Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Jason Michael Scott

Loudon County Sheriff's Office, Tennessee

End of Watch Friday, March 12, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Jason Michael Scott

Jason been thinking of you a lot the bike ride is now over and it was a great sucess. We helped you'r dad but we didn't do much just help but the main thing is that you were thought of and talked about a lot and it helped a little girl that needed it. She is so sweet and you would have been proud. You're dad worked hard on it and was so proud of you to.You could see the Love and pride in his face.
We all love and miss you a nd think of you every day

Love Aunt Faye,


October 13, 2010

Dear Jason,
We were so proud as family and friends gathered for the bike ride in your memory. It was a beautiful day and we could feel you there with us.Even though you are not here with us physically, good things are still happening in memory of you.I know it would break your heart to see a sick child like Adyson.Helping the Cosner family shows what you were all about.You still bring joy to others as you always did.You are missed so much by so many people.
May we "NEVER FORGET" you and the ultimate sacrifice you made, may we "NEVER FORGET" the other officers who protect us daily, may we "NEVER FORGET" the needs of others in our community. We love you Jason
Dad and Carolyn

Carolyn Scott

October 13, 2010

Dear Jason,
The 7th Annual Bike Ride is quickly approaching.Once again it will help a child in our community. The T-Shirts this year is one of your favorite colors,Orange.They really look good.It seems impossible it has almost been 7 yrs and in other ways it seems much longer. We miss you Jason, your sense of humor, your smile, the love you had for life. Jayden's cheerleading homecoming was Saturday. I'm sure she was the apple of your eye as she walked across the football field.She is a very sweet and special little girl. Keep the watch.... Love Dad and Carolyn

Carolyn scott

September 20, 2010

Dear Jason,
I miss you so much. There are things I would like to talk to you about and hear you say "Don't worry just be Happy".
That was a phrase you used a lot and really meant it. Today is really no different from any other day.For some reason it hurts more some days than others. We were sitting outside the other night and out of the blue your Dad said wonder what Jason is doing.I said probably aggravating a family member or friend with a big smile on his face.You are never far from our thoughts. Jayden has had a good summer but I think she is looking forward to the 1st grade. Can you believe it?(1st Grade) She seems to like school and is very social. She is cheering on the hill this year and Joni says she loves it.It's going to be fun watching her.
Love and miss you so much..... Carolyn

Carolyn Scott

August 2, 2010


I haven't wrote you in a while but I hope you know that there is not a day goes by that I don't think of you .I call Chris and I think of you that instant and I think you know why. Jason all the holidays are not the same as when you were here and all the joke telling to. We went to Missies for the 4th and Dad and Carolyn were there too. Wish you could have seen the fire works and see Missy with her baby she is a good mom but you would laugh at her some too. Love and miss you very much.


July 6, 2010

Dear Jason,
I wish you could be here with us on this special day. I can only remember one time in the past when you forgot your Dad's birthday. You and Joni were married and you were so upset. You told me I was suppose to remind you. We could always count on you Jason and we miss you so much.
Sending you much love

Carolyn Scott
Step Mom

June 29, 2010

Dear Jason,
I hope you had a wonderful Father's Day in Heaven. Your Dad misses you so much and it is a hard day for him. Our pastor said there was no greater honor for a man than to be called "Dad". I am so glad you got to be called Dad before you left us. I know you are as proud of Jayden as your Dad is of you. We took Jayden to the cemetery for a visit yesterday. She said it is just too hot to get out, I can see my "Dad" from the car. She liked the air conditioning and watching The Chocolate Factory . She got a good one over on Gramps yesterday with some sort of a toy that shocked him. She is already filling your shoes pretty good in that area. She is like having a little piece of you with us. We are so thankful for that. Love you, Carolyn

Carolyn Scott
Step Mom

June 21, 2010

Dear Jason,

The cemetery looked so pretty yesterday as it was once again Homecoming.We know you are not there, that you are in a very special place in Heaven. It is still comforting to remember you in a special way by decorating your grave. It is also a reminder that one day there will also be a Homecoming in Heaven when we will all see each other again.We will always love you,miss you and remember you until that day comes. Love you , Dad & Carolyn

