Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Nicholas Kevin Sloan

St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Missouri

End of Watch Friday, January 30, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Nicholas Kevin Sloan

We want the Sloan family and Kirsten and Gavin to know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you Nick for always watching over us.

March 16, 2005

Hey Nick! It's been a while since I've talked to you. I have been so busy with a lot of things. Even though it has been a while since I have left you a message, there hasn't been a day that goes by that I don't think of you. I need to make a huge decision by the end of April and I need you to help me make the right one. I know that might sound weird, but I know you will send some kind of sign to help me out. I went to the cemetary the other day to talk to you. I hope you continue looking over all of us like you have been. I will talk to you later. Take care of us from above!


March 10, 2005

To the Sloan Family:

I will be riding in the Police Unity Tour this year for Riverview Officer Schultz. With every mile I pedal I will not just remember the ultimate sacrifice made by Officer Schultz, but all fallen officers, including Nick. Please know that he is not, nor will he ever be. Police Week in May is a time of remberance, celebration, and reflection and I hope it gives you comfort in knowing that Nick's brother and sisters in blue will never forget.

"In Valor There Is Hope"



March 10, 2005

To Nick's Mom, Dad, Sisters, Kirsten and Gavin,

I come to this site often since my husband's classmate was killed last year a little less than a week after your Nick. Today was the first time I have viewed the reflections left for your Nick and I have to say they have made me both cry and smile more than any other. It is obvious what an incredible man and father he was. It breaks my heart to see so many families living the nightmare that the rest of us dread. I can't even begin to imagine what you are all going through. Reading the reflections left by Nick's family and friends remind me a lot of our family. Me and my husband have two little boys who, like Gavin, are the spitting image of their father. I cannot imagine them having to go through life without their Daddy. I know Gavin will grow up to be a strong and beautiful man with your love and guidance from his Daddy in heaven. I hope that he continues to bring all of you joy and strength during these horrible times. We will be in Washington D.C. this year for National Police Week as Bert's and the other officers names are added to the memorial. I will be thinking of all you as Nick's name is read. You will all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Wife of NJ State Trooper

March 9, 2005

Hi Nick,
I hope all is well in Heaven. I miss you so much. This weekend we got to see Gavin. He is such a cutie pie. We love him so much. Bobby and Gavin gave mom a sweatshirt for her birthday and decorated her birthday cakes. They are so cute. Gavin is you. He flirts with everyone and he looks just like you. You must be so proud of him. I know we are.
I've been tring to keep in touch with the people you remind me of at night. I know you put them in my dreams, because you are there to. Thank you for all you help me with, like keeping me strong for the family and how you continue to give me the energy to workout everyday.
Remember that I love you so much. You are still my best friend. I really miss you and would do anything to have you back.
Love you,

Nicks sister

March 8, 2005

"Rather than mourn the absence of the flame, let us celebrate how brightly it burned."

March 4, 2005

I miss you so much. When James and I went to Heather & Josh's the other weekend I know you were with us. Bobby wanted me to go for a walk with him and we had to walk backwards during part of the walk and then he wanted to read a book. I'm sure you had something to do with us walking backwards.
Gavin acts just like you. He is always so helpful and I love when he calls me when Mom & Dad pick him up. Last time Gavin was over, he put on the Chicago Bears helmet that you and Heather gave James several Christmas's ago. I told Gavin who it was from and then he told Mom & Dad that it was from his Daddy and Aunt Heathoo. (Gavin has special names for all of us.)

I am so thankful for all of Mom and Dad's friends who continue to help and support them through all of this. I know the first year is over but it still hurts so much. Thank you for your suggestions for Mom's birthday celebration. I woke up from my dream with you in it and I almost tried to call you.

I Love you so much,

Nick's sister

February 28, 2005


I love you very much.....



February 26, 2005

To the Sloan Family:
I have two bumper stickers on my car, one a supporter of officer stanze the other a supporter of officer sloan. recently it seems like alot of people have been asking how i knew nick. and sadly i have to say that i was never able to meet him. being a teenager, alot of people i know dont have the same appreciation for police that i do. but that never stops me from standing up for what they do. i just want you to know that you are still in my thougghts and prayers. i can understand that pain you are still going through and i just wanted you to know that nick will never be forgotten.

a Stanze

February 24, 2005

Nick, on April 9th we'll be hosting a benefit hockey game against the fire department in your honor to raise money for Gavins trust fund. Things are coming along with the game and I know you'll have a seat somewhere in that rink getting a good laugh. I wish you were still here playing with us, your were one hell of a defenseman. If you have any pull with the big man could you try to pull some strings so we beat the hose draggers this year.
So long for just awhile.


