Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Chief of Police Douglas Alan Shertzer, Sr.

Lititz Borough Police Department, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Tuesday, May 11, 2004

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Reflections for Chief of Police Douglas Alan Shertzer, Sr.

It's so hard to believe that Jackson turned three yesterday. I wish you could've been here to celebrate it with us. I know he's not the only grandchild, but birthdays and milestones with him are just such a reason to celebrate him and what he has overcome. He's had a lot more "firsts" lately that were really neat to watch. He had his last home based PT session last week which we did at the park. He independently climbed the steps and went down the slide unassisted for the first time. His therapist and myself had to stand back and have a few tears for that one. Sounds so simple, but we've been working for quite some time for that. It's still not easy for him but he certainly tries as hard as he can. Josh has now graduated from being called "Josh" to "Da Da". Now when he comes home Jackson says "Hi Da Da". For almost a year he had been calling him by his first name.

The kids and I looked back at pictures yesterday from when he was born. It was the first time I really realized that facing having a child with problems has been the biggest obstacle I've ever had to face. After that I realized that nothing has brought more joy to my life than watching him overcome these obstacles.

I do know we're not through the woods yet. Things still don't come without challenges for Jackson and he is about to enter a whole new stage with preschool coming. Please watch over him Dad. I'm already dreading the day I have to take him and drop him off at school for the first time. I thought I would have a harder time watching Rylee start Kindergarten, but I pretty much think she is going to be teaching the class after the first day.

Rylee and I were cleaning up the decorations on the deck Sunday and she asked if she could let the balloons fly to heaven so you would know it was Jackson's birthday. She insisted that we had to send three and gave each a kiss before she let them go. I hope you enjoyed them!


July 24, 2007

Sorry it has been so long since I was here last. Things have been pretty busy lately. Watching Rylee and helping Christina with Jackson. This Saturday is Jackson’s birthday party. Hard to believe that he is going to be 3 years old. He is making a lot of progress and will be starting preschool in August. Also Rylee and Evan will be going to Kindergarten in September. Hard to believe.!! Lexi and Ashlyn are doing well and growing up to be quite the little ladies. If only you were here to experience every moment with them. They still talk about you all the time and talk about things that you used to do with them . Lexi just said to me the other day that she wishes you were still here. I told her I wish the same thing. I am so glad that they keep your memory alive in their hearts.

Things just don’t seem to be getting any easier. It’s so hard to move on .People say that it gets better with time but I don’t think they understand unless they have been through this experience. I try to keep busy but there are some times that seem harder then others. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about you and I know that will never change. So many memories that will never be erased.

Love You, Miss You

Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr EOW 5/11/04

July 17, 2007

Remembering you this 4th of July - as always Poppop!
Love, Evan Shertzer

July 3, 2007

So here we are June 2007 trying to move forward, yet never forgetting you and what you mean to each of us.

I wish more than anything you could be here to watch our children grow and enjoy them with Mom. That's hard for all of us, but more so for Mom. I know she trys her best but I don't think we'll ever understand why. We try to do our best to keep your memory alive.

I know how much you enjoyed Rylee while you were still alive. I always loved to watch you interact with her with the little kid excitement you had when she was around. Lately it's been incredible how big both she and Jackson are getting. It's like life is going in fast forward with them and I wish I could just freeze them. Rylee read her first entire book last week by herself. I know how much you would have enjoyed sitting and listening to that. It's a first reader book, nevertheless, she is amazing.

Jackson is starting to talk more and is getting a little better in every area that is a challenge, just slowly. He has a collection of LBPD police cars that he carries at least one with him wherever he goes. I mean everywhere meals, outside, bathtime, bedtime, appointments, EVERYWHERE! I call it his comfort toy. He has tons and tons of cars and trucks, but insisits on carrying that one. It's kind of cool if you think about it. It's still hard to watch him struggle sometimes, but I know you are helping in any way you can. He is such a blessing and I'm proud to be his Mom.

Nice weather always seems to bring out the bikers. It's upsetting sometimes and really makes me think about what happened. We were driving on 222 last week and a biker was driving along side of us. It reminded me of riding with you as a kid. He did that low biker wave to some fellow bikers coming in the opposite direction and I just lost it. I remember riding with you and you would do that. It just went right through me. Sometimes the littlest things can do that to me when it comes to losing you. Maybe it's God's way of helping me to remember good times we had together.

