Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Bryan Scott Hurst

Columbus Division of Police, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, January 6, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Bryan Scott Hurst


There is so much that you are missing with our daughter - it just isn't fair. For lack of better words, it really sucks that Malia has lived more of her life without you instead of with you. You have missed both her first and second birthdays and both Fathers Days. Sadness and anger are interchangeable in regards to these things. It's depressing that you aren't here for the good moments, and I get angry when you aren't here for the bad ones. Things are sometimes very, very hard and it's hard to do it alone. Yes, I do get tons of help, but there are lots of times where I feel like it's just Malia and I. It can be overwhelming when it becomes apparent that it really is just me, and only me, that is responsible for making sure that she grows up happy and healthy.

We've been doing all kinds of fun things with Malia this summer. We have gone to COSI a lot, which is great, but still sad when it's just she and I. I see families with Moms, Dads and kids and it just plain sucks. Yes, everyone in the state of Ohio knows that I have found love and happiness again, but there are still moments when it hurts to see what I am describing. Seeing fathers with their daughters is the absolute worst - it's akin to a kick in the stomach for me. I feel bad, because I know I should be happy for those other families, but it's so hard because you were TAKEN from Malia. You didn't pack up and leave on your own, abandoning us. SOMEONE TOOK YOU. Period.

When I had surgery last week, the admissions lady at St. Anns' asked me if I was married. I said 'no.' She asked if I was single. I said 'no'. She looked at me like 'Ok what the hell?' I told her I was widowed and I got the look of shock that I always get. Turns out there is a box to check for 'widow' after all. They just usually don't offer it to a 27 yr old who is checking in for surgery.

Not long ago, I called your old Nextel 2-way number to see what happened. A man answered - they have assigned it to another person. It's so weird and awful. I still get mail with your name on it. It's like your're still here, but your're not.

Malia had her 2 year checkup at the pediatrician today. Thankfully no shots this time. They have a huge fishtank in the waiting room, which she is enamored with. When it was her turn to go back, she screamed because she didn't want to leave the fish. That started a huge tantrum of course. Ugh. Anyways, she just loves looking at fish - makes me think I should get her one, but I hate the thought of cleaning a tank.

Malia still has a love/hate relationship with Felony. The bigger he gets, the more irritated she is with him. He towers over her and slaps her with his tail. She screams at him "NO BLONEY! NO BLONEY! BLONEY GIIIIITTTTTTTTTT!" He loves her, of course, has no clue what's going on.

Well, tomorrow is Daryl's official sentencing. I don't see the point, because he was already sentenced to death at trial. Donnie and I are not going. As far as I'm concerned, Daryl is already dead to me and I have no desire to see him until it's needle to arm time. That will be a beautiful day. Sounds sick, I know, but justice is justice.


Marissa and Malia


August 9, 2006

My family and I were in Columbus, Ohio for the Girls Fastpitch World Series in July when I saw several Columbus police cars with a black ribbon magnet with your police I.D. on their vehicles. I thought to myself what a special person you must have been to have so many friends honoring you.
When I returned to Maryland I read about the ultimate sacrifice that you had made. God bless you (Ofc Bryan S. Hurst) and your family . You will be in my prayers.

Proud Maryland Visitor

August 5, 2006


I am really sorry that I will not be able to attend the court session in August. I did though write a letter that I am going to give to the judge about what kind of impact this situation has done too me. I really want to go but I already had plans for vacation with my family. I thought about canceling them, but then I thought I did not want this situation to change my life anymore. In a way I feel bad not going but I am not going to let him change my life! He's already changed your families life so much. A lot has been going on with me the past month. I quit Fifth Third Bank in Hilliard. I got a offer with National City Bank in Grandview that I accepted. I thought about staying at 5/3 since I was there for 7 years, but then I just thought about how bad they treated all of us during the trial. Everything they said they were going to do for us was a lie. They did not even send anyone to represent us! During the trial I told myself as soon as I find another job I am leaving them. What kind of company does not care about there employees???? It was very hard to leave. I felt like I had a connection with you and all the other 5/3 employees I met during this experience. I hope that you can watch over me in Grandview. Every day I still think about what you did for me. Afer August 10th I will post what I wrote for the courts. I hope that your famlily is doing well. I think about them and you all of the time. Again, thanks for everything and I will never forget you. I wish I could have met you.


July 30, 2006

In just a few days we will go to court again to see Daryl finally sentenced. I hope that this occasion will bring a little closure. I will be reading a statement that day and have had great difficulty writing the words I want to say. I can only hope to do you and everyone else justice. I can't put in words all that has come from this tragedy. I am so sorry that I never got to know you before the robbery. I have come to know you through your family though and know what a kind and strong person you were. Thank you again and from the heart for saving my life and those of my co-workers. HERO doesn't begin to describe what you are!

Andrea Ross
Fifth Third Bank

July 27, 2006


You are a true hero to all of us in blue. My heart goes out to your family, especially your wife and daughter. I know you are looking down on them, and they will never really be without you. Your courage will never be forgotten and you will always be remembered a hero. Save a place on the golden streets. Someday we will meet my brother and you can show me your new beat.

