Otsego County Sheriff's Office, Michigan
End of Watch Sunday, September 12, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff John Kevin Gunsell
Well it's been a while for me to stop by and write. As you know things have been a little crazy and busy here..
I was just thinking of you, as I am sitting here freezing because the air conditioning is on HIGH in the office right now. I am in my usual spot this time of morning.. Feet up and winter coat on.. LOL..
Haven't been home in a while, but planning on making a trip soon. I will stop in and touch base with you and probally take a run by the farm...
We see the boys quite often.. You would not believe how grown-up they are getting.. I believe Kell is doing her best and the boys seem to be doing good... I still haven't gotten my fishing pole back.. What the hell did you do with that thing anyways.. We will definately hash this arguement out the next time I see you..
Your Loving Wench..
Double E
Otsego County
April 29, 2006
I miss you sooo much John!! Was just thinking of you and wanted to stop by and see your smiling face!! Hope you're having fun up in heaven...have a beer for me!!
Dana Haney
March 23, 2006
Hey Bubba I had a boy which I'm sure you know. We named him Hunter, I which you were here to see him. Just thought I would say HI.
Your always in my thoughts and prayers
January 31, 2006
Hello there big boy!! I was just thinking about you today, i still miss you soooo much!! I was over in Gaylord the other day and we drove by the road to go to your house, my kids still remember you and where you lived. I really wish that you were here so we could go out to dinner at Mesa's and have people think that we were a married couple, lol we got along too good to be that!! Just know that everyone really misses you a lot and we know that you are watching over us.!!
Dana Haney
January 26, 2006
Another year with out you out there on the roads is a sorry thing for it was so much fun out there with you and the things you would say was all ways so funny no one can ever replace you and your humor. you are greatly missed the drivers at Rons God Bless You John you will allways be in our prayers
Rons Wreacker Service
January 26, 2006
another xmas and another year has gone by and still thinking of you hope you still rember the ones you left behind for you arestill in my thought and prays every day may Gods be with you and see you in the after life you are deaply miss back here on this world
January 3, 2006
Merry Christmas Bubba!
Dep klepadlo
December 26, 2005
Happy Birthday!!! Buuba, man you'd be "45" WOW:) Well wish you were here to celebrate. I know your having fun up there. Love ya and Miss ya lots:)
Deputy Klepadlo
Otsego County SD
December 3, 2005
Hi John,
How we would love to see your smile, hear your voice and laughter. Feel your loving arms and gentle touch. We still have a hard time accepting the fact that your gone. We know in our hearts it's true but that doesn't mean the hurt disappears. It was so hard to say good-bye. We miss you so much.
It took courage and a warm heart to serve and to protect our communities. You were one remarkable son, we were so proud of you. What you accomplished in your lifetime left us with many memories.
If it was possible and if tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, we would walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.
We thank God for all the years that you were ours to love and be loved by you. We know you are watching over us from heaven above and just want you to know how much we miss and love you.
With Love,
Mom, Dad and
Your Family
P.S. Happy Birthday
June Gunsell
December 1, 2005
hey john just wanted to let you know that vanessa is going to have a sibiling pretty soon really wish you were here like you were with vanessa. I love and miss you talk at ya later
November 30, 2005
Thanksgiving is here hope that you are watching over your freind it,s a nasty one out side please keep us safe on this cold wintery night allways thinking of you my prayers are with you
November 24, 2005
Hey Bubba, I have been thinking about you lately, being that hunting season is here. I am going in the woods tomorrow and hope you will be watching over us. The baby is doing fine, very active. I wish you were going to be here when it comes, especially so I can prove you wrong:) you know what I mean, haha well just thought I would say Hi and tell you I miss you lots.
Take care, see you in the wind.
Love ya,
Deputy Klepadlo
Otsego County Sheriff Department
November 14, 2005
I can't believe it's been over a year. I still expect to look up from what I'm doing and seeing you standing there with that smile on your face. Like you knew something no one else did. I know once or twice I've seen you from the corner of my eye. On one occasion I was having a rough day and after I "saw" you I knew you were telling me it was all ok. Thanks so much for being my friend, John. I miss you so much. Miss our talks and the jokes. You will always have a special place in my heart. God Bless You.
October 22, 2005
just stop in to say hi still wish it didn't have to happen to you miss your jokes and freindly smile. with winter coming going to miss your favorite saying. If i got to get out of this car someone is going to get a ticket
it was allways a good laugh to hear you say that
October 16, 2005
Hey John,
You dont know me but i know your wonderful kids. I have never met you but i wish i did. i have heard so many good things about you that i just wish i would have met J.L. sooner. i hope someday to meet you. im one grade ahead of J.L. but he is older than me. go figure huh?
Mae B
P.S. i hope someday to call u dad.
Mae B
October 14, 2005
It has been a long year. A year filled with joys, frustrations, laughter and tears.
I know your spirit keeps me moving forward and accepting the challenges ahead. Your belief in me, my studies and my work are with me today and always will be.