Carolyn Scott
Step Mom

June 7, 2010

Jayden had her graduation from kindergarten yesterday.I know you are very proud of her as we are.Once again she got the award for being a Best Friend.They told me Nonni cried and I wondered what she was thinking. Maybe pictured you watching your daughter with a big smile on your face from ear to ear. I know I do. She is so friendly and always upbeat with a sweet smile on her face. It is so hard to watch her grow up without you here but somehow I believe you get to watch from a very special place. She loves playing softball,swimming,cheering and of course Parties!!!! Who does that sound like? (Well not so much the cheering) Joni does a good job at keeping her busy. She is surrounded with alot of family and friends. Rest in Peace knowing she is cared for and loved very much....
We miss you day after day
Love Dad & Carolyn

Carolyn Scott
Step Mom

May 25, 2010


I agree with Carolyn; you would have been right there with us Tuesday night cheering, shouting and thanking God that Sheriff Guider got re-elected. We miss you every single day and think of you OFTEN! I don't know how many times I have glanced at the clock or watch and it says 910 and I can't help but think of you. A few of us are makming last minute plans to attend this years memorial since Mike morre's name is finally being added. We will definately spend some time at the wall by your name as well!!!!!

Lt. Teresa Smith
Loudon County Sheriff's Office

May 6, 2010

Dear Jason,
I wish you were here today to celebrate with us. You were always very supportive of Sheriff Guider and I know you are proud today he was re-elected for another term. March 12,2004 was a day that not only broke our hearts but broke Tim's as well. He was very proud of you and always remembers the sacrifice you made.Suzanne told us they don't just think of you on March 12, they talk about you and think about you everyday. Jason you are still missed by so many people. Your life made such an impact in so many different ways. We ran in to one of your buddies Tony at the ball field the other night. He could not get over how much Jayden looked like you. We had a good talk about the times you all use to come to the house in your little green truck.
I will miss your visit Sunday on "Mother's Day" . Thank you so much for the memories we shared . With God's help that's what gets us through, our memories and one day at a time.
Sending you lots of love, Carolyn

Carolyn Scott
Step Mom

May 5, 2010

Dear Jason,
This is a very special day. Your little girl turned 6 yrs old today.When her birthday comes there is the yearning and aching for you to be here with us. We miss you every day but there are certain events that deepens the hurt and pain of you not being here. We know you are proud of her and watching over her as she grows up. She is smart, funny,and quite the entertainer.
She kept us all entertained at her party last night. She played her pink fiddle while she sang Rocky Top and also did a little clogging. She is a joy to have in our lives. She has a favorite church-church (as she calls it) CD and her favorite song is "You Are Holy" she sings to the top of her lungs when we are riding in the car. Jason she has a love for Jesus at such a young age and loves going to church. Terry preached at church a couple of weeks ago and he said when he looked back and saw Jayden he almost losted it. He said he learned alot from you in your short life . That goes for all of us. We don't know why God chose to take you but we know you are having a wonderful life in heaven. We are forever thankful for you and the daughter you left for us to share in her life.
We Love and Miss you,
Dad and Carolyn

Carolyn Scott
Step Mom

March 23, 2010

Today was such a hard day. Trying to keep my self together for our daughter is so hard. We went to the buiding for a brief ceremony this morning. Every year it seems to get no easier to drive that path to the building where six years ago the parking lot was full of so many family members & close friends waiting to hear what all was going on. That day will always be a day of so much saddness and heart felt loss. As I took Jayden to school I came home and got that quite time I needed to myself to let my tears fall and my heart be so heavy. Then this afternoon Family, close friends, and some of your co-workers all came together to celebrate your life. I would say that it was very nice to see everyone join together and actually have a nice time for the memory of your great life here on earth. All the girls were playing and I could just see you right in the middle of all of them saying its my turn, and I bet you might have even cheered with them!!!
I had a thought cross my mind while everyone was at the house, that every time you entered any room what joy and laughter you brought. It seemed as if you were in the house tonight as everyone had great fellowship and happy smiling faces. That is what you were know for best was your smile. As we go thru another year and wait till the next I know that smiling face is the man that was my best friend and my loving husband. Now that you are in heaven my mind has peace knowing that you are smiling, laughing, playing funny jokes on people, and most of all still having that precious loving heart waiting on all of us to join you and have an eternal life together. As you know we will always miss you, not just on March 12th, but EVERYDAY of the year.
With much love,


March 12, 2010



March 12, 2010

Another year has passed and you are still admired and respectfully remembered in the hearts and minds of so many. My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this anniversary of your EOW. You will never be forgotten.

