Wake County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
End of Watch Thursday, February 12, 2004
Reflections for Investigator Mark Reid Tucker
May 12th through 15th was a very emotional time for all of us. I can never fully get my arms around how much your loss has been for me! It was the hardest thing I ever did was seeing your name on that wall for the first time. All of us wept for our loss and for missing you. I don't believe I will ever get beyond loving you as much as I have all my life. I have had the windows and sliding glass door replaced with new vinyl replacements and they are wonderful. I no longer hear the road noise and I realized that I couldn't even hear the rain coming down the downspout at the bedroom window this morning. I gave your parents the Medal of Supreme Sacrifice to your parents. They were so taken aback by that gesture. ILU and know that I will always uphold the Thin blue line, Heroes Live Forever!!!!!
Trisha Mark's wife
May 19, 2005
Hey Mark, Dan and I got back from D.C. this afternoon. It was very emotional in D.C. as always but more so this year, we miss you brother...The whole NC FOP Executive board was there, I can see that silly grin of yours as we sat in the sun, then the rain and then the sun again. Pat and the boys look great, didn't get a chance to say anything to them, but Pat saw everyone sitting there and I blew her a kiss to let her know we love her and the boys. You did good when you picked her. I was going to leave you a cigar at the wall, but I just KNEW someone else would...sorry bro, I'll leave one next time. Keep an eye on us that are still here. Take peace in knowing that the THIN BLUE LINE is strong...
Mari Clark
Craven Co Sheriff Office New Bern NC
May 16, 2005
Hey Mark, Dan and I leave in the morning for D.C. and will attend the candle light service where your name will be called, I'm sure Pat and the boys are already there. This weekend will be hard, but it seems like such a small thing to do, but we will to honor you and our other "brothers and sisters" that are on that wall. You are missed by so many here. Every year as long as Dan and I are able to travel will will honor you and the others that have gone on before you and sadly, the ones that have joined you. Thank you for being the person you were and the impact you made on so many. You are now home and have heard Welcome home my good and faithful servant. Rest in Peace brother, keep an eye on those that continue the fight and may we NEVER forget THE THIN BLUE LINE
Mari Clark
Craven Co Sheriff Office New Bern NC
May 12, 2005
Oh Mark!!!! You would have been so proud and astounded as I was this past Saturday when 450 bikes showed up at Ray Price Harley Davidson for the 1st annual Officer Down Memorial Ride in honor of you. They came from all walks of life, all over the state and beyond to ride a poker run to the RPD police memorial, the YMCA site where you died, the Public Safety Center where a monument will be erected for all of the WCSO line of duty death officers. then back to Ray Price. We raise $3ooo for the 200 Club!!! I was for such a good cause and we had perfect weather. I rode behind Mike Uhl and had a glorious time. I have been given a free "Riders Edge" course offered by RPHD with the hopes I will buy a bike....but only a Harley, otherwise I know nothing else will crank or run if you have your way!! ILU so much, and miss having you here to care for me. Know I will not ever stop loving you!!!!
Trisha your loving wife
May 10, 2005
Ms. Tucker,
As brother Tom Brod wrote you I thought I should as well. I am also a member of the same Police Unity Tour. This is my first ride to Washington D.C. I will also have the honor to be riding with a bracelet with Mark's name engraved on it.
Mark is a hero and hero's are never forgotten.
To Mark, Rest in peace my brother, we have the streets now.
In god we trust.
Detective S. R. Schubmehl
Virginia Beach Police Department
May 8, 2005
MS Tucker,
My name is Tom Brod. While I did not know your husband, I share your grief because there but for the Grace of God go I. I am a member of the Police Unity Tour, Chapter IV. Each year for the past three years, I have ridden in support of the National Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial as a way of showing support for and honoring those officers and their families who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Each year we carry a bracelet with the name of one of the officers to be enshrined on the walls of the Memorial. This year I have the honor of carrying a bracelet engraved with Mark's name from Chesapeake, VA, our starting point, to the Memorial, our finishing point. Each year, as is my custom, I present the bracelet to the family of the officer I represent. If you are planning to attend the Candlelight Vigil on May 13, 2005, it would be my honor to present that bracelet to you. I look forward to meeting you.
