Marion County Sheriff's Department, Ohio
End of Watch Thursday, October 14, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield
I hope that the sentencing brings some measure of peace to your family, buddy, please give them your support and let them get through all this with as little emotional distress as possible. Your family is one of the finest in Marion, my thoughts and prayers, as always, are with them.
Dublin, OH
September 8, 2005
Well, the SOB was found guilty and got life in prison. He'll even be eligible for parole in 43 years and the whole time be able to have contact (verbal, written and conjugal) with his family.
Any faith I ever had in the judicial system of Marion County is gone. He deserved a needle in the arm for what he did nearly 11 months ago...actually he deserves far worse than that, but the law only allows for so much.
Buddy, I'm sorry. I truly don't feel you've been avenged. I can only hope that when this cold-blooded killer faces his ultimate judgement, that St. Peter has a trapdoor installed.
Please believe me when I say that you're not forgotten and there are those of us down here that DON'T take your murder lightly.
Dublin, OH
September 8, 2005
Sara, it is my prayer that your two sons see the day when America's borders are closed to all but Legal and honorable immigrants -- no longer a sieve for those who come for other reasons. Please know that prayers for you and your family still surround you and always will.
Julie Kay Smithson
September 8, 2005
Sara, I can only imagine how difficult today must have been for you and your family. I am glad for you that this part of your nightmare is over. You have shown incredible strength this past year and from all I have read about your Brandy, I must say he has to be looking down up on you with an enormous amount of pride. I know that you much rather be able to see the pride directly in his eyes, but for now let it be in your heart.
You have been and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that you are able to feel that "justice" was served for Brandy and your entire family. I know you have a tremendous support network, but if you ever want one more I am just a phone call away.
Take care, Becky Muncy
Becky Muncy
Surviving Spouse of Sgt. Marc Muncy (E.O.W. 04/05/95)
September 8, 2005
To the family and friends of Dep. Winfield,
I'm sure Today has proven to be a whirlwind of emotions for all of you. I wish the suspect would have got more, but at least he will spend the next 40+ years before in a cell before the possibility of parole. Although I did not know Brandy I was present at the service and I saw the wonderful family & friends he was able to enjoy! My thoughts and prayers are with you all in this difficult day. Stay strong, keep positive, and put one foot in front of the other every day! Have faith that god will see you through the most difficult of times. Brandy was called home doing what many of us love to do, and he did so honorably!
My utmost sympathy,
Ofc. Daniel R. Jones #2079
Columbus, Ohio Division of Police
Ofc. Daniel R. Jones #2079
Columbus Ohio Division of Police
September 8, 2005
I was saddened to see that Cruz didn't get the death penalty for taking you away from your wife, boys and family, but I truly hope this can help your family heal and move forward. You will never be forgotten and live on through your beautiful boys. Please continue to be with them and bless them. Your wife seems to be doing a wonderful job with them...I'm sure you are proud.
Winfield Family,
I hope this day has helped you heal and will allow you to move forward without a trial hanging over you. I'm sure Brandy is so proud of all of you for your strength and courage through this. He is counting on you...all of get his boys through this, and from the sounds of these e-mails you are doing a wonderful job. The community supports you and loves you. Hang in there.
September 8, 2005
Bran - We see today that your murderer appeared in Court to plea. Help everyone to cope with this and know that everyone wants justice served.
September 8, 2005
It's a sad day today, and I know you are watching over all of us. Please give your mom, dad, boys and cory a big angel hug today. They all need it. I know the two little men don't know many details, but as they grow older they will understand all that has and continues goes on. Brandy, our memories of you, are what give us the will power to live each day with out you!!!! We miss you everyday. And not a day goes by that you are not thought of!
September 8, 2005
I don't know the Winfield family. I only know about Brandy and his family what I see in news reports or hear from other deputies. It seems to me that Brandy was a compassionate person. We all know the story of him picking up a stranded motorist that last night. It would be a great legacy to Brandy if everyone that knew him, and even those who didn't, could follow his example of compassion. Compassion for Brandy's family, his friends, and for strangers.
None of us knows how we would continue our lives in the face of such a tragedy, but I'm sure that Brandy would want the community to support those he loved rather than judge them.
To Brandy's family...I wish you hope and happier times. Life will never be the same for you, but you all deserve happiness - you've lived your hell.
God Bless.
Former LEO Wife, Central Ohio
September 8, 2005
Rest in peace Brother Windfield and may the Lord continue to comfort you, your family, and friends.
