Bossier City Police Department, Louisiana
End of Watch Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Reflections for Patrol Officer Trey Michael Hutchison
It has taken me a year and four months to sit down and write this message. Not because I haven’t wanted to, but because I can’t maintain a sensible thought when I start talking about all of the memories. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t literally feel my heart ache when I begin to think about the past and all the times we shared. From foot pursuits to fishing trips, from dented pepper spray cans to awfully competitive washer tournaments at the lakeside. It hurts me, but helps me all at the same time when I think about these things. But what hurts me most of all is the thought that you died without ever hearing the words from me that you were a true and valued friend. This is my number one regret in life. I would have given anything to have been there with you that day. There’s not a day that I don’t run scenarios through my head about what I would have done had I been the responding officer with you. We had been through so much together, I just feel like I should have been there protecting your back as you had done for me so many times before. You are in goods hands now my friend. I have moved on from LPD but I still hang out and talk with all of our guys all the time. They all miss you a lot. It never fails that every time we get together, the highlight of the party is a Hutchison story…. And man can we tell them!!
Trey, there’s so much that I have to say but such limited space to say it in. My son is now 18 months old and he knows your name by the pictures we show him. It’s a hard way to get to know you, but belief me, I will let him in on all of stories when he’s ready for them. I guess I need to wrap this thing up for now. The whole purpose for this letter is this: I love you and I miss you and I want you to know that you are still one of the greatest friends a guy could ever have.
Your good buddy,
Clay Oliver
Former Lufkin PD
December 14, 2005
Its been a year ago a little over a year but i can still remember everything. Hearing "officer down" on the news to the heart wrenching sound of your wife. I never met her but i know she misses you so much. Its so hard to belive that the guy i ate lunch with and had english with is no longer here. I didnt talk to you after school but it still hit me. I went to your funeral and wow thats all i can say it seemed so sureal. Walking past to give my last respects..the 21 gun salut..and all of the people something ive never seen before. all i can say is how proud i am of you. with all my love.
Airline Alumni
December 8, 2005
We got thru another Thanksgiving, but it was so hard...Christmas is just around the corner and I remember how much you loved Christmas, I'm not sure I can do the "usual stuff" because it's not "normal" anymore...we miss you so much. I know where you are, I haven't lost you, but...I just wanted you to know how much we love you and can't wait to be with you in heaven, worshiping the Lord and being together. Happy Holidays my precious son, Love eternally, Mom
Wendy, Trey's Mom
November 30, 2005
Just remember that you will never be forgotten. Every uniformed officer is a constant reminder of you. We love you and miss you so much.
Barbara Netherland
November 28, 2005
Just wanted you to know that Luke and I have not stopped thinking about you and missing you. I know that you are watching down on us and helping Luke become a great husband like you were. We love you and hope you know how much you meant to your whole family! Keep watching over us all. Thanks!
Britney Hutchison
November 21, 2005
Officer Hutchison..just wanted to let you know (i'm sure you already know though) the season is finally over..yesterday was the last race of the season..JR finished 19th in the race & in points..jeff finished 9th in the race & 11th in points..tony stewart won the championship (yuck!!)..oh well there's always next season ;) REST IN PEACE BLUE ANGEL!!!!
girlfriend of a leo/nascar fan :)
November 21, 2005
Thanksgiving is this week. I am so thankful for the time God allowed us to spend with you, to laugh with you, to learn with you. Trey you are missed so much. We all have so many wonderful memories and hold them dear to our hearts. You will never be forgotten!
With Love
Your Lufkin Family
November 21, 2005
Officer Hutchison..just wanted to say hello & thank you for you & your family are always in my thoughts & prayers..please continue to watch over them & your fellow brothers/sisters in blue..
thank you for watching over your fellow officers while they worked non-stop during the aftermath of hurricane katrina..YOU ARE GONE..BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN..REST IN PEACE & WITH EASE BLUE ANGEL!!!!
i heard this song the other day & thought of you..hope you like it..ENJOY BLUE ANGEL..
Who You'd Be Today
By Kenny Chesney
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
I see your smile, I see your face
I hear you laughin' in the rain
Still can't believe you're gone
It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I've been through
Just knowin' no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder
Who you'd be today
Would you see the world, would you chase your dreams
Settle down with a family
I wonder what would you'd name your babies
Somedays the sky's so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
And I know it might sound crazy
It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I've been through
Just knowin' no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder
Who you'd be today
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know
I'll see you again someday
Someday, someday.
girlfriend of leo/nascar fan :)
detroit, mi
November 18, 2005
I got an email from Tifani today, and have rounded up some things for her from Lufkin P.D. I don't ever need to talk to anyone to remind me of you, and think about you all the time. Thank GOD I can still here your laugh, and how you talked. I do sometimes get so caught up in the good memories, that I feel like your still here with us. I don't know if that is good or bad, but I do it anyway.
