Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

Marion County Sheriff's Department, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, October 14, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

I'll Be There - The Escape Club

Over Mountains
Over Trees
Over Oceans
Over Seas
I'll be there
In a whisper on the wind
On the smile of a new friend
Just think of me
And I'll be there
Don't be afraid, oh my love
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight,
To be with you
Because I'm on your side,
And I still care
I may have died,
But I've gone nowhere
Just think of me,
And I'll be there
On the edge of a waking dream
Over Rivers
Over Streams
Through Wind and Rain
I'll be there
Across the wide and open sky
Thousands of miles I'd fly
To be with you
I'll be there
Don't be afraid, oh my love
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight,
To be with you
Because I'm on your side,
And I still care
I may have died,
But I've gone nowhere
Just think of me,
And I'll be there
In the breath of a wind that sighs
Oh, there's no need to cry
Just think of me,
And I'll be there

October 26, 2005

Missy took the boys trick or treating at one of the nursing homes in town tonight while I bowled. They had fun. Landon told me he was really scared of the clown. Hopefully he makes it through Halloween without freaking out first. Tyler didn't take a nap today. I am paying for it now. He is crying about everything and refusing to sleep. He keeps getting up screaming. He is so tired he can barely keep his eyes open.

Aunt Marilyn took the boys to a high school football game Friday night. My cousin is the head coach for the school. He brought the boys into the locker room. They got in the huddle and yelled family. Tyler was very impressed he relayed the whole story to me in vivid detail. He also told me that you were there with him in the huddle. I can't help but think that maybe little ones see angels that we don't see. That maybe you joined the boys in that huddle the other night. Tyler believes it....

I was thinking that I never posted your psalm on here. The only passage you had marked in your bible. It speaks volumes to me.

Psalm 35
Prayer for Deliverance from Enemies
Of David.
1 Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me!
2 Take hold of shield and buckler, and rise up to help me!
3 Draw the spear and javelin against my pursuers; say to my soul, "I am your salvation."
4 Let them be put to shame and dishonor who seek after my life. Let them be turned back and confounded who devise evil against me.
5 Let them be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the LORD driving them on.
6 Let their way be dark and slippery, with the angel of the LORD pursuing them.
7 For without cause they hid their net for me; without cause they dug a pit for my life.
8 Let ruin come on them unawares. And let the net that they hid ensnare them; let them fall in it--to their ruin.
9 Then my soul shall rejoice in the LORD, exulting in his deliverance.
10 All my bones shall say, "O LORD, who is like you? You deliver the weak from those too strong for them, the weak and needy from those who despoil them."
11 Malicious witnesses rise up; they ask me about things I do not know.
12 They repay me evil for good; my soul is forlorn.
13 But as for me, when they were sick, I wore sackcloth; I afflicted myself with fasting. I prayed with head bowed on my bosom,
14 as though I grieved for a friend or a brother; I went about as one who laments for a mother, bowed down and in mourning.
15 But at my stumbling they gathered in glee, they gathered together against me; ruffians whom I did not know tore at me without ceasing;
16 they impiously mocked more and more, gnashing at me with their teeth.
17 How long, O LORD, will you look on? Rescue me from their ravages, my life from the lions!
18 Then I will thank you in the great congregation; in the mighty throng I will praise you.
19 Do not let my treacherous enemies rejoice over me, or those who hate me without cause wink the eye.
20 For they do not speak peace, but they conceive deceitful words against those who are quiet in the land.
21 They open wide their mouths against me; they say, "Aha, Aha, our eyes have seen it."
22 You have seen, O LORD; do not be silent! O Lord, do not be far from me!
23 Wake up! Bestir yourself for my defense, for my cause, my God and my Lord!
24 Vindicate me, O LORD, my God, according to your righteousness, and do not let them rejoice over me.
25 Do not let them say to themselves, "Aha, we have our heart's desire." Do not let them say, "We have swallowed youe up."
26 Let all those who rejoice at my calamity be put to shame and confusion; let those who exalt themselves against me be clothed with shame and dishonor.
27 Let those who desire my vindication shout for joy and be glad, and say evermore, "Great is the LORD, who delights in the welfare of his servant."
28 Then my tongue shall tell of your righteousness and of your praise all day long.

