Reading Police Department, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Saturday, June 5, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Michael Harry Wise, II
Hey Michael,
I came across some old pictures this weekend, and I thought I'd come here to see if I could post them ... but it looks like it is only messages, so I'll have to take them to your Mom and Dad the next time I go to PA.
I can't believe it's coming up on 5 years since I last saw you. We grew up together, celebrated birthdays that were days apart, and yet we only saw each other maybe once a year as adults ... and then ironically, we got a chance to talk for a while at Julie's wedding, so soon before you died. For some reason, because we had just seen each other, it made it even more unbelievable when my mom called to tell me that you had been killed. But what a blessing that everyone who loved you got a chance to see you then.
I have to laugh when I think about that talk we had at the wedding -- mostly about how to deal with stubborn toddlers. :) Your mom beams when she talks about Kendall now! I was very pregnant with my first daughter when we spoke, and she was born just 2 months after you died. Whenever her birthday season starts to roll around, I remember our talk, and how proud you were to be a dad to your daughter. Your whole family has always been so close, and those are values you gave to Kendall, even in the short time that you were here. Your mom and dad taught you well. :)
I will always think of you like a little brother. Those were good times running between our houses, crazy trips back and forth on the turnpike when we moved for that little bit of time, and fun Christmases for something like 25 or 30 years! I miss you and think of you often. There will always be a big hole where you belong, forever. Rest well my friend.
The first Julie :)
April 22, 2009
Hi Mike,
I'm sorry it has taken me this long to write to you, but I'm not very good at writing out my feeling and thoughts and having them make sense to anyone.
I've been a police officer for almost 2 years now and my decision to be a police officer had very much to do with you and the respect I have for you. I saw how proud and happy you were being a police officer and it made me want to be part of something that I thought was important...Thank you for that. I'm just sorry I'm not able to tell you in person.
On a more serious note, When I used to visit Denise at the house in Myerstown, everytime I looked at the swing set in the back yard it would bring tears to my eyes knowing that you would never be able to push Kendall on the swing and play with her in the sandbox. It breaks my heart to know that she misses you and there is nothing I can do to change that. You were a great father to Kendall and a great husband to my sister and you will never know how much that meant to me. You are missed.
Sorry it took me almost 5 years to write you. I'll be in touch
Officer Scott Boyd
North Londonderry Twp PD
April 19, 2009
Officer Mike Wise,I think of you often, may you rest in peace. God Bless you and your family.
Detective M. Marks
Pittsburgh Police Department
April 13, 2009
The funeral line was long, There's an awful lot of cars, Folks came out of the restaurants, They came out of the bars.
The workers at the construction sites All let their hammers drop. Someone asked. "What is this all for?" And they said, "Aw, just a cop."
Some chuckled at the passing cars. Some shed a silent tear Some people said, "It's stupid," "all these dumb policemen here."
"How come they are not out fighting crime?" "Or in a doughnut shop?" Sure is a lot of trouble, For someone who's just a cop."
They blocked the intersections, They blocked the interstate. People yelled and cursed, "Damn, it's gonna make me late!"
"This is really ridiculous!" "They're makin' us all stop!" "It seems they are sure wastin' time, On someone who's just a cop."
Into the cemetery now, The slow procession comes, The woeful Taps are slowly played. There's loud salutes from guns.
The graveyard workers shake their heads "This service is a flop." "There's lots of good words wasted, On someone who's just a cop"
Yeah, just a cop to most folks. Did his duty every day. Trying to protect us, Till they took his life away.
And when he got to heaven, St. Peter put him at the top. An angel asked him, "Who was that?" And he said, "Aw, just a cop."
His Judgment Day:
The officer stood and faced his God, Which must always come to pass. He hoped his shoes were shinning, Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, Officer, How shall I deal with you? Have you always turned the other cheek To my church have you been true?"
The officer squared his shoulder and said, "No, Lord, I guess I aint, Because those of us who carry badges can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays, And at times my talk was rough, And sometimes I've been violent Because the streets are tough.
But I never took a penny That wasn't mine to keep.. Though I worked a lot of overtime, when the bills got too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help Though at times I shook with fear. And sometimes, God forgive me, I've wept an unmanly tear.
I know I don't deserve a place among the people here. They never wanted me around except to calm their fear.
If you've a place for me here, Lord, it needn't be so grand. I never expected or had too much, But if you don't...I'll understand.
There was silence all around the throne, where the saints often trod. As the officer waited quietly for the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, Officer. You've borne your burdens well. Come walk a beat on heaven's streets, You've done your time in hell"
May God be with everyone!!!!!!!!!