Remembering you always
Lots of Love,

daughter of Chief Douglas Shertzer

June 5, 2007

Well, another May gone by - year three. I saw Suzie walking by herself this morning and it just makes me stop and remember you. The two of you were so perfect together - an unstopable team. Those people who say change is good - have never been through a change like your family. Life is very different without you in it. We will always remember! Thanks for the good times!

June 1, 2007

Just wanted to let you know that the trip to D.C. for the Candle light vigil went well. The weather was perfect. These ceremonies don’t get any easier but when you stand there and realize that all those people are experiencing the same thing it’s incredible how everyone comes together.

Last night I went to the High School to present your memorial scholarships to two outstanding students, one interested in pursuing a career in the police field and the other one a career in computers.

There are still a few memorial ceremonies I will be going to this month. This Sunday is the one at Willow Valley, the one we went to when your Dad died and was honored for his career as a Police Officer. He sure was proud of you following in his footsteps and becoming a Police Officer.

This has definitely been a tough couple of weeks but it’s really comforting that you are remembered at these ceremonies. I am doing my best to get through it all.

All My Love Always

Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr. EOW 5/11/2004

May 18, 2007

Chief Shertzer I salute you thank you for your service, but most of all thank you for being my brother in blue. To the family there are no words that I can write that can comfort you. Family know that your family in blue all over the country mourn with you and you are our family too.

RIP Chief-

Police Officer
Half Moon Bay PD, California

May 11, 2007

"Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called children of God."


Deputy Sheriff

Deputy Sheriff

May 11, 2007

As to be expected this a day that is particularly hard for your family. I pray for their continued comfort during this time.

You are a special guardian angel over them. I know that you will continue to watch over them as they continue their journey in life without you physically by their side.

I believe I have seen virtually a miracle in Jackson over the last few months, and it's really incredible to watch him develop and grow into an amazing little boy. Someday he will be able to realize just how wonderful of a mother he has that refused to give up on him when others had. You would be proud of your daughter.

I think it's clear that you are still a strong driving force in the live's of your wife and children even three years after your death. That speaks miles in itself.

Even after three years since your death you have touched so many lives of people that didn't even know you through the one's you clearly loved the most.

May God Continue to Bless you and the one's you love.


May 11, 2007

Today is the 3 year anniversary of your death and I tried to keep busy all day but nothing helps me forget. I found myself constantly looking at the clock remembering that day. I can’t believe that it has been three years that I have been without you. Sometimes I feel like my life has no meaning but I do my best to go on. I took Rylee to the cemetery with me today to bring you flowers. We started to leave and she said wait, and ran back to give you a kiss. As heartbreaking as it was, it made me feel good that she did that.

This Sunday I will be going to D.C. for the Candle light Vigil, Something I feel I need to do every year. It’s a very moving ceremony that they have and very meaningful. I will visit the memorial wall and get my yearly etching of your name to put at the cemetery. Something I have done for the past three years.

I know I’ve told you before , but my life will never be the same without you here. You were my everything.

All My Love

Widow, Douglas Shertzer Sr. EOW 5/11/2004

May 11, 2007

Rest in Peace Motorman. You are not forgotten.

Motor Officer Danny Johnson
Metro Nashville Police Dept.

May 11, 2007


Thinking of you today and everyday. We will never forget.

All of our love,

Jeffrey, Kristine, Alexis, and Ashlyn

Jeffrey and Kristine Donnelly
son and family

May 11, 2007

Remembering your 3rd anniversary in Heaven.

