Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Investigator Mark Reid Tucker

Wake County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina

End of Watch Thursday, February 12, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Investigator Mark Reid Tucker

Hey my Hero!
As I prepare to leave for NPW and the National Peace Officer's Memorial Service, I reflect back to the many times you and I attended these events. I remember how proud I was of you for being the man of honor that you were. I remember you telling me I wouldn't see you name on that memorial wall, but it is there Panel 59 W line 24. You had no crystal ball or fortune-telling abilities that I am aware of and could not have known that in 2004 you would face your own demise. You were killed by a failure of the system you tried so hard to make work right.
I have nine families whose loved one's name has been placed on that wall this year. I go to support them and give the some of the strength I have felt from other survivors. Watch over Leanne, Chad and I as we make our way to DC and home this week. I will always love you!

Patriia Tucker,wife

May 12, 2008

So many names
Upon the wall,
And God's arms
Holds them all.
Fathers and sons,
Sisters too,
Died for the badge,
Died for the blue.
Hopes and dreams
Died also that day,
With their last breath
Such a sad price to pay.
Though others will follow
In their shoes,
There's room for them
In God's arms too.
In God's loving arms
These men shall ever rest,
Their badges shining proudly
Upon their blue chests

Kristina Tucker

February 13, 2008

Hey Uncle Mark! I can't believe its been 4 years since you were taken from us. You are still missed so much...theres still not a day that goes by that I don't think of the events of that day and also how much it has changed us all forever. You will always be a hero in my eyes and will never ever be forgotten!! We love you so much and I'm sure you're enjoying yourself inside the pearly gates of heaven!! By the way, Your lil niece is engaged and will take a new name at the end of this year, but I'll always be a proud Tucker by blood!!! Tell Granddaddy I said hey and keep a good watch over us!!

One day we'll all be together again...but until then, I love you Uncle Mark and thanks for all you did while you were here!!

Kristina Tucker

February 12, 2008

Hey Uncle Mark. It's been four years since you went to Heaven but it seems like yesterday. We all miss you very much. I just wanted to let you know we love you and continue to help keep everyone safe down here. Tell Grandaddy we said hello.

Love, Alyssa, Natalie and Chris.

Chris Tucker

February 12, 2008

Unfortunately I only met you once, but as the years have passed, your family has been kind enough to share with me what an outstanding man you had become. You were a man of may things; the law, integrity, respect, kindess, understanding, and most certainly a man of love.
My family and I thank you so much for your outstanding service and dedication. You will never be forgotten & you will always be missed.

Emily Wilson
A friend of Matthew's

February 12, 2008

On this 4 year anniversary we are thinking of You and your family.

By reading the reflections, you are loved and missed by many. Continue to watch over them all as they heal and remember you today and in the future.

We thank you for your service to the community, you are a True Hero and will not be forgotten!

Craig Figgins
Brother - SGT Dan Figgins St Charles, IL EOW 4/9/05

February 12, 2008

Hey Uncle Mark! Just wanted to stop by on the 4 year anniversary of your untimely death and let you know how much you are missed...... I still think about you and what happened every day. Four years later, we've all learned to cope in our own ways, but that doesn't make it any less difficult.

Please tell Grandaddy hello, and that I miss him too. Love you both. Until that day......

Angela Tucker
Mark's Niece

February 12, 2008

Hey dad. It's been to long since I have left you anything on here. I haven't been doing all that great. I could use your knowledge and your help. Man it still feels like yesterday that you woke me up to tell me it was snowing, and then you were gone. I love you, and will always miss you. You are my Real life Hero! May I make you proud with the line I walk in life. But I remember everyday that I have my own shoes to fill, but I will always follow right behind you steps.

Love you,

Matt Tucker
Mark's youngest son

February 11, 2008

You are missed more than you will ever know. I feel as if I've known you my entire life when Matt tells me stories about his childhood; his eyes light up with pride whenever he mentions your name. Words truly can't express what an amazing man you are. You will forever be missed and loved. God Bless You Mr. Tucker.

Family Friend

February 11, 2008



February 9, 2008

"The Badge"

He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.

He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.

Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.

He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.

His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.

He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.

And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.

But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.

Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.

Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.

So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.

In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.

Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.

Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission

Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC

December 31, 2007

Merry Christmas Uncle Mark. Alyssa had a big Christmas and everyone is doing well. Tell Grandaddy hello and continue to watch over us. Alyssa, Natalie and I love you both very much.

