Lower Gwynedd Township Police Department, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Monday, July 28, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer Richard V. Lawn, Jr.
It's been almost a year now since your passing and I still am at a loss for words to describe how much you meant to so many people. I check back here from time to time to see all the incredible things people have to say about you. I see your picture and I can still see you standing in front of me. I can still hear you. I find myself still in shock that you are no longer a part of this world. This world needs people like you. This world needs more people of your character and poise.
There are so many incredible things you brought to so many people and I find myself having a hard time expressing all of them, but if there was one thing that comes to mind the most it's that you were so cool to be around. It may not sound like a whole lot, but it's what most often comes to mind. You were a cool friend, a cool Dad, a cool brother to your family and a cool son to your parents. You would walk into a room and the room was brighter because of your presence. It's what made so many people love to be around you among many other things.
I can honestly say that from the bottom of my soul you are one of the greatest people I have ever had the priviledge of knowing and that if I can be half the person you are I will know I have done some good in my lifetime.
God bless you
June 6, 2004
Hi Richie,
Even though I talk to you all the time, I thought I'd write to you today. Today is Memorial Day. I hate to relate this day to you. People choose different careers for many different reasons. I know why you were a police officer and I know you were honorable. You have touched so many lives and helped so many. I only wish I could have such an impact. I am very proud to be your sister and I wish I could share so many more laughs with you. That's ONE of the things that I miss the most. Thank you for being my brother and friend. I love you and miss you every day.
Love always,
May 31, 2004
I just wrote to you about ten minutes ago, but I have so much more to say.
The school year is coming to an end and I just can't believe I got through this whole year. Ever since it happened I have been quite a worry wort and I worry about the most unimportant things that will not mean anything to me later in life.
I am trying to make everyone happy, but sometimes I feel like I am letting people down.
With all the great people in our family it is great when I am not having a good day to just go to grandma and pop pop's house and see all my young cousins with their big smiles. To see them with those smiles I know that you are in their spirits. You make everything worth while. I LOVE YOU!
Katie(Richie's Daughter)
May 22, 2004
Last weekend when we went to DC it was amazing. When we got there we stayed in a really nice hotel and we got room service (something I know you would love). We went to a memorial the day we got there and it really made me realize how many officers gave their lives for others.
The next day we did this survivor's counciling and to tell you the truth I was really nervous at first,but then I met people from all over the country. They told the stories of how their fathers past away and I realized I am not alone.
The last day we were there we went to another memorial at the capital and I met the president.(pretty cool)
I knew you were with me the whole time and thank you for all the wonderful people that you love so much and that are know helping me.
I feel like it was just yesterday when you were telling me soccer is not a sport.(lol) Even though you coached one of my soccer teams. You taught me that the most important thing is to have fun. Its hard with you not there, but everytime someone scores a goal or someone makes a run I think of you and how even though we may lose a game in the end as long as we have fun thats all that matters. You have taught me so much and you are what gets me up in the morning. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!
Katie(Richie's Daughter)
May 22, 2004
I just wanted to write you to tell you how much this past weekend has changed my perception of the meaning of brotherhood. The weekend started with the candlelight vigil that touched my soul. To see thousands of people at the vigil to help the survivors and pay tribute to the fallen heroes and let them know they are not alone was moving. Looking out at the sea of lit candles was incredible but the most touching were the candles held by your children, they seemed to outshine all the others.
We saw your name etched on the wall and watched with tears as your family traced your name. We watched as pictures were left and your name was touched and kissed. By the way how did you get next to the nittany lion? We all got a smile out of that, thanks.
To see all the thousands of brothers and sisters gather together to honor the fallen was incredible. All that we experienced over the weekend made me have a new appreciation for the job you all did and the one who are still here to carry on the tradition of protect and serve. When you are so close to it you seem to get lost, but there really is such a unity among complete strangers it left me feel a part of smething special.
I also wanted to tell you what an awesome family you have. Your parents are such special people; they raised a family that all should envy. Your siblings are so loving and caring to each other and those around them. Your wife is an incredible woman, I wish I could have half the strength and dignity that she posesses. I can't say enough about your children they are the sweetest most polite children. They are so strong. Thanks for sharing all of your family, anyone would be lucky to call them friend. You are missed very much, Thanks for all that you gave the world.
