St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Friday, January 30, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Nicholas Kevin Sloan
I love and miss you so much. It is really so sad that Sergeant Bill McEntee's family has to endure the loss of a husband, father, son, brother and cousin. All Police Officers are suffering today and for a long time to come.
His death was so senseless. What made a 19 year old reach into the police car and shoot this officer? Why is there such a lack of respect for the police? Missouri has lost five officers this year already, most of them from the St. Louis area.
It was really sad at the funeral parlor last night. My heart broke for every member of Sergeant McEntee's family. I wish there was something that we could immediately do to make things better, but I know it will take a lot of time and support.
It is sad to think that just two and a half months ago we were with Ralph Tatoian's family for Ralph's funeral(EOW 4/20/05). Please Nick help all of the families who deal with the loss of their loved one's everyday.
Watch over Sergeant McEntee's family today at the funeral. It is truly a sad day for them, his police family, and the community.
Love forever and a day,
July 9, 2005
I come here to read the reflections left by your family, I can see from their words what love they all shared for you and what kind of person you were. I ran across Nick's page while visiting an officer's page Rodney Davis that was killed in my county. WHen I read the reflections even though I have never met any of you and never will. I get the feeling I know you somehow there are days I read what your family wrote and I sat here and cry. I have a good friend he is a Virginia state trooper keep him safe. I keep you and your family in my prayers daily. My God bless your son Gavin and have him always have you in his heart.
Praying for you in Virginia
July 8, 2005
Nick, this is the first time I have left a reflection on this site. How have you been buddy? I think about you almost everyday and the times we spent together at Grainger and outside of Grainger. You were more to me than just a co-worker you were a true friend. I just wanted to get on here and let you know that I miss you.
Erik Schenato
Grainger Industrial Supply
July 7, 2005
I was just watching tv and they came on with breaking news about an officer being shot in Kirkwood. They just said that he passed away from the injuries. Please help his family, loved ones, and co-workers through this hard time. I know things are not going to ever get better, but they will need some guidance, love, and help. This is freaking ridiculous that police officers are doing their job, and these idiots are out here taking their lives, and yours. Please help this officer as he joins you in heaven.
On another note... How are things going? I hope you had a good Fourth of July. I know it couldn't have been too great since you weren't able to be here with all of us, but I hope you made the best of it. Continue watching over all of us down here because we all need you in our lives. I've been hanging out with Kirsten and Gavin more now since I am not working over the summer; you gotta love the summer breaks! He is so cute and looks just like both of you! I bought him this trimmer so he could "trim the yard," and he loves it. He went to Brad's the other day and he had to bring it with him. I am so happy that you and Kirsten have a "Mini Nick" still here with us. I will talk to you later!
Make sure you keep a watch over all of us, and look out for your dad!
July 6, 2005
Happy 4th of July. I hope you enjoyed all the fireworks. We felt you with us, sitting out on the boat. Thank you for my birthday gift. The deer was so beautiful. She just stood there in our back yard looking at me. It has been about three years since I've seen a deer out there. I know it was my gift from you.
I love you and miss you so much. See you soon.
Love you,
Nicks very proud sister
July 5, 2005
Happy fourth of July Nick. We miss you lots! love, nicole, josiah, & grant
July 4, 2005
Happy belated birthday! God bless your entire family.They love and miss you so very much.
July 3, 2005
Happy late Birthday to an awesome police officer.You truly are a hero.
July 2, 2005
I've been thinking about you a lot lately. You and Gavin are in my prayers always.
Kelly (Josh's Kelly)
Kelly Gillain
July 1, 2005
hey nick,
i haven't gotten to talk to kir and gav lately because life has been full of craziness. i hope you had a good birthday. i know you would've much rather been down here with them, the loves of your life. hope you and cole had a blast though! keep sending kir the strength and love you know she needs. also watch over your family...i know they all want to see you soon, but keep your dad safe.
June 30, 2005
The cake read, Happy Birthday Doug, Bob and Nick...and we did all sing a special happy birthday to Nick! He like so many others will never be forgotten by the Stanze family. God bless you all!
June 27, 2005
Happy 26th Birthday Nick! It's hard to believe you haven't been with us for 2 birthday's already. When we were little I used to love how you, me, and Heather got to celebrate all of our birthdays together. Ponderosa was all the rage back in the day:) I miss you more than ever and would give anything to have you back here for even a minute. Keep watching over Kirsten, Gavin, and all your friends and family. Happy Birthday again! Love, Nicole, Josiah, and Grant
June 27, 2005
I met a guy in passing this weekend here in mid Missouri that had a 'In memory of Nick -- S.L.M.P.D.' shirt on. While none of the other people I was with even gave it a second thought, it caught my attention like a beacon in the night. I just wanted to let you know that any officer out there that sees something like that will stop for a moment and reflect on just how precious life is. I know I did--thank you for your service.
