Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Jason Michael Scott

Loudon County Sheriff's Office, Tennessee

End of Watch Friday, March 12, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Jason Michael Scott

Dear Jason,

I am really really missing you right now. If only I could talk to you, hear your voice see your sweet smile. I know you are especially watching over your Dad right now. He loves and misses you so much. Someone told me the other day he has his own special angel taking care of him now. We ran in to a couple of your school mates the other night. They went all through school with you.They had memories to share and ask to see a picture of Jayden.They could not believe how much she looked like you. I think your Dad needed that . It always lifts his spirit when someone wants to talk about you. Things would be much more bearable right now if you were here. Thank you Jason for always being there. Love you , Carolyn

Carolyn Scott

December 7, 2009

Today is Thanksgiving where we all gather and have a great meal that I know that you always loved, and it used to be your favorite day to be very full. As today we gather down at mom's there is a empty place thats just for you that always will be just for you. On days like to today and like always we are so glad that you were a part of our lives and part of our family, and that is something that we are truly blessed with. Also we are truly blessed that we have Jesus in our hearts knowing that one day he will call us home to be rejoined with you in heaven. That will be are most thankful day in life.
So today we are thankful for you Jason and the man that you were and still our in our lives. Please keep your spirit near in the next few days as some of your loved ones will be needing you dearly.
We love you, miss you, and are very thankful for your loving heart.
Love you and Happy Thanksgiving.

Joni & Jayden
Wife & Daughter

November 26, 2009

During the Holiday season makes me remember all many memories of you and other loved ones that have gone on before me. You were so young when you were taken from your beautiful family. You are never suppose to question why GOD does things, but sometimes we do that when tragedys happen like the day you left us. I also know when GOD closes one door he opens another. The door that was opened left us with an amazing little girl who looks just like her daddy!! I know a child or husband can never be replaced but I also believe GOD gave Jayden to everyone who loved you to make the pain a little easier. During this holiday season, we are suppose to be thankful..and one thing I am thankful for is knowing one day I will be reunited with ones that I love and can love the ones that are still here. Loosing you has been a hard road for everyone that loved you. Loving you was a memory that will always be cherished. Rest in peace, Jason Scott. Until we meet again!!! Love always, Lisa


November 25, 2009

Jason, I have been thinking of you all week knowing you're birthday was comming up how could I forget when you and Chris were almost born on the same day . He takls about you all the time and they get a kick out of things that Chris does and they say that they can tell he is kin to you. We all Love and miss you. May you have a beautiful Birthday up there with all your family.

Love Aunt Faye,


November 19, 2009

Dear Jason,

Yesterday as we left work the song "Who You'd be Today" came on the radio.The words to that song could not be more true.
Sunny days seem to hurt the worst
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you every where I go
I see your smile,I see your face
I hear you laughin' in the rain
I still can't believe your gone.
It ain't fair : you died to young
Like the story that had just begun,
But death tore the pages all away.
God knows how I miss you,
Just knowin' no-one could take your place.
I wonder Who you'd be today
Some days the sky's so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know I'll see you again someday.
I do know if you were here today you would be the best Son anyone could ask for and the best Daddy Jayden could ever have. Love and miss you Dad and Carolyn

Carolyn Scott
Step Mom

November 19, 2009

My sweet precious son, how I miss and love you. Time is suppose to heal the hurts,but time has only strengthens that deep,precious, blessed love between a mother and her son. It does not get easy, but I do praise God beause I know you're spending your 30th birthday in Heaven, waiting with the angels until that day we will be celebrating birthdays and holidays together.
Jason, I love you, my son


November 18, 2009

Happy 30th Birthday!:)
Once again we see the 18th your specail day of the year. As we took your flowers, cards, and ballons one thing comes to mind as we wish we could do more. You know that we would love to if you were still only here. Time goes by and it seems as though yesterday we all sat together and ate a meal and of course your favorite cake. Those are moments that I cherish and miss the most. Birthday's and Holidays always seem the hardest to not have that beatiful smile there. As years have passed I still wish that Jayden would have got to at least spent one birthday with you. She celebrates each birthday just like you did with joy and laughter! This year she wrote you a specail message all by her self. This morning before school she sang this to you
"Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday DEAR DADDY
Happy Birthday to you!"
Then she wanted to know how old you were, I told her you were 30 and she said "gosh you guys are getting old!" Only your Daughter would come up with that one! Hey, but she can make you laugh just like you did all the time.
We just wanted to tell you that you were on our minds and in our hearts today like always. We wish you the best bithday ever and all the love we can send to the beatiful heavens!

Joni & Jayden
Wife & Daughter

November 18, 2009

You were a very special gift to all of those who knew you.
We were so blessed to have you with us for 24 yrs. Sending much love up to heaven on this special day. Today we will remember all the bithdays in the past. You always like to get money on your Birthday and of course Chocolate Chip Cookie. Jayden got you a card. She is just like her Daddy, she loves parties , cake, cookies and money. We miss yo so much. Wish you were here to celebrate with us.
Love you with all our hearts,
Dad and Carolyn

Carolyn Scott
Step Mom

November 18, 2009

Today I am missing my wonderful brother......He should be turning 30......He is loved and missed everyday........


