Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

Marion County Sheriff's Department, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, October 14, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

Your monument is finally up. It is very sad yet beautiful if that makes any sense. The pictures I chose are great. The one of you in your uniform is huge. It is almost life size. I felt like I could stand there and talk to you again. I just could not stop staring at the picture. The people at the cemetary are just too kind. It amazes me that people are still so generous. They are putting down sod so the area will look nicer. They also dug a flower bed and put in some flowers. Before I knew that I went to buy some flowers. The lady there asked me what I was planting and I told her for my husband's grave. She asked what happened. I explained it to her and she gave me some of the flowers for free. I am going to buy some planters to put at the sides of the stone since the cemetary already put flower beds in front.

Grandma was there when I got there today. I started crying. It is just so final. It is done now....written in stone and final. Seeing my own name on a tombstone was really strange. I wasn't sure how to feel. It worries me that the boys will have questions about that. That it will make them realize that someday Mommy will die too. Landon keeps asking if everyone's Daddy gets hurt. He also keeps pretending he is the bad guy and is shooting people. He also pretends he is dead. The counselor's have told me he will act it out in his play but it is really hard to deal with when he does. I know I have to let him do it and I have to be supportive. It is just very hard to watch a 4 year old little boy pretend he is dead.

The poker run is Saturday. It sounds like there is going to be a huge turn out. I hope we can all relax and have some fun. I know Chris really wants this to be a good time and not like all the recent memorials that are so sad and hard emotionally.

Well I have to get Ty to bed. He is refusing to go to sleep. He keeps getting out of bed. It was so much easier when he slept in a crib.....He is curled up at my feet while I am typing on the computer. I have to get up early because Landon's class has a zoo trip.

Love you dear. Goodnight. Missing you as much as always.


June 2, 2005

Hey Brandy,

I just had some things I wanted to share with you about spending this past weekend with Sara and the boys. Brandy, I must admit that I felt so guilty playing ball with Landon. I felt so guilty pushing him and Ty on the swings. I felt so guilty sitting on the couch with ty in my arms watching a movie. Why do I feel so guilty? Well Brandy, you should be the one doing all of those things with your sons and it tears me up that you were taken away from those little boys lives the way you were taken away. It broke my heart while Sara was driving the four of us back from Missy's house and Landon started talking about his daddy and dying. I must say that I am so proud of how Sara handles those conversations because I was speechless. Your niece and nephew are absolutely adorable as well. I saw pics of you and them. You were such a proud uncle by the smile shown on your face. Sara showed me the video she had made about you and the entire family. In some of the pics, you reminded me of my Duke with the peach fuz mustache and skinny arms and legs in those clothes from the 80's and early 90's. Sorry, but I had to laugh when I saw them. But you know what, there is one thing that I don't feel guilty about. I don't feel guilty that I got the opportunity under the most unfortunate of circumstances to meet that wonderful family of yours and have been able to help them heal as much as they have all helped me to heal from both of our traumatic losses. I first started talking to Sara not to long after you were taken away from her and the boys and it seems like I have known her and her family my entire life since that first email from her. Everyone one of them misses you Brandy and everyone of them loves you. Everyone knows you are looking after them and I saw that myself when the hawk (at least Landon and I thought it was a hawk) flew over top of us and circled a couple of times around us while we were playing ball. Thank you Brandy for allowing me that opportunity to be with your family this past weekend although I must say, I wish you were also there.

Take it easy up there and you and Duke try not to get into to much trouble. He would have loved your in-laws house.


Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

May 31, 2005

Hey Brandy,

Happy Belated Memorial Day...I'm a little late, I was too hung over yesterday from the cookout/bonfire at my sisters house Sunday night to get it in early LOL. Your cousin Melissa was there also, of course you know her and my sister go way back. I'm sure you were watching down on us and laughing at all us drunks. Melissa wants us to go on the poker run, but Ryan and I don't have a bike YET so we are gonna try to make it up to the V when it opens to the public later in the evening.