I guess you and Angel both can enjoy being together with the father. We as mortals don't understand why she had to leave either, especially with a young boy, and husband who need her so much. It's still not my place to second guess, but I do at times. I preface alot of things by saying "Well, it's none of my business, but...." I sure don't agree with alot of things that happen, but you already know that. I just don't have any ability to change them, nor are they "any of my business".
Trey, I miss you man, and I keep praying, and trying to fight the good fight, so one day I can be with you. Without that promise, there just really isn't much to look forward to at all.
Lt. Lenderman is teaching a patrol rifle operator course out here at the range today...naturally, I'm thinking about you, and I Know you'd be here!! Out there running and gunning with the rest of them, dancing with your AR! They miss you too, and we all train hard, fight hard, and stand strong because we still want you to be proud of your time here. Even the new guys, who don't know much about anything yet, know who you were! Anyway, We want ever move on to a point where we are past you. All our love Trey...All our love!
Lufkin P.D.
November 14, 2005
Officer Hutchison..just wanted to let you know that i think of you & your family often..please know that you & your family are still in my thoughts & prayers..YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!!!
i also wanted to keep you updated on JR..although i'm sure you already know that JR had a DNF at pheonix yesterday..his tire went flat then he hit the least the season ends next sunday..let him get ready for next season ;) REST IN PEACE & WITH EASE BLUE ANGEL!!!!
girlfriend of a leo/nascar fan :)
November 14, 2005
Treysome, This has been a very hard week; Keith fought a very couragous fight with his cancer, but he joined you in heaven yesterday, as I'm sure you already know...Luke & Brit came home to attend his's been so hard this week, I can't know what God's plan is and I don't question it, but I would be so happy to join you, if it's time for God to call all of us home to be with Him...
I can't tell you how much I continue to miss you and love you, talk about you and cry about you're leaving us too soon, by our time schedule...I know God has His own time schedule, and I hope and pray that His schedule of us being together is soon...I continue waiting "upon the Lord"... They say I am getting "stronger", "better", in my grieving, but it doesn't feel better to me, I miss you so much. But this week, I have to be there for is unbelievable that he has lost one of his best friends this year, after losing you. Keep watch over him as he goes thru this and help me to know what to say to help him...I love you and miss you, because you could always keep me balanced...My love eternally, Mom
Trey's mom
November 9, 2005
well officer Hutchison..they raced in hotlanta on sunday..while JR. didn't win, he dominated the race, leading 142 laps..he finished 4th over all..for a while it looked good for the #8 crew..
still keeping you & your family in my thoughts & prayers..continue to watch over them & your fellow brothers/sisters in blue..YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN BLUE ANGEL!!!!
girlfriend of a leo/nascar fan :)
October 31, 2005
well Officer Hutchison..yet again jr did not finish a race..he was involved in an early crash sunday..jr probably can't wait for this season to end & put it behind him..maybe you could put in a few good words for him & jeff :)
still keeping you & your family in my thoughts & prayers to get them through this difficult time..REST IN PEACE & WITH EASE BLUE ANGEL!!!!
girlfriend of a leo/nascar fan :)
October 11, 2005
Well I sit here in the desert of iraq and I think back to when we got the call at the base of officer down. Though i am not a civilian cop yet, we all work together. It is hard to find words to express the graditude for putting your life on the line. Here only weeks ago we lost another American for the same thing we as police officers believe. I know that your up there looking down, and i hope you and the lord above are watching over us so that we can make it home safely. If for some reason i don't maybe i can stand next to you and we can look over our officers for the rest of our days. May you rest in peace.
