Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Bryan Scott Hurst

Columbus Division of Police, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, January 6, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Bryan Scott Hurst

I wanted to make it to D.C. this year more than last year but I could'nt. I feel kinda guilty that I didn't just wait till 2006 to go. Even though I didn't know you personally, I felt the inportance of going to hear your name read, seeing your name on the wall and looking at pictures of you. I'm really sorry I could'nt make it. But please know that I really wanted to. I know what a great guy you are and I know so many others went. I just feel really bad. I think about what happened to you all the time. I dunno why it had to. I tend to believe everything happens for a reason. But, I just dunno. There is no reason in my mind why you had to go and not someone else, ya know?

June 3, 2006

We are thinking of you as we take time to celebrate all of the Heros of our great country!

Rest in Peace Dear Friend

a friend

May 26, 2006

We met your family at the Capitol on May 15, 2006. Your family and ours share so many things. We were sitting in front of little Cole who was behaving like such a big boy for the entire event. Your mother-in-law was sitting next to my mom, who is the mother-in-law of the fallen officer in our family. My sister comes from a family of three girls, and my sister was pregnant with little Cody when our brother-in-law was murdered during a bank robbery. We share so many similiar fates and are now all part of the large family of fallen officers. We learned all about little Melia and how she blows kisses to your picture. Our little Cody will gentley touch his fathers picture when you ask him, 'Where's Daddy?" I hope you and my brother-in-law, Larry are in heaven together sharing a beer and watching over us all. My heart goes out to your family as I know all too well the pain they feel. It sounds like your family is doing a wonderful job teaching little Melia all about her hero Daddy. Maybe someday Melia and Cody will be able to get together and share stories about what hero's their Daddy's are.

sister-in-law, Larry Lasater

May 25, 2006

My life is forever changed after attending the services at the National Law Enforcement Memorial. So many came to honor you, Bryan. Seeing your cruiser decorated in front of the memorial brought back vivid memories of your cruiser parked in your driveway on your stops home from work. I remember you turning the flashing lights and siren on to show Malia and how fascinated she was with everything. What a respectful gesture that was to have your cruiser as part of the honorarium! I took about 100 photos of the many events honoring fallen officers, and will share these with Malia when she is older. The collages Marissa made for you on "the wall" were very touching. The candlelight vigil was especially moving. We all stood together when your name was announced honoring the ultimate sacrifice you made that fateful day at the bank. I was so impressed with the amount of empathy and sensitivity displayed by everyone attending the events. The service on the Capital lawn was amazing. Seeing all the honor guards and bag pipers from all over the United States certainly reflected the magnitude of this event. I cried the first time I saw your name engraved on the memorial wall. I read all the written honorariums beside your name, looked at all the photos of you at your wedding, with little Malia, with your friends, and with Marissa. I closed my eyes and reflected on the details of each photo (and you know I took many of those pictures!) and remembered what happy times they were. If I would have only known your time with us would have been so short, I would have taken so many, many more pictures. I carry a picture of you in my car and ask that you continue to watch over me, and all your family/friends. You will always remain in my heart, and I will forever cherish the wonderful times I spent with you.

Sherri A. Marzick

May 23, 2006


The last couple of days at the bank have been so hard for me. Today I working and a police officer was in the lobby. When I was helping him I noticed that his badge was 2 digits from yours. I told him that 2057 saved my life. The officer mentioned that you were his friend and he was in class with you. When he told me that It took all that I had not to break down. I felt my face getting red and I could hardly say that "thank you" I knew he could tell that I was upset. I tried so hard not to get upset. It would have been easier not to mention your name, but I want people to know that you saved my life and many others. Thanks again Bryan and all police offiers.


May 22, 2006

R.I.P. Officer Hurst you are not forgotten.

