Wake County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
End of Watch Thursday, February 12, 2004
Reflections for Investigator Mark Reid Tucker
Well, Uncle Mark... I just don't know what to say. You were joined in Heaven tonight by Grandaddy. Ya know, ever since him and grandmama have been in Carolina House, he's always said how much he wanted to go home (he meant the house you grew up in on Walnut St)... Well, tonight he went to his forever home in Heaven with you and our Lord. I know as he took his last breath, he also squeezed in a sigh of relief to know that he was headed home to see you again. He never did get over your death, and it was painful just to hear him talk about it. SO MANY things reminded him of you... and so many things are left behind that still remind Grandmama of you too. She's not doing so well, as you can imagine. They would have been married 60 years in March. Can you believe that?!?!!! Remember when we threw them their 50th wedding anniversary party? I was looking through those pictures just a few months ago when I went to visit them. Pictures of you looked like you had just gone for a fresh coating of head-wax. hehehe. Well, you and Grandaddy keep each other company up there, ok? You two have got a big job to watch over us down here. Please tell Grandaddy to make his presence known to Grandmama and help her make it through the next several days... weeks... months... years... Love and miss you both very much!!!
Angela Tucker
Mark's neice
September 29, 2006
Hello my hero!!!
Wow what an exciting week I have had. Last Thursday went to Asheville for the State FOP Fall Meeting. Was allowed to sit in on the meetings and received many hugs and well wishes. Don asked me to stay for the presentation of the Mark Tucker Award so I agreed to do so. I had gone to the meeting with the sole purpose to "beg" for monies from the FOP to become "Friends of COPS" especially NC COPS!! When they made presentations for Valor Under Fire, Randy Hagler did the scenario leading up to the moment recognized. Then the President of the Asheville lodge #1 presented Don Penix with the Mark Tucker Award for service to the state lodge......Don was teary eyed and red faced and so surprised but he told everyone that it meant more to him because I was present when he received it!! That was sooooo special to be a part of the presentation and to have my picture taken for the magazine this fall/winter edition. Back to business...went to beg for monies and your buddies in LEO and FOP gave NC COPS $2000 in donations so we can send family members to the retreats that help heal and renew lives!!
Have I told you how much I miss you and wish as Diamond Rio so amply put it for "One More Day With YOU!!!" If not then count me as remiss!! You are always my 1st thought of everyday!
Tonite I met with Lisa, a journalist who is writing an article about you for Ladies Home Journal, and Dan Vice from the Brady Center who is sueing the pawnshop on your behalf to SHOUT to gunshop sellers to be aware of whom they are selling guns to and why!! WOW how emotional an evening this has been...too many tears and no resolution to your loss!!! Tonite I felt you near me thru out the entire interview and knew that you approved of everthing I said!
When she asked me about legislation to prevent victims families being able to sue gun dealers that is now before congress......I told her if they will invite me or allow me to come and tell them MY story and then ask them is this really how you want to treat you first line of defense against terroism is to "brush them aside like trash" then pass the legislation to prevent families like me from being able to have any recompense then pass your bill and stop us in our tracks, but if you think we will go away think again!!!
I have been so heart broken without you these 2 and 1/2 yrs. There are toooooo many nites when I wish I had you to bounce things off of!! I have decided to sell the house we purchased 14 yrs ago as I can no longer look out on your death site......I have cried enough about losing you.....I need to smile again and be happy at least when I leave home for work and return every nite......when the days become long like now, all I see are bluelights flashing for over a mile on both sides of the street!! KNOW YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN MY HEART.....but I need to leave this place and move on as do your sons!!!! U R my HERO!!! ILY,INY,IWY, forever!!
your lovin' wife......TRISHA
Trisha Tucker
September 26, 2006
I never had the opportunity to meet you but I feel as though I have known you for forever. I see Matt's eyes light up whenever he talks about you; he's so proud to call you his dad. The very frist time I came into your home I was admiring the beautiful memorial case that displays all of your awards and badges. Matt told me the story of every award, badge, and certificate in the case; all I can say is thank you. Thank you for dedicating your life to protecting others and caring enough to make a difference in this world. We will NEVER forget you sir. You are a true hero.
Katie Masson
Katie Masson
Youngest son's friend
August 31, 2006
I had the privlege of meeting Investigator Tucker's brother following Hurricane Katrina's aftermath. We had a very long conversation about the tragic incident that took his brother's life away. I too feel the pain when I read Mrs. Tucker's entry's in the reflection column. I wish the Tucker family my deepest condolences and wish Mrs. Trish the best of luck in trying to make a difference in the fight on gun control...
Firefighter Steven Navarro
Jackson County Fire District (Ocean Springs, Mississippi)
August 27, 2006
August 2, 2006
Mark, I have foiund out tonight that Lee Godwin was killed in a Motorcycle wreck today. It bring back new and old feeling to hear about this. He was one of my friends, and he was inspired by you and his dad I'm sure to get into law enforcement. He will be missed take care of him and y'all watch over us donw here. I love you and miss you always.
