Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Chief of Police Douglas Alan Shertzer, Sr.

Lititz Borough Police Department, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Chief of Police Douglas Alan Shertzer, Sr.

Hey Chief - Just wanted to say thanks for having a hand in helping me stay strong during a difficult time. I know you are still around and it's nice to feel your spirit. All though I could have used a plate of Pot-Pie! Your Grandson Evan reminds me of you all the time - funny faces a silly laugh, and the "Shertzer Toe Pop" - you know you did it! Thanks Again!! LOL


April 12, 2007

Just a quick one. Uncle Davey called on Easter to wish everyone a happy one, check in on the kids, and to wish me a Happy Birthday. I tried to convince him I just turned 22, but he wasn't buying it. Anyway by him calling he made me feel really special, just like you used to on my birthday. I don't bother to tell him that because he's not the sentimental type pretty similar to you, but he made my day. I know he really misses his big brother. He doesn't have to say it- You can hear it in his voice. He is one of those people that genuinely loved and respected you for the right reasons while you were here, not just after you passed like some.


April 11, 2007

Like many others I am one that comes to this site virtually everday, but have always chosen not to write. I think the last reflection gave me a little confidence to do so.

I am grateful for being able to stay that I did know you. For many years I was a permenant fixture at your household and it is these years of my adolescent that I treasure deeply. The last reflection made me think of your family. I think it's really great to run into any three of your kids around. When I think about them each one of them is in someway a direct reflection of you. Doug has your smile and mannerisms. Jeff has your ability to make anyone laugh. Christina has your personality, wit, and ability to light up a room. I think in your passing it is really great to see them and in some way they bring a piece of you back like you never really left.

You were a good man and I thank you for all you have done. You and Suzie always welcomed me into your home like I was part of the family and for this I am forever greatful.

An old family friend

April 10, 2007

Cheif Shertzer,
I feel a little out of place sending this message to you, but I'm not one to let fear get in my way.

I've had the pleasure to meet two men in your family, Doug and Evan. Sir, your son is a special man, true to what is right and honorable. He has an outlook towards life that I wish I posessed. I thank you so much for the values you've instilled in him. He is a friend I will cherish FOREVER. And Evan, what a cutie. I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said a policeman.

Thank you for watching over them and thank you for the legacy you left behind for Doug to follow. I am sad I never got to meet you and say 'thank you' in person.


April 10, 2007

Happy Easter to you Chief and to your family-

I know you are proudly watching over the city of Lititz and your fine family. You should be so proud of both. We surely can learn so much from what your wife and children have had to endure.

Continue to watch over them and your department.

Rest in Peace.

Lititz Citizen

April 8, 2007

I just found the site and reflections are powerful. Doug-Thank-you for everything while I was a Lititz Borough Officer. I have many fond memories of you and your family during my short stay with the Department. May God Bless you and your family.

Kenny Hassinger
Pennsylvania State Police

April 5, 2007

So we all managed to muddle through last week. I can't even explain to you Dad the emotional roller coaster ride we were thrown. I guess the important thing is we got past it safely, we got the answers we wanted, and now we can move on. Spending time in a hospital like that can really help to put your own situation into perspective. God I'm thankful for my children after seeing some of the things I saw. I will still never understand why children have to suffer with diseases and anomalies like lots do.

So this rock of a family managed to pull together once again and help each other out. I think everyone was going crazy worrying about Jacks. There were a couple of times I found my self alone and feeling overwhelmed by the reality of what was happening. I chose to send Josh home a few times so he could take a break and have some time with Ry. I didn't even realize what I was doing when I started dialing your cell phone number. I couldn't even believe what I was doing. I just really wanted to hear your voice and have you tell me everything was going to be okay. I miss you Dad. I swear I could give reasons why you should be here with your wife, children, and grandchildren rather than gone til I was blue in the face. I guess I'll have to take anything I can even if it is coming here to talk.