James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

March 12, 2010

This month brings all of us such great heartache,disbelief and even joy near the end. I will never forget the morning Martha called and ask me to go and get Joni. Things were quiet when she said you had been shot. What a terrible feeling came over me. Our lives at that moment stopped. She couldn't give any details at that time. Later we got the news from the ER Doctor. Every minute of that day stays with us constantly. Just eleven days after that a precious baby girl was born. She looked so much like her daddy and brought great joy to our hearts.She will be six years old on March 23. Six years of sorrow and joy. We miss you six years later and we did the day you had to leave us. Jayden has been a joy and I know you watch over her in her daily life. We love and miss you and will see you again in a short while.

Donna Hamil

March 10, 2010


March is once again here. March 12, 2004 is a day that lives in each of us at LCSD every day of every year. You will forever be loved and missed.

Lt. Teresa Smith
Loudon County Sheriff Office, TN

March 8, 2010

Here once again we go thru the rough road of memories that took place on March 12, 2004. So many things that run through our minds during this month that are just so hard to deal with. As time has went on for the past six years more things are much easier to deal with than they were in the past. As I look futher on to how many more months of March I will be here on this world it's so important to put our daughter first on how she deals with the loss of you. She starts talking about her birthday after Christmas and as the month of March comes then she begins to ask about "Daddy's Day". She doesn't know anything yet in detail, but yet she truly knows your not here and that for now is enough for a soon to be six year old sweet angel to have to deal with. As we usually join together to remember you and the sacrifice you made this year we are going to have a gathering of family & friends to embrace our memories of how wonderful you were, and not on our pain, and greif of losing you. As time goes on it does seem like the pain and hurt should get a little lighter but every March 12 morning is always the same, and always just as if we stood in that day all over again from start to finish.
So when we all gather to spread the joy and happiness you brought to all of us so that your Daughter will truly be learning all about you, and not just the pain that we feel for your loss.
Time has flown by so fast that now six yrs. has came, there is still no change in the way my heart still loves you and misses your sweet smile and love.
Knowing that you are still standing and waiting on us we shall never forogt the day that God called you home, and how his saving grace holds are place so that one day we will be called home and we ALL shall have eternal life in the golden gates of heaven together.
Until then we shall hold our heads high and keep you in our special place in our hearts.

Joni & Jayden
Wife & Daughter

March 7, 2010

The month of March is here once again.With it brings back many hurtful memories of the day you were taken from us.As time goes on without you, God begins to heal our broken heart and helps us to see things in a different way. When you are hurting so bad it is hard to understand that God does not make any mistakes. He has a plan and even though it is a perfect plan it is hard to except. Joni and I were talking last night and she said Jayden had already been asking about March 12 because she knows something comes before her birthday. She doesn't understand completely yet but she knows she wants to do something on that day. Joni said she does not want March 12 to always be a sad day for Jayden. This year there will be a celebration of your life not your death. As close friends and family gather we want to remember you. Your smile , your sense of humor , your ability to light up a room without even trying and most of the the love that you showed to all of us.Jayden was looking thru some tapes Sunday and she said whats this Mammie, I said that is the tape where your Daddy and Mama got married. She said can I see it. I told her we would watch it one day. I'm sure when Joni feels the time is right they will watch it together. You were so happy and so nervous that day.Jayden will know then why everyone says she is just like her Daddy. Sending you much love today.
Missing you so much, Love Dad and Carolyn

Carolyn Scott
Step Mom

March 2, 2010

Dear Jason,
I can see that great big smile of yours after the news we got yesterday. Just knowing you are watching over your Dad helps get us through the rough spots.I have been reading a book about Heaven that is Bibically based. I really believe you are up there looking down on us daily. We can still feel your love and always will. We are so blessed. We miss you so much and love you with all our heart. Carolyn

carolyn scott
Step Mom

February 4, 2010

Jason I was thinking of you today and missing you it is snowing like crazy here but you already know that.It sure is beautiful just remembered that you all would be out helping othes today and also having a little fun I know that Chris sure does miss you he tells me about things that you would do and how you would laugh I can just see you now. Have a beautiful day and I thank you and God for watching out for you'r Dad . I know that you put in a good word for him Love you alot.

