St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Friday, January 30, 2004
Reflections for Police Officer Nicholas Kevin Sloan
AMAZING GRACE: The Policeman's Tribute
A man in blue has lost his life
in service of the law.
The love that makes this sacrifice
is the greatest love of all.
A police man was killed today,
the reason why I cannot say.
I don't know why he had to die.
The man in blue died for me and you;
we must remember him too.
Flags fly low, let us bow in prayer
for fallen police men everywhere;
and remember this:
that they are missed.
The badge burns bright like an evening star free from a world of war
I just wanted to stay I am sorry for your lost. I also lost my best friend Adam R Fleshner e.o.w 01/13/03 just know that god only takes the best!!
May the lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other.' Gen.31:49
Holly Spikes
Chalton County SO
September 12, 2005
It's been awhile buddy, but I just wanted to check in and let you know that you're still in my prayers all of the time. Things have been crazy around here, we added another member to the family eight weeks ago, a little girl. Keep an eye out on us all. I'll talk to you soon.
September 10, 2005
Thank you.
September 7, 2005
I love and miss you so much. I think about you all the time and thank God for every moment we had with you. Please continue to watch over all of us. Gavin reminds me so much of you at times. I love to watch him interact with his Papa, they have such an incredible bond together. We all love Gavin and Bobby so much, and can hardly wait for another one of God's miracles to bless our family. I know you are always with us but my heart still hearts for you everyday.
Love forever and a day,
September 6, 2005
I just got a phone call that one of the students from back home was killed in a car accident. Can you PLEASE make sure to meet him when he comes to heaven? He lost his life to someone who was street racing. This is not what I wanted to be asking you to do, but I have to. His brother is the one who told me that you were in heaven and the bad guy was in hell, so I know you know who he is. Please, please, please take care of him, he is only 10 years old.
August 28, 2005
Hey little brother, how are you doing. This morning on the way in, I had my time with you. I got upset while listening to your CD, the one Josh made us. Sometimes I have to let it all out.
It really bothers me that you had to die all alone. I really hope you weren't scared. I wish I could have been there to hold you and tell you everything would be alright. I know Grandma was there to meet you that day. That makes me feel better, but I still wish I would have been there for you.
I guess this is so hard for me, because you were not only my brother, but my very best friend. On January 30, 2004 when you were ripped out of my life, I lost a big piece of my heart that will never heal.
To honor you I will tell as many stories as I can remember to the boys. They both love to hear about you. Bobby and I look at your pictures all the time. Once I asked him who his hero was and he said Uncle Nick. I wish he could have known you longer. He is a big soccer player, he must have gotten that from you. You were always the best at everything you did.
There was a saying on Americas Most Wanted... It said "Its not how he died that made him a hero, Its how he lived." This is very true. You had a wonderful life and gave your all everyday. I love you so much and I am very proud that you are my brother.
I love you,
Nicks very proud sister
August 26, 2005
Hey Nick! Make sure you are close to Kirsten today since it is her birthday. I know you are always by her side, but send her a special message or sign today. Take care and I will talk to you later.
August 19, 2005
I am also sorry and sad for the lost of another Missouri State Trooper. His lost is so senseless and could easily have been avoided. Officer Sloan please keep watching over all of us. I agree with a previous posting about your parents and daughters. I can not believe that they continue to go on day after day. I have seen them at so many wakes, funerals, fundraisers and other events for fallen officers. They seem like they are always trying to help the other families that are suffering from a sudden lost. They are strong and caring people. Officer Sloan I will continue to pray for you and your family.
Police Officer St. Louis City
August 18, 2005
Nick, Another officer was killed today. He is the 3rd missouri state trooper killed this year. I am sure you are helping him get adjusted though. Thinking of you and the officers I have known that have passed away recently makes me sick. It all seems so senseless. Too many families have to suffer especially the children. Your family remains in my thoughts. It surprises me how they rise to the occasion every time another officer is killed. I ran into them at one officer's wake and have heard that they have attended others. That is very honorable. It must be hard for them to see all of that sadness over and over again. They are very good people. I am sure all is well with you. I do not see that adorable son of yours as much as I would like, but he is an amazing little guy. All of you guys take care of each other up there, and maybe check on us down here now and then too.