Tom Brod
Thomas Brod
Fairfax County PD (Retired)
May 6, 2005
Mr. Tucker, I went to school with your son Chad at Wake Tech i've been over to your house a couple of times with my then boyfriend Drew. I'm so sorry you had to leave us and I can somewhat sympathize with your family. I lost my father when i was young not nearly as tragic but the pain never seems to go away. It only helps to know that one fine day i will be reunited with him in heaven. I pray that your family will have the strength to pull through the hard times and stick together because thier love for you will bond them for life no matter if your family or not. Love is a bond thicker than anything a man can make because the ability to Love is the greatest gift God gave us. Rest in Peace Mr Tucker and always know that there are people here who will always care for you and love you deeply! Love Kylie
Kylie Cirioli
Public Schools of Robeson County
May 4, 2005
This is the first time I have been on here and I don't know what to say. All I know is that I miss you and I love you. Just wanted you to know that I work for the Wake County ABC board, so of the family don't like the idea of me working there. To me it's a job, it pays my bills. I will do good with my new school, I will pass every class with A's or B's I will never fail again, I've done it in your eyes to many times, and I will never do it again. I will be an Law Enforcement Office, and I will make you proud, just as proud as I was of you. Well, I love you Mark. I will talk to you later. Be with Me and the Family, the whole family. I might need your help for school, if you have a free second you could help me with my homework.
Maffew Alice
Matthew Tucker
Mark's Youngest Son/ One of the Tucker Boys
May 2, 2005
My darling, everyday seem to be a thousand hours long and never ending! I miss you with a passion that no one can understand, I have been asked to allow an interviewfor newspaper and TV forthe candlelight vigil for which I have agreed. I want the entire world to know how many people suffer when 1 (one) Law Enforcement Officer dies in the Line of Duty!!! There are so many who pray and remember the boys and me daily! Friday is the NC COPS dinner for those going to DC for the first time. Next Saturday is the Mark Tucker Memorial Ride with all proceeds going to the 200 Club. I is an organization started by Paul Hale's family to assist families of LOD death offier's in the first months after the loss of their loved one. May 19th is the NC Peace Officer's Memorial Day in Highpoint, and Thursday May 12th the boys, Kimmie, and I head out to DC. By the way Chad has asked Kimmie to marry him and she said YES!!!! The wedding won't happen until 2007 as both are going to be in school! Matt begins classes through Kaplan University on-line beginning May 23rd. I plan to head to the coast Memorial Day Weekend and chill in the rays for several days!!! ILU so much!!! I will never find anyone else like you in my lifetime! Hope U LUV & miss me 2????????
Trisha Tucker wife
April 27, 2005
I'm glad I could do 1 small thing to help out the boys. I will pray for the Tucker family. My best wishes to all.
Ofc. Jim
April 13, 2005
I miss you in a thousand ways that no one but a wife could feel. The closeness that we had is so remarkable and so lost! I would wish you back with me, but I know in my heart of hearts you would not want to leave our Lord's side to be at mine.(Nor could I ask that of you) I love you more it seems each day more that we are apart and how tragic! I should have learned that having you beside me each day was the most blessed that I ever was on this earth. Please don't forget who I was to you, or how much we meant to each other!My heart breaks daily that we are no longer together to share our days with each other. There is no one who understands how lonely and alone I feel! I wish that I could join you sooner than later, but I must be patient and wait on the Lord. I love you so very much it hurts to breath of to speak your name! Trisha
Trisha Tucker wife
April 5, 2005
Today we had a flagpole dedication in your honor at the YMCA property across the street for you today. I spoke to another woman's heart 2 days after your were killed. She wanted to honor your service to the community by having a flagpole erected on the YMCA ptoperty in your name! She found me answering all her questions as to why you would give your life for another to live. You gave your life so another could live. He will be our brother N Christ. I will LOVE U 4EVER! NO 1 will ever take your place N my heart! ILU Trisha!!!!!!!
TrishaTucker wife
April 3, 2005
Hey Uncle Mark! Sorry its taken me so long to leave some words on here....I just didn't know what to say! We miss you so much!!!! Things are definitely not the same without your big bright smile and hearty laugh! I can't even begin to tell you how difficult Thanksgiving and Christmas were...you were definitely in all our thoughts, as you are all the time! We all know you're in a much better place now and I know I can't wait to join you, but until then...I have a place here!