Chris Tucker

December 26, 2007

My thoughts are with all of your loved ones as Christmas approaches. I know they will be thinking of you even more during this holiday season and it's only natural as they love and miss you terribly. Continue to keep watch over them and protect them. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

December 18, 2007

Happy Anniversary....would have been our 30th. This has been a tough time for me. I am missing you so much. I often wonder where we would have celebrated this anniversary? Unlike our 25th when you bought me that Kirby was "silver" in color! What a sense of humor you had. That was part of your charm. I love you honey! Watch over all of us this holiday season!

Trisha, wife

December 14, 2007

Happy 53rd birthday honey!! I wish I were with you to help celebrate with you. Life seems to move so slowly without you in my life. I am trying to stay busy but never seem comfortable with the times when I am at home alone or go out to eat alone. The lack of stimulating conversation and your smile is so missed by me and the boys. There are days I wish I would not awaken to another sunrise. Life and living it has been so hard since you were taken from all of us!! Know that I still do love you!!

Trisha Tucker, wife

November 7, 2007

I worked for Wake in dispatch from 2003 to 2005 and he was one of the nicest investigators I worked for he was a very good man.


October 29, 2007

Hello My Hero!!
Today I attended a memorial service for Officer's Killed in the Line of Duty in Carteret County. There were nearly 50 people present to honor those officer's killed in the line of duty in Carteret County. The rain held off until the end of the service...God honors HIS HEROES!!
I was so honored to be the presenter of the wreath for this Memorial!! Your name will never be forgotten in NC......EVER!!! You were so loved by more people than I ever realized!! You know my know how much of my heart you own......most of it!! ILU,INU,IWU,4 ever...luv me!!!!

Mark's Wife
Presisent, NC COPS

October 27, 2007

My Hero!!
Today the Matthew's family agin held their annual golf tournamanet in honor of their beloved son Bryan who was killed in the line of duty 9/30/2005.
We had greater than 80 golfers, an absolutely beautiful day to golf, and they raised for NC COPS $8000 to help us assist our survivors.
We talked about the hardships many families face when their loved on is killed in the line of duty. No one.....not the state, the agency, the county or city they served, no one wants to help these families, Even fewer want to help their co-workers. That's why there is COPS, somone who wants to meet the needs of all the survivors, family, friends, and co-workers.
I have missed you so very much this past couple of weeks. You have been on my heart and my mind to where I have been distracted by being focused upon you. Thank you for giving me back my ruby ring that was lost 3 yrs ago. I found it yesterday when I moved the stove out to replace the microwave with a vent a hood. I have only moved that stove a dozen times, but yesterday you gave my ring back. Does that mean that it is time for me to move on without you?? Remember, I am as stubborn as you...I will move on when I am ready. Rejoice with me over our great turnout and monies raised. Cry with me that the room in DC is never empty of those who are hurting and lost. Smile your huge smile down upon me. Be waiting at the gate when I arrive with one of your hugs.......I vowed to love you forever, and that still has not changed. hero!

Trisha, Mark's wife
President of NC COPS

October 13, 2007

Our brother officer is not forgotten, do you ever see one of those "Blue Line" license plates? The first time I ever saw one was when the FOP started selling them, he droped off a stack of them for lawmens to try and sell. That was the first time I saw the famous blue line plate, it had to be before 1999 if memory serves me well. Beyond that, last week I recieved a call from my dispatch at home, they lost radio contact with the duty officer..... I left the house in street clothes heading to the hospital. Lucky for us, it was a broken radio and all was well. When I think of "worst case" events, what happened to Mark gets me very angry and keeps me motivated to do anything in my power to make officers safer at work. I did not know mark well, I talked with him 5 or 10 times over the years. He was allways happy, he seemed to have a smile stuck on his face. I just want your family to know, you are not forgotten and wish that they see as time passes officers never forget those who have fallen.


Chief, J.M. Boyle

October 12, 2007

Hello Brother Mark, I hope and pray you are looking over us along with Daddy, we sure need a helping hand even more now. I'll never get over you as long as I live and will think about how our lives would be different if you were here right now. Its very hard to maintain happiness as I see what is happening to all the individuals in our family. Each have been affected in their own way and handle it their own way. But hopefully soon, we'll all come together and see that "together" is the right and only way to keep going past this. I know that is what you would have us focused to do.

