Bossier City Police Department, Louisiana
End of Watch Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Reflections for Patrol Officer Trey Michael Hutchison
Well Trey it has been three years. I missed your cermony but i was on the street working. I enjoyed listening to Sgt. M. Szempruch tell us about it and the wonderful words that B. Huckaby said. We miss you. God Bless You. Hope to see you one day
Sgt. T. Delrie
August 13, 2007
I'm so sorry Trey...I just don't know what to say. I can't believe that it has been three years already. It's unreal how much of a prescence you still have with our officers. Lots of stories about "Hutch" are told, and I thank God that I can still see your smile, and hear your laugh. You were, and always will be, a big part of my life, and will forever be in the heart of our department. We miss you very much! is a relief knowing that you are already on the other side should our time come soon. Rest well Trey...
Lufkin P.D.
August 13, 2007
August 12, 2007
After reading your reflections you were sooo loved!
My thoughts and prayers to the family, friends and co-workers of Officer Hutchison on the anniversary of his passing. Another Hero taken too soon. May God comfort you all. Rest in peace.
911 Dispatcher
August 11, 2007
You are still not forgotten, brother. Rest in peace.
Dan Lair
Lufkin PD
August 11, 2007
I can't believe it has been three years Trey. We love you and miss you everyday.
Shannon Mills
August 11, 2007
It was beautiful. I know that you are proud. Brandon Huckaby did such a great job. I wished that I had the courage to express what he did. Again Sir, Thank you. God Bless and watch over all of us left behind.
Sgt. Mike Szempruch
Bossier City Police Dept. Bossier City Louisiana
August 11, 2007
They say In Valor There Is Hope.....
That is what you have given us Trey - Hope - Hope that as our Blue Angel lives will be saved, Hope that sacrifices like yours are few, hope that as an officer, can be looked upon as a hero
It is not in your death Trey that made you a hero - it is how you lived your life.
To the Hutchison family - Thank you for everthing you have done to make sure our officers are safe - you are our Heros also - may there be many more out there like you.
All our love
Chris & Laurie Davis
August 11, 2007
Officer Hutchison,
Today marks the third anniversary of your EOW. I am thinking of your family and friends as they remember you and the legacy of honor you left behind. It is hard to believe that someone would choose a career that constantly challenges your personal safety, all in the name of protecting everyone around you. There has to be a special place in heaven for people like you. The sacrifice you made will never be forgotten. Ever.
Pennsylvania citizen
August 11, 2007
My thoughts are with your loved ones on this 3rd anniversary of your EOW. I know what your loved ones feel today as we just passed the 3 year mark on August 8th for our son. As for your Dad, I can relate to what he feels reference not telling you how much he loved you as I felt the same thing and I didn't have the chance to say it. You know how us macho guys don't say that to one another, but I know that you knew how much your Dad loved you and that he would change places with you in a heat beat as I would for my son if we could so that you could be here with your loved ones. Continue to watch over your loved ones and wrap your wings around them and protect them from harm and ease some of their grief. You are a true hero. I would like to leave this very short poem someone sent me:
No person is ever truly alone.
Those who live no more
Whom We Loved,
Echo still within our thoughts,
Our words, our hearts.
And what they did,
And who they were,
Becomes a part of all that we are,
(Poem by Richard Fife)
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
August 10, 2007
Tomorrow I will again pay my respects for your loyal service and dedication to OUR city. I will bow my head and again fight the tears. God Bless your family and as a friend I want to take this time to thank you for your bravery and for what you taught us all. God Bless all of the Huchisons and know that yall forever in my prayers.
Sgt. Mike Szempruch
Bossier City Police Dept. Bossier City Louisiana
August 10, 2007
hey Trey,
hard to believe its been three years since you left us. it seems like yesterday we were sitting in the mall parking lot writing reports..there is hardly a day goes by that i don't think of you...its strange to see all the new guys getting hired and they see your picture in the patrol room and ask about you...there is no telling how many officers are alive right now thanks to you...your sacrifice will never be forgotten as long as we can continue to tell the story and keep your spirit alive...see ya brother
August 10, 2007
Hey Trey,
I can't believe it's been three years since your walk here on earth ended. I miss you every day. I had a dream last night. Your Mother and I, you and Jess, and Luke and Britney were all together again. We were laughing and having a great time. Of course, you were teasing your little brother! Those times when we were all able to be together like that were the happiest moments of my life. I don't have too many happy moments any more. I realize how big of a part you played in my happiness. I know I didn't tell you that enough, and I'm sorry.
I can't wait to be reunited with you.