With all tough times it seems that there can always be some good that comes out of it. I realized how much our little man is loved and cared for. I set up a care page for him that has had over 400 visits. I think I have learned who are those that truely care for you and those who just pretend. I saw my husband and son truely bond like a father and son should and I think I truely realized that I married a wonderful man. I know you would be proud of him. He still struggles with your loss I think as much as I do at times. A year ago I would have never have guessed any of the above things could happen. In short -
I'm thankful.

So on a lighter side I have to tell you the other night Rylee and I were watching Bambi and all of the sudden she says, "You know Thumper was my Pop Pop's favorite character on Bambi." It just made me happy that she remembered that about you. I told her that was right, but we might want to keep that our secret because I don't think Pop Pop would want that getting out! She just smiled and said "You're probably right."

Lots of Love Dad,


March 21, 2007

This is probably a record for me being that it has been a little over a month since I last wrote. So much has happened that I'll spare the details. Mostly I don't really know what to write other than I wish you were here right now more than ever before. Maybe that is selfish, but I can't help it.

What it boils down to is that Jackson is going to be having an pretty invasive brain surgery coming up and I'm scared. I feel like I've been strong for him basically since I got pregnant and now I feel like I've been forced to come to the realization that we could lose him. I'm trying to have faith and think of things positively, but I'm human. I remember when I was 3 months pregnant and the doctor told me there was a good posibility I would lose him due to the problems that were occuring so early on. I remember being scared but firm and determined that I would not lose my child. Once he was born I kind of found a new determination for caring for him and his needs.

Thinking back I think most of my determination came from you. I remember how you were on me with the pregancy making sure I did everything according to what you believed, eventhough your logic wasn't always right. You know what I'm talking about. You thought I was awful for not being able to stomach drinking whole milk! With your "expert" knowledge I could have sworn you were either once pregnant or were an OBGYN is a previous life. Anyway your care and concern for me and Jackson determined me to be strong and perservere through it. Then you left just before he arrived. I think your death is one of the reasons for my fear. Death is now a reality to me. I would have never thought something like that or what we're going through now would ever happen.

So I guess what I need from you is a little push or shove in the right direction. I put on a good front most of the time. Mostly because I don't want the kids to see my fear, but inside I'm torn up. I know you would tell me to have faith so that is what I'll try to turn my doubts into.

Listen Dad- Mostly just be with Jackson through all of this. I wish more than anything I could take away his pains and problems. Please just wrap your arms around him and comfort and protect him in anyway you can. I will never be ready or accepting of losing him. I still believe deep down in my heart underneath all my doubts and fears that God has a great purpose for his life.

Thanks for listening. When I feel like I'm going to explode sometimes this is where I turn and for some reason I feel better when I'm done. Kind of like when you were here.

Lots of Love Dad,


February 21, 2007

I kind of found this website by accident, but while I'm here I feel like I need to write a little something. I never did meet you. In fact I didn't come into your family's life until after you died and little Jackson was born. Through them I feel like somehow I did know you. From them and reading your reflections it's clear how much you mean to your family. Your entire family has had to endure more hardship then anyone should have to yet they manage to get through it somehow. I know I don't have to ellaborate because you are fully aware of what I'm getting at. I'm writing because I feel the need to ask you to just wrap your arms in any way you can over the next two months around them, especially Jackson. Somehow I believe it is your strength you taught them that gets them through sometimes. It is apparent to me that your family is a family that sticks together and helps each other in anyway needed. They really do know the meaning of unconditional love. Not too many people do. That is what being a family is all about and you have so much to be proud of.

As a medical professional I am aware of the risks and unknowns that are about to happen with Jackson and I know your family is too. Please help them to first have faith that God will get them through and second know that he does have a tremendous plan for this little ones life. He has touched so many people's hearts already. I know they already know this, but there is a great deal of doubt that goes on in these storms of life so I ask your comfort for them. Thanks for being such a great man- although I never met you I feel like a better person just for knowing your family.