I see that your a Kenny Chesney fan from reading your wifes letters on here. Ryan and I went on Friday night. We had a blast. Kid Rock showed up and surprised everyone and sang Cowboy with Kenny and Uncle Kracker and then Kid and Kenny sang a Bob Segar song. That was awesome.

Keep Smiling......

Amy Caldwell

May 31, 2005

Happy Memorial Day Buddy...think of you so much.

Deputy Jeff Bessinger
Delaware County Sheriff's Office

May 30, 2005

Hey Bran - Happy Memorial Day. It's been awhile since I wrote and I've done so much I don't remember where to begin. The Kenny Chesney concert was really cool. We went to the pre-party this year and Landon played basketball for a while. I stood with Sara while Mom and him played, I got a little emotional standing there thinking about you and that you were supposed to be there with all of us this year. Thinking back to last year and how much fun we had. Meeting Kenny was great, you would have loved it. Landon had your grin on his face while he met him and let him sign the back of his shirt. It was so cute. This year just wasn't the same. I couldn't get mad at the people standing in front of us this year, because you weren't there to smooth things over with them. That was Thursday, Friday I took Sara to the airport to pick up Jenn so I'm sure you and Duke were up there watching over them. Saturday I went up to see you, I brought your little girl with me. She was blowing kisses to you. She kept asking me "where's brandy" She has gotten pretty big huh? She couldn't even talk when you left us. She did say your name for the first time the week you died. It broke my heart that you didn't get to hear it for yourself. Sunday we had our cookout out at mom's. Mom and Mike bought a motorcycle - make sure you watch over them when they are out. They will have fun with it though. Sara and the boys came over last night to have a fire on the deck. We made taco's and the kids drove us all crazy while we tried to eat. They played in the back yard until late and had fun though. Landon is knocking the crap out of the ball this year. I pitched one to him Sunday and he hit the top of the house, thank goodness it was plastic or he would have done some damage it hit so hard. He is doing good with football also. Hayden's hampster had 6 babies today. He is pretty excited about that. Hopefully she won't eat them, I seperated the mom and dad because I don't want anymore babies. I'm sure you are laughing your butt off at me on this one.

Last weekend Mom and I went to Cleveland to help with the COPS booth. We seen the Tattoo - it was an awesome event to see, something again you would have loved. This coming weekend is the poker run. I'm sure Chris is starting to get stressed. I know it will go well and Chris should be so proud of what he has done. All to honor you and help the kids. Watch over everyone riding, help them to be safe and have fun. Will be missing you as always. Love you.


May 30, 2005

The concert was good except that you weren't there to enjoy it with us. Landon was so excited. He wore his cowboy hat, got a Kenny t-shirt, and fell asleep 3 songs into Kenny getting onto stage. We went back to meet Kenny. Landon had on his little cowboy hat and was so happy. He was the cutest guy in the whole room (even cuter than Kenny if you ask me). The person in front of us had Kenny sign the back of his shirt. Landon looked up at me and said, "I want him to write on my back too." I said whatever you want buddy. He signed the back of Landon's Heroes Live Forever t-shirt. Landon gave him a Heroes Live Forever shirt with your pin on it. He also signed a picture for Landon. It said Landon Stay "young" May 2005. We got some good pictures of it all. Landon was so HAPPY. He had your signature ear to ear grin across his face. During Gretchen Wilson he pretended his straws were drums sticks and his pop was a drum. He was the best drummer in the whole place.

I missed you so much during all of it. I held your cowboy hat close whenever our favorite songs came on. I smile when I remember you buying that hat for your birthday. You wanted to look like Kenny Chesney because you said it would turn me on. You would put that hat on your head walk down the hallway and say, "Hey Sara look at me, want to pretend I'm Kenny Chesney". We called your hat our "missing man" hat. Missy teared up a bit when we first got there. Remembering last year and not knowing that we would never get to go to another concert with you.