February 23, 2005

Hi Nick, I went home this weekend since we had presidents day off, and at 3:00 Saturday morning I recieved a phone call from one of my friends who goes to Westminster College. He was crying and telling me of an accident that happened, three of his fraternity brothers who I am friends with were in the vehicle and so was one of the guys girlfriend and another girl. They went to see a movie in Columbia, and they were hit head on while coming back to Fulton from Columbia using the back roads. The car that hit them was passing a car that was in front of them, by way of the lane going opposite and on a hill. The driver Sarah Elliot died, she was a freshman at westminster, only eighteen and she was one of the guys in the cars girlfriend. Every one else in the car left in an ambulance. Three of the passengers are still in the hospital, but finally out of ICU. I didn't know Sarah but I have seen her before a couple times. I hope you can help Sarah adjust to things up there. So many friends and families are now hurting. Thanks for listening. Rest in Peace, and you'll never be forgotten.

Nicks Cousin

February 22, 2005

Officer Sloan

I did not know you but I want to thank you for everything you did for the citizens of St. Louis.

To Mr and Mrs Sloan
I have read all of the postings on your son's page. I want to let you know that losing a child is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. I read that losing a child is no different than losing a parent, cousin, uncle, boyfriend, etc. Unless you have lost a child you do not know what it feels like. I have lost a son due to a tragic, senseless accident. I know what you both are going through. I have also lost both my parents and also other relatives. The lost of a child is something that you will never get over. You can not replace your son. No child should ever die before their parents.
Mr and Mrs Sloan I hope that you have a lot of friends that will be able to help and support you. May God Bless, I will be praying for you both.


February 19, 2005



February 19, 2005


How are you doing? It is hard to describe in words how much I miss you, and how much I wish that I could see you again.

This week I was playing racquetball at the academy, and I remembered when we played while you were a recruit. I would give anything to go back to those days again.

The other night I was looking at some pictures of you that Mom had taken over the years. No matter what happens, no one will ever be able to take away the memories and love that I have for you. I wish that I could change places with you, so that you could be with Gavin and help him grow into a perfect young man, just like you. It is such a shame that you cannot be with Kirsten to experience every moment of Gavin's life. Gavin is definitely your heart and soul.

Thank you for helping Mom and I get through each day. We were told by a friend, that the second year after a child's death is worse than the first year. I cannot imagine how that can be possible.

I love you and keep taking care of Kelly, Heather, Kirsten and of course your beautiful son Gavin....



February 19, 2005

Hey Nick! I hope everything is going okay in Heaven. I just wanted to write to tell you hi and that I was thinking about you. I will talk to you later.


February 17, 2005

Happy (late) Valentine's Day! I was home yesterday with Bobby because he was sick. We missed out on seeing Gavin this weekend, because Bobby was sick. He was in no condition to leave the house and I didn't want to get anyone else sick. It was really hard not seeing Gavin, for all of us. We miss him so much. I loved getting my phone calls from him, to check up on Bobby and to say I Love You. It really made me happy. He is the sweetest little guy.

On Sunday morning Bobby woke up, with a temp of 101 and a bad headache, and said he wanted to go see his Uncle Nick. I asked him where he was going to go to see you. He said we need to get Gee-ma and Paw-Paw, Kelly and James and go to the cemetery. He wants to bring you a Valentine he made you also. He loves and misses you so much.

I just wanted so tell you I love you and miss you so much. I wish you were here. Talk to you soon.

Love You,

Heather Claspill
Nicks sister

February 15, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day!! James and I were going through some things at our house and I came across a card that you gave me with a stuffed bear after I had surgery about 7 or 8 years ago. I always thought that was really special since you were in high school at the time and most guys in high school wouldn't think of doing that. It meant alot to me.

Gavin reminds me so much of you. He just loves to help me with everything. When we were getting ready to go to sleep Saturday night, he said that he had to call Mama and Papa to tell them good night. Then he wanted to call Josh, Heather and Bobby and tell them good night since they were not able to come and see him. I know that was a very hard decision for Heather to make but she didn't want to get Gavin sick and she also didn't want to miss seeing him. Gavin asked me if the next time that he is with us will Bobby be better? He missed Bobby so much this weekend.

Please be there for J.P. and help him adjust to his new home.