Kelli Gargan
May 17, 2004
A Name on the Wall
I went to the wall and I found his name.
I traced it on paper, while I hid the pain
The grief and the sorrow a family’s to bear
For a name on the wall for the whole world to share
But from a name on a wall how will they see
What and how much that name means to me
A life that has ended a future that’s gone
Etched into the wall the name RICHARD LAWN
I look at the faces of family and friends
And see in their eyes a pain that never ends
With pictures and memories there soon is a shrine
Matching the others a snap shot in time
Looking for answers and maybe a prayer
When I open my eyes the name won’t be there.
But there the name sits as it will through the years
Carved there in stone carved there with tears
I know that my life will never be the same
Since I went to the wall and I found his name.
May 16, 2004
I remember the day it happened all the time and everytime I think of it, it breaks my heart to know that I will never be given the great advice you always tell me or have you to walk me down the aisle when i get married. When people were telling me you would be okay I could not help but think that there is that possibilty that i would never see you again. I am doin the best I can with school and I have made alot of new friends. My friend Allison's dad past away and I have been trying to help her get through it too. I can't help but think it was the deer's fault that you are not here with me but you have made me grow up so much I know God needed someone as great as you with him in heaven. I LOVE YOU!
Katie Lawn(Richie's Daughter)
May 1, 2004
I felt you by my side at the Beef and Beer the other night. I know you would have loved it. It was so you... everyone wore sports jerseys and your family, friends and your police family came together to honor you. At one point in the evening I looked around the room at all the people and I was beaming with pride. You touched so many lives whether it was directly or indirectly. Even in your passing you have managed to bring the best out in people. Everyone wants to help us and I think it's because you always helped everyone. It always warms my heart to hear the beautiful things people are always saying about you. I always knew you were special, but it's nice to know other people saw it too. I miss you everyday and still look to the door hoping and praying that just maybe there was a mistake. I think I'll always do that. Here 9 months later, I thought of something I wanted to tell you when I got home. We are surviving and I think it's because of you. When I don't think I can take anymore, I hear you or feel you pushing me on. The kids are doing well, but miss you constantly. We talk about you all the time and that seems to help them. They know they have a father who loves them even if he isn't physically with them. I think they're starting to understand that you will always be with them. I am still amazed by them. They have had so much to deal with and yet they still manage to smile and care about others and grow into such wonderful people. I see part of you in all of them and I'm so grateful for that. I know you are looking out for them and they know it too. We still feel your love and hear your laughter in the house.
I know you continue to watch over all of us. There is so much pain around us all. Help everyone to once again survive the tragedies that are thrown our way.
I love you forever and always. I'll continue to "take care of your light work" as you continue to take care of everything else.
April 22, 2004
“Everyday heroes go about their routine business of living, laughing, and loving. They make sacrifices, not headlines. They touch hearts and change lives, have high hopes, low profiles and the admiration of all who recognize them as true heroes.”
April 21, 2004
Well I just found an old composition book from 1974-5 and remembered that Richie scored 7 goals in Street Hockey for us that summer. A nice memory to have for all of us.
Watch out for the kids Rich...
"The Sergeants"
Keith Dungan
Chip Breisch
Shawn Statten
Michael Watt
Robert Watt
Brett Grindle
Mike Forte
Tom Schmidt&
Matt Thompson
Your Childhood Team Mates
Childhood Friend
April 5, 2004
Big Daddy,
I have gone over this countless times in my head thinking of what to write and to get the courage to do it. You always made a big impact on my life and more now then ever. I will forever remember the times we spent and the things you taught me. We use "Brother" in our work very loosely. I can truely say you are my "Brother" in all that you did for me. Your towering and calming presence is missed more than you can imagine. "Lonesome George" still plays and does his thing from time to time. Rest in peace.
April 2, 2004
Sorry it took so long to write this, but writing it means accepting what happened and I still can't. All I can think to say is thank you. Thank you for all the things you did and I'm sure in some way are still doing. Thank you for all the advice you gave through the years. Thank you for being there personally and professionally when things got bad, and helping me celebrate the good. Thank you for letting us all into your family, the pride you took in your parents, siblings, Laurie and the kids is a testament to them all. If the measure of a man is his family you are the wealthiest person I know.
