Bossier City Police Department, Louisiana
End of Watch Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Reflections for Patrol Officer Trey Michael Hutchison
Please remember the fallen officers we have lost. Remember the men and women who died trying to make this world a safer and better place for us all to live in. Thank you Officer Hutchison for a job well done. Please continue to watch over us and protect us as only you can. You will forever be at our side and in our hearts.
For those of you who still have loved ones with us please take the time to tell them how much you appreciate and care about them.
If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.
If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more.
If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.
If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you,"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.
If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.
For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.
There will always be another day
to say "I love you,"
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do?"
But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.
So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,
That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.
So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear
Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.
August 28, 2004
As I reflect on the tragic events of August 11, 2004 I feel it is necessary to convey my gratitude to the Bossier City Police Dept for the commitment you have made to helping others and responding to calls that you have no idea what you are getting yourselves into when you answer that call. I know some of you on a personal basis and I think that you already know that my family and I appreciate everything that you do to keep us all safe everyday that you head out to work.This tragedy will live with us all forever and I hope that the community will see that you really are the GOOD GUYS in uniform. Thank you all for being there for us when we need you. YOU ARE ALL HEROES TO ME. And I want to convey my deepest sympathies to all of you on the loss of a fallen brother. May God watch over all of you. Trey Hutchison will remain in our hearts forever.
Bossier City Resident
August 26, 2004
The loss of Trey leaves an emptiness in my heart and the heart of my family. Only God knows why he was taken at such and early age, but I find comfort in knowing that he's in a much better place. Trey and my sister had the kind of relationship that everyone strives to have. The love they felt for each other has no borders. He was truly her soulmate! Trey was the favorite uncle to my children and knew just how to talk to them and get on their level. That will never be forgotten, because to my kids he will always be their Uncle Trey! He always had the biggest smile on his face with those cute dimples. I've never heard him say a bad word about anyone! He made me want to be a better person. While the sadness of Trey's death will always leave a void in my sisters heart, she will always know she has a guardian angel watching over her! Trey's passion was to be a police officer and now he's patrolling the best beat around in heaven. We love you and we'll miss you Trey!
Sister-in-law of Trey Hutchison
August 25, 2004
For as long as I can remember there has been a rival between SPD and BCPD. On August 11th, none of that seemed to matter. Though the rivalry will always be there, to Ofc. Hutchison and the rest of the officers of BCPD my heart as well as every officer who rides the street will be with you.
We all feel the punch wherever these incidents occur, but this one in particular hit harder for it was right in our own hometown. I never knew Trey, but from the reflections and talking to other brothers and sisters you were one of the best. I had the opportunity to volunteer and ride patrol for BCPD the day of the funeral and I have never felt more part of a brotherhood/sisterhood. In my own way I shed a tear to know that on August 14th you laid to rest one of your very own.
To Mrs. Hutchison and other family members: Thank you for sharing your husband's/son's life with my brothers/sisters of BCPD. It's not fair that any of you have to feel the hurt you do. Know this; that God's heaven is protected by another fine officer who awaits our visit one day.
Shreveport Police Department
August 24, 2004
Trey, i did not get to know you, yet you are my brother. When i first heard the news i felt sick, not only for you brother, but for your family. I have talked to your brother officers about you and they all have said "Trey was a Good Cop". As an officer, recieving that comment from a brother officer cannot be explained to someone who has never worn the badge. Each day we go to work we all know " This Might be it". But no matter how much we plan we are NEVER ready for it. You have earned your spot in heaven, all we can do is thank your family for allowing you to bless us in the short time you were here. Gone, But NEVER Forgotten.
Officer C.J. Sweesy
Former Bossier City Police Officer, Federal Law Enforcement Officer
August 23, 2004
To the family of Officer Hutchison, My thoughts and prayers are with you. As a resident of Shreveport, visiting Bossier City every day, I will stand with you. I have two brothers that work for the BCFD. I live with the same fear of that phone call every day. Jessica, may God Bless you. Trey, thank you for the sacrifice you paid to ensure my safey. You will never be forgotton. Rest in peace.