Motor officer Terry Pauley
Plano PD Plano, TX
April 12, 2009
Three of your brothers in blue joined you from our former home, Pittsburgh, today. Now their families are going through hell. I called Bill H. as soon as I heard that officers had been shot. Shortly after we spoke, he sent me a text saying very bluntly "3 officers died". What a messed up time it has been for law enforcement. As if it wasn't bad enough that Oakland CA lost so many officers at one time. Now it hits so close to home because we lived in Pittsburgh and so many of the cops there were pals with the paramedics when you worked for the City. It also hits way too close to home because of Bill and Jayne.
And now this $@#&*$ (who was wearing a vest) will be indicted once he recovers from his non-life-threatening bullet wounds and the families of the officers will have to sit through a trial. It's incredibly sad and maddening.
It makes me sick to think that crazy people will still be gunning down officers until the end of time.
Oh, and I did get your message. Thank you.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
April 4, 2009
This is not the first time I've visited your page, nor will it be the last. I want to thank you for all you did to protect the streets of Reading while you were on your watch. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, you were taken away from your family too early. My heart and prayers go out to them. May the Lord continue to be gracious to your loved ones as they still love and miss you. Keep us safe on the streets and we'll take the watch from here.
PA State Police
April 2, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY1 I can't believe you are 37 years old. How I wish we could all be together, especially for Kendall. We just had the Eagles game in your honor again, WOW what a great nite, so many wonderful people and family pulling together to honor you. People aren't forgetting your sacrifice, so we are able to do good things,and inspire others to do some of the services for our communities like you did.We miss you and love you very much!! Mom
karen wise
April 1, 2009
Today is birthday number 37. Too bad you're not here to actually turn 37. It's not fair that you didn't even live through your thirties.
Kendall wasn't feeling well last night and wanted to sleep with your picture. It was comforting to her. It's strange how when she's sick or tired she really talks about you or wants your picture nearby. Last night she was talking about eating bacon with you. She insists that she does actually remember it. I hope she does.
Happy birthday. We love you.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
April 1, 2009
I have written on here several times in the past. In 2004, when Officer Wise was killed I was finishing up my undergraduate in criminal justice. Almost 5 years later, I am working at a local county prison and working on a graduate degree in criminal justice.
This past Friday, I had the honor of attending a basketball game at Cedar Crest High School that was sponsored by your foundation. Area law enforcement officials were there to honor you and I can assure you that you are not forgotten. There were so many people there--it was unbelievable!!!
Your foundation does many great things for others. I was amazed by all of the scholarships and major donations that are given out. Although this was my first Michael Wise event, it won't be my last. I plan to participate in the 5K run in September.
Although I did not know you, when I hear your name, I think of your family, especially your daughter. I am the daughter of a Berks county police officer and although I am much older then Kendall, I could lose my father at any time. It is truly scary to even imagine. I am sorry that this happened to her.
I just wanted to personally come on here and acknowledge what a great man you were and thank you for inspiring me to achieve professionally.
I will continue to remember you, your parents, your wife and your daughter in my prayers.
Carrie Elliott
Carrie Elliott
Criminal Justice-Graduate Student
March 29, 2009
Hi Dad i love you a lot i miss you a lot you make me smile every time i look at you from Kendall
Kendall Wise
Daughter, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
March 7, 2009
Our church sermon today was about anger. Ever since you were killed, I've had more sadness than anger but the anger certainly has krept in on occasion.
I find myself thinking of JP alot lately. Why is it that he is being rewarded for shooting you in the back of the head while carrying out the biggest flub of his life? He is off work and earning his salary while working another job (as a police officer) and earning more money on top of that. Your mom has more anger about this than I do but I just am dumfounded at the whole situation. Funny how I try to move forward with my life and I get penalized.
I've also been thinking of Izzy and Lance. When I read Izzy's ODMP entry I just cried. Those guys are still hurting inside just as we are. I can't imagine they'll ever get the horrible images of that night out of their heads.
Andy's buying the Fatboy so it's staying in the family. He's going to take the safety course and get his license before the Ride for Wise. Hopefully he'll be able to join me up front. Eddie's looking at buying a Harley, too. Soon half the family will be riding Harleys!
We love you and miss you.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
March 1, 2009
Today I saw Lance whom I rarely see, he shook my hand... I wanted to hold him.... I did not want to let his hand go... I hope he is well.