You'll never beleive that Mom and Mike bought a motorcycle. They wanted to ride in the poker run for you. They were going to borrow a friend's bike. They took it out for a day to try it out. Mike liked it so much that he bought one. Funny how events like this can change your life so much. I never thought I would see my mother on the back of a motorcycle.

I guess we have all changed so much. Some things for the better, some for the worse, some just are. I guess we all are trying to figure out how to live our lives without you in it. Most of the time I am so determined to keep moving forward and rebuild a life that I can be happy in. Other times I am overcome with anger, sadness, and feel empty inside. It is moment to moment sometimes. I sat at the cemetary for an hour today. I never thought that I would visit you in a cemetary at such a young age. I never dreamed I would live a life without you in it. The other night Landon had a bad rash when I put him in the tub. He said it hurt and started crying. When I got him out he started bawling and said, "I just want my daddy". I think it is the first time I have ever seen him cry when he talks about you. I told him we all want his daddy back, hugged him, and sat in the hallway crying with him. I know one thing for sure....I will make sure those two little guys know how much you loved them and that you wanted to spend forever with them. I want them to know how happy they made you. How your eyes would glow when they came running into the room.

I love you. Missing you very much today. Happy Memorial Day. We will never forget the love you brought to our lives. We all love you.


May 30, 2005

Hey Bran,
Just wanted to tell you Happy Memorial Day. Hope you are having a good day today.

See ya later


Kasey Williamson

May 30, 2005

Happy Memorial Day Brandy.


May 30, 2005

I really miss you buddy; things just do not seem the same without ya! I visited the Marion Law Enforcement Memorial yesterday here in town. It looks great! It is hard seeing your name on it though. I look forward to seeing you again someday. We sure had some good times while we were in school. I think about the time we took your truck to LaRue and got it stuck in the snow.... just to let off some fireworks. Man was it cold riding in the back of your truck. What was we thinking? Well... My prayers are with you and your family.

Until we meet again,

Your friend,


Jason Sidle

May 28, 2005

I am about to start getting ready for the Kenny Chesney show. Last year was so much fun. You scared Missy and Deb half to death with your crazy driving. The drive home was even crazier. But we had a really great time. I'll be thinking of you tonight, especially during the songs that were special to us. Dance with me from heaven dear. Sing along tonight and entertain all your friends up there.

Landon is going. He is so excited. And the best news of all.....I got meet and greet passes so Landon and I get to meet Kenny Chesney. Landon has been talking about it non-stop. He was carrying around the CD and when I asked him what he was going to say when he met him Landon belted out "I GO BACK" at the top of his lungs.

Keep watching us. We miss you more than anything. Wish you were coming with us tonight. I know you'll be watching with a big grin on your face. We love you.


May 26, 2005

Hey Brandy,

Ryan and I seen a great big Hawk Sunday standing right in the middle of the road when we were out in the country looking for houses. It made me think of you and I just wanted to write and say HI. Also, could you look our buddy Chip up and say Hey for Ryan and I? Thanks :)

Happy Early Memorial Day.

Amy Caldwell
HS Classmate

May 23, 2005

It was a gorgeous day today. I took the boys to Mom's house to get us all out of the house. They were driving me insane. When I am at home I want to get so much done but they want to play. So I took them to Mom's so we could all relax a little.

We went on a little nature walk. Ty wanted to look for crawfish down by the ditch. We saw a frog and the boys threw rocks at it to get it to move. Then we found a fawn lying in the weeds. Mom tried to pull back the weeds so the boys could get a better look and the fawn squealed and took off running. We also found an injured bird and a robin's egg.

Later the boys played while I swung in the hammock. It was so relaxing. Nothing to worry about. I sat reflecting on times we spent together and how much I miss you. I can still hear your voice in my head. When I saw the fawn, I thought Bran would think that was the coolest. I couldn't help but think you sent us a sign from heaven that you were still watching all of us.

I went into Susie's and bought a curio cabinet for all the awards and such. Also to display all your Dale Jarrett stuff.