I think a psalm for a cop if there is one....Ironic that you had this marked. I know the story of why, though few do. Maybe if the justice system followed the bible a little more closely, it would be more just. But I know that you spoke to us, he will meet his God in the end and you have asked the lord to avenge your death....Hopefully sooner than later so we can rejoice.

I love you. I miss you so very much these past few weeks, even more than ever.


October 25, 2005

Sara, I know people tell you everyday how amazing you are but do you really know how amazing you are? I think that Landon and Tyler are so very lucky to have you. You continue to impress so many people and give us hope that a tragedy can ease at some point. I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much you are appreciated by some many people. You keep your chin up sister, we need you.

Thanks so much for pouring out your heart on here on a regular basis. Sometimes I think, wow I think that too or gee I thought I was the only to feel that way. Thank You So Much and remember that so many of us feel your pain and cry with you everyday.

Ross County Sheriff Department

October 21, 2005

Here is the new Kenny song I was telling you about. Now you know why it means so much.

"Who You’d Be Today"
Kenny Chesney

Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
I see your smile
I see your face
I hear you laughing in the rain
I still can’t believe you’re gone
It aint fair you died too young
Like the story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I’ve been through
Just knowing no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder who you’d be today
Would you see the world?
Would you chase your dreams?
Settle down with a family
I wonder what would you name your babies
Some days the sky’s so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
I know it might sound crazy
It aint fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I’ve been through
Just knowing no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder who you’d be today
Today (repeats 5 more times)
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know I’ll see you again some day
Some day


October 18, 2005

Landon went to the fire department today. He got to look through the medic that transported you. I felt bad for the man that had to help me do that. He was the asst. cheif (Terry). He was very nice but I know it could not have been easy hearing me talk to Landon about all of this. I showed him the whole inside. He was interested in the cot. We took it out to show him how it comes out of the medic and stands up on wheels. He wanted to know how the doors closed on the back. He checked out the pillow and the radio. He sat in several fire trucks. I showed him the back boards and explained how they were used. We looked at all the turn out gear. I asked him if he remembered that we had an old helmet of yours hanging up at the house. He said, "Yes it's yellow" It suprised me that he remembered that detail. Terry gave him a patch and a FD t-shirt. Landon really liked that. He was very clingy and shy during the whole visit. He wouldn't really ask a lot of questions. After we left he kept asking what the firetruck you rode in was called. We stopped at the accident scene on the way up 423. I showed Landon where your cruiser ended up upside down. He didn't want to go down the embankment. All the weeds scared him. I also showed him all the stuff people have left on the guardrail for you. He was more interested in the flattened dead skunk along the road. He did find out for the first time that you were not driving the cruiser when it wrecked. He was asking questions and I told him that the bad guy was driving the cruiser when it wrecked and he had already shot you. He was very interested in that detail. He wanted to know what road you got shot on. I didn't show him that because there isn't really much to see. I didn't think it would help him much. On Wednesday I have a visit to the ER arranged. Hopefully this helps some. He seemed very interested in it all today. He wouldn't talk much in front of people but he wanted to check everything out. He kept going back to the medic truck to look at it over and over again. I also left a message at your office asking for some additonal things. I started thinking about things that the boys may ask about when they are older. I am going to see if I can take pictures of some it to save for the boys when they get older. That way if evidence has been destroyed or lost I can still let them see it. I want them to be able to exlore as many details as they feel necessary. I try to get as much information as possible so I can give them honest answers when they are old enough to know. I hope that I think of everything they might want to see. I know there is probably something I won't think of. We stopped at your parent's house to pick up Landon's bowling ball. They got it drilled for him. He is very excited. I am going to take him with me to bowling tomorrow night so he can try it out. He was also telling your mom about the visit at the fire department. He wouldn't let me tell her anything he wanted to tell her himself.