May God Bless you and your family-

friend of family

January 27, 2007

They whom we love and lose are no longer where they were before. They are now....wherever we are.

St. John Chrysestom

January 23, 2007


First of all, I would like to say I am sorry it took me so long to write this letter to you, so here we go. I know that in our lifetime we did not see eye to eye on a lot of things but one thing I do know is being the stubborn bullheads that we were the love for one another was there. It seemed like no matter what the situation that we were involved in, be it Sunday basketball, watching football, or just sitting down an eating supper together we would always have that competive fire in us. I would give anything in the world just to see that determination in your eyes once again. I really miss that, eventhough that bugged the hell out of me. In my life growing up with Jeff and Christina I did not understand some of the rules and consequences you were trying to instill in us, but belief me now I do, and I thank you for that. You have made me that stronged will person that will be passed along to Evan. Speaking of little Ev he is getting big and more curious about his pop-pop. He will look at your picture and say "that is my pop-pop he was a policeman." I am convinced that one day he will follow in your footsteps and be in law enforcement, there is not a day that goes by that he doesn't say "hey dad lets go arrest the bad guys." The one thing that I do want you to know Dad is, that I love you and will continue to love you untill I meet you up there in heaven. Then I can finally get another chance to play you one on one in basketball. Please continue to watch over all of us and give me the guidance and strength to be an awesome Dad to Evan, and help me make the right decisions in raising him and being the person that you instilled in me. Thank you again and continue your watch over the family. Lots of LOVE!

Doug Shertzer Jr

January 10, 2007

I Salute your Service and Sacrifice, Godspeed Chief Shertzer.

Michigan State Police

January 7, 2007

Another year gone by. It's so hard to believe it has almost been three years since we last saw you or heard your voice. I can remember everything like it happened last night, unfortunately. I know we all wish we could just erase that day and make everything "normal" again.

Well, we all got through the holidays this year. Honestly, it was a good holiday season. I don't want to write and say that we can't tolerate the holidays and they are so depressing. They really are different than they used to be, but they are happy times because I think each of us have been through a great deal with your loss and from that I know I can realize how much I have to be thankful for even though you are not here. Mom actually cooked Christmas dinner by herself. If that isn't a miracle in itself the true miracle is that is was really good. She is going to kill me for saying that but you and I both know Suzy's cooking skills!

I find myself thinking alot about what 2007 will hold for us. Rylee is turning 5 on Tuesday. Today is her big birthday party. I actually find this harder than the holidays because I know you would be as emotional as I am about her growing up. She will start kindergarten in September. I just can't believe it. I know I'm not the first parent to raise children but I really understand all the rules and discipline you had in place for me as a kid. I always felt you were harder on me than the boys and I think I understand now. I find myself not wanting to let her date until she is 25. I'm not kidding. I know you're laughing somewhere but I'm going to be twice as bad with her as you were with me and that is bad! Anyway, she is a great little girl. Sometimes I can't believe how different her and I are from our childhoods. I remember just wanting to be like my big brothers and wanting to do every and anything they did. Rylee is truely a leader rather than a follower. She would much rather sit and write a song to sing with her guitar and microphone when I would have been out playing football in the middle of the street with a bunch of guys. I think it's really great because I learn so much from her. I know you would have gotten a kick out of her.

Jackson will start real preschool this year. I can't help but brag, but he is just the coolest kid. This child is my inspiration. Not too many 2 1/2 year old kids have been through what he has. He probably has more doctor appointments that your average 90 year old with all his check-ups and therapies and he always manages to smile or giggle about something. Parenting him has been much different than parenting Rylee and only a parent of a special needs child would understand that. I received a card this week from one of his former nurses about "special children". It read:
I am your special child. I am your teacher. If you allow me, I will teach you what is really important in life. I will give you and teach you unconditional love. I gift you with my innocent trust, my dependency upon you. I teach you about how precious this life is and about not taking things for granted. I teach you about forgetting your own needs and desires and dreams. I teach you giving. Most of all I teach you hope and faith. I am your "special child".
No much more to say that that. This is what my Jackson has been to my life.

