Otsego County Sheriff's Office, Michigan
End of Watch Sunday, September 12, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff John Kevin Gunsell
It’s been 20 years since I last saw you Bubba, 20 years since you were coming to help me, 20 years of missed memories, 20 years of hearing your belly laugh, 20 years, Wow, you know how “Old,” you’d be? lol I had too, it’s been a hard last few weeks coming up to this Anniversary for some reason, so trying to make light of it.
I always pay tribute to you on FB, and this year will extra special
Deputy Amy Moon (Klepadlo)
Otsego County Sheriff Department
September 12, 2024
This is hard to write this year. Even typing your name to search as a fallen officer is difficult. 20 years? 20 years. How can that even be true? That's too long for the kids to be without their dad. Too many milestones missed. That's not the hard part though. It's the everyday things that you've missed too. The simple ability for the kids to call you to ask a question or share their day. Add to that the fracture of your extended family due to greed. You'd be so disappointed in both of them and the things that they've done to your kids. Life goes on. Your kids miss you and try to honor your memory the best that they can.
Kelly Gunsell Nash
September 12, 2024
19 years. This countdown gets me every year. We all get older and you don't get that privelege because of stupidity. The kids miss you and I wish you didn't have to miss all the milestones. Thinking of you John K.
Kelly Gunsell
Kelly J Gunsell
September 11, 2023
18 years.
No way possible that it's been 18 years.
You have amazing kids John K. You'd be proud of them. They miss you every day.
With love,
Their mom
Kelly Gunsell
September 12, 2022
Since Facebook has come around, I haven’t posted on here much. 17 years ago was one of the worse days of my life, worse day to be working. Know that last hour I was with you, I tried to find the words to say, to comfort you, to help fight for you! You were the best “Big Brother,” Bear Hunting friend a girl could have!
Your boys have grown up to look so much like you, you would be proud of all your kiddos Bubba. I know you are watching down on them smiling!
Godspeed Brother 6929 Love and miss you lots 6910
Retired OCSO Amy Moon
Otsego County Sheriff Office
September 12, 2021
Rest in peace Deputy Sheriff Gunsell.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 28, 2020
Thank you for your service and rest in peace always knowing that your sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.
Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)
September 12, 2020
How different would life be if you were still here right now? It's been a long time... 16 years. It doesn't hardly seem possible. This is a difficult time of year for your kids while they are remembering you and feeling bad for everything that they have missed with you. We can't bring you back but we can hold you in our hearts.
Kelly Gunsell
September 11, 2020
As I drove into Caseville for the first time in many years, my thoughts drifted to the many times you and I shared a story, a laugh, or just a quick "how's it going". You were one great man who had a kind word for everyone. Your time on earth ended too soon. Unfortunately the saying "only the good die young" holds true all too often. You are missed. Keep your eyes focused down to us and watch over us from your perch above. May we meet again one day.
Sergeant (ret.)
June 13, 2020
Happy birthday John K. You are missed.
Kelly Gunsell
December 3, 2019
15 Years ago I lived the Longest Hour of my Life. I wish I could take it back, I would have said comforting words, instead of the ones I said. I would have said more, I wouldn’t have cared about being a “Tough Cop” who doesn’t cry. I would of held you tighter Bubba, I wouldn’t have been so scared to touch you, to talk, to cry. I wish I had someone there with me, to hold me, to comfort me, and tell me you were going to be okay.
I wish my department heads would have been there. I wish that bitch hadn’t have been driving drunk that night so I wouldn’t have had to call you in. God knows how much I want to relive that night and bring you back. I wish my department would have gotten me help, not expect me to work that night and week following. I wish people would have seen my pain I carried instead of thinking I was just a drunk! God knew I couldn’t handle much more, but somehow seen me through it. I wish MICOPS and my “Coworkers,” were around then so I didn’t go through this alone, destroying myself inside.
I wish I could bring that last hour you were here back, but I can’t. I know your last couple years here on earth were so hard, we know the answers to the test results, we know you would have suffered more. You aren’t suffering anymore
Retired Deputy Amy Moon
Otsego County Sheriff
September 12, 2019
15 years. That's a long time for you to not be here. It's hard to believe that it has been that long. You are missed by your children.