El Paso County Sheriff

May 20, 2006

Bryan, Im so glad to read what an inpact you have had on so many people. You have been honored this last 16 months in several ways, but you'll always be a hero to your family, friends and those at the bank that day! I find peace in some weird way by just reading the things people write each day to you, and to see that so many have you in their thoughts each day.
The memories you left behind will forever touch us all. Im so proud to talk about you to my friends and tell them what a hero you are. As I end each day by reading this page, I pray you will watch over us another day and look forward to reading more stories about you. Keep us safe. I Love You.


May 19, 2006


Seeing your name on the wall in DC reminded me that this is all so real. A co-worker is not here anymore. A person I spoke with just an hour before is gone. A hero was taken from us. I am still so proud of what you did for all of those people you saved. God Bless you and continue to watch over us all.

Officer Robert Sagle #2254
Columbus Ohio Division of Police

May 19, 2006

i never got to meet you an i heard you where a great guy, keep watching over your fellow officers, an to your family just keep holding on strong.

fellow officer's daughter

May 17, 2006

Thinking of you today as our Nation honors those who made the ultimate sacrafice. God Bless you Brother, your amongst great company! Gone, but never forgotten...

Officer Eric H. Brill (Retired)
Whitehall Division of Police

May 15, 2006


I never had the honor to meet you when your presence on this earth was physical. However, you will always be present as your spiritual self, watching over your fellow officers, family, and friends just as you did when your presence in this world was tangible. I believe in my faith that although Marissa and Malia cannot actually see you that you are very much among us and close to them at all times.

You now stand by those that have passed before us and almighty God in heaven. You are free from any pain or suffering and the choices you made in life told by those that were the closest to you leave me no doubt that you are in a place that no human being can even possibly fathom. Though I did not know you personally, I wept like Niagra Falls at your funeral. I also laughed when Sgt. Oliverio shared some light hearted experiences in your purposeful life full of significance and importance.

Unfortunately our lives on this earth are short and as human beings, we have only a limited time to accomplish our goals. During this brief time period, we experience a roller coaster of emotions. There are good times and bad times. We are sometimes pushed to our breaking points and at other times we are flying high as kites. We don't know why at the time but somehow these challenges make us stronger better people. I have thought why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? I don't know why our brother Bryan was taken from us so early in his life but what I do know is that every time something tragic has ever happened to someone good and those affected remain strong turning their anger and frustration into something productive, something bad is turned into something good. Life is a constant battle between good vs. evil and when something so terrible happens such as Bryan's murder, if together we can make something positive out of it (coming together as a society in support of our fallen hero or police officers donating their personal time to take care of those left behind by Bryan), then good reigns triumphant.

And as for what I said in the beginning about not having the honor to meet Bryan when his presence on this earth was physical. After reading the many detailed reflections left by those that love Bryan very much and miss him deeply, I feel like I have known Bryan for years. Thanks Bryan for leaving behind a great legacy, one in which you can be proud of, your family and friends can be proud of, and one in which we can all learn from.

Columbus Division of Police

May 14, 2006

I'll be one of many from your recruit class in DC paying honor to you.. My Dad has never been to the Memorial and after serving 28 years as a police officer with Cincinnati PD he's going with me this year!!! Keep us safe as we travel to honor you and the many others from 2005...

Officer Jim Gilbert

May 13, 2006


Everyone has been going crazy this year waiting to get to DC. Issac and I counted the other night, and we think there are about 80 of us going this year. As excited as we all are to get there, it's going to be hard to get through the weekend. I found your panel on the wall.....46-W:25.....we will see you there tomorrow night Brother. Always Honored and Never Forgotten!!


Ofc. Jim Parsons #717
Columbus Division of Police

May 12, 2006


I will be in DC this weekend honor your sacrafice you made that fateful day. I can't believe this much time has past because it seems like just yesterday I was talking to you. You are deeply missed by myself and all the officers on 2 precinct. I tap your picture that hangs in the sub everyday before I hit the street. This gives me the comfort that you will watch over us as we finish your work out here. Bryan you were a great friend and co-worker and you will be remembered and missed forever. Rest easy!!