Dan E. Tucker
Youngest Brother

August 28, 2007

Hey Uncle Mark! :) How's it goin up there? I'm sure its absolutely wonderful and not even comparable to life on earth!! I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about ya. We had a fatality at work yesterday (my first one the 2 years I've been with EMS, imagine that!)...anyway, the investigators came out there and it kind of gave me an insight of some of the things you may have done. You were a wonderful person, father, brother, husband, Uncle and friend! Your service in law enforcement will never be forgotten and you are a true hero, Uncle Mark! There's not a day that goes by I don't think of you!! I hope you and granddaddy are enjoying yourselves up there (no doubt you are). I got to speak with Gerald Atkins for the first time a couple weeks ago about the events of that day and good times ya'll had. I enjoy hearing stories remembering you! Well, keep watch over us...only 2 semesters of nursing school left! :) I love you and miss you very much!
Thank you for all you did!!

Kristina Tucker

Kristina Tucker

August 3, 2007

Hello my Hero!!
I have had much time to reflect upon my "new life" without you. It does not get any easier as time goes by. I find myself missing you more each day and needing a hug that no one but you can give. Both of your sons are becoming fine young men. They are coming into their own finally. Both are in love and both plan to marry within the year. Chad and Maeghan R....yes J.R.'s daughter are so in love and will probably marry by Christmas......making me an instant grandmother(to Maeghan's son). Matt and Kate are head over heels in love and will marry by next summer. I will be knocking around this big old house by myself and three cats...go figure!!Life is really not too bad other than I am just so lonely for you!! You were the breath I breathed, the beat of my heart, my first thought upon awakening, and the last person I kissed good night. You were the answer to my prayers, the love of my life, the smile upon my face, the light of my life.....which now exists in darkness without you!! I just do not seem to be able to pick myself up and move forward with MY life. I want too, but no one measures up to you...I know that is not fair, but you are MY "GOLD STANDARD" by which everyone I meet my be compared too!!! Aren't you glad I am THAT picky??
Last weekend I met some of the bravest women and men whom are also survivors. They came from all over the country for COPS training. Many have suffered worse than I have as they have lost their child. I can not imagine the pain they are suffering like you mom, when your child is supposed to outlive the parent. My heart aches and breaks for them, for I know how much I love you, but how losing a piece of your you gave life too has to be much worse!!Mark....I know you know my heart, and how much you mean to me today. I love you so much it hurts with a vengance. Keep watch over us.....come home to me one day just so I know you still want to be with us as much as we need you here.I love you honey and always will til my dying breath......I am forever yours!!!!

Trisha Tucker, Mark's wife

July 23, 2007

I signed on to the ODMP page and your photo was the first one that opened for me this date and I thought I would come to your page and leave a reflection. There are no magic words I can offer to any of your loved ones to help them with their grief for there are none. All any of us can do is take one day at a time and know that there are good days, if you want to call them good, and there are bad days. Continue to watch over your loved ones, wrap your wings around them and help them with their grief. Come to them in their dreams in vivid color so they know you are near and watching over them. You will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

July 18, 2007

Hello My Hero!!!
I have had a very busy spring and had been honored by LHJ and then Mayor Bloomberg's office has used me to do a 30 sec. spot which has been airing on national news channels, CNN,MSNBC, etc. to oppose the Tiahrt ammendment which prevents LEO from tracking weapons used in crimes back to the original owner/seller!! If that had been in effect when you were killed, the perpetrater would have walked instead of being behind bars for the reminder of his life!! I wish you could see the spot.....I guess you can see anything I do!!! I stand up for Law Enfaorcement. Trying to pass that 25 yr retirement bill, oppose gun regulation that handcuffs LEO's, and support all the families who have lost loved ones in NC this year!! or any year!! I so miss your smile, your soft mumbling voice, your bright blue eyes as they twinkle the LOVE you have for me, your smell of masculinity, sitting in companionable silence, the sound of your soft snore at night, you tolerating my COLD feet against your legs to warm them.......I miss everything about you!! You will never be far from me, but you are a millenium away from me. I will always love you!!!

Trisha, Mark's wife

June 15, 2007

Today is National Law Enforcement Memorial Day. I salute you on this day for your bravery, heroism and dedication to law enforcement. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones each and every day. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

May 15, 2007

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