Love you forever,

Nick's sister

February 14, 2005

Dear Nick,
I started to write you a Valentine message around midnight. Every time I thought about how you were growing up I started to cry. You were such a loving child. We saw Gavin this weekend. He reminds me so much of you. He likes the things you like and acts a lot like you. He wants to help with everything. When we picked him up,we were greeted with Mama and Papa. He melts our heart every time we see him. He asked about Bobby. We told him that Bobby was sick. Gavin asked what was wrong with Bobby. I told him his head hurt and he had a temperature. Gavin piped up and touched the side of his head and said, "put ice on it Mama". Gavin is so helpful. When Kelly says she is going to do something like bake muffins, a little voice pops up "I do it" and runs to get a chair to help. When Dad went to check something in the car, Gavin came to the rescue asking Kelly to push up his sleeves to help Papa. We love Gavin so much. Gavin is so happy all the time. He never cries. He talks about you and points to your pictures and says Daddy. My what a gift you left behind. I could feel your love all around us.
Nick, this has been such a horrible year. Four Officers have lost their lives in the St. Louis area and friends lost their son. When we go to the funeral, I would love to say to the parents " every thing will be okay". I know that it won't and I pray they will be able to make some sense out of life. So many broken hearts on this Valentine Day. It is with the love that you gave us on earth and that you continue to give us every day will get us through.
I will always love you every minute of every day.



February 14, 2005

I'm sure that Nick is watching down on you & Gavin all the time. I know that you & Gavin will celebrate Valentine's Day with Nick in your hearts. I know, from reading all the postings, that Nick loved you & Gavin so much. Happy Valentine's Day to you, Nick & Gavin. God bless.


Kelly Gillain
Josh's Girl

February 14, 2005

hey baby i hope you are doing ok in heaven. gav and i are making it down here. happy valentines day my love!!! i was going through some old cards you had gotten me for valentines day. they were sooo sweet and funny. we miss you soooo much i sometimes can not bear the thought of you gone still. gavin talks about you all the time. we really have some wonderful talks about you especially when g is tired and he will lay there long enough to listen to me. i tell him all about the special times we had laying in our bed with him. he is my angel and i love him more than breathing. i know you do. i remember looking at you holding our son and just staring at you and thinking, man it doesn't get any better than this. the way you looked when you were with him. i also remember when you would talk to me and hold me and the things you would say to me, man that was awesome. i hope that this will get easier some day. i know gavin is such a blessing to everyone. he makes us all so happy. that definatly helps us all vey much. i love you and will always be here with you. gavin loves his daddy very much too!!!! happy valentines day my love.

kirsten & gavin

February 13, 2005

If you are able, save for them a place inside of you and save one backward glance when you are leaving for the places they can no longer go, Be not ashamed to say you loved them, though you may or may not have always, Take what they have left and what they have taught you with their dying and keep it with your own, And in time when men decide and feel safe to call the streets insane, take one moment to embrace those gentle heroes you left behind. You will not be forgotten..We will see you in Elysium...

OFC Jason Crociata
Police Officer in Illinois

February 13, 2005

Dear Sgt Sloan (and the entire Sloan family and those who loved Nick.)

You worked with my late father. It was with great grief that we heard your son was killed, and on what had been Daddy's birthday. Shortly before he died, Mom said that Daddy stood in the street and openly wept as Officer Stanze's cortege passed by. No doubt Nick's death would have broken his heart as well. It's obvious that all the Sloan family's hearts were broken.

It is our belief that on that terrible day a year ago, Daddy came for Nick and escorted him to the very gates of Heaven. Daddy served in SLPD for nearly 45 years. I have no doubts he would have put his arm around Nick and said, "come with me." Nick was not alone.

Nick is with you all still. His service and sacrifice will not be forgotten.

February 9, 2005

I miss you so much everyday. I still hope that you (with a pacifier gripped in your teeth, and a diaper bag slung over your shoulder) and your most precious gift of all, Gavin, snuggled against you, would come through our front door again. I loved when you would come for a surprise visit. You would show me everything new that Gavin had learned. You were definitely a great dad. I cry sometimes when I think about you and your dad as you were growing up and how much Gavin will miss out without you here. Many people had told us that they had seen you and Gavin downtown or working out or shopping. I remember one day I was with Heather at Old Navy and she was on the cell phone with you. I laughed thinking about the both of you buying baby clothes for your own and each others baby. So many memories. I always think about babies being gifts from God and that we never know how long we have them on this earth. We have so much love for Gavin and Bobby. Thank you so much for all that you continue to do for us every day. I always hope and pray that things will be the way that you wanted them to be. Many of your good friends continue to call or stop by to see how we are doing. They have a lot of good memories of you and your dad at Guns and Hoses, paintball, and being at the lake.
Nick please continue to visit as much as you want. I love you so much. I continue to pray that things will get better. I know that you can only do so much.


February 9, 2005


Thank you for your post on Scott's page. I would love to here from you. I emailed Tracy at MO-COPS and asked her to forward my email address to you. If you like to do the same I believe MI-COPS will do the same.

I hope everything is going well for you, gavin, and Nick's family.

All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Fiancee Scott Stewart EOW 8-11-02 Detroit

February 9, 2005


If ever you want to talk, please contact me I would love to hear from you.


Kelly Gillain
Special Someone to Deputy Sheriff Joshua Blyler E.O.W. 5/2/04

February 6, 2005

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