Citizen of Shreveport, LA
Chris, Resident of Shreveport, LA
August 23, 2004
To Trey's Wife,Family, and BCPD:
I still feel "numb" to the whole situation. It's hard to believe that something this tragic happened in Bossier City. You all are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Words cannot heal your pain, but I know that God can and HE is with you during this time of grief and sorrow. Please know that. I can only imagine how you must feel. When I got the call that an officer had been killed, I immediately thought it was my brother, who is also a Bossier Policeman. I am glad that it wasn't him, but on the same hand, I am very sad that it was Trey. This was just and eye opener that we are not promised tomorrow. Like the song says, "Live Like You Are Dying" by Tim McGraw. Tell people you care about how much you love them. Spend quality time with the people that mean the most to you. Don't take people for granted. Spend time in your bible. Don't waste time, do things you enjoy. Live, Laugh, Love. I am sorry Hutchinson Family for your loss. My heart breaks for you and I get tears in my eyes just thinking of your pain. You will get through this time, just trust in the Lord. To the BCPD, thank you for your service to our city. I pray for your safety often.
Bossier City Resident
August 21, 2004
I first met Trey when I started my career with the Lufkin Police Department. I served with Trey for almost 4 years, before leaving to work for the Groves Police Department.
Trey was one of the best, a dedicated Police Officer, Husband and most important a man of God. To Trey’s family and the Officer of the Bossier City Police Department, may God bless you and comfort you in this difficult time. Take peace in knowing that one day, we will meet again.
Deputy Marshal Charles Budd
Groves Police Department (Texas)
August 20, 2004
When my son, who lives in the area, sent me an e mail about the useless death of another of our family, my heart was broken. Too often, in the course of our day to day lives, we neglect to tell others we all work with just how much they mean to us, and how much we depend on each other. While I never had the pleasure of meeting Trey, I feel the loss, and the small break in the thin blue line. I thank God however, that someone else stands in the breech and fills the space. Fills the space, but can never replace. May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you all as you adjust to this loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
PFC J.B.Helfinstine
Myrtle Beach PD SC
August 19, 2004
I was deeply saddened to hear the loss of Trey. I grew up around the Bossier City area, and had the privilege to work around several of the BCPD Officers. They are a fine group and a very well respected agency. Its sounds like Trey was one of their finest. Trey will now patrol the streets of heaven. "Blessed be the peacemakers, for they are the children of god" Rest in peace my brother in blue.
Officer Joshua Smith
Cape Girardeau Police Department, MO
August 19, 2004
It was March of 1998 when a young man from Bossier City began our selection process. I was tasked with walking him through that process, which included conducting his background investigation. Trey coasted through the process, and on April 29th, he got his commission. I was lucky enough to be one of his training officers, and really got to know him on a personal level. I was SICK when Trey decided to move back home, but I knew that his family was there, and he wanted to work for his hometown police department. As bad as it hurt, we said goodbye to him last September, after he had served nearly five and one half years with the Lufkin P.D. Trey was not only a fellow officer, but a close friend. He and Jess sat next to my wife and I in church, and we spent lots of time together. I thought of Trey more as a little brother, than a fellow officer.I loved him dearly, and always tried my best to help teach him and keep him safe. When Trey left, I knew that our loss was definitely BOSSIER'S gain! I saw the eyes of the Bossier Officers at Trey's funeral, and I know that they loved him as much as we did. The entire Lufkin Police Department is still in shock. We love Trey and Jessica, and they will both always be members of our family! On Aug. 11th, we lost Trey again, only this time...our loss is HEAVEN'S gain. Trey was an amazing police officer, husband, brother, son and friend. I'll never forget him, and will always miss him. I pray that God allows me to forever hear his laugh, and see his smile! REST WELL 250!!