Matthew Alan Tucker
Mark's Youngest Son/ One of the Tucker Boys
July 31, 2006
How is my Hero tonite??? I have grieved over you more in the past 4 months than I think I have since you were taken from me. There is a void in my life that can not be filled and I feel so empty sometimes. I pray tha God will bring me to you, but I know it is His will not mine and so I remain behind. I need someone special in my life to help heal tha pain and anguish I have felt since you were so rudely snatched from my life, never to come home to your family again!! Your sons need your guidance, I need your companionship and love, your brothers need the prankster back in their lives, your sister need you strong countenance and quiet demeanor.your parents just need to see you and ask your opinion on what is going on!! I try not to ask God why????? but is human nature to want to know!!!Ask our father and our Lord to bring a peace to my heart, a smile to my face, a contentment to my life, and to continue to hold me in his arms until I am strong enough to carry on without you!!!! ILU, IMU always and forever Trisha
Trisha Tucker
July 23, 2006
Mark not may ppl. come on here to often anymore. I just want you to know that I still love you, and think of you always. I have found that I have to be my own guieding light, You were always that for me, but not anymore. oh yeah Drew and his g/f got married today, I missed it b/c I had to work. I will be putting in apps. for Law Enforcement pos. in the early or late fall. I want to be in Law Enforcement probably more than you every wanted too. I can't wait and I'll take anything. I love you ttyl.
Matthew A. Tucker
Mark's Youngest son/ One of the Tucker Boys
July 15, 2006
You are a true hero and will never be forgotten by those that love you, nor will the Blue Family ever let you be forgotten. Keep watch over your family, wrap your wings around them and help them with their grief. So many broken hearts have been left behind. I salute you for your long and dedicated career to law enforcment. It was a very dark day in February 2004 not only for your family but the law enforcement community. Heroes never die.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon
July 10, 2006
I just wanted to tell you I love you and that I miss you.I wish I had you here to help me in the paths I want to take inmy life. I know that your are with me, but I wish you were here. I love you, and I hope that you are having a wonderful father's day up there. Watch over all of us, family and friends. we miss you. see ya later Hero. ttyl.
Your loving Son,
Matthew Alan Tucker
Matthew A. Tucker
Mark's youngest Son
June 16, 2006
Investigator Tucker:
I wanted to thank you for your sacriface and your long career in police work. I set by your wife and neice at the ceremony at the Capitol. I can see your wife's pain in her eyes. I am so sorry for her loss. You must have been a wonderful man with an incrediable career. I just wanted to say thank you for your service and to say how sorry I am to your family.
My deepest and most sincere respect
Debra Hickman, Mother of
Officer Cole Martin EOW 4/25/03
May 24, 2006
Hello my Hero!!
This past week has been busy with Police week and NCAGV having a press conference about illegal gun sales and legislation they are trying to past to prevent such. Police week was harder on me this year than last. I just cna't believe your name is on that wall and that everything we had planned for our future was lost 2 yrs ago. I am so lonely without you and the void is as deep and wide as the Jordan River. I am thinking of selling the house as it is too big for just me. I just need to paint the interior and clean out the attic, which will be a chor as we have 14 yrs of clutter collected up there. Know I will always love you and carry you in my heart everyday. You are my first thought in the morning and my last at night. Oh how I miss you so. Trisha
Trisha, Mark's wife
May 22, 2006
You are not forgotten sir.
Citizen, Raleigh NC
April 25, 2006
Hello there Mark. I never got to know you, but I somehow think if I had, we would've gone round and round, if you really ARE anything like Matthew. I've heard so many, many amazing things about you. I admire you for all you have accomplished, for your wonderful wife, and your amazing sons. I'm kinda fond of your oldest son. *Wink, wink.* Your wife is truly amazing, and every time I talk to her, she conveys the love you two had for one another SO strongly, that I feel it to my bones.
I went to school to go into law enforcement. I never finished, but I've been given another opportunity to do so, and I'm taking it this time. I just hope I can accomplish as much as you have and stare death in the face as bravely as you did. I never knew you, Mark, but I miss you. I wish I had been around to meet you. I'm sure it would've been entertainment for everybody, as I've heard you were full of piss & vinegar, and I've been told the same thing about myself.
By the way, stop messing with that bathroom light. Chad and I know it's you. It's not funny. What if I poked my eye out with eyeliner? Well, I know you'd laugh, but that's not the point.
Please help me look after Trisha, Matthew, Chad, Nanny, and all your furry children. I love them all dearly.
I suppose I'll meet you face to face eventually, but until then, just know I'm thinking about you.