One year ago today were your calling hours. It was a very long, enduring day. Tomorrow will be one year since the funeral. It rained buckets on that day. I remember getting upset when I walked in the colisieum. They still had your casket open and it was supposed to be closed before people showed up. We walked up to say our final goodbyes to you as a family. Then they allowed other people to walk up, I got upset because nobody else was going to be the last person to be with you. I made them block the casket, all the Sheriff's present formed a line in front of it. I walked up and gave you a final kiss. Brian sat with me throughout the service. It was heart wrenching to watch all your co-workers and friends come up one by one to give you a final salute. The sheriff was in line to give you the last final salute. However I would have none of that. I sent Brian up to give you the FINAL salute. He was very honored. I read your New Year's Eve letter and I wore your Grandpa's badge from your coat. Monica came up with me to do that. I introduced her as YOUR dispatcher even though she had left midnights. I told everyone she was the only other woman that could tell my husband where to go. Talked about how I was selfish with you and I used to get mad because I had to share you with a whole community. However I knew that you were teaching me about a life of giving yourself to others. Jeff, Dave Davis, and Brian were the speakers. Each had some humorous story to tell about you. Each shared the passion you had for your job and your family. Jeff read Psalm 35 (or as you spell it salm). It is the only passage you had marked in your bible from the cruiser. As we followed your casket out of the colisieum all the law enforcement officers were standing at attention. After your casket was in the hearse they released them. I remember all the deputies leaning forward and the buckets of water pouring from their hats. I rode in Brian's cruiser with him directly behind the hearse. The procession was miles long. It was so beautful to come over the overpass. The flag hung between two ladder trucks and you could see the miles of police cars leading the procession with all their lights on. Your procession shut down the whole boulevard. I know you played at least one practical joke that day when two Marion City cruisers rear ended one another in the procession. They kept going and worried about it later. I know you were giggling up there at that one. Citizens lined the streets waving flags, holding up signs with their hands over their hearts in the pouring rain. We met up with the riderless horse at the cemetary that led us in. A few words were said, a missing man helicopter formation flew over, they had a 21 gun salute, they folded two flags, the first I handed to your Mom. I told her that Brandy was yours first, thank you for sharing him with me. Then they folded a second flag for me. I planned that for several reasons but wanted to have 2 flags so each boy could have one when he got older. Roses were placed on your casket. The final call was played with Monica calling you 5100 Unit 6....5100 Unit 6. I answered Unit 6 is out of service he has been called home. When Monica asked about the final call she wanted to know if I wanted to do it since I used to be a dispatcher. I told her No, I wasn't Bran's dispatcher. She was your dispatcher. We decided it would be appropriate for me to call you home and she would make the final call. After it was all done people started to bombard us. I remember I didn't want to be touched at that moment. I got up to run away and knocked some poor lady right into your casket. I got in Brian's cruiser. He had to drive me around for about an hour before I could show up at the dinner we invited everybody to come to after the service. I just didn't want anybody to touch me. I was too devastated at that point to share it with anyone. It was just too personal. I remember looking around at the funeral and everyone had their husband or significant other their with them to comfort them. I felt so alone because you were gone. The one person I could count on to stand beside me through it all was gone. The one person I needed most at that moment was gone. I didn't bring the boys so the only two people in the world at that moment that gave me any comfort weren't there either. I remember I calmed down quite a bit once Ron brought the boys out to the dinner. I had my focus back. They have been my focus this past year to get me through each day. They make me smile everyday.....They were truly sent straight from heaven to help me make it through this.

Landon has counseling early tomorrow morning. I need some sleep.....

I miss you so very much. I love you....

Sara Winfield

October 17, 2005

My husband retired last year after 29 years of service but I still have family in law enforcement and have had many dear friends in law enforcement during the course of my life. I visit this site often to pay my respect and honor these blue angels. Your reflections to your husband tear at my heart. I cannot begin to imagine what this last year has been like for you. You seem to be trying to make something positive out of all this with your involvement with COPS and the support you give to others in your situation.....I commend you for that and hope that life will soon be a little easier for you with each day.

