Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Richard V. Lawn, Jr.

Lower Gwynedd Township Police Department, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Monday, July 28, 2003

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Richard V. Lawn, Jr.


The past month has been a tough one, but somehow I survived it. Yesterday I took Katie to a field hockey camp at Penn State. It's funny, the minute we got close to the football stadium I could feel your presence. It made me feel better knowing you'd be there to watch over her. I still miss you and your smile so much. The world is such a lonely place without you. The kids are doing well, but I know they feel your absence everyday. I miss your advise and your shoulder to cry on. We love you forever.

Richie's wife

July 6, 2005

Hey Richie,
Its an awesome summer day. I always find myself looking forward to every weekend but it just seems to deflate when I realize that you aren't here to spend these beautiful days with us. I love you and miss you so much...



June 17, 2005


Just wanted to let you know that not a day goes by that I don't think of you and everything you did for everybody. Things still remain a little dimmer without you around and I miss your advice and input. Well I'm gonna say goodbye for now before I end up sounding like a complete Nancy.

June 14, 2005

Hey Rich, I know you know I've been thinking a lot about you lately. Thanks for your help. I was down at my parents house this past weekend cleaning out their garage and I found the plaque that you were "given" when we went to a Moravian frat party to see Steve and Dave. What a riot! Remembr, as usual I was mouthing off to a bunch of frat guys and was close to getting tossed and you stepped in...again! For the record, I could have taken all 5 of those guys if I was able to stand up. That was another one of those nights where your covered my butt. I guess you knew back then (1982)that you were going to be protecting people. For that matter you still are. If your getting tired of me asking for your help give me a sign, no jokes just a sign. Not like you would'nt play a joke on me or anything. Rich, as with everyone else I miss you very much. I enjoy our brief times together when I visit you, see you again soon. Like Jeff said, keep an eye on us we still need you and I know your their.



May 16, 2005


It has been almost 2 years; seems like only yesterday. Your friends miss you and think of you often. We remember not only the heroic sacrifice you made, but the smiles that you gave us every day.

You were always a good friend to me, Rich. As the days pass by, that friendship endures. Thanks for support, the patience, and the laughs.

Mike Lynsky
FJD Warrant Unit

May 14, 2005

I missed you so much last night, but I felt your pride as Katie walked down the stairs. You have so much to be proud of; there is so much of you in her. She has your sense of right and wrong and is never swayed by anyone. She has grown into such a beautiful young woman, but in so many ways she's still a little girl who needed her Daddy last night. We were all there smiling with her and taking pictures, but you could still feel everyones' pain because you weren't here with us to share in Katie's joy.

I know it's supposed to get easier, but when I think about all the many dances, parties, games, meets, weddings that you won't be next to me for, I don't see it getting easier. The first year, I think I was in such shock and wrapped up in worrying about helping the kids cope that a lot of it was a blur to me. It's almost like I was on auto-pilot. Now the reality of the situation has settled in and I know our lives are changed forever. I miss being able to lean on you when it gets to be too much. I miss talking about our days with you. I miss having someone to share the pride, worry and joy over the children with. I miss having someone to cry to. I miss seeing your smile. I could really use that smile right now. I will always be grateful for the time we had together and all the special gifts you gave me, but sometimes the questions and the pain get the best of me.

I know you were beeming last night as you looked down upon your beautiful daughter and you have every right to. You were such a great dad to her. You are always in their hearts and in their minds as they go through life and all its many adventures. Stay close. We still need you. I love you.

Richie's wife

May 1, 2005

I miss you so much. I will always love you. You are the best dad in the world. I hope you like heaven. Say hi to Tara for me even though I never met her. Also say hi to Great Uncle Paul for me too. I love you alot!

Kelly (his daughter)

April 27, 2005

I missed you so much last night. You should be here to share the joy. I know you are a part of all of it, but I want to hear your funny comments and see your happy smile. Watch over her and make this time special. I love you.

