Otsego County Sheriff's Office, Michigan
End of Watch Sunday, September 12, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff John Kevin Gunsell
It's hard to believe that it has been a year since I had Vanessa. We celebrated her birthday the only thing missing was you, you were there when she was brought into this word and you are greatly missed. I remember when we found out about her you were there also. I know you are watching all of those you cared about and I thank you for your visits but it is not the same as having you here. John you are greatly missed love ya
Sheree Whittredge
August 23, 2005
Hey Bubba, I just wanted to say HI, I still miss your smiling face everyday.
I miss chasing you around the office and throwing water on you. Someday I will get cha again.
Love ya, Miss ya
Deputy Amy Klepadlo
Otsego County Sheriff Dept
August 10, 2005
You're in a better place, I've heard a thousand times
And at least a thousand times I've rejoiced for you
But the reason why I'm broken, the reason why I cry
Is how long must I wait to be with you
I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now
Help me Lord cause I don't understand your ways
The reason why I wonder if I'll ever know
But, even if you showed me, the hurt would be the same
Cause I'm still here so far away from home
I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now
In Christ, there are no goodbyes
And in Christ, there is no end
So I'll hold onto Jesus with all that I have
To see you again
To see you again
And I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
Won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
Won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now
Friend in Gaylord
July 29, 2005
hello john...not a day goes by that i dont stop thinking about you...i wish we could go to the tannery again and have a big cold beer together...i love and miss you!!
dana haney
July 20, 2005
I was looking on the police sites and found this site featuring you along with other heros we have lost.
I have driven by the site where you lost your life and will never forget when I heard the news. God speed and I know that heaven is a little safer with you there. God bless you John, and the rest of your sheriffs office while they deal with this loss. You wont be forgotten.
Deputy Jason Alexander
Crawford County Sheriffs Office
July 5, 2005
Not a day goes by and I don't think of you. You are a good freind to me and still are I talk to you in my mind and know that are there.I wish that you could be here in person just to hear you say everything will be alright. Take care and talk to you again. Gods Be
June 3, 2005
I miss knowing you are safe in the small little town you used to protect and serve. Me in the big city in Arizona, I never imagined you would leave us so tragically. I am honored to be your cousin, and I am proud to tell everyone about you. I hope one day our children will be able to know eachother better. I am sorry I didn't get to spend any time with you since I am so far away, but I was so glad you drove down to see me the last time we were together for our bar BQ. ThankYou Big Cousin, I miss YOU! I hope one day to see you again. I know you will still be with all of us and protect us from where you are now. I picture you as Jesus' Body Gaurd. (JK) I miss your LAUGH........I could almost imagine it..... I Love YOU!!!!!
Renee Loncar (Cousin)
June 3, 2005
Mr. & Mrs. Gunsell, my heart broken when I read your reflection for John. We don't know why these tragedies happen, and the last thing we want to hear is that God has a plan, because nothing we can say or do will bring your son back. My heart and prayers go out to you and all those missing him so very much, and may God bring you the comfort that you seek and need to get through each day. Those you know, and so many thousands of people that you don't know, are here for you. God bless you all, and may John's heavenly rest be a peaceful one.
Neighboring County
May 31, 2005
Hi John,
Well, we just got back from attending the trial they had for your accident. I type this as the tears fall. I know no amount of anything can bring you back. But I was hoping your accident meant more than it did. I guess the coverups and statements made by some law enforcement agencies, the tape that was erased, his driving record, other incidents he was involved in, that were not a part of his record, but they knew about them and that they did take place. (I guess he wouldn't look so bad if it wasn't a part of his record.) The plea bargain, the seatbelt issue, that wasn't addressed. I know you weren't wearing a seatbelt but neither was he. I know and they know too, the seatbelt wouldn't have stood up under the presure if you would have been wearing it because of the size and weight of your body and the speed in which the car was going when you crashed. The sentence and the comments made by some inside our family and outside hurt the most. We heard how he was a family man and about his faith, well what about yours, doesn't that count. Your work and your badge meant everything to you. You never let right for wrong change your mind on anything you did. You meant the world to us and it hurts so much. We loved and raise you to be the son and father you were, not perfect, but good. We were very proud of you. The last time we talked, "you said everything will be ok." I hope in time it will be. Right now it doesn't look so good.
