served. Miss you!
Donnie O
Sgt. Donnie Oliverio
Columbus, OH Police
March 10, 2006
I apologize to you and your family for not making it to the trial. Please understand that I still follow every step and pray for you, your family and friends on a daily basis. They have been through a tough couple of weeks reliving last year. Justice will be served. God bless you.
P.O. Robert Sagle #2254
Columbus Ohio Division of Police
March 10, 2006
To Officer Bryan Hurst and his loved ones:
On this the fourteenth month after your tragic death, please know that your memory is honored and revered today.
My heart is still with your family and I look forward to meeting them in D.C. You’re all in our thoughts and our prayers.
I was glad to see that the guilt phase of the trial had been successfully completed. I hope Bryan and his family get the full measure of justice they deserve in sentencing. The trial ruling regarding uniforms was infuriating and insulting, but I am sure that any observer could tell who the brotherhood and sisterhood of law enforcement was by the proud and united way they presented themselves. None of the objectors could ever hope to be graced with that privilege and honor.
Bryan, you rescued us, saved our possessions, our lives and our families. You are one of the rare heroes among us. You were always there for us in the most traumatic moments of our lives. No matter when we called, we just expected that you would come and do whatever it took to help us, and you always met our expectations. Your selflessness and dedication are awe-inspiring.
This world, this country, your community truly are better places because of you. To have lost you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We are grateful for and to you, and honor you for all you did for us day in and day out whether you received a word of thanks or praise.
Rest in Peace, Officer Bryan Hurst. I am so humbled by your valor and courage.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the distinquished service Bryan gave to his community and the citizens of Ohio, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on January 6, 2005.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
March 9, 2006
Marissa, I just wanted you to know that I think have been thinking of you every day, especially during the last couple of weeks. I know you have a lot of wonderful people helping you and looking out for you...was the officers from Columbus Police are a special bunch. I am just a phone call away if you need one more ear or shoulder.
P.S. I love the picture change. From all the postings on here it obviously shows Bryan at his best.
Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Atty, Franklin County
March 8, 2006
I hope that this sob get what he deserves for Killing a nice guy ... I met Bryan once or twice and he was really nice ....
Rest in peace Bryan
March 5, 2006
This battle is coming to an end and your life will be changing. It will no longer be filled with court dates and a trial. Live your life to the fullest for yourself and your daughter. Teach her about her father, let her know he loved her dearly. Hold fast to your memories of the life you once knew.
March 4, 2006
justice is slowly creeping up on him!!!!
Ofc. Daniel R. Jones (Med.Ret)
Columbus, Ohio Division of Police
March 3, 2006
GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY!!! Now let's hope justice prevails in sentencing. We miss you and continue to watch over the rest of us.
March 1, 2006
Thinking of you during this time!!
March 1, 2006
Bryan, we have been praying for you and your family.
So many people have waited for this day for so long.
God Speed Brother.
Friends of Larry R Cox EOW 4/21/05
Chillicothe Ohio Police Department
February 28, 2006
Bryan, was nice visiting after a long day of waiting and watching for the verdict. At least some relief until sentencing.
A friend
February 28, 2006
You are and forever will be a HERO... Justice for now in a guilty verdict, real justice still yet to come!!
Officer Jim Gilbert
February 28, 2006
During such a terrible time when so many bad memories are brought back up, I am so glad to see that justice has started it's course, now as long as the death penalty is the punishment, that can serve as a LITTLE bit of peace in everyone's mind. Rest easy brother.
Marion, Ohio
February 28, 2006
2/28/06 - J U S T I C E S E R V E D ! ! !
February 28, 2006
GUILTY!! All 8 counts! We are at least temporarily satisfied until sentencing later in the week. We tried to do you proud.
Sgt. Donnie Oliverio
Columbus, OH P.D.
February 28, 2006
Hope you can rest a little easier! They found the guy guilty that took you away from your family and friends. Rest easy brother!
February 28, 2006