With love,
Jessica Lauren Davis
Jessica Davis, Girlfriend of Chad Tucker
March 29, 2006
O...my Hero!!!! I spent the most wonderful weekend with Robbie and Don and the 4, mind you 4 rat terrors and 1 cat "RAMBO" and had the best time of my lifE!!!!!We watched movies,sang songs, watched TV and the awful game between Duke and Carolina.... and UNC won at Cameron!!!! Reddick was not hot but Carolina WAS!!!!! Wishing you could have been with me this special weekend....just like our last "spring weekend" in Asheville...6 in of snow but none on the road!!!!! It was a beautiful sight~!!!!!!!all the way home......ILU,LMU,IWU, 4EVER!!!!!!TRISHA
March 5, 2006
Hello my hero.... U already know how much I miss U!!!To night is especially long as no one is home but ME!!!!and I am MISSING U SO MUCH!!!!!! I will leave on Friday 2 visit Robbie for the 1st time since we went to Asheville for the FOP March (spring)Board meeting and it snowed 5-6inches of beautiful snow on the ground and cars, however the streets were clear....except for Robbie's mountain!!! This week is supposed to be so HOT, just like 3 yrs ago....when we could not meet your sister for lunch due to snow!! Will B thinking about us as I alone drive 2 Asheville on Friday!!!!! IMU. ILU. 4ever!!!!!!! luv you, Trisha
Trisha Tucker
February 28, 2006
Hello my Hero!!!! Today makes 730 days since our God called you home! I have had a really great day today provided by the One being who knows all! I have been sad as I sat and watched the qualifying for the Daytona 500 and watched the Bud Shootout with a rookie for Joe Gibbs winning over Jr. and Tony Stewart!!! Both of the boys stayed close to home until after 6 p.m. then left to "do their thing".... Moma is much better, and your parents seem to be adjusting to their new surroundings!!I am sure that you have been the prominent thought on all of our minds today! I want you to know that I miss you so much, but I am finding that time is a healer...I don't cry as much, but will always miss and love as only a 1st love can be loved!!! Thank you for watching over us and protecting us from harm.... ILU, IMU, always Trisha
Trisha Tucker, wife and survivor
February 12, 2006
It has been 2 years since you left and
it is sad to read the reflections from your family about how much they miss you. But that is also a good thing cuz it would be even sadder if
they didn't. Just shows what a wonderful person, husband and Dad
you were. Keep worshipping the Master till we get there to join you!
Time will not diminish your sacrifice.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
February 12, 2006
I have never met you, but I salute you. I am not a police officer yet, but hope to continue on in the footsteps of great men and women like you.
Robert Powell
An American
February 12, 2006
I only talked to you on Wake 1 a couple of times. You were so nice to me considering I was a new guy and I appreciate that.
Dean Chrismon
formally Wake Co
February 12, 2006
Investigator Tucker..just wanted to let you know that you are not forgotten..please be with your family - friends & co-workers as they get ready to celebrate your 2nd birthday in Heaven on Sunday..continue to watch over them & your fellow brothers/sisters in blue..YOU ARE GONE..BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN..REST IN PEACE & WITH EASE BLUE ANGEL!!!!
girlfriend of a dpd
detroit, mi
February 10, 2006
MY HERO, U can never understand just how much I MISS U or how much I LOVE YOU!!!! I am so alone these days and nights....your sons are growing up and leaving me at home alone to deal with my grief by myself.... They are moving on with their lives as I stand and march time with the beat of the drummer!!!! U R N my thoughts every day and N my heart always... I will plan to go spend time with your sister at the first of the month.....She remembers us coming up in the spring of the year and us getting snowed upon and not being able 2 see them that Sunday (they could not get down off their mountain!!!)Margaret and U R smiling down on us!!!U understand my pain,,,,but U cannot feel the PAIN my heart feels in your loss!!! RIP my sweet, sweet LOVE!!!!! ILU always!!Trisha
Trisha Tucker
February 7, 2006
Omy HERO!!!Tomorrowyour parents will be placed in an assisted living facility. They need to be there!!Mother has been so sick with pneumonia this past month that I have bearly seen home. All my Christmas decorations are still up!!! Hush your mouth!!So I sometimes..even frequently left decorations up until July 4th or all year if no one was looking!!! You will NEVER know just how much I miss you or your wisdom!!Everyday I wish...and wish... I could have just one more day with U...no phone, no TV, just U and me for 24 hours of saying how much I love U!!! I want to move on, but I just can't!!!
Trisha Tucker
February 3, 2006
O my Hero!!!!I spoke with your sister last nite and she told me that ALL the children are placing your parents in an extended living facility!!! Your dad is still saying that "He hasn't decided to go", but your brothers and sister have given him no choice!! Your mom and dad are getting so feeble and are no longer able to care for themselves. My moma just got home from a 4 week stay in the hospital and rehab center for pneumonia and a urinary tract infection. She is finally acting like MY moma!! On Jan 24th, I will receive the Citizen of the Year Award from the NCAGV (North Carolinian's Against Gun Viloence) for having the Brady Foundation file a suit for wrongful death on your behalf against the Pawnshop owner and your killer! I only wish the world and YOU could understand the TOTAL MISERY I LIVE WITH EVERYDAY!!! ILU, IMU, INU, IWU 4ever Trisha
Trisha Tucker
January 22, 2006
I cannot express the profound feeling of sadness I am feeling tonight!!!I want U 2 know the and understand the PROFOUND LOSS I am feeling 2nite!!!!! I need U 2 understand how Alone I am without U close 2 my heart and how much I need your love and wisdom 4 our children.... ILU, ILN, ILU 4ever... Trisha
Trisha Tucker
January 21, 2006