September 8, 2005
Bran- I can't sleep tonight, can't get you out of my mind. Keep us strong tomorrow. I know you will be holding everyone up. I know that you are what's giving some people the strength to continue on. You have shown us to not let this monster and what he has created take any more away from us. We continue our lives as hard as it may be to show the boys that you can make life good again. They see that and are learning to be happy. No one loved you more than your wife, children and family and none of our pain is diminished, only you know what happens at night when we close our doors and put our babies to bed. You know we loved you and we miss you with all our hearts and that we will never forget you and the life that you lived. Since we know you know that, that is all that matters. Continue to give us this strength. I will come see you tomorrow after everything is done. I will always stand by and support your loving wife and your parents. Thank you for being a part of my life and a part of my family. I am a richer person for having had you in it. I celebrate your life.
Love you, miss you
September 7, 2005
please look after Sara as well, as she tries to go through her day to day life as best she can......suffering the pain of loss in her own way, yet being judged by people, weak people.
be sure to give a special hug to Lindsay too. :)
September 7, 2005
Thinking of you today, just like everyday, brother. We sure do miss you down here.
Dublin, OH
September 6, 2005
The decision that you have all had to make is a hard as you well know. Nothing can bring Brandy back so now you have to focus on what is best, both emotionally and physically, for you, the boys, Rick, Shirley, Cory and Lindsay. As long as you know it in your heart, you have made the right decision. May you continue the strength that you have carried throughout the past year.
September 6, 2005
I know you willgive Sara and your family the strenth to make it through the trial and stand by them as it goes forward.
I havent talked to you in a long time I hope you are doing well from what I am able to read on here you are being very strong. I wish I could help you more on the trial but our guy plead out so I didnt have to go through that. On you impact statement trust me look at the judge and your paper and no where else and you will do fine that was the only way I got through mine. Just know if you ever need me I am but a phone call away and youhave my number.
Robert J.Thornton
Friend of Officer Melissa M. Foster EOW12/04/04
September 5, 2005
I haven't been able to write. I lost the whole hard drive on my computer. Of course nothing was backed always took care of making sure that type of stuff was done. I am kicking myself now. I am waiting for a tech to come to the house to fix it. I have been using Missy's computer whenever I need it. Tonight I am writing a victim's impact statement. As you know a lot has occurred in the past few days. I will write more about it later when I have more time. I hope you understand...we all wonder if you would but I think we all know that you would.
Love you and miss you very much.
September 3, 2005
Dear Son-in-law
Well today was the first OSU game and when we went to get the posters I thought of you and still got the same amount of posters. I wore you badge pin to the game so a part of you was sitting right there when we beat the snot out of Miami of Ohio. You know I always made sure to get you one of everything and moments like today really makes me realize just how much of a void is in all our lives. You know we will be going through getting justice served this month but it still won't give us what all of us want back. That was taken from us on Oct 14th last year. We went out with Missy and all the babies Thursday night and Landon eats pizza just like you did. And Tyler walks like you did. Your memory will live on in those two little boys that is for sure. The closer my birthday gets the more rattled I seem to be. I think often of the last day I got to see you and how much fun we all had together celebrating my 50th birthday party. Every holiday that we have had since we all feel the void of not having the circle complete anymore. I kept the boys last week when Sara went to Bingo and I was giving them a bath and I went to pour the water over their heads just like you taught me and I ask them who taught me to do that and Landon spoke up instantly and said my daddy showed you how to do that maw maw and Tyler said do me too. They are so precious to me. All my grandbabies has helped me make it through all the rough times. Well make sure and watch over all of us these next few weeks and keep us strong. Wrap your arms around Sara and help her and you parents through all this. And know that I love and miss you more and more every day.
Love Mom Colyer
September 3, 2005
To the Winfield family I do not know you, but may God bless you and continue to do so during this time. Once again NEVER forget you are in everyones prayers and upon there minds.
September 3, 2005
Bran - Hey it's been a really crazy week. Yesterday was my birthday and it wasn't a good day. I know you are with everyone watching over all of us, helping guide everybody with all these trying days; past and the ones that are ahead. I know you will help everyone get through this time. Things just never seem to get any better. One blow after another. I sometimes say I just wish this was over but then I realize that it will never really be over, because you won't come back. But I try to brighten up and know that your spirit is with us, and as in life your spirit is a shining light guiding us through our dark days. I look at it as your smile. It was always there and always bright.
Yesterday, I kept thinking back to last year, you gave me such a hard time for turning 30 and I was as ready as ever to give it right back this year. One year ago today I was at your house celebrating me, dad and nellie's birthdays and Sara was cooking dinner for all of us. You had to hurry up and scarf down your favorite beef stroganoff to go to work because you got called in early. I remember saying something like you always get called in early when we are doing something like this together. And you just said, That's my job I have too. All the kids walked you outside and you turned your lights on for them and got them all excited as you left. I think it was the last time I seen you drive away in that cruiser bearing that badge on your chest, wearing your uniform so proudly. I have also really been having that vivid picture of you come back into my thoughts, its really weird because if I close my eyes I feel like I can actually see you - You are sitting at the end of the table at Olive Garden the last time I ever seen you and you are looking at me with this big grin on your face. It kinda faded for a while, but has recently been coming back very vividly - maybe because of the time of year or the one year mark coming, I don't know. Well big boy, as I always called you, let us know you are here in this time, we all need you right now, tell everyone that all is going to be ok - you know what I mean.