I can still see your face with a great big smile, asking how you could help... your face and eyes so bright.
I think of you all the time.
God Bless your family...
Officer Israel Gonzalez
Reading Police Department
February 21, 2009
I was looking through the reflections and found the one you left after I was hurt. I am definitely blessed to still be here and grateful Heather and the boys didn't have to go through the Hell you and Kendall are. Sorry to hear that my injury brought back so many bad memories. I am so sorry Kendall doesn't have the relationship with her Dad. I can't imagine my boys that way.I was looking at your photo album and remember when I worked with Mike at FASP. I am planning to be in the ride this year. See you there if not sooner
Mike Daub
friend/Lebanon Bureau of Fire
February 21, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day. I know it was always your favorite of all the Hallmark holidays. :)
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
February 14, 2009
Well, there's a K9 vehicle on the streets of Reading bearing your badge number. I'm so glad the Michael H. Wise, II Memorial Foundation was able to donate money toward the new K9 unit and the Department chose to honor you by memorializing you on a car. It really means a lot to me that you are not forgotten. I also think it's great that one of your fellow police academy graduates is the one driving this car. Those guys still miss you and think about you a lot. Please continue to watch over your brothers and sisters in Reading and elsewhere. And please watch over Scott and Bill specifically. It's amazing to me that my brother is now a police officer. I ran into him one day while he was on patrol and it took me back a little bit. He wears a dark uniform similar to yours. It was a weird flashback. One of the reasons he pursued this job was to honor you and I'm very proud of him. I hear he's doing a great job. I guess he finally found his calling.
It was a tough day the other day and I know exactly what triggered it. I was looking at pictures of you and Kendall together. One of them was from the Bay a few days before you were killed. Ugh, it tears my heart out to look at that. It's a great picture of you and Kendall walking down the steps toward the water. You were sporting your "undercover facial hair" or the "evil Amishman" as we liked to tease you. It's one I'm sure she'll treasure when she gets older. It's very upsetting to look at that picture and know that a week later you were gone and we had already buried you. So bizarre and disturbing.
Since I was having a bad day I ended up at the cemetary. I was planning on visiting this week anyway to give you a Valentine. Of course, I spent too much (in your opinion, I'm sure) on roses. Every time I buy flowers for your grave I think about you saying, "Why are you wasting your money. I don't need flowers." This year I skipped the balloon because the last 3 times I took balloons to your grave they somehow escaped and went flying off into the heavens. I got the hint. No more balloons.
Kendall is doing well in karate and gymnastics. She decided ballet was no longer for her so she's moved on to other activities. She lost another tooth this week. It's the second one that was forcefully removed by someone else's head at school. Maybe I should pay some random kids to bump into her to get the rest of the loose ones out! :) Her grades are good and she's still quite the social butterfly. I'm very proud of her and I know you are, too.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
February 12, 2009
First I want to say sorry for not writing you sooner. Some times I guess it’s just hard to put things into words. I have thought of you often and all the good times we had, and I will admit I lost it today while reading all the things Denise, Karen, Chris, Matt and Kendall wrote. But on the positive side its shows that you were liked and loved by all. I also wanted to tell you that next week they will be putting a ribbon with your name on it and some writing on my K9 vehicle. I just want you to know that I am very honored to have it placed on the vehicle. Well brother its time I go get some sleep, got to love court right. Till we meet again.
Patrolman Andrew Winters
Reading City Police
January 16, 2009
I visited the wall at the National Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial in Washington DC this week. The last time I was there was Police Week 2005--the year your name was added to Panel 62 on the West wall, line 24. I've been meaning to visit the wall during a time other than Police Week because I just wanted time to myself. It was just so powerful seeing your name carved into the marble among so many other fallen officers. Your name will be there forever and unfortunately, as the years go by, more will be added below it. It was difficult for me to leave, for some reason. There was nothing on the east or the west wall but I did tape Kendall's picture and one of your badge pins below your name.
I visited Scott's name, too. He's on the east wall almost directly across from where your name is.
Tomorrow we will attend another appeal hearing for AS. Hopefully it will simply be a formality and nothing will come of it.
Oh, go Steelers!
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
January 13, 2009
My Dear Michael, I read the reflections and it just kills me to know you are not with us. It will be 5 years and it gets harder. We get thru the holidays and the family partys and I miss you more and more. So much we could share, your beautiful Kendall, Julies beautiful Lilly and Evelyn. You would be so proud.Its so hard for me to write to you ,too much to say. We will be reminded again this week about that awful nite at another hearing for AS.I blame JP just as muchfor all we have to endure. We have so much support from so many and it helps to know you are remembered and honored. Love you so much, Mom
January 12, 2009
Well, we made it through the holidays. Now we just have to make it through AS's appeal hearing in Jan. 14.