Mom and Dad
June Gunsell-Mother
May 26, 2005
Hey Partner,
I would have never imagined that when we left work on 9-11-05, it would be the last time that you would say, "See ya tomorrow." I will never forget the early morning call, hearing of the crash and needing to get to work ASAP.
A short time later my greatest fears came true and you were gone. I have had time to sit and reflect on when you first came to the department and you used to drive my nuts with all the BS stories. As time went on you grew on me and soon we became partners. You told me that you liked working with me because we didn't complain, we just went out and did our jobs. You told me that if I ever needed you that you would be there. Now, although you can't be there in person I know in my heart that your there in spirit and I've called on you to be by my side. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you my friend. I was able to see you shortly after you passed at the hospital. I was glad that I was able to hold your hand one last time and say not goodbye, but will meet again. Amy and I stopped at the cemetary the other day. The first time since the funeral. I hoped you liked the flowers. We stopped at a flower place in Sanilac County and picked them up. On 5-12-05 I had a dream, you, and me, walking together in our work uniforms. I told you that I missed you not being around and that things wern't and will never be the same.... I then gave you a big hug and once again told you I missed you. You never said a word but you had a big smile on your face just like you always did when we were working and having fun. You then turned and started walking and then faded away. I just want to say thank you. Thank you for the laughs, the good times, for being a friend and great partner, I will never, ever, forget you.
Mini Me 6924
Otsego County Sheriff's Department
May 25, 2005
Deputy Gunsell,
I was recently honored to have met your former wife and one of your sons at the National Peace Officers Memorial. You sir, are a lucky man. In speaking with Kelly, it is obvious you were loved by many. Your children were beautiful as your daughter placed your carnation on the wreath. I'm sure you watched and smiled as you were honored by thousands on Sunday.
May you always watch over your family and may God keep them safe.
Kelly, you are a special woman and God will reward you through your children's love.
Stay strong, you'll always have a friend in California.
Marisol Rilloraza - Court Liaison
Glendora Police Department
May 18, 2005
The kids and I just returned from National Police Week in Washington DC. You would have been so proud! You were honored by thousands of people, all for doing what you loved. We always knew that you were putting your life on the line every time you put on your uniform but never expected it to end this way. We miss you and you're in our thoughts constantly. One comfort for us is that you've joined other officers who were also dedicated to serving others.
Thinking of you...
Kelly Gunsell
May 18, 2005
I am stressed! I wish you were around to have a beer with me and shoot the bull.. Maybe, even go crop touring.. Know that I miss you and you are in my thoughts everyday..
Double E
Elyse Meyette- Corrections Officer
Otsego County Sheriff Department
May 12, 2005
It has been so long since the last time I saw John Gunsell. I had known him from the first day he started working as a police officer, though I was very young. He gave me my first nickname; KP (Korean Polock), which I actually hear once in a while. When I was 3 he made me a green shirt that had the initials KP on them, I still have it, it is in my baby box. It has been so long, but what I can remember was that he had such a wonderful soul and was always smiling. I am 26 now, married and have a child of my own and every once in a while I will think back and smile. I never got to know his immediate family but his mom and brother (butch) are also wonderful people and I am very sorry for all of his families loss.
May God bless you and keep you all safe.
Laura Gilbert (Klaus)
Former Sebewaing Resident
Port Huron, Michigan
April 27, 2005
john i still miss you soooo much...everytime i go through elmira on my way to gaylord i think about you and start to cry...my kids even ask about you and they remind me that you are in heaven...not a day goes by that i dont think about you...may you rest in peace...love always...your friend dana
dana haney
April 19, 2005
Thinking of you
April 14, 2005
Thinking of you. When I drive by the accident site I always pause and say a prayer for you. Rest in peace, friend. Watch over all the heroes on the thin blue line.