I suppose I should wrap this up before the troops are up and running. In short what I want to say to you is that I miss you and love you more than you can imagine. We all do, but through it all I know that life is going to go on without you. It has taken me a long time to come to grips with that. Just know that I hold you dearly in my heart with everything that life hands me. I will always wish you could be here physically to share in all these changes and special times, but I am at peace with your loss and where you are today.

Loving you Always


January 6, 2007

Keeping you , your family, and fellow officers in our thoughts and prayers as the Christmas season is upon us.

You definitely were a wealthy man to have had those that surrounded you each day. God Bless.

family friend and former coworker

December 18, 2006

Last night we took Rylee to a benefit Hockey game in the memory of fallen officers. I personally find these types of things hard to do, but I've come to realize that if I want to keep your memory alive we need to do these things and I'm glad we did. It turns out that Rylee has an identical twin in Kendall Wise, the daugther of Michael Wise that was killed one month after you. You almost can't believe your eyes when you see the two of them side by side they look and act so much alike. Just watching the two of them together was really incredible. While they were playing Kendall started telling Rylee about her Daddy and how we was a police officer that died. Rylee very shocked looked at her and responded that her Pop Pop was a police officer and he died too. She then said "They must be in heaven together." I know the loss of the two are different. Kendall lost her Daddy. Rylee lost her Pop-Pop. Nevertheless they both lost someone who they loved and loved them deeply. No child should ever have to experience either of these losses. I think I learned that it really does help to be around other people that have been through and live with the loss that we have experienced. The day we buried you and the last time I saw you I promised you that I would never let my kids forget who you were, what kind of man you were, and what you mean to me. I find it really amazing how much Rylee does remember about you sometimes. She still asks me to get out old albums so she can see pictures of you. I can still see the excitement and love in your eyes when you would see her. It's something I will never forget. Jackson knows you by a picture which hurts. I really wish you could have seen him too, but I will use these things to explain to him who his special guardian angel is up there.

Lots of Love Dad,

daughter of Douglas A Shertzer EOW 5/11/04

December 18, 2006

It goes without saying that everyday since you left us has been it's own struggle and I think there are certain times of the year that are harder than others. As I'm sure you know this time seems to be the most difficult for Mom with your anniversary, her birthday, and the holidays. I find myself trying to do the things you used to do to make her feel special at these times. I know how much you loved to surprise her with the most unique birthday and Christmas gifts (usually with my help). Every year since you left I've tried to do this for her, just this time without you being the mastermind behind it. I thought maybe that's one way I can make her feel like you are still here trying to do special things for her. Honestly Dad, it doesn't work. I know there was nobody in your life that meant more to you than her. Please just help her and give her some kind of comfort at this time. I know how much I miss you and I can't even imagine what she is going through. I just pray that one day I will see that smile on her face that can light up an entire room that only you used to be able to bring. I promise you that I will continue to do anything I can to try and get that back because I know that's what you would want me to do.

P.S. I know you would find this cute. Rylee really wants to know if King Mufasa is in heaven with her Pop-Pop. I'm sure you got a laugh out of that one.