September 11, 2019
Happy birthday bubba. You are missed.
Kelly Gunsell
December 2, 2018
14 years = 56 kids' birthdays; 14 Christmases; 14 hunting seasons; 4 graduations; 1 wedding; 2 grandchildren; 14 Father's days and 5007 other days that you've missed and we've missed you every one of them. We have amazing kids that you'd be so very proud of and I know they miss you every day.
Kelly Gunsell
September 11, 2018
As always, you're on my mind today as you are many other days. Time keeps passing, life moves on. But I'm always grateful for the life that we briefly had and the gift of four beautiful lives that you shared with me. Thinking of you...
Kelly Gunsell
September 12, 2017
Another year has passed. I've been thinking a lot lately about how things would be different if you were still here. And how much you have missed; twelve kids' birthdays x4, twelve Christmases, twelve father's days, 3 graduations, a wedding, the birth of two beautiful granddaughters, twelve hunting seasons with your boys... the list goes on and on. Every day I realize that I am blessed to still be here for all of these occasions and sad that you're not. Things happen but know that I would wish you back if I could for your kids.
Kelly Gunsell
September 12, 2016
As I sit here and reflect about 9/11 occurring 15 years ago, my mind drifts back to 9/12/04, 12 years ago... I have been going back thru reflections, thru pictures of you, I cry, I smile, then I realize Holy Shit you would be 55, soon to be 56 an "old man" and that makes me laugh
Old Partner
September 12, 2016
Well dad sitting in the blind waiting for deer to walk In it feels like yesterday me and you were in your blind eating swiss cake rolls doing the same thing miss you
Levi Gunsell
November 22, 2015
It's hard to believe in 3 hours and 13 minutes it will be 11 years since that dreadful call, that dreadful ambulance ride, not a day goes by Bubba that I don't think about you! It's really hard because it's the day after 9/11, but time has healed the heartache, I cherish the memories! Until we meet again, GODSPEED!
Deputy Moon
otsego county sheriff
September 12, 2015
10 years... wow. How is that possible? I had a good cry yesterday for the kids and for you. Not sure why things happen the way they do but they do and there's nothing we can do about that. Thank you for helping me create and raise 4 wonderful kids. They miss you and believe it or not, so do I.
Kelly Gunsell
September 13, 2014
Well Bubba if someone would have told me 10 years ago today it would be the last time I would talk to you about Bear Hunting and 9 hours later I would be holding you and telling you everything is going to be okay, I would have called them a liar, but it's true;-( I can't believe I'm saying 10 years already, time sure does fly, but not a day goes by that I don't think of you, I miss you dearly! Your kids are all grown up, I see them here and there, and talk to Butch when I can! We all miss you and love you! Godspeed Brother;-) Mooner
Deputy Amy Moon
Otsego County Sheriff Office
September 11, 2014
9 years have passed and I sit here in this same seat this morning remembering your contagious laugh, your smile, oh yeah and your grumpiness lol and can smile:-) Miss you lots
Deputy Moon
Otsego County Sheriff Office
September 12, 2013
I sit here at work this morning and reflect back 8 years ago, the last time I seen you here, the talk about "Your Bear," the memories are so clear, It seems as though it was yesterday! Hunting season is upon us and I know you will be watching over all us! Love and Miss ya Bubba!
Deputy Moon
Otsego County Sheriff Department
September 12, 2012
Thinking of you this morning @ 1:45 a.m., I can't sleep... This day goes through my mind very vividly & you are in thoughts all day. Rest well my dear friend.
Elyse E. Leach
Former Corrections Officer Otsego County
September 12, 2012
It's that time of year. Hunting is upon us and I know that the cooler weather and the changing leaves bring you to the kids minds more often, especially on September 12th. It doesn't seem possible that it has been 8 years that you have been gone. In some ways it seems so long ago and in others, only the blink of an eye. So much has changed. There are many milestones that you have missed; all due to the carelessness of someone else. Just know that you are always remembered and thought of often.
Kelly Gunsell LaCross
September 11, 2012