November 18, 2009

It is November and the beginning of all the birthdays. They start the first week of the month and go until the month is over. There is one that has been missing for to long and that is yours. We remember how you loved to get presents and a special meal. It didn't matter if it was home cooked or at a restaurant to you.We loved doing little special things for you whenever we had a chance.
I miss you so much and wish you were here to handle the things that pop up now and then.Even as sweet and nice as your were,you would not stand for all the aggravation
Joni and Jayden face daily. The saying goes, "This To Shall
Pass". Until it does, keep a good watch over them and protect them with your love. We love you just as much now as we did over five years ago.Always in our hearts.

Donna Hamil

November 3, 2009

Dear Jason,

We miss you so much and wish you were here. Jayden scored a goal at her soccer game last night. She was so excited , she was giggling so hard. As we sat there and watched her play ,it is as though you are there with us. Your face, your smile your actions are very much alive in her. We are blessed with so many memories that help carry us through the days until we meet again. We love you Dad & Carolyn

Carolyn Scott
Step Mom

September 30, 2009

Dear Jason,

We felt you with us in spirit Saturday. Like Sheriff Guider said we could just see that big smile of yours smiling down on us. It rained all around us but never a drop on the ride in your memory. Jayden is learning a valuable lesson. It is better to give than receive. She enjoyed herself so much handing out water, and taking up toys for "Toys for Tots".
Each year that goes by she becomes more involved in the Bike Ride and she told me next year she wants 1,000 bikes to show up. Jason, you could not have ask for a more special little girl than she is. She took it really good about Hollie. I can still see you sitting there holding Hollie like she was a baby. She was never the same after you were gone. We miss you so much !!!! Love you
Dad and Carolyn

Carolyn Scott
Step Mom

August 31, 2009

Yesterday was our baby girls first day of school. She said she had such a great day! The things that she has done over the summer are a amazing!I know that I am very proud of her and I am sure you are too.
We have such a beatiful, sweet, and best all around little girl. How time has flown by it seems as though yesterday she was just a baby and now she says she's a big girl now. How amazing it is that together we had such a beatiful little angel. I suppose that you are still watching over her daily and speaking gentle words to her. She has come in the past few weeks to ask many questions about you and says that she misses you so much.I believe that is your sign telling me that you are right here beside us.
Keep that precious beat going and your watchful eye and loving heart on us.
We love you always.


August 20, 2009

Gpod morning my friend I have been thinking about you for the past few days every time i see a sticker on a car or something that reminds me of you this morning I was listening to Bro. Eddie's C.D and he was sining that song while walking with the Lord one day I heard my savior sweetly say come follow me and find sweet rest and that morning you did and I know that you are at rest. I hope you have see our new little angles up there can't you just see Missy with 3 babies but God knows best and hopefuly this one will be ok Jayden was over there feeding all her animals the other day and her and Chloee had a ball I know you would have laughed your buns off. Someone found a report that you had wrote up something about a windshield I think it was one of your days too. We love and miss you hope I haven't wrote to much I know you are in to something

Aunt Faye,


August 18, 2009

There are no words to express what we feel and how much we miss you.There are so many things in our daily lives that make us want you back so badly. Your daughter is so very special. Like Donna said she is a joy to us and brings much pleasure to our lives.She told us Sunday her Daddy told her not to throw out trash out the car window because a woo-woo would come up behind us really fast.She went on to explain you know my Daddy in the picture ,he told me that.She can make us laugh and want to cry at the same time. No doubt you and her would have a ball together. She is looking forward to the 6th annual Memorial Bike Ride. She is going to help collect the toys for the Toys for Tots.
We went to a family cookout the other day. Chris came in dressed in uniform. Chloee spotted him and took off running when she got to him she had her little arms stretched out to him.That is one of those moments you can't help but break down .We would give anything to see Jayden running to you with her arms out for you to pick her up. One day soon that day will come.
Love and miss you so much Dad and Carolyn

Carolyn SCOTT
Step Mom

August 10, 2009

Jason, I have been thinking about you so much lately. Just knowing all the wonderful things you got taken away from you on March 12,2004. Your little girl is learning so many new things and she is a joy to our lives. We LOVE and Miss you, my sweet son-in-law.
Forever in our hearts,
Donna Hamil

Donna Hamil

August 9, 2009

Homecoming at church, Father's Day has now passed and gone we remembered you so much on these special days. We have since went on vacation to the beach Jayden has got her noraml Jason Scott tan even with sunblock she still tans just like you! (Dark as ever) She was so funny that many things that she did at the beach was just another reminder of just how much we all miss your laughter and joy that you brought to this world.
It want be long till she goes back to school and then she says she will be a big girl then. This year will be interesting just to see how she does going all day. Our baby has grown so fast how time fly's anymore just yesterday it seems as though you made your journey to heaven and then our little angel was born. Memories are left that our all still so fresh and new and many more are being made by your daughter.
We love you and miss you so much! Keeping you close to our hearts always.
Love you.

