Reading Police Department, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Saturday, June 5, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Michael Harry Wise, II
It has been almost 4 years since my best friend Michael was taken. To this day I still have trouble reading about the incident because it causes me so much pain. Michael, like me, was a paramedic before he became a police officer and spent most of his adult life trying to save the lives of others. He was a loving father and wonderful husband. I still think of him everyday and he will always be my brother.
Patrolman Christopher M Ranft
Reading Police Department
November 28, 2008
Well, AS has an appeal hearing on Jan. 14. Ugh! This just never ends! I don't know when his appeal options will eventually run out but I certainly hope we do not have to be making visits to court for the next 20 years! And JP's situation hasn't changed. There has been NO moving forward with that and it's very frustrating.
Pennsylvania lost 2 more officers this week. One in Phila. (again) and an FBI agent near Pittsburgh. Now we're up to 8 for this year. The Kops for Cops hockey game is Dec. 6 and we'll be honoring all of those officers. It's still really tough to attend these events but I feel we need to be there for the other families.
I heard a story this morning about an adult son who lost his mother and she sent him a "sign" that there is a Heaven and that she's okay. Years before her death they agreed that the first person to die would send a red balloon within 24 hours of the death. The story just gave me chills. I wish you and I could have decided on something like that so that you could let me know that you are in Heaven and that you are okay. Most of the time I am certain that you feel no pain and only joy. Sometimes, though, I let less positive thoughts creep in.
It snowed this morning and it was so beautiful. Not enough for you to get the plow out but certainly enough to make me smile.
Love you. Miss you.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
November 20, 2008
Stay strong Mrs Wise. Were still out here and You inspire,I grew up in those parts. Wonder if the berkshire mall is still there, my pop help build it. Oh and have Michael keep an eye on us Pa guys out here in AZ.
Officer Phoenix Arizona PD
November 7, 2008
Kendall lost her first tooth--finally. The other two that have been loose for so long are still in her mouth but we're working on it. Your dad keeps telling her that if you were here they'd be out already. Apparently you were an expert at extracting Julie's teeth (by force) when she was little.
There was an officer killed in York County this week. He was hit by a car while doing an accident investigation. So senseless. His funeral is today. He was only 31 years old and left behind a family. Right about now his wife is probably so overwhelmed and in a few days will be trying to figure out what to do next.
Tonight is the doggie roast. Your dad has been trying to talk Kendall and Lilly into making hot dogs for him over the fire. Lilly has agreed--Kendall is still on the fence. The forecast is not promising so see what you can do to put in a good word. A doggie roast just isn't the same when it's inside and there's no fire!
Please know that you are remembered, loved and still very much missed by so many of us. I, for one, will never forget our life together or the good times we had. You had such an impact on me and helped shape the person I am now. "Rest in Peace" is used often when someone dies. Well, I truly hope that you are resting in peace and that you are oblivious to any pain or sadness. That's how Heaven is supposed to be, and you certainly deserve it.
I love you.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
October 25, 2008
Hi Mike,
Say hi to Miccicke for us. He joined you and Scott today.
October 1, 2008
God Bless you. you are Not forgotten.
Police officer Israel Gonzalez
Reading Police Department, Reading Pa 19601
September 26, 2008
i love you dad i mis you
i wish you wr here tooday
i biy
love kendall.
Kendall W
Daughter, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
September 25, 2008
Dear Michael, Scotts trial is over, thank god for the outcome. We still go on each day without you, I think it gets harder. Someone took your life so carelessly, now we pray for closure. God bless all our policemen, and keep them safe. At least I know I don't have to worry about you. I love you very much and miss youmore than words can say. Mom
Karem Wise
August 15, 2008
Hi Mike,
Just wanted to let you know you are always thought of.
I am saying extra prayers for you during this time. I know you must be going through hell all over again with Scott's trial. I can't imagine what you have had to endure but I will continue to pray that you find strength and happiness. P.S. It sounds like you are doing an awesome job with Kendall.
August 13, 2008
Just want to let you know, with all the attention on the trial for Scotty's justice, you and your family are not forgotten....and we still miss your smile every day.