Richie's wife

April 24, 2005

Hey Richie- as I guess you know, this week has been like the week you died for me...that bad. I don't know what triggered it but it is really hard. I keep thinking about how hard it will always be to not have you here. I wanted you to always be around for everything in my life. I know you are but I miss your face and talking to you. I would give anything right now to be able to hug you (even if you maneuvered it into a full nelson).
I don't think I'll ever feel so safe...I hope I will again.
I love you.

Erin Lawn
Richie's sister

March 30, 2005

I miss you so much. We all do. I just wrote a very heartfelt reflection but pressed reset by mistake, or was it. Maybe it was your way of telling me to keep some thoughts and feelings to myself. Once again, you are right(and made me laugh). I love you.

March 28, 2005

Hi Richie,

Happy St. Patrick's Day. I miss you so much. I remember all the many St. Patrick's Days we celebrated together. I always felt so safe and taken care of when we were out together. I miss that feeling. I miss knowing you had my back. I love you.

Richie's wife

March 17, 2005

Hey buddy, I miss you alot. When I am tired, that's when I think of you. You were always patient, with me, with everyone. I played a recording of your voice today - it is a small reminder what walking with you in my life was like. You were warm and funny. You were a good man who gave understanding and patience to everyone. You were never too tired.

Bobby Lawn- Brother

March 1, 2005

Because You Loved Me by Celine Dione

For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don'tknow that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you

You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you

I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

Laurie Lawn
Richie's wife

February 23, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day. I thought it appropriate that it was raining today. I miss you so much. I keep thinking about what we had talked about, and you were so right. I think it will be better for me in the long run, but you knew that already. People seem to have gotten back to their lives, but I'm still lost without you. You were my life. The kids still miss you so much and still struggle with how unfair life can be, but they always manage to get back up and keep going. I miss you today and always.

February 14, 2005

Rich, I thought of you many times during the past two weeks. You would have had a blast talkin' trash about the Pats and eagles match-up. Next year, could you pull some strings and get the Eagles over the hump?

February 7, 2005

Richie- we are in the BIG DANCE!!!!!!!!!!! E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!! Birds baby, Birds!

I know you are here with us.

Eagles Fan

February 4, 2005


The Birds are going to the Super Bowl!!! I'm so psyched and I know you are too. We had a party today and I thought of you the whole time. You would have had an awesome time. I wore your McNabb jersey. It made me feel like you were with us. We're all rooting so hard for the Eagles and I think a lot of it has to do with you. You were our football guy. I can't believe how obsessed I've become with football. I find myself having in depth conversations with men about games and what should or should not have happened. I'm sure you're getting a kick out of it! Help our Eagles go all the way. We love YOU! E-A-G-L-E-S!!!!!!

Richie's wife

January 23, 2005

Happy New Year. I miss you so much. You were with us last night as Sharon and the kids put confetti all over Tricia's house. I think I heard you laughing. How I miss hearing you laugh. I know you'll have a great year. Help me get through another one. I love you!


January 1, 2005

Merry Christmas! We went to mass at St. Rose tonight like we always do and then spent the evening at Bobby and Kim's new house with the entire family. I know we're such a big group, but we can still feel the emptiness that only you could fill. I'm sitting here looking at the Christmas tree thinking of all the Christmases we spent together from the first right to the last. You made it all so much fun. I miss you so much. I will definately miss you tomorrow morning when I'm trying to put toys and games together. I'd appreciate any divine intervention you could send my way. I know you are in heaven today looking down upon us all with Tara in your arms and you are smiling. You were always smiling. Thank you for all the wonderful memories that keep me company and bring a smile to my face. I love you and miss you forever.