Gaylord Area
April 14, 2005
March 27, 2005
We have never met however, I read these reflections left for you by your co-workers, friends and family. It is obvious to me that you represented the badge you wore on your chest for so many years at its highest standard. You can now move onto your next challenge in peace, knowing you have paved a solid path for everyone in law enforcement that are trying to earn the respect from family, frineds and co-workers that you have. Your family, friends, co-workers and the Sheriff's Officer should be lucky that your are able to represent them in all the ways you have. God Bless You and your children Brother Gunsell.
Fellow Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff
Grand Traverse County Sheriff's Office
March 25, 2005
Well Bubba it was six months ago yesterday, still miss you. Well had I to say goodbye to Phil yesterday also, he's shipping out to Iraq, we have all told him he is crazy for doing this, but he is stubborn, you know. That was hard to do. I saw Ted Nugent in concert a few weeks back, I talked with Toby, told him what happened to you. I was hoping to talk with Ted, but it was nice talking with Toby.
Miss you always,
March 13, 2005
Six months ago today I kissed you goodbye and told you to be safe. Little did I know it would be our last kiss. I think about and miss you everyday. You are forever in my mind and heart. I keep waiting for closure, waiting for the tears to end and my healing to bring me to a place called "normal".
Life goes on and things change, but I will never forget you, your smile, laugh, kiss, touch. Your dedication, knowledge and the lasting impression you made on everyone you touched will remain. You will live on forever in the world through your children, your work and the love and caring you shared.
I am proud to have been a small part of your life. You changed me and helped me to be a better person. I live and work in your honor.
It is said that God has a plan for all of us. I only hope that I can do my best to live up to that plan as you did in your life.
Blessings & Hugs,
March 12, 2005
Thank you so much for all you have sacrificed in your life time. I wish I would have been able to have met you but I think in a way I have been able to recieve a greater appreciation for all that you have done through the family that is still here. Just wanted to let you know they are great people and I really enjoy my time with them. I just wanted to thank you and let you know you will always e in the hearts of those who knew you and even those that did not get that oppportunity.
Thank you,
A friend
Gaylord, Mi
March 1, 2005
Today,2/25/05 I was put more at peace over loosing my son Fred on June 12,2005. A person that you know came to my office today and asked if you smoked cigars. I asked her why and she said that she had a dream about you serveral days ago and you were smoking a cigar and she kept smelling the same cigar smoke in he car for the last several days.
I told her you did every so often so she went on to tell me about her dream.
In the dream you appeared wtih your arm around another perons that was in his twentys and you both were laughing and having fun. I pointed to a picture of Fred and she stated it was him. Although she never met Fred or knew that he commited sucicide the person with you wanted her to tell someone that everything was fine and not to blame any one for his death and that he was ok. I was that someone that my son want to get the message to.
John, when you lived at my house for the year that you were going through your divorce Fred and you became very close friends and was there when he needed a fried. I stated at your funeral that Fred needed you and heaven and you went there to be with him. God is in control and I'm at peace. I told the person to write down her dream so that I can share it with Fred's mother and with your family. Thanks for taken car of my son.
Sheriff McBride
Otsego County
February 25, 2005
Bubba, one more thing, last week I went to Sgt. Elowsky's funeral from Montmorency County, all I could think about was you. Will you tell Jason I said HI and that I will never forget him either, you were both great guys.
Deputy Amy Klepadlo
Otsego County Sheriff Department
February 21, 2005
Well Bubba I haven't written in along time. It's been a really hard five months. I know you know what happened to me at the end of the year, I know you were with me. I talk with Butch often, I make sure I asked how your mom and dad are doing, they are doing their best. We all miss you so much.
I was looking back at your reflections and thinking about X-mas, just a couple days before your accident, I remember sitting on your lap in the office and asked "Santa what are you brining me for X-mas?" Do you remember? Happy belated Birthday, I had mine a few days later, but it wasn't the best, you know why. I am hopiong this will be a better year, but it will never be complete without you around.
I think about you everyday, I see your picture in the locker room, I wait to see your smiling face come threw the back door, to carry my bags to my car, but then I remember. Bubba I will always love you and miss you,
Deputy Amy Klepadlo
Otsego County Sheriff Department
February 21, 2005