Tina Brooks
Wife of Ron Brooks, Retired, Henrico County, VA

October 17, 2005

I admire you so much for what you have endured! You are raising those sweet boys to be men and to know who and what their daddy was/is! He lives in all of you. I have looked at some reflections here tonight and have not yet seen a wife as dedicated to their husband as you are. Sara, you are a wonderful woman. Brandy was so lucky to have you! You are in our daily thoughts and prayers.
CPD wife

October 17, 2005

I happened to be in D.C. over the weekend and I was able to do something very special to remember you on this difficult weekend. I was able to go to the memorial and say a prayer. I prayed for your family, your friends and coworkers, and of course the boys. I prayed that everyone may find a little peace as this weekend comes and goes and that some may be able to start the healing process if they haven't already began to do so. It was something that I felt I needed to do since I was there and it was special for me to honor you this weekend. Everyone misses you so much Brandy!


October 17, 2005

We went to the Pro Bull Riding tonight. The boys loved the "crazy cows". Seeing all the people in their cowboy hats made me smile. I knew that you would have proudly worn yours if you were able to come with us. Landon and Tyler got a little restless at some points but overall they enjoyed it. They both got stuffed "crazy cows". Landon had to sleep with his "crazy cow". Tyler just woke up, he was asleep when I put him to bed. He was crying because he didn't get a goodnight kiss....

A squad had to take one of the kids to the hospital this afternoon from the COPS meeting. She fell and had a large cut above her eye. Of course Landon has been VERY concerned about her. He wanted to go to the hospital to see her. This opened the floodgate of questions about the "firetruck" that brought you to the hospital. We had a long conversation on the way home from the PBR tonight about heaven, what happened to your body, the difference between the soul and the body, your casket, the firetrucks. He wants to know very concrete types of information like what color was the firetruck, what color was your casket, what did the pillow look like, where did they lay you in the firetruck and so on. Finally I asked if he would like to see the firetruck that took you to the hospital. He said yes tomorrow. So I am going to call the chief from Fort Morrow Fire Department tomorrow and ask if Landon can have his own personal tour of the firetruck that you rode in. Maybe that will ease his mind some and give him a mental picture of what it was like. I didn't even know which fire department responded. I had to call your office, Stephanie got all the information for me. I am also considering a tour of the ER if they will allow it. Maybe Landon can look around the trauma room and ask a doctor questions. I am not sure who I can contact about that but it might help some. As far as the questions about your body I just don't know how to explain it. I do the best I can. I have talked to a few pastors about heaven. Heaven is just such a hard concept for a 4 year old to understand. During our conversation he wanted to know if he could go to heaven tomorrow and visit you to give you a hug. I tried explaining that you only get to go to heaven when you die, it isn't a place you can visit. That we have to use other ways to talk to Daddy now and Daddy has to use other ways to talk to us like the hawk, balloons we send to him, rainbows in the sky. I also explained that we have a journey that God wants us to complete on earth and only God gets to decide when it is time for us to go to heaven. The whole concept is still just too much for his little mind to grasp though. Wow talk about some deep conversation. Now he is telling me you shot bad guys last night. This whole week has effected him as well. He has been very clingy with me and doesn't want to leave me at all. Even though he has no clue what dates mean or how they are important yet he senses that this is a trying time for all of us. He knows in his own way.

Well it is finally quite in this house. It has been a rough weekend with the boys. They have been clingy and whiney. I am mentally drained. I think I might lay in bed to read for a while.

I love you. Missing you very much.


October 16, 2005


donna gray

October 16, 2005

Continue to keep us safe from up in heaven, our thoughts and prayers are with your family...