December 24, 2004

This reflection is for Katie, Kelly, Connor, and Meghan. I went to grade school with your Dad way back in the old days. We attended St. Rose of Lima which back then was a lot smaller than it is now, I'm sure. The school consisted of 1 long hallway with 8 classrooms-grades 1 through 8. Being from such a small school I pretty much had 25 brothers & sisters also known as my classmates. We moved away at the end of 8th grade and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Anyway, the one story I'll always remember about your Dad had to do with haircuts. Your grandfather was from the old school which meant one thing-crewcuts! Every now and then your Dad would come in with a haircut that would make a crewcut look long. As soon as you saw him coming with that wool hat on you knew what happened. We would all laugh and tease him like you're supposed to do when your in 4th grade and he would end up leaving the hat on all day. So that night I'm at home at the dinnertable telling everyone how Richie got a haircut again and my Dad decides to give me one! I crawled into school the next day with what is still to this day probably the worst crewcut ever given to a kid in the entire world. It looked like I got into a fight with a set of sheep shears-and the shears won! I sat there totally humiliated while everyone laughed and laughed and it was just awful. I looked over at your Dad and he was laughing harder than anybody and then he reaches into his desk and pulls out.......a spare hat! I'm saved! He tosses it over and the both of us sit through class that day, melting from the heat, in our hats. I still laugh every time I remember that story. I just wanted to share that with all of you. I eventually lost my father also at a fairly young age so here's something I want you to remember. Every time you really miss him, just look into a mirror and you'll see the little part of him that is in each of you. It worked for me. You'll see what I mean. Take Care.

Steve West

December 9, 2004

Hi Richie,

Happy birthday! I missed you so much today that it was almost hard to breathe. I hope you had a good one up there. PLEASE be close...the family really needs you. Help us remember what is important.
I love you so much.


December 2, 2004

Happy Birthday! Sorry, but it took me 2 days to get myself together and be able to write to you for your birthday. We had your family over for dinner and we had Tony's, which I know you would have enjoyed. Lynne even made a stromboli again this year. I guess there are some things that we just can't help but do. I know you would be glad that we get together to try and help each other through the hard times. I can't believe you would be 42. I would give anything to have one more chance to tease you about your gray hair. I still find myself trying to bargain with God to just get to see you or talk to you every now and then. So far, it hasn't happened, but I'm still waiting!
We are starting to get ready for Christmas, but we miss you so much. You just loved this time of year. Please help us get through the holidays and stay close. I love you!


December 2, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving! We started the day as we always do with the family football game. Steve Brown didn't get hurt this year and actually made an interception(Are you helping him out?). It really was a fun game and I felt your presence the whole time. All the kids played and you would be so proud of their athletic ability. I can just see you beaming up in heaven. The Thanksgiving football game means so much to them because it meant so much to you.

Your family has been great with the kids and has a way of making sure they know they are there for them without making them uncomfortable. Mike C. has formed a special relationship with Connor that I know you would appreciate. Mike G. has become their friend and mine too. The special people in your life remember all the wonderful things you did in your life and they are making sure they share these gifts with our children and that means so much to me.

I can't help but miss you not being here with us, but I will always be thankful that you are my husband and my children's father. We were lucky to have the best. Please know we will always love you and you are in our hearts forever. No matter what I do, I think of you and that seems to make me a better person, so in a way you are still giving to us. I know you enjoyed your day with the family members in heaven and watching football. By the way, I still see you at the sink washing all the dishes after our feast. I love you.

Richie's wife

November 26, 2004

Well Rich, I just turned 42 and in a couple of days it will be your turn. The holidays are here and still something is missing. I think of you every day at work, and most the days I'm not as well. Your mom and dad, sisters and brothers, are all fanatastic people. I know you would be proud of your wife and kids because they made me proud, the way they carried themselves through the memorials. I always subscribed to the theory that everything happens for a reason...BUT still I canNOT understand why this happened....Makes it all the more difficult to get over..You truly are a good person, and seeing your whole family I can see how it started at the top and was passed down to your kids.

November 23, 2004

I will never be the same,I realize w my broken heart I must go on, and realize how lucky I was God chose me to be your sister. I miss and think of you always.
I hope you are front row at the games.
I Love You.

November 12, 2004

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