Finding my way through this year has taught me valuable lessons. I hope that you are proud of me and of all that I accomplish. I am proud to say that you were mine for a short time and that I carry your love with me. Sharing your jokes, stories and knowledge helps me to keep you close.
Sometimes things happen for a reason. Sometimes the reason is not known for a lifetime. I know that someday we will meet again and I will understand why it was time for you to go and what God’s plan was. Until then, I promise to keep learning, growing, loving, protecting, advocating and moving forward. For I know that all of this is what you would have expected of me if you were here by my side on earth as surely as what you continue to assist me with as you remain by my side in heaven.
All my love,
October 14, 2005
The kids and I have been thinking about you alot lately. You are missed. Today I'm doing something that I dread and it's something that I need to do alone. It would be too hard for the kids. I'm cleaning out the storage unit. I've brought one load home so far and it makes me sad to see your uniforms and your hunting clothes. Hunting season is coming up. Jordan has been talking about going out to the cabin to make preparations to hunt. He's been practicing with his bow. I know that it's really hard on him (and the other kids) this time of year. Hunting season was something that you always looked forward to and made lots of preparations for. I've been doing the best I can to do things with them that you would have done but it's hard filling the void that you have left behind. I'm going back to the boxes now. Back to reminiscing, back to packing away the memories.
September 30, 2005
This morning when I came to the ODMP website, John's memorial was the first to "rotate" when their home page was loaded. Being a very close neighbor of Otsego County, I wanted to take a moment to leave a reflection that John will never be forgotten. May he rest peacefully. I hope the hurt and sadness that the surviving family and friends is feeling has begun to subside. You're all in our thoughts and prayers.
September 22, 2005
Well Bubba it has been a long year. I can't believe it. I think about you everyday and miss you so much. We went out running last weekend. I wish you were there, I know you will be with us during this hunting season. Butch has a tag and maybe we can help him too. Well I made myself go to the accident site, that was so hard. I relived that whole night all over again, but I had too. I know you were there with your kids. I got to see them for a few minutes, they seem to be doing the best they can be. I reminised about the past today, I shed some tears and laughs thinking about you. Well keep watching over all of us and stay in the wind:)
I'll see you on the other side...
Love Always,
Deputy Amy Klepadlo
Otsego County Sheriff Department
September 13, 2005
Hey Partner,
Hard to believe that it's been a year already. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you at some point in the day. I miss you and I know that your watching over us.
Mini Me
Otsego County Sheriff's Department
September 12, 2005
The kids and I went out to the airport after dark tonight. We left you red roses. We sat and looked at the stars and shed a few tears. After we sat for a few minutes, we started to talk about some of the goofy things that you had done through the years and we began to laugh. The kids miss you. Even after everything that we went through, I miss you too. I never thought that I would be left alone to raise the kids. You'd be proud of them. They've handled themselves well. We have great kids. That's a tribute to you and I.
We got to talk to Amy and John tonight. They stopped as we were sitting in the dark reminiscing. You had good friends and co-workers. They miss you too.
In some ways, it doesn't seem possible that it has already been a year and in other ways, it seems like an eternity since you've been here. Just know that we think about you often.
Kelly Gunsell
September 12, 2005
Well Bubba- It's been a year today. We were just talking about you, here at the office. Silence fell as we remember back to last year on this date.
I went home to the "Thumb" over the weekend to visit the family,even managed to stop in at Heck's Bar- had a Heckle Burger and a shot and a beer. We all raised our glasses to you, as a toast. We told some stories and listened to all the laughter as people remembered you and how you use to make them laugh by your crazy stories and antics.
I can't begin to tell you how much I miss you.. 'Til we meet again..
Double E
Elyse Meyette- Corrections Officer
Otsego County Sheriff Department
September 12, 2005
Thinking of you and remembering the sacrifice you made on that tragic night, one year ago Sept. 12. Rest peacefully and watch over the ones you left behind. You are missed!
Up North Michigan
September 11, 2005
John it's going to be a year now and miss seeing your smiling face on the road even more now I miss hearing your favorite words "If I Got To Get Out Of This Car Someone Is Going To Get A Ticket" it always made me laugh. You always could make a person laugh nomather how bad it was. I still miss you. GODS Be and watch over us down here. p.s. it will be nocho night monday night
September 11, 2005
John it is so hard to beleive that it was a year ago this morning that god took you to heaven. A day doesnt go by that I dont think about you. I meet so many people that say they knew you and if they didnt actually know you, they say they saw you around gaylord and you always had a big smile on your face. You came into my life and you were such a special person. You made such an awesome impression in my children's lives. I just started college, I am taking criminal justice and I am hoping that i can have the same attitude that you had with your job. You made people laugh and brightened there day. I cry as i write this...the short time that i knew you was very special to me. And may god be keeping you busy up there. My thoughts and prayers are with your children as they come upon the one year anniversary of your death, as I know how much you loved them. Take care baby...I miss you!!!
Dana Haney
September 11, 2005