Jim Gilbert
Columbus PD

October 15, 2005

Sara, I have been thinking of you a lot these past couple of weeks and especially these past couple of days. You wrote something in your last posting about hit it on the nail head with that. The anticipation of all of these "events" end of seeming so much worse than things turn out to be when it finally gets here. It is so hard. You also hit it on the nail head with your comment about the unexpected events being hard to deal with. They are all ones that you never thought you would have to deal with alone. You manage to get through it and grow stronger, all the way.

Be proud of yourself, for you have persevered through so much this past year. For everything I have read, you are strong and will continue to persevere.

Take care, Becky Muncy

Becky Muncy
Surviving spouse, Sgt. Marc Muncy E.O.W. 04/05/95

October 15, 2005

It amazes me still how many lives you touched in your short time here. These reflections are a testiment to that.

We all miss you and will not forget you. Keep an eye over us.

October 15, 2005


A year later, you are still in the hearts in minds of your friends, family, and people like me who never knew you personally but couldn’t forget you if we tried. Your killer is in the first year of a hopefully long and torturous prison term. May he rot and die there for what he did to you. He will never deserve to breathe the air of freedom and liberty that worked so hard to provide to all. What a coward he is….


Reading your reflections brings me to tears. I can’t imagine the pain and loss you felt and still feel to this day. To be loved by a wife, like you loved and still love Brandy is something a man could only dream of.

And although it may seem like a Herculean task, you have to get out of bed every day for two reasons….your boys! You are the link that will keep their father in their hearts, minds, in their spirits for the rest of their lives. I am a police officer and the father of a little boy…he is the reason I have the strength every day to get out of bed and do what I love…to do what I was put on this earth to do-be a cop.

I pray that with each passing day your grief wanes but not your memory of your husband. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Detective Dana Cornelison
Salinas Police Department, Salinas, California

October 15, 2005

I made it through 24 hours. I had a few tough moments. Really the anticipation of the day was worse than actually making it through today. It is another one of those moments that it seems it is more for other people than for me. The one year mark isn't that hard on me because I live it daily. I was talking to Chris tonight and he agreed that it wasn't as hard as he had thought in his mind. I told him these "expected" moments are easy for me. It is the unexpected moments that are hard on me. Something the kids say, a trip to the hosptial for a Tyler injury, coming across something of yours that I haven't looked at in a while, or a thought crossing my mind at an unexpected moment. I did have a tough moment today. As the kids and I came into town on Rt 4 we took the same journey that we took at 5:30 am last year. We turned on the same road that goes past the ER but just down is the cemetary where you now are. (Ironic).... As we were passing the ER Landon asked where are we going. I had told him 100 times already. I couldn't get the words to form on my lips because I was stuck in a moment from one year ago. My mind kept wanting to say the hospital...geez that would have scared him. It took me a few seconds to get the word cemetary out. It was like I couldn't remember, all I could think was the hospital.

The boys let off baloons and we left their wreath for you. It is artificial so I will need to stop and pick it up tomorrow. It is against the cemetary rules to have anything artificial at the site until after Nov 1. Someone complained that "we got special treatment". Not that we intended to, we can't control what other people leave there. I don't need more people complaining about me so I will just bring it home tomorrow. It served it's purpose today.

We went out to eat with your family. Landon and I stopped at the mall for a while. Tyler went home with Cory and Lindsay. Landon had to stop at the arcade. He spent his whole allowance in there. He won two basketballs. On the way back to your parents house he had his window down with his arm hanging out the window. A bird pooped right on his arm. He said, "Look Mommy a bird pooped on me, Nasty." He kept saying it over and over again. He was very distressed over the whole situation. We stopped at the gas station. He cleaned it off with a paper towel but not before showing everybody what that Nasty little bird did to him. On the way out he said, "I don't even know which bird did it." I just cracked up laughing at him.