Things are finally starting to slow down a bit. No more memorials are scheduled. I am glad because I was starting to get worn out. It really takes a toll on you emotionally after a while. The only thing coming up is the poker run. That should be fun and not so draining. Your tombstone should be up next week sometime. That will take a toll emotionally. To actually see it with our names there. So final.

Well the boys are napping and I am going to get a few things done. Missing you as always. Love you as much as ever.


May 23, 2005

Good morning. The boys spent the night at your parents so I have a few minutes to write. I have x-rays of my kidneys today. Same problems I have always had....It makes me think of all those moments spent at hospitals together. I think the first was the toenail. You about passed out when they stuck the needle in my toe. I know you took me once for my kidneys too. Of course the birth of the boys and all the moments leading up to it. The one that I can laugh about now but wasn't so funny at the time. Your stomach pain. I ended up calling a squad because you were screaming so loud. You told them your pain was a 13 on a scale of 1 - 10. Of course that tomato soup I fed you right before probably didn't help any. How was I supposed to know tomato's had acid, I don't eat them.

I heard that Bob joined you. Show him around up there. I know you two can share some stories with everyone there. Some good old fire department stories. All smoking one last cigarette and taking turns on it because nobody brought any extras. The time that the house across the street caught on fire when we were all at the station getting pictures taken. You all ran out the door and left the trucks at the station. I don't think you were on the run with me when the boot fell off the back of the truck and we all had to stop so I could run to retrieve it. Or the time I drove the squad for the first time and the lady in the back that was injured asked if I could slow down some because I was making her sick. (The bad thing was she fell, she wasn't sick to her stomach until she rode in the squad I was driving.) Of course Jim always just cracking up laughing at me and shaking his head. Mama Billie always taking care of all of us. We had some good times in Richwood. Paula brought Morgan over the other day but I was getting ready to leave. She said she would stop back by. I need to get the boys up to Richwood sometime. I am sure they could get a fire truck ride. Maybe I will take them to a football game in the fall. I remember working that football game with you when I was pregnant with Landon. He was kicking away when the band was playing and you told everyone he was going to be a drummer. Pam told you he was going to be a flute player. You said not my boy. You were proud of him before he was even born.

I have to be going so I can get these tests out of the way. Hopefully everything is okay.

Love you and miss you.


May 20, 2005

Hey Bran....I just wanted to let u know, like u don't already know, that Bob Jerew passed away. Please tell him that we all love him and miss him. Well take care of each other.

Love the both of u

Lindsey Wiley

Sara the calling hours for Bob are 2-6 at Stofcheck funeral home in Richwood and the funeral is sunday at 2:30.

Lindsey Wiley

May 19, 2005

It has been an exhausting week. DC was like living through the funeral all over again. It was really that intense. I met many people that I know will be lifelong friends. I have forged friendships deeper and more meaningful than I have ever had in my life. I just wish I didn't have to meet them in the way that I did.

We came home to more memorial services and awards. I am ready for a break. I just want some time to spend with the boys. They missed me very much. Landon about knocked me over when I got home. He gets really scared when I am gone that long. He is afraid that I am not coming home. I know that is the reason that week was so hard on me. I didn't have the boys with me. They are my focus that keeps me from losing my mind.

They love their new play set. They spend hours outside playing on it. Last night we were out looking at the moon and blowing stars into the sky.

Well the boys are needing me to play with them. I will write more later when I have more time.

I miss you more than anything in the world. I love you.


May 19, 2005

it was an honor meeting you in DC. I hoped that I could spend more time with you, but the whole week was too hectic and too emotional, more than I could handle.
I truly wish I have another chance to meet you again. Please keep in touch.