August 6, 2008
just wanted to stop by and say hello. Not a day goes by that I don't think aout you and your family. We all miss you ! until I see you again brother
Brecknock Twp
July 29, 2008
Mrs Wise, I frequently come on this site to read the memeorials to the fallen heros. The families left behind are heros too as they try to go on and raise their children while their heart is breaking. My prayers are with you that you have the strength to go on and that you feel Michaels arms around you to give you strength. God Bless You
July 17, 2008
It's been a freaky few days around here. A Lebanon City firefighter (who I learned was Mike D.) was injured in a fire in Lebanon this weekend. The lady who either jumped or fell out of the burning building and knocked him off the side of the building was flown to Lehigh Valley's burn unit. Well, of course, this whole thing threw me right back to the night you were killed. Thank God Mike is okay but he does have some recovering to do. Thank God Heather and his family still have him.
When I think of Lehigh Valley Hospital I just feel sick. I remember arriving at the hospital and seeing the helicopter sitting on the helipad. You had already arrived. We waited for what seemed like forever in a little room to hear how you were doing. The flight nurse checked in on us and sounded chipper so I was hoping that was a good sign. A few moments later the doctor came in and said that they had lost your vital signs in the helicopter on the trip to Lehigh. They had tried to bring you back. He was sorry. I asked, "Are you telling me that he's dead?" and he said, "Yes. I'm sorry." I remember screaming "NO" over and over again and I just couldn't cry hard enough.
The first person I called was Rob. As I sat outside and made more phone calls, repeating to each person that you had died, the helicopter was still sitting there. At some point, it took off. Knowing that you had taken your last breath in that machine made me so sad to see it fly away. Now every time I see a hospital helicopter I think of you and your last moments.
I find myself thinking a lot about JP lately. Kendall has been asking me a lot of questions that I just don't know how to answer. His kids are probably asking him why the sky is blue and why the grass is green. Mine asks me if her daddy was shot in the head. Did a police officer shoot him? She asks me if Scott Wertz was shot, too. She asks me if I'm still married to her daddy since he died. Does he realize that the hell did not stop when the funeral was over? This will never end and sometimes I just can't stand it.
I'm having a bad week and I know the worst of it will pass but I just had to get this out. There are still days (like today) when I just want to stay in bed and cry. But I can't because I have to mow the grass, take care of the house and be a mom. Four years have passed and I still have those horrible days. Will they ever go away? No matter what happens in my life I can't imagine that I'll ever stop loving or missing you. Sometimes I feel like I lead a double life--my normal outward life and my inward private hell.
I miss you very much.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
July 16, 2008
I saw Spumoni gelato at the Gourmet's Pantry today at Market and thought of you. It made me smile and think of your short stint as an ice cream man. :) Remember when we were doing a strawberry festival in Middletown and I spilled a whole bucket of strawberry topping on my feet? Ugh, what a sticky, sloppy mess. Those socks and sneakers never did lose that pink tint. Remember when we went to Giant to buy two shopping carts full of honeydew melons for the honeydew thyme sorbet? People looked at us like we were nuts! And steeping rose petals for rose petal sorbet? And dipping ice cream ourselves because all of the teenage employees bailed on us to go to a boy band concert at Hershey? Ahh, the good times making ice cream at Mazzoli's. Your mom wishes you would have stuck with that instead of pursuing law enforcement. Sometimes I do, too. But I know where your heart was and it wasn't in ice cream. You were doing what made you happy and none of us could have changed that about you. It would have been great if you would have been interested in a 9 to 5 job behind a desk (or just a safer job in general) but that just wasn't you. I was so proud of you and still am.
I love you and miss you.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
July 12, 2008
It is said that no one truly dies until they are no longer remembered. You will live forever in the hearts and minds of the family and friends that you left behind. Rarely does a day go by that I do not think of you, and you will never be forgotten.
The sadness and pain has mostly left me now, and your memory and that terrible evening no longer haunt my nightmares. I am left with a fond memory of a great man who was forever positive, someone who still brings a smile to my face.
Rest well my brother, until I see you again.
"blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." (Matthew 5:9)
June 26, 2008
Dear Michael,
As I sit in my patrol vehicle working an off duty detail reading the several pages of comments and reflections in your memory, You are deeply missed by friends and other Law Enforcement Officers around the Country. You can rest assured, you are deeply loved by your wife and daughter who miss you dearly. It saddens me to see a father can't be there to watch his daughter grow. I have a son the same age as your daughter and I never want to think of never being able to see or hold him again. If that day presents itself, I can only wish my Wife is a "strong" as Denise is.