Kareem Kashmiry
Columbus Police Dept

May 11, 2006


I'm starting to believe that there are no such thing as coincidences. Everything happens for a purpose. Today, I received a wonderful greeting card in the mail, with a message that "...Although time has passed, you need to know that many have not forgotten the sacrifice your family has made....Please realize that there are many people who appreciate what officers do each day and pray daily for their strength and perseverence." I have no idea who sent it, as it was only signed "Those who are protected by CPD." This couldn't have come at a better time, because it has been really hard lately. It seems weird that rough times come 17 months later, but it is what it is. The concept of delayed grief is real. For me, the best coping strategy so far had been avoidance. No looking at old pictures, no listening to sad songs, no watching wedding videos, no reading old cards you gave me, no therapy/counseling, etc. Just avoidance. Act like everything is okay and it will be. While that managed to work over the past year and a half, it isn't working anymore. Panic is setting in because DC is this weekend and death is thrown back in my face. All of the events in DC make it impossible for me to do the avoidance thing - the Blue Light, the seminars with other survivors, looking at all of the collages of lives lost on the Memorial Wall, watching other people suffer, cry and grieve. Little things have been sending me into tears lately. Krissy gave the most courageous speech I've ever heard, last week at the OPOTA Memorial. She put her soul out there for everyone and told the audience what it is really like to lose your husband to violent crime. I found myself struggling to hold back the tears. Then, over the weekend, I was buying flowers for Mother's Day. The flowers were by the greeting cards, and of course, the Father's Day cards are already out. You never got to celebrate a single Father's Day with Malia. Not one. I starting thinking about it, right there at Giant Eagle, and I got lightheaded and dizzy. It just isn't fair, and I hate to question God's plan, but is so difficult to make sense of this.

I have developed this intense fear of those that I love being hurt or killed. I am like a maniac now with seatbelts, turn signals, not talking on cell phones while driving, driving too fast, riding motorcycles without helmets, going anywhere unarmed...especially banks. I am probably annoying the hell out of my friends with this stuff, but I can't help it. It's hard to explain to others why I just need them to be as safe as possible. Everything is different now; this event has been so completely has toned me down so much. You used to make fun of me for only listening to rap and hip-hop; you'd make fun of the songs and say they were all about drugs, murder, doing prison time, hating the police, etc. I never gave much thought to the lyrics back then, just liked the music. Now most of that stuff makes me nauseous. I equate it all with the P.O.S. who did this to you and all the other wastes of space in prison. Sometimes I have to laugh at myself when I'm in the car and I catch myself jamming to Sunny 95....i.e. the 'easy listening' channel that used to make me gag. Maybe I'm just getting old :)

Watch over us Bryan.



May 9, 2006

Sorry I didnt get a chance to make it to OPOTA for their State Ceremony. However, I will catch up with you in DC. I'm curious as to where they'll place you. Whether they'll have you near other CPD brothers and sisters. Regardless, as they place you on the wall and the lions look over you. It's only fitting to state the infamous words enscribed along the pathway. Words that your cowardly killer learned first hand.


Rest in peace brother, we got it from here.


May 8, 2006

My name is Bill Styskal and I represent the officers of the Police Unity Tour that will be riding our bikes to DC on Tuesday May 9th to honor our fallen hero's. I'm an officer with the West Caldwell Police Department in New Jersey just 20 miles outside of New York City. This year I will be riding with over 400 other officers to honor our brothers and sisters who gave the ultimate sacrifice. I will have the honor to ride for Bryan this year. I have spoken to Bryan's friend and partner, Don Oliverio who speaks so highly of Bryan. I'm looking forward to meeting with Bryan's friends and family in DC and am honored to be able to present them with a memorial bracelet that I will be wearing on my ride to DC. I look forward to seeing you all on the 12th. God Bless you all for your dedicated commitment to law enforcement and to Bryan.