August 17, 2005
Hey Nick. I keep trying to come vivit you, because I pass the cemetary on my way to and from work every day, but the gates always open a few hours before I go in to work and an hour after I get off of work. I haven't been by to see you lately and I just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you.
Jessi--Friend of Nick and Kirsten
August 17, 2005
I just wanted to say hi, i've been thinking about you a lot. We got to see your handsome son and Kirsten this weekend. When they come in it feels like your right behind them. It is unbelievable how fast all the kids are growing up. They aren't babies anymore, not even my monster.
We had a party for Josiah's sister the other day and Josiah had on one of your shirts, one of her friends asked how we knew you.. he said he used to play hockey with you. I am still amazed at how many lives you touched, people are so proud to be able to say they knew you. Same goes for me, i miss you, Nicole (Josiah & Grant too)
August 15, 2005
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I'm at Gee-ma and papa's today. We are having a lot of fun. I love you so much and miss you so much.
I love you!
(Uncle Nick-
I Love you and miss you! Love, Bobby)
The boys are so cute. They saw me on the computer and asked if they could type a letter to you. We all love you and miss you so much. Well, the boys are going to play again so I better go. They love to play trains now.
I Love you forever and always,
Nick's sister
August 14, 2005
Hey Nick!
As you know we've had a very busy summer! My baby girls will be THREE on Monday. It's kind of sad it's going so fast. I've heard alot of songs that remind me of you lately. Keep us in your prayers. Your always in my thoughts. I love you! Michelle
August 12, 2005
We love you and miss you so much. We will never be the same without you here with us.
Love you forever and always,
Kel & James
Nick's sister
August 7, 2005
Hey Nick! I moved to Arizona over the weekend. I am really going to miss all of our friends in St. Louis, but I will be back there sometime. Kirsten and Gavin left me a message on my cell phone this morning, it was so cute! I am going to save it for when I'm sad or lonely. He is so sweet and cute! I am really going to miss him. I hope you are doing okay and keep an eye on all of us. There is not one day that goes by that I don't think about you. I will talk to you later!
July 27, 2005
Hey Nick! I was just thinking about you and thought I write you a message. I hope things are going okay in heaven. Keep watching over everyone and taking care of us from above. I miss you and I will talk to you later.
July 22, 2005
In loving memory of P.O. Nick Sloan:
You are being highlighted on the
website today and it gives us an
opportunity to honor you posthumously. You will always be
missed very much. The tears have
not dried yet. God bless the mourners and help to carry the burden of losing you. He is close to
the brokenhearted.
Lynn Kole
Washington State
July 16, 2005
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I am on the computer at Mom & Dad's house and Gavin came over and said "Kelly, I want to type a letter to my daddy." Then he saw your picture on here and said that's my daddy. I miss him. I want him back here with me. He brought tears to my eyes. He loves you so much. I just don't understand why you had to leave us so early.
He spent the night with Mom & Dad last night. James & I brought him donuts w/sprinkles and chocolate milk (just as he requested). We are going to go swimming today and to Fenton Park to see your tree that was dedicated to you. I am so thankful for everyone that has done special things to remember you and the people that still call Mom & Dad to see how they are doing and to tell us stories about you.
Well, Gavin is ready to go outside to play so I had better get going and Heather, Josh and Bobby will be here soon.
I love you forever and always,
Kel & Gavin
Nick's proud sister & son
July 16, 2005
I never had the pleasure of meeting you. I am a good friend of Officer Scott Armstrong. After reading all these reflection I was in tears. You sound like you were one of the best. I'm glad Scott has you with him. I'm sure you two are getting along great. Sounds like you had a lot in common. I just wanted to let you know I pray for your family. They sound like they are great people! I can't thank your sisters enough for being there for April! Tell Scott I said hello!
Friend of Officer Scott Armstrong
July 13, 2005
Just thinking of you and hope you are having a good time in heaven. We all miss you here. Hope you are looking over all the other officer's families here. Thanks for everything you have done for the city. Take care buddy!!
July 12, 2005
I hope you are having a good time in Heaven. I'm glad you were with us at Officer McEntee's funeral. When we were in the the funeral home, meeting Officer McEntee's Family, Bobby started talking to you. He said, "Hi Uncle Nick, look it's the real Nick. Hi Uncle Nick, Hi Ralphy." He was so loud, I said shhh, be quiet. Bobby said, "I can talk to my Uncle Nick if I want to."