Monday was a weird day. I had every intention of running errands and I left the house on a mission. Once I was in the car, though, I heard several songs in a row that made me think of you. I haven't cried like that in a while. Instead of running my errands I found myself at the cemetary crying my eyes out. I can't believe your body is there. It's not fair. Every time I go there I read your head stone and I look at the dates as if to make myself realize this really did happen. You were too young. Kendall has been talking about you a lot. She asks a lot of questions and wants answers that I'm just not prepared to share with her. She already knows more than a 6-year-old should. I remind her that you loved her very much and that you loved playing with her. She insists that she remembers eating bacon with you. I hope she truly does.
I'm not sure if you've been Rob's angel but if you have been, please continue to stay with him. He has more recovering to do. He does sound great, though.
So I imagine you're getting quite the collection of dogs up there in Heaven based on the number of pets our family and friends have lost this year. I'm sure Sierra is thrilled to have Asti with her! Have fun!
We love you and miss you. Happy New Year.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
January 7, 2009
Officer Wise, may you rest in peace. mrs Wise, you are as much a hero as your husband. Please know that you are lifted up in prayer by so many people, even those you do not know. God Bless you.
January 5, 2009
I haven't posted for quite a long time. Sorry about that. We had the family party yesterday. Hard to believe this is our 5th year without you. Julie and Kristyn hosted the party this year. It was a good time as always but your presence was missing as it has been for quite awhile. Your mom did have the pictures from Christmas' gone by. It was good to see them and recall all the great times we had. Bill had a pretty stylin' outfit on this year. I will be looking to outdo him for next year.
The other day I was watching television and my winner for the 2009 Academy award showed up on my screen. Paul Blart: Mall Cop comes to theaters on Jan 16. Bill and I have already made plans to see this one. As soon as I saw the trailer I knew I had to see it.
Well, gotta to go. Please know that I think about you every day. Please look after Thor as he joined you 2 weeks ago. He loves peanut butter if you have any around. Love you buddy.
Chris Harter
December 29, 2008
Merry Christmas Mike!
Veronica Jenkins
December 24, 2008
I check this website everyday, just to check on you. I have attempted to write a reflection an unknown amount of times over the past, almost four years, but I felt that I couldn't do it right. I would always delete what I wrote and then not post anything.
I've been wanting to call and talk to your Mom and Dad lately, but things have been rough and I forgot and couldn't find their phone number. We rented out the other house and while Allysia and I were in the process of cleaning up, I found their phone number, but I didn't have a chance to call. I was over there last weekend doing some more cleaning and when I was on my way home I told myself that I would call your Mom and when I got home, she sent us a Christmas card, so I called the house. Everyone was there that night, so I was able to talk to your Mom, Julie, Matt, Denise and your Dad. It was good to catch up with them. I felt that you may have sent me a sign, which I've felt in the past before.
Sorry I've never posted a reflection Mike, but not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about you or your family. Not a single day. I miss you an unmeasureable amount, I feel as if I've lost my brother. I know you've kept an eye on me and I appreciate it. Thanks for everything.
Rob Druga
December 23, 2008
Thankyou OFFICER WISE for all your service to our state. You are a hero who will never be forgotten. Continue to look over and guide us as we carry on in your name. God bless your family
December 15, 2008
Well, we honored your fellow fallen brothers from Pennsylvania at Cops for KOPS yesterday. There were just too many this year and they were too young. I met one of the widows and her little girl. Ugh, it hurt my heart to see her. It's only been three months for her so the pain is still very fresh. I remember still being in a daze at three months and I'd be willing to bet that she is, too.
Christmas is approaching and your mom is having a very hard time. If you can, please send her a sign of comfort. Christmas used to be her favorite holiday but now her focus is on you not being here with us. It's her focus every day, in fact. You're missing so much. Our nieces Lilly and Evelyn, who you've never even met, are growing up so fast and they are both such a trip. Lilly and Kendall are very close and I hope they continue that as they grow up. Matt's hockey season was cut short because he broke his arm in two places. . .Kendall is now into "rock star" clothing instead of dresses and princesses. Now she wears jeans almost every day. . .Eddie is getting married next year. . .Liz and Dave got engaged. . .and so on.
We all miss you very much.
Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04
December 7, 2008