Your dedication as a Law Enforcement Officer will never be forgotten. God Bless my brother.
Field Training Officer V. Marino-Vitani
Brevard Co. Sheriff's Office, Florida
F.T.O. Marino-Vitani
Brevard Co. Sheriff's Office, Fl.
June 25, 2008
Father's Day has come and gone again without you. At the flower shop, Kendall picked out some bright pink roses to put on your grave for the special day. The girl at the counter says, "Are these a gift from you?"
Kendall says, "Yes."
"Who are they for?" the nosey girl asks.
"My daddy for Father's Day," replies Kendall.
"Are you going to give him a big hug and a kiss with the flowers?" asks the girl.
Kendall calmly says, "I can't. He's in Heaven."
This sweet, precious little girl must put flowers on her daddy's grave for Father's Day instead of giving him a hug and a kiss. My heart just breaks for her. She knows that you loved her but I just wish she could experience it firsthand. She deserves so much more than this! And you deserved to be the daddy who got showered with presents, hugs and kisses on your important day with your daughter.
We miss you.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
June 16, 2008
To my Dear Michael, It's Fathers Day, pretty much another holiday to get thru without you, because of one thoughtless act you are not here to share the good times with us or your daughter, who only got to have 1 fathers day with you. I can't tell you how sad or hurt I feel I just get thru each day because of all the family, friends and the support we have!I love you and miss you more than words can say. MOM
Karen Wise
June 15, 2008
I apologize for being a little late with this. You, Kendall and your entire family remain in my prayers, especially this time of year. I too look back at your reflections and can relate to some of what you're feeling. It went right through me when you wrote you remember telling everyone that day that he wouldn't leave you and Kendall. Denise, honest to god I remember saying the exact same thing over and over again to everyone the last time I saw my Dad alive. Although they can't physically be here, you and I both know they are with us in spirit wherever we go and whatever we do. As a friend mother, and fellow survivor I admire your courage and strength to push on for your family and keep Michael's memory alive.
Lots of love to you all,
Christina Diffenderfer
daughter of Chief Douglas A. Shertzer EOW 5/11/2004
June 9, 2008
I think of you often especially this particular week of every year. 4 years ago I wondered what possible good could come from our tragedies. But over these years, I have learned to appreciate the little things in life. I have learned (with some effort) to not sweat the small stuff if I can help it. I have learned to cherish little oddities about people because those are the things that you laugh about later in life. Epecially if you run out of time. I hope that, as a result of Mikes passing, you are experiencing great things, things that perhaps you never would have considered trying had things turned out differently. I also hope that you have found special friends that you may not have met otherwise. I can speak for those "new" friends when I say that we would give it all back in a milisecond if it would bring Mike back.
Friend of Mark Sawyers, EOW 6-5-04
911 Dispatcher
Sterling Heights PD, Michigan
June 7, 2008
I lit a candle in your honor and memory knowing the pain and loss of having you here on earth is just excruciating, we will not forget what your family suffered that awful day. I know you are with them and covering them with your love, it is obvious how very much you are loved and missed.
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/2004
June 6, 2008
Denise, Kendall, and the Wise Family,
I realize I'm a day behind but I just wanted to stop by here and let everyone know that we're thinking about you in Lititz! You're always in our thoughts and prayers! May the strength you've given and shown me help guide you through this difficult time. Keep in touch and god bless!
Officer Jevon Miller
Lititz Borough Police
June 6, 2008
TO my dearMichael, It's 4 years, just like yesterday, I can't bring myself to think to much about that nite or or the next day, or all the plans we had. there is alot of good and alot of support out there but the pain of losing you remains the same and always will.I miss you so much and LOVE you with all my heart! MOM
Karen Wise
June 5, 2008
Each night is decicated to an officer that was killed in the line of duty. Tonight is your night. I hope our thoughts can comfort your family, if just for tonight.
June 5, 2008
A poem I found that I wanted to share with you:
"My Three Strands"
A deceased loved one in God's hands
Lives the fullness of 3 strands.
Three strands of love, faith and hope
Weave a stronger bond than rope.
One lasting love, a braid of three
Formed by God, my deceased loved one, my child and me.
May these three strands unite as one at home with God when time is done.
Thinking of you both and all of Michael's family this day. - Pastor Jackie
Pastor Jackie Lingelbach
June 5, 2008