May 11, 2007

The Motorcycle Officer (My Poppop)

It sounds like thunder far away, but the skies are blue and bright...
And soon they crest the hill nearby, and ride into our sight.
They shake the ground with powerful sound, and they make some hearts beat fast...
They look so proud and noble, like Knights come from the past.
Side by side, they always ride, and seem to move as one...
From early in the morning light, to the setting of the sun.
And children point and wave to them, from cars that pass them
and young ones ask their parents, why the officers have mirrors for eyes.
They ride the roads, and fight for good, and defend small ones like you...
They ask to ride, and do with pride, and sometimes they are few.
Like officers of steel, on Silver Wings, they sparkle in the light...
then with a roar and rumble, they ride out of our sight.
Sometimes when one has fallen, never to ride again...
You can hear the others calling, like thunder on the wind.
Side by side, they slowly ride, and their thunder is a mournful sound...
And the mirrors hide their eyes from us, when teardrops fall to ground.
So if you see one riding, and you look into his face...
You see your reflection in his eyes; you know that you are safe.
For motor officers are a special breed, they love to ride the wind...
And when you hear the thunder boom, the fallen ones ride again.

Missing you always Poppop!!
Love, Evan

May 11, 2007

Hi Chief,
Thinking of you and your family today.

Continue to watch over them and keep them safe.


May 11, 2007

To Lititz Borough Police Department, the widow, children, and grandchildren of Chief Douglas Shertzer;

I offer my sincere condolences as we honor your officer, husband, father, and grandfather on the anniversary of his death for his ultimate sacrifice.

Thank you for your service.. RIP Hero

Sgt Donald McSparren
New York City Police Department

Sgt Donald McSparren
New York City Police Department

May 9, 2007


This Friday will be 3 years since your passing. It is still so hard to believe. My memories of you Chief are nothing but good. It saddens me that I did not get to know you more, but the times I did have with you were ones I will never forget. You always had a way to make me laugh! It was hard not to have a smile being around you. I am thankful for the time I did have with you. I was able to see what a wonderful husband, father, and Pop-Pop you were! I learn more and more about you through stories that are told by your family. It hard not to talk about you and laugh. I guess that is a good thing. The boys still play basketball on Sundays, but Jeffrey often says it is just not the same without you. Usually he will come home and tell stories about the times you all used to play and how much more fun it was then. Lexi and Ashlyn still talk about you. The girls are getting so big and each are becoming unique in their own special ways. Saturday was your golf tournament and we took them up for the dinner. They were so excited to see your good friends, John and Kerry. We raise these girls to have the upmost respect for police officers and try our hardest to keep your memory alive. I know I signed this "daugher in law". I guess technically that is not what I was to you, but I want you to know you would of been the best father in law that anyone could have! When I look at our wedding pictures, it makes me happy, but at the same time sad. There is something missing from that day, and that missing piece was you. However, I know you were up there watching over us and making the day a happy event. Please continue to watch over all of us Chief. Pull your family through this week. This is such a hard time of the year, and they need your strength to help them through it.


daughter in law

May 9, 2007

Chief - I may not be a real memeber of the family anymore but I miss you and still grieve for you everyday. It is so hard to look at Evan and see the litle pieces of you inside of him. Doug is an amazing Dad, you would be so proud of the two of them! We all relive that day everyday and as Christina said it just does not seem to get any easier. Life is just not the same. May is suppose to a happy month with Evan and Ashlynn's birthdays but it is so hard to keep a smile going when in the back of our minds that day keeps playing over and over. I know you are still looking out for all of us and know that we miss you more everyday. I look at this memorial page everyday and it gives me a small ounce of comfort knowing that I am not the only one who feels this way. May God Bless all of us who relive May 11, 2004.

Becky Borne

May 8, 2007

So I guess it goes without saying that this week coming up is by far the hardest week of the year for many of us. Yesterday was kind of a little break from things. It was really nice to relax and have fun talking about old times and funny stories about you with some of your old friends and family. It's really kind of bittersweet because I know I'm not the only one who goes home at night and still tries to figure out how to exist in a world that you don't. I don't expect that to ever change.

It's pretty obvious that we all have grieved your loss in different ways and certain times are harder than others for each of us. First I ask that you try in anyway to be with mom and comfort her in any way you can. You married and incredible woman Dad. I can't really even imagine having a better mom than her. I just hope that one day I can show her how much she has meant to me.

Please continue to watch over the boys and their families. Life gets so busy that I wish I had more time with them or just time to tell them both that I still admire them today as much as I did when I was little.

Please continue to watch over and comfort my family as well. Last year I really hoped life wouldn't be as complicated or trying this year as it was last and it looked promising, but it seems things are right back where they have been for quite sometime. I don't really know what else to ask for other than your comfort and guidance.