The credit goes to the person who’s actually in the arena; whose face is marred with the dirt, sweat and blood; who knows great enthusiasm and joys, who spends himself in a worthy cause, and whose place shall never be with those timid souls who knew never victory nor defeat.

Sgt. C. Doolin

July 26, 2006

Thank God for Heros like Officer Hurst. As a former Deputy Sheriff in Indiana, I had a close call with vitually the same circumstances that by the grace of God didn't turn out like this horrible situation. I just wanted the family to know that thier Hero was remembered today and prayed for. I have an infant son and I can't imagine the pain this tragici incident has and will cause. I am not only going to pray for Officer Bryan S. Hurst, but his daughter and family. This profile has touched me beyond belief. God bless Officer Hurst's family and know he is watching over us all.

Former Indiana Deputy Sheriff

Former Indiana Sheriff's Deputy

July 22, 2006

What a sad week it's been. The death of Officer Kaiser from the heart attack was bad enough but losing Sgt. Deck to an anyeurism made it worse. I take comfort knowing Officer Kaiser is resting in peace near you. I'm sure you and Melissa have greeted Larry and Stan.
We miss you!

July 22, 2006


We buried one of Columbus' finest today in the Meadow of Serenity just a few yards from you. It was eerie being in the cemetery under those circumstances again, but it was somehow peaceful knowing one of our boys will be nearby you to help you on your way. Got to go to lunch with Marissa afterwards. While I was there I got a call from the FBI. I haven't told you yet but I applied back in March during the trial after talking to one of the FBI Agents that worked on your case. I found out today that I got the conditional offer of employment. I have big decisions to make. The people closest to me are proud and say I should take it. Truax said he thought you would be proud. I hope you are.

Miss You,


Sgt. Donnie Oliverio
Columbus, OH PD

July 21, 2006

I don't know why I am continually drawn to this site. I have never been impacted by anything as personally as I am by your death. Yours was a loss that wrenched my heart, I'm so very sorry Marissa and Malia. I was looking on my site tonight for something else, and again read my poem to you, and again followed my link here. I then spend time reading the many offerings of love made towards you and your family. I read Marissa's letters to you, and I want to cry for her. Someone mentioned the Red, White, & Boom theme this year was "Heroes". It's true, you will always be...
In Gods hands now.

Paul J Haldy
just a Westerville resident

July 18, 2006

Just wanted to thank you and say Happy Birthday to your baby girl

July 15, 2006

Rest In Peace Bryan. You will be always be remembered!!

Officer Brandon Harris #10
Valleyview Police Department

July 12, 2006

Brian its b/c of of you, the CPD and your buddy Jimmy Ashenhurst that im a police officer today...RIP brother we have the watch.

Officer Brent Gudorf
Newport Beach P.D.

July 8, 2006

Just thinking about you and the sacrifice you made. The theme for Red White and Boom this year was "Heroes." They must have had you in mind. Keep watch over us all.

Officer Robert Sagle #2254
Columbus Ohio Division of Police

July 5, 2006

For those who pledge to uphold it, Freedom requires a Sacrifice the protected will never know...

Officer Eric H. Brill (Retired)
Whitehall Division of Police

July 4, 2006


Today is a day that when I hear the fireworks going off I will think of all the people who are serving in the military and people who give their life to save another. I could never say Thanks enough to you. Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and your wonderful family this 4th of July=)



July 4, 2006

Although there are many days to memorialize those that have passed away. Today, we celebrate "Our" Independence. But, if it werent for those who afforded us this celebration, we'd be living another life. Gone but not forgotten, you're one of our "True American Heroes".

RIP Brother....We'll get it from here!!


July 4, 2006

Kiss me goodnight and say my prayers
Leave the light on at the top of the stairs
Tell me the names of the stars up in the sky
A tree taps on the window pane
That feeling smothers me again
Daddy is it true that we all have to die

At the top of the stairs
Is darkness

I closed my eyes and when I looked
Your name was in the memorial book
and what had become of all the things we planned
I accepted the commiserations
Of all your friends and your relations
But there's some things I still don't understand

You were so tall
How could you fall?

July 2, 2006

I often come to the ODMP site to read the reflections of my friends that I lost while I was a Norfolk Cop. Somehow, I ran across Officer Hurst's memorial and I am always touched by the reflections left for him and the strength his wife has to stand up for what is right for HER and not the "system." How ironic that in Norfolk, the recruit who graduates with the best grades & dedication wins an award named after an officer we lost, Kit Hurst. He died working next to my father many years ago. Columbus and the Hurst family are lucky to have known such a hero as Bryan Hurst. It seems that each day the dirtbags on the street have less & less respect for the men and women in uniform. Although many miles are between Norfolk and Columbus, I admire your department, friends and family for keeping your honor and funny stories alive. My son chose you to write about a true "HERO" for his 8th grade project. Know that many students pray for the family and co-workers left behind and have a new respect for police officers. If you are ever in the Tidewater area we would love to have you meet the students who studied what it means to be a "hero"- and that means not only Officer Hurst, but his wife that is left behind to try to lead a "normal" life.