The boys went to the football game while I made some rounds. I stopped at the V with Dad, Nellie, Missy, and Chris. I bought $20 worth of pull tickets and won $250. Missy was really mad. It made me think of you. You could do a whole basket of tickets and not win a thing. I could buy five and win $100. You would call me the luckiest person that you knew. I stopped at Applebee's to see everyone from your office. I went back to the football game with the boys. They were having a great time. They spent the night with your mom. I went to the KofC with Missy and Chris for a while. Overall it was so busy that I didn't have time to feel sorry for myself. I did spend about an hour at the cemetary after I left the boys. Chris came out to set with me. He is great because he has always known when to give me my alone time.

I tried to think of good memories last night as I went to sleep. I smiled because I remembered the night you fell out of the shower. I still laugh about that, just nobody to share it with me now. It really was a had to be there moment. You took the whole shower curtain with you and left me standing there cracking up laughing. I couldn't even ask you if you were okay because I was laughing too hard.

Andy told us about the night he painted Ross's garage pink. He said it was 4am when he got a call from Ross. All he said was Burdick have you been to my house. He said in the background he heard hysterical laughter. You had just shown up to take a report for vandalism at Ross's house. I remember you drove me by his house the next day to show me what happened. You were still laughing about it.

Well it is late and the boys have bowling in the morning so I have to be up early.

Love you. Missing you very much.


October 15, 2005


This is my first time to write to you. It has been one year today. you have been on my mind everday. I didn't get to know you well and wish that I did. I don't know how Sara is handling
this grief. I do know that she is a strong person and she will do ok.

Sara ,Landon & Tyler,

I think of you often and wonder how things are going. You are blessed
with caring and wonderful people. I love you and kids alot. Hope to get to see you soon

Love from your cousin Debbie

Debbie Gray

October 14, 2005

Just me, buddy. I know what day it is, but instead of dwelling on the negative, I just wanted you to know that I've been carrying my old badge in my pocket with a mourning band over it to remind me to pray for you, your family, Sara and the boys a little more this week to help get them through this.
The only catch is, you have to help me through it, too. I'd give anything to have one more evening of you, me and Gabby sitting around watching Happy Gilmore or Billy Madison scarfing down pizza.
Love ya, bud.

Dublin, OH

October 14, 2005

Take a moment to remember Brandy

Today my heart weighs heavy. Words can never describe the feeling many others and I felt when we heard the news. My body went numb. My mind went blank. Within seconds, someone's life was taken and ours came crashing down.

In the early morning hours of this day, one year ago, Deputy Brandy L. Winfield laid his life on the line. Brandy was doing what he lived and loved doing. Sworn to protect others without any regard for personal safety, he answered the call, as he always did, without hesitation and without fear.

A family lost a loved one and a community lost a hero.

He was my friend. I am a dispatcher at the Marion County Sheriff's Office, where I worked with Brandy. While I had gone to high school with him, work is where I really got to know this wonderful man. As described many times, his smile was infectious, his laughter contagious, his presence inviting. It was impossible not to like this person. I honestly cannot think of a negative thing to say about him other than he is missed.

I had the privilege to coordinate his funeral, something that, in my eyes, had to be done flawlessly down to every detail. What other way is there to honor a great hero? While not knowing how overwhelming this task would become, I do remember what made me realize why I took on such a demanding job.

At the calling hours, I recall looking out from up in the stands at the coliseum. While thinking that this is a break for me to catch my breath, little did I know what I was about to see - something that made me lose my breath again: the sight of so many showing their support for our fallen officer.

I sat in amazement, watching hundreds of people wait so patiently to pay their respects. To also think that many never met Brandy made me so proud to be who I was at that moment.

The next day was the funeral. Just when I thought I couldn't be more down, I was astonished to watch the community gather in the cold rain to say a final goodbye. I tried to look at every person standing along the streets in hopes they would know what I was thinking - "Thank you." Not just a thank you from a friend of Brandy's but from a member of his extended family, his law enforcement family.

Not only am I connected through work but also I am the president of the Fraternal Order of Police Auxiliary. We are made up of the spouses, children, and parents of law enforcement officers. I am the wife of a Marion City Police Officer. I hold the fear, as do many of our members, that we, too, could be in Sara's shoes. The thought is always in the back of our minds but replaced by "It will never happen to me." Until now; Brandy's death has brought reality to all.