August 19, 2004
In loving memory of P.O. Trey Hutchison: When I first looked at your picture over a week ago, I couldn't stand it. It is so hard to read about any l.e.o. losing his life, but the young ones just send me over the top. You are the age of my daughter. I couldn't even begin to put down my thoughts in writing until I had some indication that you were a follower of Christ while on earth so that you can be with Him for eternity. Now that I have that assurance, I can cope with your destiny. According to these reflections, you knew Jesus personally and that blesses me greatly as I know I will meet you face to face one day and be able to thank you for your sacrifice. There is none greater than Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We don't get to Heaven based on what we do, but by the sacrifice He made on the cross for our sins. AMEN! Thank you for your fine example to those that worked with you and knew you. There is now a huge void that cannot be filled, but as you are remembered, thoughts will turn to your exemplary life and we will be filled with pride and respect and love for the man you became. You were a wonderful testimony to the Lord you served. God be with all those who mourn and may His promises lift all those with heavy hearts for many years to come. I am reaching thru this computer and giving a big HUG to your sweet widow and your family, both at home and at work. I wish I could erase your pain, but it is God-size and He's
the only One up to the task.
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA
August 18, 2004
Bossier City is a better place because of Officer Trey Hutchison. He shared his family, knowledge, skills, compassion and love to make it a better place for the simple reason that he cared enough to try and make a difference.
Sadly, he gave his life while trying to save another. During our time on earth we are all measured by our compassion for others lives. Clearly, Trey has measure up.
On behalf of my brother and sister officers with the Austin Police Department I would like to extend our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to Trey's wife and family as well as my brother and sister officers of Bossier City.
There is no greater love than to give your life helping others.
Sgt. Rick Shirley
Austin Police Department
August 18, 2004
To all members of the Bossier City PD:
We at the Marion County Sheriff's Office share your grief as you lay to rest your brother and friend, Trey Hutchison. We, too, lost a dear brother and friend this year, our precious K9 Deputy Brian Litz, only 36 years old, responding like Trey to assist someone (a wellbeing check) only to find out his life was to end that day. We miss him so much and you all will miss your Trey, too! The hurt never seems to go away, but we reflect on Brian's goodness and know he was sent to each of us as a special gift from God, only for a short while. God bless you all and rest assured that Trey is now in a peaceful place!
Carolyn Willson on behalf of the
Marion County Sheriff's Office - Ocala, Florida
Carolyn Willson - Sheriff's Executive As
Marion County Sheriff's Office - Ocala, FL
August 18, 2004
To Jessica and the family of Off. Trey Hutchison, I am praying that God will give you strength to overcome this horrible tragedy. I graduated from AHS with Trey and as you already know, Trey was a great guy to be around. Just keep your faith in God and he will see you through these rough times. MAY GOD BLESS THE HUTCHISON FAMILY.
Reserve Officer Todd Gibson
Haughton P.D.
August 18, 2004
Trey you were and are the epitome of every law officer across the globe. Although I didn't know you I feel the pain of losing you as if I worked next to you everyday.
On Aug 11, 2004, when Shreveport P.D. received word that BCPD had an officer down my immediate reaction was to respond to the scene to help. Knowing that was useless I immediately went to block off intersections so that you could get to the hospital as quickly as possible. It was then that I learned that Life Air had brought you to the ER. I stayed outside that ER as long as I could praying and hoping that we would get word that you would be ok. Praying for your family and for your brother and sister officers still at the scene in Bossier.
Rest easy now Trey, let us have the watch for you, you've done your part.
For Trey's family and friends, know that they are people praying for you everyday and that you are not alone.
Shreveport Police Dept.
August 18, 2004
Words cannot erase the hurt you have in your heart Jessica, but they will be here when you need that special encouragement. Know that you and your family are loved and are prayed for everyday. Trey is our city's blue angel and he will be there to assist his brothers and sisters in blue each and everyday. He will be there to watch over you as you sleep and to walk beside you when you most need him. He will always and forever love you. May God bless you and your family. You have a permanent place in my heart.
