Reading Police Department, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Saturday, June 5, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Michael Harry Wise, II
I recently ran in the 5k run in honor and rememberance of Michael Wise; and I recently sat here and read the reflections on this Memorial Page; Sadly enough, I sit here with tears just streaming down my face for all the words and posts here from the widow and family and friends.. and my heart just breaks. You will never be forgotten Officer Wise, and thank you for giving the ultimate sacrifice to us the people of Reading.. To protect us . .. You gave it all.. thank you
My sincere condolences to the family and friends.
Kristin M.
September 28, 2010
Our baby girl turned eight years old yesterday. Wow, what happened to the time? She kept asking me questions throughout the day about the actual day of her birth. It was neat that she wanted to know these details but it was bittersweet for me to remember this important event in our lives together. We didn't know on the day she was born that our precious girl would only have her daddy for 22 months of her life. Even now that she's eight, she knows that you loved her and that she was the light of your life. I will NEVER let her forget that.
We love you and miss you and wish you could be here with us.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II
August 8, 2010
Praying for your family.
Deputy Sheriff
El Paso County Sheriff's Office
July 12, 2010
Mike you are never far from our thoughts and prayers. We not only honor and remember you during this anniversary weekend, but we remember your sacrafice every day all year long. Denise and Kendall you are forever in our hearts and prayers. Please continue to watch over our RPD families and officers. Still hard to believe that it is 6 are truely missed.
Kelly Buck
June 6, 2010
Michael...I'm thinking of you and your family today. I know that you are always on their mind, but I'm sure today is a lot harder.
I still get that sinking, angry feeling when I think about what happened to you 6 years ago today. You and Julie have always been like our little brother and sister so it's especially hard. I like to think of you as being happy, healthy, and watching over all of us. : )
Sherri Kauffman Schauer
Family friend
June 5, 2010
As your family narks the anniversary of your death, I want to let them know that I too remember your sacrifice. No one feels in in their souls like those that knew you and loved you personally, but the public also remembers your sacrifice. I hope your family can find comfort in memories of times together and the thought that you are still watching over them.
June 5, 2010
It seems like just yesterday and not six years ago that we spent an afternoon sitting in the Turnkey office listening to Tony's stories and joking around like always. I'll always remember that as I was leaving to transport your prisoner you jumped in the car with me and said "I'll ride along with you to make sure you'll be ok". As it always was that short ride with you was a great time. When I dropped you off at the hall you gave your famous smile, the last time I would see it. I am so grateful for that afternoon we spent together, and the fact that from the first day we worked together and still to this day you always looked out for me. I think of you and miss you everyday brother.
Officer Richard Tornielli
Reading Police Department
June 5, 2010
It's amazing how one event can change the way one looks at the world. We've had some storms roll through in the last few days--sometimes resulting in rainbows. While most people enjoy rainbows, I dread them. On the night you were shot, it was raining. Your parents were at our house visiting Kendall and me and you were working. Early that evening we saw a double rainbow. Later that evening you were shot and taken from us forever. So now when I see rainbows I dread the appearance of a second. To me it's a foreshadowing of something bad about to happen. I always think to myself, "Please don't let there be another one." I know I shouldn't feel that way but losing you has made me look at rainbows as something negative instead of beautiful and amazing.
In a few days we will mark 6 years since you were killed. We will ride in the Ride for Wise this Sunday rain or shine and honor the life you lived and mourn what we have lost.
I love and miss you.
Denise Wise
Widow, Michael H Wise, II EO 6/5/04
June 3, 2010
So this is the time of year I dread. Memorial Day weekend begins a sort of countdown of our last days together. It amazes me that next week will mark 6 years since you were taken from us. Sometimes it seems like ages ago--sometimes it feels like last week. I've come a long way since then but the ache never truly goes away. You are on my mind every day and I still miss you so much some days my heart hurts. I've cried so many tears because of what happened to you and there are so many things I'm unable to erase from my mind. Vivid memories of that night and detailed recollections of those who were with you will stick with me forever.
Love to you always.
Denise Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II, EOW 6/5/04
May 28, 2010
I never know what to say so I'll keep it short. Love ya, miss ya and some day I'll see ya. Keep them laughing and Happy Birthday.
April 1, 2010
Dear Michael, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! We miss you and love you so very much. We saw the Reigles at the cemetary, was really nice, beautiful sunset, sent you a message, kind of a party. As I always say, it doesn't get any easier, nothing seems right, but we do things in your memory, it helps alot. Here I go getting wordy. Ilove you,miss you Mom
karen wise
April 1, 2010
Happy Birthday Mike!!!!
Veronica Jenkins
April 1, 2010
Tomorrow is your 38th birthday. Tomorrow you SHOULD BE turning 38. Instead, you are not here--forever 32, I guess. Your birthday is one of the days that bothers me the most because I think about how old you are supposed to be. Although I know Heaven is a much better place and that you are blissfully happy there, I just wish you could be here to celebrate your birthday.
I will always love you and miss you.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
March 31, 2010
Well, another Wise family hockey night in the books, and another event without your wit and hijinks (some would say instigating!). There's always a big void that we do our best to "deal with" but you're forever in our hearts. Miss you buddy.