Mark Hutchison
August 1, 2007
Trey i know you are keeping a watch over all of us. we have some many new and young officers in patrol. please keep them safe. we talk about you often and have your picture in the patrol room alot of the new officers ask about you and there is always someone ready to tell them about you. god bless you from your BCPD family
Bossier City Police Dept.
July 30, 2007
Just wanted to let you know that your thought about daily. Keep the peace in heaven! God Bless!!
July 25, 2007
Wendy, Mark, Luke and Britney, I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. Miss you all!
July 16, 2007
I am sitting here thinking about you like I do everyday. I want you to know we had a first responders ceremony at church on Sunday and I stoof for you. I know you are responding to people in heaven and making everyone so proud of you. You are an awesome guy and I love you so much. You are my inspiration to stay in school and complete my degree.
Shannon Mills
July 11, 2007
Trey, I just wanted you to know that we think of you and miss you everyday. Some days it seems like I'll be ok...I can survive today...& other days it seems as if I can't breathe...this was not how our life was supposed to turn
out... Sometimes, at the strangest times, it will hit me, this really did happen and you really are in heaven waiting on the rest of us to get there. I know that time is irrelevant to you as you glory in the Lord's presence in a perfect place, but to the rest of us, it keeps going on...sometimes seems too fast, sometimes seems way too slow...forever...but everyday just brings me one more day closer to seeing you, touching you, hugging you, and loving you, and knowing you, you will have the best smelling perfume in heaven!! so undoubtedly I will be surrounded by the best aromas imaginable! There is not a day that goes by that we don't have some reminder of what a special loving son, the special person you are, one of integrity, hard work and honesty, a hero that was everyday willing to give his life to serve and protect others and you did give your all. You were always our hero even before you became BCPD hero! When we look back at family pictures, you are always in the middle, smiling your unforgettable smile, putting your arm around whoever is in the pix with you, loving every minute of whatever was the occasion...We miss you so much, and we are so proud of the honor given to us by God to be your parents. All my love eternally, Mom
June 30, 2007
Time goes by fast. It seems like only yesterday when I sat in the oral review board for my hiring process. I was asked the same question that Im sure all other canidates was asked. "why do you want to be a Police Officer"? and Im sure that I gave the same answer that everyone else did. "because I want to help people". well even though that is the truth, I never really fully understood the reason untill I was about to graduate the accademy. one of our instructors advised us that some persons may graduate the accademy and serve for 3,4 or even 5 years and learn that this career is not for everyone. But from the day that you are born, the desire and passion to serve our community and country is the goal that God has bestoed upon you. God makes us a Police Officer from birth. You my brother paid the ultimate sacrifice. Since that tragic day I have been promoted and I carry on your spirit and legacy every chance I get. You will never be forgotten and always remember and respect you. You are a true hero and I thank you for the oppertunity to have known you. You my brother are a guardian angel to us all who still serve. Please protect us all. I pray for you, your family and friends. There are times when a man has to do what a man has to do, I pay my respects to you throughout the year. Capt. Fain is buried close by your side and he is also a partner Angel. God Bless your entire family Trey.
Sgt. Mike Szempruch
Bossier City Police Dept. Bossier City Louisiana
May 21, 2007
Just checking in Trey. We were all sitting here talking about you, and I thought I'd drop you a line. We still miss you greatly, and you are always in our thoughts. Your face is everywhere here, and I can assure you that you will never be forgotten. God bless you, and keep you!
Lufkin P.D.
May 4, 2007
Trey just thinking of you! Remembering that are missed so much!
April 9, 2007
We still think of you Brother.
Your Brothers at...
Bossier City Fire Dept
April 7, 2007
Hey Trey I was thinking about you and wanted to drop by and say hi. You wouldn't believe how big Emily is getting. She will be 2 on April 27. We miss you so much and I talk about you everyday. You will always be my hero. We love you!
March 31, 2007
It's amazing whose doorstep life leads us to sometimes. Thanks for giving me the courage to knock.
Mark and Wendy, I can't find the words to express what you mean to me. Thank you for being there, in every way. Your "blue light" glows brighter than you know. I love you guys.
March 31, 2007
Hey Buddy, just cruising through to check on your reflections. Sometimes I feel weird writing to you via this website, but it's a good way for all of us to communicate with you, and your memory. I really want you to know that you are still ever present at the Lufkin P.D. We still love you, and miss you, and wish we could all have you back. You know all of this, but sometimes it helps to write it... Anyway, I sent some new shoulder patches up to your mom to replace the old ones we left for you. I wish we could do more, but we just seem to be sitting around waiting for the day that the Lord lets us all be together again...
We miss you Trey, and continue to Pray for you, your mom, Mark, Luke and Britney. All our love brother, all our love!
Lufkin P.D.
March 15, 2007