After your death, I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life anymore...college wise...I have decided to be an EMT and volunteer for Apex EMS while I'm finishing college! I'm almost finished with the class!! I'm working on changing my major (for the nth time!!)...I want to work for the SBI, and investigate crime scenes, so we'll see what I actually end up doing...I want to touch lives the way you did, and serve in public service!
You touched the lives of so many, and I have met many of them throughout the year!! You were awesome Uncle Mark, and there are no words to express how much I, along with everyone else, MISS YOU SO MUCH! I don't think I ever told you, but I love you and appreciate everything you did for me! Tell the big man upstairs Hey for me!
Love and miss you always Uncle Mark!
Kristina Tucker
March 24, 2005
I was thinking about you again and I'm in class. I know, I know I'll get back t work in a sec. I just was to thank you for everything that has been given to me. My wonderful family, my law enforcement family, the fire depot family, and my friends. They are so wounderful. There always there for us. It takes a couple mistakes for you to realy realize how special they are. I wanted to let you know that Nikki is back with her dad. I got a question for you Mark. Is it wrong for me to still Love Nikki? I honestly don't know anymore how she feels about me. All I know is that I loved her as much now as I did when I first told her. I wish you were here for 5 mins. so I could get some guidence from you, I could use some. well, back to class. Be with me and the family, we all miss you a lot, but we'll all see ya soon enough. I love you Mark.
Matthew Tucker
Mark's Youngest Son/One of the Tucker boys
March 14, 2005
Last night we went to the Wayne Co. Law Enforcement Appreciation Dinner. Donna Best a wife of Wayne Co. Deputy Capt. Jerry Best presented me with the Order Of the Long Leaf Pine from Gov. Easley. I was also presented a beautiful coin from the War Dog Handlers fordonating money for a vest to protect a Wake Co. Canine Officer. Everyone was there but your parents, Buddy, Chris(who was working) and Tony. I faltered last night and let everyone know just how much I miss and crave to have you back with me. I know you are in a better place and that does give me peace, however I miss your smile and quiet presence in my life. I miss being part of a couple. I miss having youaround to discuss problems with the house and how to handle them. I miss having you next to me on the couch to watch American Idol (my favorite) and The Apprentice (your favorite) at night. I just miss everything about you in my life. I struggle daily to keep my smile in place and know that you would want me to carry on. I received a letter apologizing for a decision to shoot first and listen last. He also told me he has found the saving Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He know his peace and realizes that he was spared the death penalty because of Him. He is hoping to be baptized into Christ as our brother! Halleluya you did not die in vain!You gave your life to save one who was lost but now is found!! Always know that I love you so very much! I am unsure if I could ever love another! Until we meet again......I am always YOURS
Trisha Tucker wife
March 13, 2005
Uncle Mark,
I have to admit, I visit this page religiously, each time wanting to leave a quick message, but unable to find all the words I want to say... We held a memorial in your honor Feb 12. It was a very difficult day to say the least, but I knew you were there with us as soon as those flowers next to your pictures caught on fire. It was nice to know that your humor still reaches us from Heaven! Sheriff Harrison, Dr. Brewer and Aunt Robbie all spoke during the service. Everyone there was given a chance to share their fond memories of you. Some were very funny!! Congressmen David Price and Bob Etheridge both took the stage and spoke very highly of you. It must be quite an honor to have two prominent political figures have such wonderful things to say about you. Much to my surprise, Grandmama decided to speak as well. The way that she maintained her composure would have made you proud. Of course, she had to tell stories of your mischeviousness as a child. The family laid flowers at the spot where you took your final breath. I hope you liked them!! Everyone at the memorial wrote messages to you on balloons. I hope you received them all and that they brightened your day!!
You know, after we lost you, I think we all realized the brevity of life and the importance of family. In many ways, your death brought us all closer together... and in some ways, it has brought up a lot of tension in our family. You would be surprised at some things that have been said and done - you'd probably even been disappointed and ashamed... I won't go into details, as I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Please help this situation. You always managed to keep it under control before...
There is going to be a flag dedicated at the YMCA this Saturday in your honor. It is something I personally can look at in pride for the extraordinary life you lived... The FOP is also naming their new building after you once it is built. ...and so your legend continues...