November 13, 2006

Last month I felt like I was writing to you asking for a miracle with everything that was happening with Jackson. When difficult things happen I feel like I need to do this even more because it seems like it's when I need you most. I think I'm really just in need of one of your pep talks that would either give me a new perspective or just make me laugh during times when it's hard to even smile. This time I'm writing to say thank you because some how or another I know you have been apart of what has been happening around here. For almost two and a half years I've been listening to doctor after doctor telling me that they just don't know what exactly Jackson's limitations and expectations will be. This week I've learned that it really doesn't matter what they say anymore because our boy has done what some had told me he would possibly never be able to do on his own. Jackson started to walk this week independently. Today he walked across the entire play room and opened his arms to give me the biggest most meaningful hug I've ever received. In that moment I realized that all the other stuff with him really doesn't matter anymore. I know he is going to achieve so much more then anyone would ever expect regardless of his medical conditions. So I guess it seems that I really do feel the need to do this in happy moments like this too. Mostly because I still believe you are apart of these memories and are watching over us from up there. I regret that it took me so long to realize how much of a wonderful dad you were to me. When I think back I just remember you being my #1 fan. Not just in sports or school, but in life in general. I guess it takes some time being a parent to appreciate that in your own parents. So in writing on here it makes me feel as if I can say thank you for all you have done for me and our family. Please continue to do whatever you are doing up there because there are a few of us who have recognized your efforts in protecting those who meant so much to you.

Thanks Dad


October 26, 2006


Just checkin' in. As the one year anniversary approaches of my incident I cant help but stop to think you saved my butt for the second time and convinced them up there they didnt need me yet. The holiday season is upcoming and I will again get the opportunity to look at all the homes displaying the blue candles in the windows in support of you and the department. Not a day goes by that I dont think of you and your family. I stop in and talk to Susie every once and awhile. She always has a funny story to tell me about you! Please help her and the rest of your family to stay strong during this difficult time of year. I will continue to watch over the Borough with pride never forgetting the sacrifice you have made for us. Please continue to watch over us and protect us as we keep Lititz safe.

Officer Jevon M. Miller badge#25621
Lititz Borough Police Lititz, PA

Officer Jevon M. Miller
Lititz Borough Police Department

October 24, 2006

"Our Dad, Our Hero"
A gentleman offered this statement
as they laid my dad to rest,
"Today your dad's a Hero,
and truly nothing less!"

Into his eyes I peered,
as the tears rolled gently down.
My response was kind and simple
the only words that could be found.

My dad was an officer
and a Hero every day.
He made this world a safer place
for you and me to stay.

A Hero who sadly offered
the news too hard to give.
A Hero who prevented tragedy,
allowing us to live.

A Hero you asked directions from
when lost or out of town.
A Hero who aided those in need,
allowing ease to get around.

A Hero who returned your child
when danger threatened near.
A Hero who protected freedom
so we'd have less to fear.

Yes, my dad was a Hero sir,
which he showed in every way.
But, today he is a Hero sir,
because of the price he had to pay.

Tammi James Kantola

Jeffrey, Doug Jr, and Christina
children of Chief Douglas A Shertzer

September 11, 2006

Today is a day for remembering heros and those who gave their life to protect others. You are exactly that a true hero. May God Bless you and keep you.

September 11, 2006

Thinking of you today and wishing you were here to share the wisdom and strength you also had during hard times. I know you are up there watching and protecting us, but I still can't help but to want just get one more hug or reassurance from you that everything would be okay. Please continue to watch and protect our baby boy. We all knew how you felt about your grandchildren and I know you would have thought the world of Jackson. You are a special guardian angel to him just please continue to watch and protect him from up there.

Missing you and keeping you in our hearts,
Your loving daughter

September 1, 2006

Remembering you today and always.

August 9, 2006

Thinking of you today and everyday. Rest in Peace Chief Shertzer.

July 30, 2006

Remembering a great man today whose life touched so many. Continue to watch over your wife, children, grandchildren, and your department. I can't help but to think you have been pulling your weight up there helping all of those who meant so much to you. You were a tremendous man!

Lititz resident

June 23, 2006

We still miss you and know your watching and still guiding. The other day we had to put Duke to rest and I could only think of the days you played with him in your office, even though you yelled when he shedded so much and you knew Suzi was going to let you have it. I miss your friendship and your golf game. Keep watching over us.

Officer Ken Wolfe
Lititz Borough Police Department

May 13, 2006

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