Our goal is to make sure that not only are the fallen officers not forgotten but that we also remember those that are continuing to protect us. No matter what color the uniform or shape of the badge, they all have families that love them and want them to return safe. Sons, daughters, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers or sisters, their titles to us are the same.

A police officer is one of courage and strength. They disregard consequences to ensure safety and peace of mind to those people they serve. Those they encounter are not always kind, yet they endure. They miss holidays, birthday parties, school programs, and bedtime kisses. They do it because of an oath they are committed to. So the next time you see an officer, please do not hesitate to give a pat on the back or even a kind smile to let them know they are appreciated.

With that comes our appreciation to the community. To know that even months later, the support was still there. All the fund-raisers that were attended by many, the shirts, stickers, ribbons that were purchased and the donations to ensure his two boys have a future to hold on to. I couldn't even find a word in the dictionary to explain what it has meant to us all.

While a year has gone by and our lives have moved on, I know some may have forgotten. I ask that today you take a moment to remember Brandy. Take a moment to think about your loved ones. Hold on to the memories, as you never know what will be the last. Brandy is still alive in our hearts and I hope that continues in yours.

A lifelong resident of Marion, Monica Gruber has been a dispatcher at the Marion County Sheriff's Office for 8 1/2 years. She is president of the Fraternal Order of Police Auxiliary.

I just viewed the pictures of Brandy's
viewing and funeral. How nice your
newspaper has kept these pictures
on file. I'm glad he is not considererd "old news". I wish our
deputy would have gotten the same
kind of recognition as he was also
deserving of it. We do remember
Brandy. Thanks for keeping his memory alive.
Also remembering D.S. Matt Herzog
Whatcom County, Washington
E.O.W. Sept. 13, 2001

October 14, 2005

To the Winfield family,

My thoughts and prayers are with you today. I do not know any of your family, but over the past year I have read Sara's heartbreaking reflections, and I feel as if I know you all. I even drove by the cemetary today. I was going to stop, but I seen a few people already out there, and I didn't want to interrupt this private moment for all. I have stopped by the cemetary in the past and have thanked Deputy Winfield for his sacrifice. God Bless You All!

October 14, 2005

I did not know you but I really got to "know" you in Washington DC this past May, your wife and mother in law introduced me to you in a way only memories can explain, they taught me what a great person you were, a great father, husband, son in law, friend, police officer, son. Please accept my gratidude for being one of the "thin blue line", I lost my son in law one month before you were taken, we will never understand why, all we can do is be thankful that we had the very short time with our hero's. God bless you Brandy, "Go rest high on that mountain and tell Craig I love and miss him.

To Sara and Johanna, I am glad I got to meet you both, we can't help the circumstances but everything happens for a reason we will never understand, just know that I am always here for all of you and I hope to hear from you, Penny mother in law of Deputy Craig Blann Newton County Indiana

Penny McManama

October 14, 2005

Thinking of all of you on this day of
painful reminders. You have barely
begun your long, sorrowful journey
and all of America weeps with you.
Lynn Kole
Washington State

October 14, 2005

One year. Every day is sad, but today is really hard. Brandy, you will never be forgotten!

October 14, 2005

I read this often but can't seem to find the words to post a reflection. Just know we all miss you and think of you often. Our prayers, as always, are with your family. Bowling just isn't the same without you.

Bowling Buddies

October 14, 2005

One year, RIP HERO.


October 14, 2005

Well,............ one year, it has been a rough road for all of us. today hit me harder than i expected it to. you have been in my thoughts all week. i was on my way to work on wednsday and the new kenny song came on the radio, i instantly thought of you i was crying so hard i almost had to pull over. then i looked up on the telephone wires and there was 2 hawks sitting there i know it was your way of letting me know everything is ok..
miss ya so much.
monica wrote an editorial about you and put it in todays paper. it was a wonderful editorial. you will never be forgotten brandy you way heavy on my heart every day

October 14, 2005

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