Lower Gwynedd Township Police Department, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Monday, July 28, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer Richard V. Lawn, Jr.
Our baby got her driver's license yesterday. She was so excited, but my worries are only beginning. Please watch over her and keep her safe. I know you'll be riding shotgun with her always. We love and miss you.
February 28, 2007
Happy Velentine's Day! We love and miss you forever.
February 14, 2007
Today I miss my best friend. I need your advise and one of your pep talks. You had such a clear way of looking at things that I tend to over think or complicate with my fears. I'm hoping for a visit tonight to set me straight. I miss you so much!
February 10, 2007
I last visited your page about 6 months ago and I wanted you to stop here and leave a reflection to let you know that you have not been forgotten nor will that ever happen as your loved ones will keep your memories alive as will the Blue Family. I know the silent tears still fall and will for a long time as they are tears of love by those that miss you and love you dearly. Continue to watch over them and visit them in their dreams to let them know you are near. I would like to leave a poem someone sent me and I'd like to pass it on to the loved ones of Officer Lawn: Poem by Richard Fife:
No person is ever truly alone.
Those who live no more,
Whom we loved,
Echo still within our thoughts,
Our words, our hearts.
And what they did,
And who they were.
Becomes a part of all that we are,
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
January 30, 2007
It was 19 years ago today that you asked me to marry you. The memory is so clear in my mind that it seems like only yesterday. I was so excited. I couldn't wait to plan our lives together. I've been realizing lately how very rare real love is. I just assumed everybody had what we had, but that's not the case. We were very lucky. There was total committment, trust and compassion. We were definately one. Thank you for that and for not being able to wait for Valentine's Day.
January 30, 2007
Thanks for leading me in the right direction. I knew you'd give me the answer.
January 29, 2007
To the Lawn family: I saw Richard's reflection on the fallen heros section. He looked so young that something made me click on the reflections tab and I saw ten pages of your family's and friend's reflections. I am sitting here in tears reading about and honoring Richie. He must be so very proud of the love you have and continue to show for him. To his wife and kids; even when a perfect stranger or bother officer visits this site and sees the love you have for Richie it honors him and shows everyone what you all know, that he is special! God bless, you have him on your shoulder as an angel.... Always...
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Dept.
January 25, 2007
"And I'm sure the view from Heaven beats the hell out of mine here and if we all believe in Heaven, maybe we'll make it through one more year down here."
January 17, 2007
Just thinking about you and missing you like crazy. You know you're in my heart forever. Love you.
January 17, 2007
Life is so much less without you.
January 7, 2007
HAPPY NEW YEAR RICHARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
January 1, 2007
Happy New Year Dude and thankyou for everything there is that you have taught me and gave me when you were here and since you have gone. I can't write anything here that you dont already know as I believe that you know all my thoughts because you are in every thought I have.
Though I say this ,if god makes a mold for big brothers I hope he casts it from you.
Thanks, Smallfry
P.S ;As the bikes rolled by and roured,I got it, It wasn't the riding of the cycle but the respect you could show for another officer that you wanted.
January 1, 2007
Happy New Year! I can't believe it's 2007. It was 20 years ago that I knew you were the one for me. We were over Tricia's & Mike's tonight and of course we talked about how you hid the confetti all over Tricia's house to drive her crazy on New Year's. It's those little things that you did that will stay with us forever. You know what's been going on right now and I know you're with me through it all. This is not how I wanted things to work out, but I'm trying to keep going as best I can and to make things right for our children. Please continue to help guide them in the right direction. They really are such amazing people and I see so much of you in each one of them. I know how very lucky I am. We love and miss you.
December 31, 2006
I really don't know what to say that already hasn't been said from your family and friends. I remember growing up with you playing everyday in the backyards of yours, Spurs and mine. Not sure what brought me to write this today, but for some reason, I really miss you and I want you to know that. You were a good friend and I miss our rides in your blue Blazer. I wish all of the Lawn family a blessed 2007 with you watching over them. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours...May God Bless the Lawn family.