SrA Michael J. Rimsky
USAF/ security forces
October 8, 2005
well Officer Hutchison..i'm sure you saw that jr. was involved in a crash & didn't finish at Talladega, jeff didn't finish either due to him being involved in a crash as well..this just wasn't the year for our drivers..oh well, there's always next year :)
still keeping you & your family in my thoughts & prayers..REST IN PEACE & WITH EASE BLUE ANGEL!!!!
girlfriend of a leo/nascar fan :)
October 3, 2005
Trey, it's been over a year now. I had really hoped out of this tragic event something positive might come. I guess in reality with the passing of the Trey Hutchison Bill it did. I do know that some people here never change and never will
Bossier City
September 21, 2005
Officer - your family - friends & co-workers are still in my thoughts & prayers..please continue to watch over them & your fellow brothers/sisters in blue, especially in LA..
one more thing if you don't mind..this saturday, Sept 11th is the last race that JR will have to qualify for the race for's not looking too good for him (or jeff gordon for that matter either)..but maybe if you could help them out....thanks :)
girlfriend of a leo/nascar fan :)
September 8, 2005
Trey,the months pass so quickly and it has already been a year since you left us. I did not get to know you well, but I remember the first day you were in Report Writing Class along with Tifani, You two were so attentive and that's when I knew that you were going to be one of our finest. We are so proud of you, and you would be so proud of your family for the work they did passing the Hutchinson Act.
We know that you are up there patroling the streets of heaven and Trey watch over our police officers at B.C.P.D. Each and everyone is precious just like you. You are truly a hero to us.
Barbara Netherland
Records Division
Barbara Netherland
August 19, 2005
Ofc. E.L.Weiland
August 17, 2005
well Officer Hutchison..we lost two more fine officers this them the ropes up & your family are still in my thoughts & prayers..
i would also like to ask you (and all the other fallen heros) a HUGE of the cities here in michigan is starting to layoff close to 300 officers this week..please help those who do get pink slips find another job (or that they get called back) soon..thank you..
one more thing before i let you go..JR finished 11th yesterday at the glen..that only puts him in 15th for points with 4 races left for the chase..hate to say it..but i don't think JR will make it this year..maybe you can put in a good word for him :)
girlfriend of a leo
August 15, 2005
Jessica, Wendy, Luke, Britney, etc...
I've been thinking about all of you all this week. I'm sorry I didn't call, but I am at such a loss for words because I know nothing I can say will help ease the empty ache inside. Bryan and I are thinking of you. I pray God will carry you through and help you in only the way HE can. Hang on to the hope we have through Him that this earthly life is not the end, but only the beginning of when you will see Trey again along with our Savior and other loved ones.
We're still planning to visit soon, we just have to find a weekend with no activities already planned when Bryan does not have duty.
Carol Linder
wife of Bryan, daughter-in-law of Bill "Putt" Linder (EOW 10/10/04)
August 13, 2005
It still doesn't seem real, especially on this one year mark. People are still so touched by you. If everyone's pain could only bring you back. We are all so selfish wanting you home. But, you are so much better off. We are all ready to be home with you. Keep watch over us and your guys at LPD. They miss you more than you could ever know.
To Trey's family- we love you guys and think of you all the time. We miss him so much. The laughter and practical jokes- that was Trey. We want you to know that we won't ever forget him. And if you ever need us, we are always here for you!
August 12, 2005
Officer Hutchison..please know that my thoughts & prayers are with you - your family - friends & co-workers in the 1 yr anniversary of your tragic death..please watch over them & your fellow brothers/sisters in blue..REST IN PEACE & WITH EASE..YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN BLUE ANGEL!!!!
after reading some of the reflections left by your friends..i noticed that you are a JR fan..i'm sure you already know..but JR is not having a good season this year..he is 16th in nextel cup points (with only 5 races to go for the cut off for the race for the cup)..he has only won 1 race this season, that was on 7/24..he has a new pit crew this year (he has michael waltrip's old crew), people are saying that's what the problem is..myself, i'm a jeff gordon fan :) although he isn't doing to well this season either..i'll let you go now Officer Hutchison, just thought i would get you caught up on this season's racing :)
Mrs. Hutchison..i can't even begin to think of all the pain & sorrow that you & your family are going through right now..but i do know that it is hard to let our loved ones go out everyday/night, not knowing if this will be the last time we see them - talk to them - kiss them & hug them good bye..the pain may never go away..BUT YOUR LOVE FOR HIM WILL NEVER GO AWAY EITHER..remember all the good & fun times you shared together..GOD BLESS YOUR FAMILY!
girlfriend of a leo
August 12, 2005
There is not a day that goes by that you are not thought of. You are truly a hero and you are missed so much. I have read the reflections that have been left over the past year and you have touched so many lives. Your family is in our prayers. Thank you for your service and watch over your fellow officers.
August 11, 2005
My candle is lit tonight in memory of Trey. I pray that the day passed gently for you.
CJ's mom :)
Jane Fontenot
August 11, 2005