Joni & Jayden
Wife & Daughter

June 25, 2009

Jason, Happy Fathers Day We miss you so much. Jayden picked a special place to put your card. She talked about you alot today. Wish you could be here with her. She is all about having fun just like her Daddy. We heard another funny story about you at the K-9 Dog trials yesterday.We could just see you stuffed in that suit with a dog latched on to you.We are so thankful for all your friends who share their memories of you with us. We love you,Dad and Carolyn

Carolyn Scott
Step Mom

June 21, 2009

We will be going on a little vacation in a few days. Another one without you. There want be a time that we want be thinking of you. Whether, it is at a restaurant, shopping in the souvenir store,or playing putt-putt, you will be remembered for something you said or did.
I wish with all my heart that you could have been with Jayden in her innocent years. You two would have been a hoot to be around. Joni says that you and Jayden would eat ice cream from the carton with a ton of sprinkle, while rubbing your big bellies.
Memories and Jayden are all we have left and we are so thankful we will always have those. Love you !!

Donna Hamil

June 11, 2009

We are missing you so much today. The cemetery looked pretty today decorated for Homecoming.Your flowers looked so good, Jayden picked the daisies out herself.Daisies are her favorite so she wanted you to have some.All the memories keep us going and keep you close to us in our heart.One day there will be a very special Homecoming, when we are all together again. Love and miss you
Dad and Carolyn

carolyn scott

June 7, 2009

Miss you man. It has been to long, but still seems like only yesterday.All I can think to say is we all miss you.

Deputy M. Acuff
LCSD #120

April 25, 2009

The days turn into years it seems with the blink of an eye. So here we are 5 years later still asking why; why our Jason. On March 12, 2009 we gathered at the department with family,friends and your brothers in blue. It was a day we brought together all our special memories of you. We proudly remember the ultimate sacrifice you made. It is with much pride your Dad and I remember a dedicated office,a loving son,an anxious dad,and a smile like no other.The qualities you possessed are not often found. We are so thankful for your forgiving spirit and the ability to love unconditionally,with a heart that had excepted Jesus.
Your friendliness and kindness made you many friends in your short lifetime. We are so blessed to have those friends and family to help us carry the pain of losing you. Our hope is that everyone could have someone like "Jason" in their lives. We miss you so much, with much love
Dad and Carolyn

Carolyn Scott
Step Mom

April 19, 2009

So lets see everynight I start the patrol car your picture is there and the thought goes thru my head about 3-12. I know your ridin with me watching and make some crazy joke or laughing so hard you cant breath... But hey that was how we were down in the jail. Well I know that your on my shoulder everytime a call comes thru with them wings spread way out cause that is what us brothers do. Well man I miss ya and think of you everyday.
Keep the beat and I'll keep it going down here for now until later...
Miss ya man.

Best Friend/LCSD

April 18, 2009

March 12th came once again that day is so hard just as it was five years ago. Replaying that morning as we woke up as you put your uniform on as we exchanged our always love yous and be careful out there. Your last comment always was I'll try not to stir it up to much. Who knew that day you didn't have to try to find something it came to you in a blink of eye your walk was soon cut way to short. So many days the thought goes by my mind when the clock hits 9:10 your spirit goes by no matter where we are. That is something that gives me peace that lets me know you are ok and your always by our side. No matter how much I miss you or how others in the family miss you there is one that will always and forever miss the things we got to have. Your Daughter is the main one that will never get to see that beatiful smile, hear the joy & laughter, feel your arms around her for a big teddy bear hug, or hear you ever say baby girl I Love you. She's the one that is and always will miss you the most. No matter what, we know you are here and always will be out on the old Philadelphia Rd. Where you lived as a wonderful husband and father.
Words can never express on this page the pain that is still in our hearts and the loss that we feel. But hey your in such a much better place than down here on earth. So as we go on thru the seasons awaiting our turn to be called home, will sit on the front porch and look to the sunset & clouds where you are looking at us just waiting as we are waiting for you to back with us again.
So five years gone by there is still our true love and empty hearts that misses you just as it did on 3-12-04.
Until then Jason we just want you to know that WE LOVE YOU AND ALWAYS WILL!
Love You

Joni & Jayden
Wife & Daughter

April 18, 2009

Jason, I just found this page and read some of the memories. What a sad day when you were taking away from your wife and unborn child. I have so many memories at the campsite. I will never forget you crawling in Keeshia's playpen just because you didn't want her alone. You were such a curious little boy too. The day I get married you ask Robert "So, what are you guys going to do now?" Trust me, I think your little girl is going to be just like you. She is the spitting image. You would be so proud of her. She is blessed to have such a wonderful mom and step dad who treasure your memory daily. She knows that her daddy was a hero, and that one day she will see him again. Until we meet again, Jason. You are loved and missed dearly!!

Lisa King

February 16, 2009

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