Ptl. William B. Styskal
West Caldwell Police, New Jersey Police Unity Tour

May 6, 2006

You were thought of today...your legacy will live with Adonai...

Friend of:
Patrolman Kip E. Boulis
Perrysburg City Police Department, Ohio
E.O.W.: Sunday, May 30, 1976

Alabama C.O.P.S.

May 6, 2006

We'll see you in D.C. for the memorial dedication Brian! Watch over your close friends and family as they will need you during that time!

Ofc. Daniel R. Jones #2079 (Med.Ret)
Columbus, Ohio Division of Police

May 5, 2006

We added your name to the wall at OPOTA today. It was a good ceremony. I was proud to be part of the Sidney Honor Guard that performed the 21 gun salute for you. Rest in peace, my friend.

Off. M.J. McRill #180
Sidney Police Department (Ohio)

May 4, 2006

It's hard to believe that another year has passed, and it is time to start attending Police Memorials. We are piping the OPOTA State Memorial tomorrow morning, where your name was recently engraved on the wall. I piped the solo Amazing Grace fade off for Melissa last year, and if I have anything to say about it, I will do the same for you tomorrow. I insisted on doing it at your funeral, but at the last second, I had to pass it off to Mike Woods because I almost passed out as I was so overcome w/ emotions. I won't let you down tomorrow...I promise. I think about you everyday, especially when I stand in front of the collage of pictures of you at 5 sub. When no one is around....I salute you....and always think back to the morning you were taken from us...standing in formation outside of Grant Hospital.....crying hysterically....and saluting you as the wagon drove off. Can't wait to honor you tomorrow my CPD Warrior!!! JP

Ofc. Jim Parsons
Columbus Division of Police

May 3, 2006

We will be in Washington with honor and respect to hear your name read.

Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Matthew Rittenhouse, EOW 9/16/04

Linda Rittenhouse

May 1, 2006

Everyday I wonder what you were like? I wish I could have met you. You seemed to be such an amazing man,father,brother,husband,son and cop. I can't imagine how hard it is for your family. I know myself I think about the day all of the time. I replay the whole situation day after day, night after night! I want to try to forget the whole situation but I can't. I hope that one day I can forget a lot about January 6. I will promise I will never forget what you did for us. You OUR hero.. Wish I could have met you.

April 27, 2006

Dear Bryan,
I miss you a lot, but I take comfort in knowing that people appreciate your sacrifice. I felt like the verdict from the jury reflected that people get it. It's still very painful to not have you here, but the support from the community is overwhelming. I took Colin to your grave today and then to the zoo. I was wearing the officer down tshirt and a retired Columbus police officer told me we were in her prayers. It's comforting to know people care. When I am at your grave, I wonder if you can see me or if you can feel the pain I have. I always feel lost when I am there, and I just start rearranging flowers.
I love when people tell stories of things you did or said. It's so nice to remember you. I recall you telling me to go play in traffic a lot, you trying to drive me to my friends house when I thought I knew how to get there and your patience with me, and you taking me to mom's work and being so nice to me after my piano teacher died, and you teasing me about being a princess, you threatening to cut the strings of my piano if I woke you up one more time, and you having tobacco in your gums and teeth when you smiled and me telling you how gross you were, and the many times I came so close to drinking your tobacco spit in a pop can, and when you were playing nintendo one night, I accidently spilled a can of your tobacco, and after you yelled at me, I ran upstairs to my room in tears, and you weren't far behind to tell me that you were sorry and it was ok.
I would get so mad when I would try to punch you and you always asked if I hurt my hand on your muscles of steel. I also hated your line about there being loose floorboards or coughing spiders always being around.
I Love you so much and I am missing you very much, especially on nice days like today, when I am able to spend the entire day with my son, and really take in life.

Freedom isn't free, and boy, don't I know it.
I wish we were enjoying our children together.


April 22, 2006


Happy Birthday... Your sadly missed...

keep watching over us!

Officer Jim Gilbert

April 16, 2006

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