Former Norfolk, VA POII
Norfolk, VA, City Police

June 23, 2006

I went by Grant last night to check on the Deputy US Marshal who was shot in the arm from yesterday. all those guys were so professional and (behind the scenes) very supportive during the trial. almost immediately they recognized me and were in great spirits..We all talked about you watching over him from above, it was kinda weird, it happened just a mile or so from the bank on 14 prect... Keep us safe brother...miss you...

Officer Jim Gilbert
Columbus PD

June 23, 2006

Hey brotha', Wanted to wish you a happy belated fathers day. Also to tell you to look out for all of us this summer. It is absolutely off the hook and hopefully we'll combat some of it. I'm on a summer task force to try and deter some violent crimes. We're getting about 2 guns a day from our unit. I've told you before and I'll say it again, every arrest I make I think of you. I look up at that button in my cruiser with your picture in it and say "That's for you man!!" Of all the guns I've ever recovered, there's 2 I didnt get and they killed my friends. Every time I turn one in I think of another officer who's life I saved. Could be mine, my brother's, my friends or an unknown officer. Regardless, it's one less funeral I'm attending, one less family ruined and one more child who gets to see their father.

RIP Brotha', we'll get it from here!!


June 20, 2006

Happy Father's Day Bryan

June 18, 2006


It's late and I'm still up. Tomorrow is Father's Day. You never got to celebrate a single one with Malia and it isn't fair. She is a very, very, very loved little girl and has wonderful people in her life....but still, it is so hard. About two weeks ago, I was looking at books at Target. They had a Fathers Day book display and I saw a book titled "Why Every Daughter Needs a Father." I cried at Target - it was so bad.

In many ways, I feel grateful that Malia was only 5 months old when you were taken from us. I feel that way because she really has no sense of loss right now. She isn't mourning the loss of her father the way that an older and more aware child would. However, in another way, I feel that she was deprived of getting to know you at all. It's a struggle to decide which would be less harmful in the long run.

I'm going to show her some different photos of you tomorrow. I'm not planning to take her to the cemetery, I'm sure much to the dismay of some. I just don't think toddlers belong hanging out at cemeteries, knowing their daddies as only headstones. It's creepy and wrong, because you aren't even there, just your body and not your spirit. Malia instead needs to see photos, videos, and hear stories about her daddy and what an awesome man he was.

Bryan, I have to tell you that I am SO TIRED of all things sad and depressing. A huge weight has been lifted now that DC and all of the major memorial events have passed. Constantly focusing on death is so emotionally exhausting that I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Going to DC and meeting with other survivors was cool. Hearing the stories of what happened to the other families was awful and made me realize that it could be much, much worse for us. The piece of sh*t who killed you was caught and will eventually be executed, so it gives us a small piece of closure. So many other surviving police families don't have that luxury...I learned that there are many police killings unsolved, and even worse, convicted killers who received pathetic sentences. Anyways, I am glad it is over. Life feels good now and most importantly, it is OKAY to feel good.

Malia is having a great summer. We joined a pool and she loves to splash around the baby pool and play with the pool toys. It is very cool being able to relax during the summer instead of putting on a vest and gunbelt and sweating my butt off. She and I are doing all kinds of fun stuff. She is taking a toddler gymnastics class and I'm trying to find a stable that gives riding lessons with ponies. She is a pony fanatic. Felony has been slowly destroying her stuffed rocking horse and finally gutted the whole thing today and Malia cried. One week, he ate the tail, then the mane...then finally pulled out the stuffing today. I guarantee you would have sent him to the pound by now if you were here :) That dog has been the biggest pain in the butt this weekend, but that is another story. He is laying next to the bed right now, snoring so loud that I can't hear the TV.

There are so many things that remind me of you lately. Lots of little things remind me of things you used to do and say. I found a CD that I had burned a few years ago. You used to get mad because I would burn a bunch and forget to label them, so you wrote 'MARISSA'S MUSIC' in black marker on this CD. It was weird seeing your's been a long time since I've seen it. I laughed though, because 'MARISSA'S MUSIC' didn't tell me damn thing about what songs were on the CD. All you cared about was that it definitely wasn't something you'd listen to, so you labeled it accordingly.

There are so many things of yours that I just can't bring myself to get rid of. Not the obvious stuff, like your K9 trophies and Marine Corps treasured stuff, but the small and insignificant things instead. I can't seem to get rid of the Cleveland Browns sweatpants that you always wore, that had huge holes in both pockets. I think you liked them so you could scratch yourself....umm...discreetly. What was funniest though is that the biggest Steelers fan was wearing Browns sweats.

Well, it's almost 1 a.m. and Miss Malia will be waking me bright and early. We love you and miss you Bryan.



June 17, 2006


Happy Father's Day!!!!

June 17, 2006

I can't help but to think of you as we approach what you were truly all about, being the best dad. Hope you have a Happy Father's Day up there looking down on not so little Malia.

June 16, 2006

I was just thinking about you today so I thought I'd leave a note.

June 13, 2006

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