It makes me feel so good to know you are with us all the time. Bobby sure loves you so much. He also told me that you came in his room to play trains. He said he showed you battery powered James, and you gave him a hug and a kiss and said you loved him. He loves all of your visits. Please keep coming.
I love you and miss you so much.
Love you,
Nicks very proud sister
July 12, 2005
It has been a tough week for everyone. We met Sergeant McEntee's family Friday night and I can not tell you how much pain and sorrow I feel for them. Besides suffering from the death of their son, husband, father, brother and cousin, they will also have to deal with Sergeant McEntee's cold blooded killer. I was praying that the arrest of the murderer would have a different ending.
I thank you and Ralph for talking to Baby Bobby at the funeral parlor. I knew that you were there, but I wish that I could see you like Bobby gets to.
As you know you have a new neighbor at Resurrection. Mom and I met so many people at the cemetery Saturday afternoon, that just wanted to stop by and say a prayer and a kind word.
I guess my old body is healing up. I should be back as good as new in about three weeks. I feel so sorry for Mom, because she keeps trying to wait on me hand and foot, but as you know she deserves to be the one that is waited on.....
Keep helping your sisters everyday. We all need your help. My prediction is that Kelly and James will be having a little girl. See what you can do...
I hope Gavin is feeling better, I hate to see him suffer.
Thanks for talking to me at the cemetery this morning. I just needed to spend some time alone with you.
I know that you are teaching Sergeant McEntee the ropes and getting him settled into his new home.
July 11, 2005
Just wanted you to know that myself and my family pray for you all the time. My kids nad I went to the gravesite today and I showed my son your gravesite, I told him it was Officer Sloan's and he told me, "Isn't his name Nick like mine". I almost fell over, he is only 8 and he scares me how smart he is. I talked with your dad tonight, all this with Sgt. McEntee brought back a lot of emotions. He is strong, and I know you are always with him. He is a great guy, I know he always took care of me, and you can be assured I will be there for him if he would need anything. Take care my friend.
Detective Rick Severino
Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department
July 11, 2005
I miss you so much. I know that you were all there to welcome your newest friend, Sgt. McEntee. Tell him not to worry that we will be there to offer all of our help to his family. We met them Friday evening and it is just hard to know what they are going through and that we can't do anything to make it easier for them right away. Tell Ralph, Scott,Brad,Mike and Bob and all of your other friends that I said hi and to keep sending their families signs. They really do help.
As you know, I got my new license plates and I saw a few of your friends on 270. I wanted to get the license plates so that people would always remember you and that I am so proud to be your sister.
I know that you were always so proud to have mom and dad as our parents. We always said that the three of us were so lucky because they are the best. I am just always amazed at the way that no matter what is going on in their lives they are always there to help other people.
In Washington, they said that our lives will never go back to normal like before you were killed but that we will have a different kind of "normal". The pain that we feel about losing you will never go away.
I am so glad that they set up this website so that we can send messages to you. I am keeping these messages to show Gavin, Bobby and our child when they get older all of the memories that so many people had of you.
Well, I just wanted to let you know that James and I were thinking of you like always and that we both love you and miss you so much.
I love you forever and always,
P.S. I hope Gavin is feeling better. Keep send us our signs, please
Nick's sister
July 10, 2005
It's been a very emotional couple days, hearing these news breaks and fundraisers for another family left behind, it still is so fresh in my mind. Nicole and I were drivimg today and I told her "Nick is so clear and happy and ALIVE when I picture him." I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that your not down hanging out at your house with Kirsten and Gav, all I need to do is call and you'd answer the phone. Nicole was saying how she can hear your voice so clearly. We are all over at my mom's today for Nicole's birthday. I love to see everyone's car all parked together we all have our bumper sticker's on. Three of us each have a diffrent style of one of your shirts on. I think it makes us feel closer to you in someway. My heart goes out to the McIntee family to on top of their loss have to deal with people trying to justify why that kid felt he could take an officer's life. I thank God our family did not have to go through a trial. They have a long road ahead of them. I miss you everyday. Love,Michelle
Michelle-Proud Cousin
July 10, 2005