Wife of Bossier City Patrol Officer
Bossier City Police Dept
August 17, 2004
Rest In Peace Brother. Watch Over US, While We Watch Over THEM............
POI Edmond Cummings
New Orleans Police Department
August 17, 2004
Job well done my good and faithful servant...God Bless you for your service to God, family and country. Your family is in our prayers.
PO Mineer
Chapel Hill PD, NC
August 17, 2004
You are in my prayers.
Ofc. S.L. Coffman #15174
California Highway Patrol
August 17, 2004
TO: The family; loved ones; friends and department members: A POLICE OFFICER’S PRAYER : O, gentle Lord! Keep the day / night watch with me. As I begin my tour of duty, I ask your protection from all mental, physical and spiritual harm. Sustain me with the knowledge that I am doing your work, endeavoring to keep peace among your people. Help me to be just as I enforce the law without prejudice or favor to anyone. May I be courageous but not reckless in carrying out my duties. Let me respond to all calls with haste realizing that so many are dependent on me for life and safety. Support me with your consoling power when I am tempted to think that no one really cares and that I am taken for granted. Sustain in me the conviction that so many thousands do care and are grateful for my presence. Grant that I may be loyal to my partner and my fellow officers, and that I may back them up effectively when called upon for assistance. Lord, I ask that I may return safely, after my tour of duty, to my loved ones and those who love me. I pray that I may be a good and honorable police officer; and after my tour of duty is over here on earth, may I enjoy the peace and happiness of heaven that you have promised to those who serve you well. AMEN. ** REST IN PEACE** Sent to you by the father of Master Officer J.D.Koeppen, Capital City Raleigh NC; Trooper D.C. Koeppen, NJ State Police and Cadet Officer A.M. Koeppen Wilmington N.C.
Chief (retired) Douglas A. Koeppen
Washington New Jersey
August 17, 2004
Thank you Officer Hutchison. You truly are a hero!
I am praying for your wife and your family!
Police Officer
Montgomery County Police
August 17, 2004
Many dont know what we do everyday. Many dont know the things we see or hear and the things we cant and wont forget. We go to work everyday not knowing what is going to happen during the shift. But we all stick together and help each other when something happens. I didnt know Trey very well and only got to work with him for a short while, but the short time that i did get to work with him it was known that he was one of the best officers of Bossier City Police.
Trey youll always be a part of "B" shift, and those of us who had the opportunity to work with you know what you stood for and believed in. We'll always see you in shift meeting. We'll always hear you on the radio. though youre not with us physically youre with us in our hearts and on the streets.
Ofc. Eric S Sproles
Bossier City Police
August 17, 2004
Jessica, know that we are here for you. I know all the words in the world will not bring him back, or take the pain away, but remember we love you I remember the first time I met him, I said to myself, he will turn out to be something one day, and look now, he touched so many people's lives. The first time I rode with him, I just started the Explorer program here in Lufkin, and he was the first one I had my "rush" with. Responding to help another officer, we ran code, and came to a dip in the road, Trey took it, we were airborn from there, but made it there to back the officer. I came to really like Trey and Jessica. Over the few years Trey was here, he would ask, "How is it was going Tomez??" And Jessica, next time I will let you drive into the Zoo for the Fourth of July Celebration, and know, that he has a new beat....Heaven We will miss you 250.
Lt. Brian Tomez
Lufkin Police Department Explorers
August 17, 2004
My deepest sympathy to Trey's family. I lost my son on 8/8/04. I know the grief and total devastation this has caused Trey's family. There are no words to explain the pain. Trey will be in my prayers. He is now on patrol with my son Mike.
Asst Chief Robert Gordon (Ret)
Riverside PD, Illinois
August 17, 2004