March 30, 2010
Dear Michael, How I miss you. This gets harder not easier. I need you for so many things.I just wish I could call you.It hurts so much to see what you are missing with Kendall and Lilly and Evelyn. How you would love them. They would have so much fun with you. We all miss you very much.I don't write much on here cause it is another way to make all this so real, just so hard. I love you with all my heart! Mom
karen wise
January 25, 2010
Missing you a lot lately.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
January 4, 2010
We spent the evening with your parents yesterday to do our Christmas meal and exchange presents. They're spending Christmas day at Julie's so we wanted to spend some time with them. I wish I could take away their pain. This season is so difficult for all of us but it's most obvious in your mom. She always loved this holiday but she's just not into it anymore--even with the grandkids. She doesn't want to bake cookies, she doesn't even want to decorate like she used to.
We all hate that things have changed but are trying to make a new normal and form new traditions for ourselves during the holidays. Unfortunately, things will never be the same with our family and there's nothing we can do to change it. You're gone and that's that. It just sucks.
I think about the families who are spending their first Christmas without their loved ones. Loved ones who were taken tragically and way too soon. So many children left behind without a parent to help them open gifts. And the spouses who have to pull it together long enough to do the gift shopping and wrapping and trying to make Christmas special even though they barely feel like getting out of bed in the morning. It breaks my heart because I've lived it and I know how they must feel.
Thinking of you and missing you.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
December 23, 2009
Thanksgiving is in two days and I find myself thankful for many things. Kendall is my biggest blessing. She is everything to me and you certainly live on through her. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful little girl. I am also blessed to have been married to you and to have had a good life with you. We were very lucky. I hope you knew when you were here how special you were to me and that I really valued our relationship and your love. If you didn't know it then, you certainly know it since the day you were taken from me. I will always love you and miss you.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
November 24, 2009
Just wanted to say I think of you daily day and miss you more than words can say. Sometimes I look at my kids and just want to cry cause they have never got to laugh with you or I should say get laughed at by you. To this day I miss our random phone calls they were so much fun. I love you and will never ever forget you, your humor and all that made you the amazing person you were. I will also make sure my children know you as I know you know them. I am sure you are their guardian angel.
Sadly missed
Julie Gallagher
Your Sister
November 12, 2009
Mike, you are remembered today and everyday. I thank you brother for your service. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, The pain of the loss will never be forgotten. God Bless you and your family.
Detective M. Marks
Pittsburgh Police Department
Detective M. Marks
Pittsburgh Police Department
October 28, 2009
Well, yesterday was our 13th anniversary. Thirteen years and you weren't here for five of them. Wow, how time flies. It's amazing to think about all the things that have happened in the last 13 years.
We're thinking about adopting another Great Pyrenees from the same rescue where we found Atticus. I remember when you and I wanted a dog and we researched several breeds before finally deciding on the Pyr. Sierra was such a nut but we loved her and she was ours. She was even a part of how you proposed to me. I remember we were packing to go to Toronto and the puppy ran into the room with a shoe string around her neck. I said, "Awww, get that thing off her neck" not realizing right away that there was a velvet box clamped around it. Then you got on one knee, took the box from her neck, opened it, and asked me to marry you. When she passed away I was glad she could be with you but I also felt like I had lost half of my family, a significant part of my life. She was a part of our life together so it was very symbolic to me when she died.
I miss you and still wish I could at least call you on the phone and hear your voice.
I love you and will always miss you.
PS Please put in a good word for Lance. He is very ill and still in the hospital.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
October 20, 2009
We had such a surprising and great turnout for the 5K today. It was drizzling but over 100 people showed up to run! It meant so much that these people came out once again to remember you and support our event. Kendall ran the Kids' Fun Run again and did great. She even insisted on running it without an adult. I was so proud of her.
We really miss you and wish we could have you here every day.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
September 27, 2009
Mike. Wish you could be here for the G20 summit.The fun we would have.. Well you will. How about watching my back next week
P.O. William Huhn
Pittsburgh Police
September 16, 2009
Today is September 11. Everyone remembers this day and what happened eight years ago. I remember you calling me at work to tell me that a plane hit the World Trade Center. As we were talking, you said, "Oh my God, another plane just hit. Something's not right." Not long after that, a plane went down near Pittsburgh, which really freaked us out because we had lived there and still had friends there. When you called me again later you said that you were thinking about asking me to come home because something very bad was happening. You just wanted me to be home with you in case all hell broke loose. I was pregnant at the time and we talked about what we were thinking bringing a child into a world where this kind of thing happens. Unfortunately, that pregnancy ended two days later. What a horrible week that was.
Thinking of you and missing you terribly.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
September 11, 2009
Tomorrow Kendall will turn 7 years old. She has celebrated 6 birthdays without you. You would be so proud of the person she is becoming. Her teachers and camp counselors all tell me that she is a helpful, sweet little girl. She has her moments at home like any child does but I try to keep her in line. In a few weeks she will begin the second grade. . .wow. Time really flies and before long she'll be dating and driving. Ugh! For now, though, I'm trying to enjoy the age she is and bracing myself for the teen years.
I hope you are proud of how I am raising her and that you will keep an eye on her when she's away from me. She's so outgoing and involved in so many activities that I worry about letting go. She's certainly not one to sit at home and cling to her mom! I know it's inevitable but it still hurts to start cutting the strings.
We love you and miss you.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
August 6, 2009