Love you, miss you soooo much.
September 2, 2005
Thinking of you today as everyday. How can one day seem like yesterday and years ago at the same time?
September 1, 2005
Well Bran It's almost time buddy. Lets just hope that justice is served. It's crazy that is has taken this long to go to trail but fine if that is what it takes he just better get the death penalty. I know you will be watching everything that happens so help your mother and father hold strong because its getting emotionally difficult.
Always thinking of you......
Love Ya
Kasey Williamson
August 28, 2005
From one Ohio Officer to another rest in peace brother. And God Bless the family and friends of Deputy Winfield. May he keep his arms around you during this trying time as well as the impending trial.
August 24, 2005
It's never easy...having to put that black band on my badge. It seems I have done it too many times since I have been a Deputy. I remember when I heard the news. I just got done putting on my uniform and was getting ready to leave the house, when the news came on. I looked at my wife and she could see the heartbreak in my eyes. I walked back upstairs and placed that black band on my badge...for Bran, a fellow brother Deputy.The following is called "When I come home"...
"When I come home to heaven how joyful it will be.For on that day at last my risen Lord I'll see.No greater happiness than to see him face to face, to see the love in his eyes and feel his warm embrace. Then why should earthly cares weigh down upon me so? They'll be a distant memory when home at last I go."
Peace be with you Unit 6
Deputy Frank Diamond U321
Fairfield Co. Sheriffs Office
August 24, 2005
Tyler has another boo boo. Landon whacked him in the face with a baseball bat tonight. It was an accident from what I can tell. I didn't see it. I was cooking dinner in the kitchen. The boys were playing in the backyard. Tyler came in screaming. He even had on his baseball helmet. Landon still got him right under the eye. It was black and blue when he got inside. His face swelled up really bad. I took him over to the emergency room to have it looked at. He calmed down once we were there, the wait was going to be 3 hours so I brought him home and just watched him. I don't think he has any broken bones. He did say he has a headache. The swelling went down some with a little ice. I guess I just need to get used to this, boys will be boys. This won't be the last injury I am sure. I am also sure it will mostly be Tyler the daredevil child.
Landon had to stay home from school today. He had a fever. He seems much better tonight. He was up running around playing. We walked to the park for a little bit. There is a baseball diamond at the park. Both the boys ran the bases. Tyler made "dirt" angels.
Landon had counseling again yesterday. We went outside for a little bit. There is a playset out there. He wanted to go down the fireman's pole but was too scared to try it alone. I helped him the first time. Then I tried to get him to do it alone. He is so afraid that he will get hurt. He has always been the more cautious of our children but it seems amplified since you died. The counselor and I both tried to coax him down. We told him that we were both at the bottom and wouldn't let anything happen to him. He still wouldn't try it on his own. I guess it isn't necessarily a bad thing. He is probably mostly that way because he was the first born and we were so much more cautious with him. However I don't want him to be afraid to try things and to venture out on his own. I need to work on building his trust with the world around him and reassuring him that he won't get hurt if he tries something new. I left the room for a few minutes to see if Landon would have a fit when I was gone. I am going to try to start leaving him with the counselor alone some. He didn't have a fit but she did ask if I was having a problem with cussing. Apparently Landon said GD twice while I was gone. I have had a terrible time with both boys saying that. My own fault I know..... I put a little dab of hot sauce on Tyler's tongue the other night to get the point across that cussing is not allowed. It seemed to work he hasn't said that word to me since. I tried soap once before but he liked it because he could blow bubbles out his mouth. Ohh that child. I think Landon was just testing the counselor to see what he could get away with.
Well Landon just woke up. He wants me to come lay down with him. Missing you very much, love you.
August 23, 2005
I think about you often. I only wish that I had the chance to get to know you better.
I feel like I do know you though from hearing everyone talk about you. It saddens me to know that your life was cut so short, but then I think you are fortunate because you are now in paradise, and you know no pain. You were a servant to the people here on earth, but you were also a servant of God. We should all be proud to know that you were so good at fulfilling God's role for you that you managed to complete it so soon. While it saddens all of us, it is another testament to what kind of person you were and still are in Heaven above. Thank you for being a friend to so many. May we all be blessed to see you again.
August 23, 2005