Shed some light down on all of us from Heaven - continue to keep a watch over all of us.... I wish I had the chance to tell you in person b/c I know I never did.... but I love you, Uncle Mark!
Angela Tucker
Mark's niece
February 24, 2005
we have been back from the race for a day now. It was awesome. I was so home sick it wasn't funny. It's been one year,twelve days since we lost you. Everyday passes we can't stop it, and to be honest I waouldn't want it to stop either. I love life now that I know how fagile it really is. Me and Nikki are no more, but I love her still, I miss her. Please watch over her as if she was family. I'm trying to be the rock, everday that pasees I become smarter and stronger. I learn to deal with things a little bit better and I'm trying to calm down my life. There are somethings that I wish I could handle inside the family, but I know that I'm not that strong yet. Momma wants e and Chad to grow up and be Men, we're trying, but it kinda hard now. I wish you were here Mark. Just to hear you say " You need to turn that TV off and go to bed!" would work for me. Well,I need to go to sleep. I Love You so much Mark, but I really wish I could tell you in person that. Come see me in my dreams, we will talk then OK. I love you. TTYL DAD
Matthew Alan Tucker
Mark's Youngest Son/ One of the Tucker Boys
February 23, 2005
You should have seen Jr dominate the race until the last 3 laps. Tony Stewart came from 17th place to overtake and win the Busch race. What an experience to be here in Daytona! We get to go to the pits tomorrow and hope to get autographs if possible. Hope you'll join us for the race! I'll tell you about our experience tomorrow or Monday!!!! ILU/Trisha
Trisha Mark's wife
February 19, 2005
The aniversary of your death is more than hard to handle. I love you so much it is hard to breathe. I knew you were with us as Dale Jr., took 2nd behind
Trisha Mark's wife
February 17, 2005
Just wanted you to know that I have not forgotten you. To the family I know that you will miss him everyday, because I'm still missing Clint. I don't think that feeling will every go away.
I will keep you in my prayers, I know how difficult this time is. Instead of saying that it was Clint's anniversary of his death, I said it was Clint's first birthday in heaven, so if you don't mind Happy First Birthday Investigator Tucker, I will never forget you. Look Clint up for me tell him I miss him everyday...
Connie Barker
Mother of Clint Walker E.O.W. 1-14-04
February 13, 2005
My heart-felt condolences to your family and friends. Your watch is over.
US Customs and Border Protection
February 12, 2005
On behalf of the men and women of the Virginia State Police we extend our condolences to the family of Investigator Mark Tucker and the members of the Wake County Sheriff's office.
May the family take some comfort in knowing that Mark died protecting the citizens of his community.
It is in his memory that we continue on.
Senior Trooper
Virginia State Police
February 12, 2005
On this the anniversary of your death, I salute you!
Gone but NEVER forgotten
February 12, 2005
Today is Feb 10th, 2 days before I will never see you again. I am so in need of your love and your loving. I never realized how much I needed you until you were gone for good, then all I can do is wish you would come home to me! I have not really had the " need for loving" but a couple of times. However, there has never been anyone who could take your place in my life or in my heart!!! Please join us in Daytona for Speed Week and help E jr win the 500 again this year. ILU so very much!!! Helpus root Little E on to another Daytona 500 win!!!! We will be in the Nextel Tower at the start/finish line. ILUSM/Trisha
Trisha, Mark's Wife
February 9, 2005
Not a day goes by that someone who knew you or knows me doesn't come up to tell me how much you are missed and how they are keeping me and the boys in their prayers. I never knew that the pain could be any more intense than when i finally realized you were never coming home again, but I am finding that my heart is breaking more each day as the 1 year mark approaches. I only wish that I thought you truly know all these words that I am spilling out on this web site, and how much I miss you. Not a day goes by that you aren't my first or last thought of the day. I am trying so hard to help our boys grow up to be strong,loving, hard-working men, but that task grow hearder every day. I still love you so very much, and wish I had you wisdom and strengh to help me through each day. In 16 days we head to Daytona for Speed Week! I hope you will join us there and help encourage Jr to pull off a back to back win. Rest well my love. Wait for me at the gate! Ilove you so much!!!!!
January 26, 2005