I think we all find ourselves thinking back to what we were doing three years ago when we got the call. It's really amazing how real things can seem all over again. As much as I try to block it out I replay you telling us that you hope you make it the last time we saw you. I guess out of all of it I am glad that at least Mom got to tell you she loved you. As horrifing as it was we were told they didn't know how you survived as long as you did with your injury. I really believe you were holding on to see Mom and I thank God you had that moment with her. I have really struggled with that last moment because I told you that God would get you through this and I felt like he didn't because you died an hour later. I just want you to know that after seeing you like that and hearing the fear in your voice just made me want to comfort you and give you some sense of hope. I never thought things would end up this way.

I love you Dad and hope you know how much you've meant to my life.

Daughter of Chief Shertzer EOW 5/11/04

May 6, 2007

Well yesterday was your Memorial Golf Tournament and everything went great. It was a beautiful day and everyone has a good time. As in years past, I saw a lot of your old friends and talked about old times. I sat on your memorial bench for a while and thought about when you golfed on that course knowing the bench was at your favorite hole. This is an exceptionally hard month to get through with This Friday , the 11th, being the anniversary of your death. Every year I relive that day minute for minute. There are also a lot of local memorials for fallen officers being held that I will be going to plus the Candle Light Vigil in D.C. As years pass, these events don’t get any easier. They actually get harder. I miss you more and more everyday and would do anything to have you back. Please help all of us get through this week.

Love you always

Sue Shertzer
Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr, EOW 5/11/04

May 6, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad! Wish you were here to give a hard time about being another year closer to 50. Since we all know that can't happen I really hope you're spending your day up there playing the most beautiful golf course imaginable. Miss you and keeping you in our hearts always!

Josh, Christina, Rylee Sue, and Jackson Douglas

Josh, Christina, Rylee, & Jackson

April 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Poppop!! I miss you!!!

Evan Shertzer

April 24, 2007

Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Birthday. I know you always said that birthdays were no big deal but we both know that deep down you were a kid at heart when it came to birthdays. I just wish you were here to celebrate it !!

Love you,

Sue Shertzer
Widow of Chief Douglas A Shertzer Sr. EOW 5/11/04

April 24, 2007

Hey Chief,

Just stopping in to let you know we think of you always! We know you are up above making sure everything in our lives is a little less hectic.

Remembering you always,

Jeff and Kristine

Jeff and Kristine Donnelly
son and family

April 23, 2007


After coming to this site everyday for almost three years, I have finally been able to bring myself to write. I really don’t know where to start. I can’t begin to tell you how much I miss you. My life has been turned upside down. Sometimes I don’t know which way to turn. I have had so much support from family and friends but when the day is done, I still come home to an empty house. Some of the guys from the department come by from time to time to visit and see how things are going, that helps a lot. I sure hope you know what a good friend you had in Kerry. He has helped me through so much I can’t even begin to tell you. Both him and Bonnie have done a lot for me and are there for me whenever I need them.

I know you aware of everything that has happened over the past three years. Our kids are doing a great job of raising their children you would be so proud. I wish you were here to enjoy the Grandkids. They all remember you and still talk about you all the time. I only wish you could have been here to see Jackson. He has been through so much in his first two and a half years. More then some people go through in a life time. He is such a little trooper.

We are getting ready for your Memorial Golf Tournament in May. Hopefully the weather will be a little warmer then it is now.

I will be going to D.C. next month for the Candlelight Vigil. That is going to a tough time again. I also will be going to a service at HACC next month when they will be adding your name to a plaque for fallen officers.

This time of year is even more difficult because of all the memories from three years ago. I relive it every day. Everyone tells me that it gets easier but I am still waiting. I know that when you were here you watched over me and kept me safe. I pray every night that you continue to watch over me and keep me safe and help me make the right decisions and I know that you are. I miss you more and more every day. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. My life will never be the same. It’s really hard but I have come to the conclusion that this is my life and I have to accept it.

I love you!!

Sue Shertzer
Widow, Douglas A Shertzer, EOW 5/11/04

Suzanne Shertzer
Widow of Chief Shertzer EOW 5/11/04

April 13, 2007

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