Deputy Patrick Sublette
Audrain County (MO) Sheriff's Dept
June 27, 2005
I know you had a great birthday in Heaven with all of your new friends. We all miss you so much. We were with you at the cemetery on the 25th and sang "Happy Birthday to You". We had your favorite Rice Krispie treats.
I hope one day we will find a meaning as to why this had to happen to you.
I love you,
P.S. Keep watching over all of us. As you know, we all need it.
Nick's sister
June 26, 2005
Sorry I'm late sending this but still wanted to tell you - Happy Birthday! YOU know I was thinking about you all day yesterday but I thought I would also drop you a note. Rest in Peace!
Love Aunt Joan
June 26, 2005
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I had a few beers in your honor tonight! I miss you and think of you ALL the time- I still can't believe this is forever....
love, Michelle
June 26, 2005
Happy 26th Birthday. We all went to the cemetery and had a little party for you. I made rice krispie treats and we all had one with you. I left one there for you. Bobby decorated them for you with icing and sprinkles. We also left you some new stuff. Bobby loves to get you presents. I hope you are having a good day. We miss you so much. I love you and miss you.
Love you,
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{Uncle Nick,
Happy Birthday. I love you. I am painting you two statues for you birthday.
Love, Bobby}
Nicks sister
June 25, 2005
Happy Birthday Nick!
Thinking of you Kirsten and Gav..
- Jessica Ruhl
June 25, 2005
We love you so much. Happy Birthday! Twenty-six years ago you entered our lives. God truly blessed our lives with you and your sisters. It is so amazing watching Gavin and Bobby playing together. We are so happy that Kelly and James will be having a beautiful baby around Valentine's day. Please continue to help everyone everyday. Yesterday, Heather, Bobby, Kaitlyn, Laura, Nathan, and I went to the cemetery to decorate for your birthday. We saw Bob Stanze's aunt at her husband's grave. We talked to her for a while. It was their son's birthday. She said that they would add your name to his cake when they celebrated his birthday today. We all are going over to the cemetery today. (Dad in his wheelchair, of course, you know he would not miss it.)
Love forever and a day,
Dad and Mom
June 25, 2005
Happy birthday! I hope you are having a few beers up in heaven with some people you have met. I am also thinking of Kirsten, Gavin, and your family as they have to spend another birthday without you here. Stay close to all of them as they will really need you with them Saturday. I will talk to you later.
June 24, 2005
Happy Birthday, Nick!! (tomorrow). I'm thinking about you!
June 24, 2005
hi baby there has been so much going on here lately. we have been soooo busy. happy fathers day late. sorry i have not been by the computer at all lately. i miss you soo much. gavin does too very much. susie and jays wedding is coming up real soon. we are very excited about it. gavin is going to look so cute in his tux. i just hope he walks down the isle. he did not go to far in chris and karas wedding. happy b day. it makes me so sad to have to spend another one without you. my heart stills aches everday for you. gavin is sitting on my lap right now i am gonna ask him what he wants to say to you.i said what do you want to tell daddy he said" umm i love you, ummmm i love you" thats what he wanted me to write.
ok we love and miss you soooo much
love your little family
kir and gavie
June 24, 2005
I thank you for being there for me Saturday Night. For a few seconds, I thought I would be spending Father's Day with you.
I Love You
June 21, 2005
Happy (late) Father's Day! Thanks for being with dad this weekend. He needed you.
We had Gavin on Friday night and Saturday, we took him to a parade in Gerald and to the picnic. The boys were so cute, they loved jumping in the bounce house. They both light up our lives.
I love you and miss you so much.
Nicks very proud sister
June 21, 2005
hi nick,i heard this song by darryl worley the other day and it made me think of you. i know you want everyone to take good care of gav and kirsten. i think this song says it best......... But if something should happen
Stop in some time and say hello to Catherine
You and Marianne could always keep her laughing
Because shes gonna need a lot of that
Take her out to a movie
It's gonna take sometime before shes back on her feet.
I know you think I'll be fine and I'm talkin crazy
But theres always that chance
That's why I'm askin
If something should happen
Little Nathan is growing up so fast
This November he'll turn 10
He wants to play quarterback.
I'm supposed to coach his team this fall
But I may not get to afterall
He's gonna need someone to catch a pass
And to throw it back
If something should happen
Oh promise me you'll take that boy out campin
Throw a line out in the water every now and then
Answer and questions that he has
Maybe once he gets older
You can sit and have that first cold beer together
And tell him a couple stories on his father
He's always known your my best friend.
That's why I'm askin
If something should happen
I hope I live until I'm 80
And I get to see my son get married
And have some babies
And make a million more memories with my wife.
Yeah buddy I pray alright
But if it's my time to leave
Could you watch over them for me?
June 20, 2005