Kumi Barcena

May 19, 2005

Sara: i wanted to tell you how much i adore you and your family. i have enjoyed spending time with you and your family as everyone is so loving. i know DC was difficult, but hopefully some healing took place. i am so sorry we met under these conditions, but we now have a stronger bond than most friendships. i hope you will always know if you ever need anything to call. i also hope lanie can spend some time with your boys. she absolutely adores you. take care and i look forward to seeing you soon.

lisa marie

May 18, 2005

Thinking of you always.

LEO Wife

May 18, 2005

Thinking of you always.

LEO Wife

May 18, 2005


I went into work yesterday and we flipped through the channels and saw the memorial service on TV, with everyone putting the roses on the wreath. It surprised me, and yet it didn't, that we had turned it on just as they called Brandy's name and you placed his rose, looking strong as ever.

I hope you got the drawing....

Glassboro PD, NJ

May 17, 2005


I had the privilge of briefly meeting you and Jennifer Aaron in Washington DC this past weekend at National Police Week as my husband served as escort officer for Denise Zimmerman. While Bert was forefront on our minds, I wanted you to know that I was thinking of you, Brandy and your two precious little boys throughout the weekend. I wish the three of you and your families continued peace and strength.

Colleen Brandt
Proud Wife of a NJ State Trooper

Colleen Brandt
Proud Wife of a NJ State Trooper

May 17, 2005


Words cannot express my deepest appreciation to you and all of the OH--IO group for being there for me during Police Week and making me a part of your real family and your COPS family. I have learned a lot from everyone of them that you introduced me to and I am so glad that they are all there to take care of you and the kids. I also learned a lot from you. Sara, you are such a strong person. Thank you for your support and most importantly, thank you for your friendship. I will never forget DC and I will see you soon. Hopefully we can get Linda to go look at baskets with us LOL!!!

Love always,

Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

May 16, 2005

Hey Bran,

It's been a long time. So I thought I would just leave you a little something. As you probably have heard Bob Jerew is not doing very well. I'm not exactly what is going to happen but I wish I did so I could keep you updated but as you already know keep watch over him so that he will recover and be back with everyone that loves him. Bran I just want you to know that there is not a day that goes by that you are not on my mind. All of this still does not seem like it is real. Where has the time gone. Well all miss you like crazy. Well I will try to write you again soon ans yu know what to do. Keep watch over everyone, and pray that Bob will recover and get back to normal.

Love Ya

Lindsey Wiley

Lindsey Wiley

May 16, 2005

Bran - What a long week. DC is a great honor to the all of you that gave the ultimate sacrifice for a job that you all loved. So many have gone before us and I find it sad to know that when I return next year there will be more after us. I told Sara today, I could tell the first year survivors from the past year ones. It was the look of devastation, tiredness, being overwhelmed, and confused about where their life is right now. I didn't even have to look at their badges to know. Next year will be the same, we will know by looking at their faces. Sara met a lot of great women, your dad met other fathers, your mom met other mothers. I hope they can all help each other. So many from Marion were there to honor you, the wall was filled beyond capacity for you. So many memories right there on that wall. But one thing remains... we all still miss you so much. I want to take Hayden one year to see this during Police Week. I think I need to give him a couple years though. I got him and the boys pins from a secret service agent yesterday. They aren't even suppose to talk to people, but he let me get my picture with him!!! - you know old sweet talking Missy =} I only did it to give to Hayden. You would have loved this place, the wall, the merchandise (you would have been in trouble with Sara again for spending too much) President Bush honoring you. You wanted so much for him to be elected and he was but I never imagined that you wouldn't be here to cast your vote. It was nice that he was there to speak and honor all the officer's sacrifices but I would rather have not witnessed any of this at all. I would rather have our old boring lives back.

We miss you terribly. We love you the same.



May 16, 2005

We watched the Memorial Service in D.C. on t.v. yesterday. Your mom and Sara looked strong as they were placing the flower on the wreath. I know you had a part in that. Seeing your family with the other survivors really pushed home the fact that this is reality. It's not just a horrible nightmare that we are all a part of, but the absolute truth. Continue to keep everybody strong and take care of everyone.

May 16, 2005

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