Aunt Faye

January 30, 2010

Now it is 2010, we just celebrated another CHRISTmas and another ball drop in time square with out you here. Each year I leave a reflection of how each Christmas goes, but this year I would like to say thank you to God for the blessings that he gave us this past year. How many things were needed for your watchful eye to look over, and how somethings I know you made sure were taken care of. Each day goes by as Jayden is now growing as she matures into a girl that sometimes I believe thinks she is already sixteen! She is such a huge blessing to me. She talks about you very often more now than ever. Questions have started about why, where, and how and I am not sure that she is really old enough to understand yet. I do know that she says alot how she wishes you would come back and see her. Oh how I wish you could. I do not know her pain, or her empty space that she feels in her heart and in her life. I just know that it breaks my heart to see her have to go thru this. I know that you will let me know when that time is right and I hope that you watch for others to keep there thoughts and comments to there self as this is yours, mine and Jayden's conversation that we will one day have together. People's selfish actions causes others so much pain and grief that they do not have a clue. The world these days are so much worse than when you were here it seems since March of 2004 Loudon and surrounding counties have been much worse in crimes. Thank God you are in a much safer place now where that doesn't happen anymore. I can not wait until the rest of us join you where we dont have anymore worries or heartache. As we start 2010 nothing still never changes are empty hearts, or days where you are missed so dearly. So keep your eye on us as always and others that you know and love through this next year that we all may be blessed with your gentle spirit and loving hand.
We love you always and forever.

Joni & Jayden
Wife & Daughter

January 3, 2010

Jason, Christmas has come and gone, the New Year is here and we are still missing you. While I was wrapping presents, I started thinking of you. Remembering when you wrapped one present for Joni and used a whole roll of tape. You wanted it to be sealed very good. Jayden was especially sweet this Christmas but then she's precious everyday. She loved all her gifts. Ricky, told her earlier to go brush her teeth and get ready for bed. She said," all you people do is tell me to do stuff all the time, Why don't you do something for me Being five she forgets about the games I picked up off the floor and the crayons she left out. I don't mind though she will be grown up soon enough and we all will wish we could pick up after her. I just wanted to share some of the cute things she says with you. Miss you more everyday and love you dearly.

Donna Hamil

January 1, 2010


I think about you often but even more so lately with your Birthday being last month and of course Christmas this month. Everyone misses you and you come up in our conversations often at LCSD.....we still miss you and mourn losing you every single day. I hope your beautiful baby girl, Jayden, had a wonderful Christmas....she is just like you!!!!!

Lt. Teresa Smith
Loudon County, TN Sheriff Office

December 26, 2009

Dear Jason,
We miss you every day. Some days are more of a struggle than others.We were talking to some people from the dept the other night at the Toys for Tots benefit.Jayden had been there earlier in the day and they were amazed at how much see looked and acted like you. Jimmy Davis said just look at her she even walks like Jason.She went running to the Sheriff and gave him a big hug. Suzanne and I were talking about how much you were looking forward to Jayden's arrival and how we could picture you playing with her. I think they were all pretty much taken back by her visit.You would be so proud of her . She is so friendly and loving. Where ever she is your presence is there also.The Dept. still remembers you and always will.Hopefully Jayden's visits will help to keep those memories of you in their hearts forever.We will be thinking about you especially at Christmas when Jayden is opening her presents just wishing you could be here.She told me the other day she had friends she could talk to but not her Daddy. That broke my heart. It is very difficult to have an answer for that. Keep watching over her. We will all get through this together.
How awesome it must be to celebrate Jesus birth in Heaven.
It is very comforting to know while we are celebrating Jesus birth here he is holding you in his arms there.Soon we will all be there celebrating together.
As every year the blue lights are in our windows remembering all the officers who protect us every day,and a special one for "910"
We love you Jason Merry Christmas
Dad and Carolyn

Carolyn Scott
Step Mom

December 17, 2009

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