Greg Bonner
Friend & Neighbor
December 30, 2006
I miss you so very much, I'm sorry I never wrote before but the pain was so much. I just wanted to tell you that today our company(Erin and myself) Indymac Bank chose the helping hands foundation for our monthy charity that they pick to contribute to which makes me so happy because through you we can help so many people get a great education. Still helping people Richie like usual. Peace and Love
Mary Kate
December 29, 2006
Hey Rich,
Just letting you know that I'm thinking about you a lot. Laurie sent us a photo Christmas card and wow! are your kids growing up. Your daughters are beautiful and Connor, well lets just say he's got that "Lawn" look! I can tell they are all going to athletes. I was cleaning out my attic a few days ago and came across the plaque you tore off from the moravian Frat House. I never saw you run that fast in my life. You are still a great friend, thanks.
Love Ya and Miss ya,
December 28, 2006
Merry Christmas Bubba!
December 25, 2006
Another Christmas Eve is here and I miss you so much. We had a wonderful time at Mom & Dad's house with the entire family there, but there is still an emptiness in the room as well as in my heart. As I sit here waiting for the kids to fall asleep, I think back on all our memorable Christmases together. I am thankful for each and every one of them. Merry Christmas! I love and miss you.
December 24, 2006
December 24, 2006
Richie- the holidays are here and I miss you so much. Please help us during the next couple of weeks!
Merry Christmas,
December 19, 2006
Happy Birthday. I wish I could celebrate your day with you, but you know I will be thinking about you all day. Katelyn has a sports banquet tonight and wasn't going to go because it's your birthday. I actually laughed because the thought of your daughter missing a sports banquet for you is obsured! Connor wanted to have a party for you and Kelly and Megan decided we should tell "Dad stories" at dinner. You are still on their minds and November 30th will always be your day. We love and miss you!
November 30, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving! We once again started our day off with a wet and muddy game of football. We were all covered in mud (I'm still trying to get the clothes clean), but isn't that the best way to play football? I know you would have loved to toss Steve in a few mud puddles, but don't worry; Brian took care of that for you! The kids so look forward to this game that they have now started inviting their friends to join in on the fun. I know you were there and proud of all of us for continuing the tradition no matter what the weather looks like. We felt you there through the whole game (thanks for making sure I didn't get hurt). After cleaning up we headed to Maureen's for a fabulous feast. We really had a great day, but there's always that emptiness that doesn't go away. There's always the chair next to me that you should be in and always that smile that I wish I could see. I know I have so much to be thankful for and I am, but I still miss you. I've been dreaming about you alot lately which has been both a blessing and a curse. I love to see your face again, but the mornings bring that harsh reality of what I am missing in my life. But I once again remember how lucky I am to have had you to share my life with and the wonderful children you gave me to enjoy and love. So, yes, I am very thankful this year for all my many blessings and you will always be one of them. I love and miss you.
November 25, 2006
We had our second race on Sunday and it went very well. It was great to see so many people there. We raised a nice amount of money and will be able to help some people. I know that's what you would want. I felt you there with me giving me strength and patience. I'm so very proud of the man you were and want everyone to know about you. The kids are proud of you too. We miss you and love you.
October 25, 2006
Richie- the race was wonderful. Your spirit was there and you could see it in everyone's smile. We miss you!
October 24, 2006
You probably don't remember me, I was pretty quiet all through high school. Now, I am married to a Maine State Trooper with five great children. I just wanted to thank you for the sacrifice you made to keep the community safe. Not a day goes by when I don't think of the danger of my husband's job. But I know he has to do it - he says it's in his blood. I am sure your family understands that, too. I'll keep your wife and children in my prayers always.
Andrea Woebkenberg Corbett
Andrea Woebkenberg Corbett
LC Class of 1981
October 21, 2006