I know if you were here right now you would be the one making sure we were all getting through this ok. You are loved and missed every day, if I can live up to one tenth of the example of a life you had I will see you again.
April 1, 2004
I think I've talked to you more now then ever. I know it's you when I get that extra burst of courage or patiance or even calm. I even think you might even have somthing to do with my 2 sons pushing my buttons...you always told me that "What goes around comes around". I'll say this though, I hope all of my kids have the opportunity to have a friend like you. From the times you saved my butt in fights, drove me home from parties, Grateful Dead concets to the day we each stood by each other side on our wedding day you were there, I truel thought of myself as your brother. I miss our talks at the kids swim meets and catching up while cutting grass. Theres really not one thing I can do that you don't come to mind and put a smile on my face. I know your watching me, thank you. We may not have talked every day but I knew you were a call away if I needed you and me for you. Soon I'll get the guts to go see Laurie and do what ever I can.
Rich, I miss you and love you, put a good word in for me!
March 25, 2004
It amazes me that after the short amount of time that has passed since that horrific event, it still hurts as bad as that morning. I know you are aware of my presence that day, and every time the "fire wackers" had to bail you out. I am so sorry this was your fate, it always seems unfair when it happens to the "good guys".
All the times that we spent together seem like "yesterdays" and hardly the many years that it has been. I know the family needs to remember those events you shared with them more then anyone, and I truly pray for them every day.
God bless and I will see you again!
Jeffrey F. Mullaly, Fire Chief
Upper Gwynedd Fire Department
March 25, 2004
I know you helped welcomed Uncle Jack into heaven. Help the family get through these hard times. Everyone keeps saying it will get easier. I still miss you like day one.
Love you,
Erin Lawn- sister
March 24, 2004
Your towering presence :)
Your unwavering kindness :)
Your unselfishness :)
Your adorement for your family :)
Your morals :)
Thank you so very much. Thank you so very much for providing me with an inspirational person in my life. I think about you almost daily and realize what a positive impact you had on not only my life, but so many people around you.
We are....
March 1, 2004
My Richard,
I am so proud of you. Our family was stronger because of you.
You helped teach your brothers how to be good and caring boys, and gave your sisters a strong brother they could always depend on and adore.
Towering over me while standing in uniform you once joked “Now you have to look up to me.” I wish I had told you then how I had been looking up to you for such a long, long time.
I wait for you to come up our driveway. The days are emptier without you.
Thank you for your gifts and I thank God for his mercy in allowing you to be in my life.
February 21, 2004
I just found this website and wanted to first thank Rich for being good to me and sticking up for me when I was an awkward (dorky) underclassman on the Lansdale Catholic HS football team way back in the late 70s/early 80s. He always seemed so big and calm to me back then.
To Richie's family -- please know that you are in our prayers. I hope someday to be remembered as being as good a father to my 3 boys as Richie was to his children. My wife and family are that much dearer to me having read these reflections. Thank you for that gift.
Take care.
Bill Woebkenberg
teammate on LCHS football team
February 12, 2004
To this day your spirit lives in so many of us. The way you touched so many of us will forever be a benchmark for many others.
The way you cared for your family is something I will never forget. To this day, your passing still seem surreal, but I always smile when I think of you and the way you lived your life.
You will never be forgotten
February 10, 2004
Did you still hear the songs
Did you still see the lights
Did you still feel our love on cold wintry nights
Do you still share our hopes and all of our cares
Do you still hear us when we say our prayers
We still want to tell you that you make us proud
And you are still head and shoulders above all the crowd
We know you are close beside us in a new special way
We think of you and miss you every single day
But please forgive us, we can't stop shedding a tear
Because you spent Christmas with Jesus this year.
December 30, 2003
Happy Birthday! We will all think of how lucky the world was on this special day when you entered it with all your incredible gifts. This will always be a day that we will celebrate even if it is through tears and heartbreak. We celebrate that we had you in our lives; even if for a short time. We all miss you so much. XOXO
November 29, 2003
You've touched many in your life and many more you never knew. Your Brothers in Blue will miss you dearly, but we shall meet again my friend!
Abington TWP Police Dept
October 22, 2003
I just wanted to say how sorry I was about the passing of this officer. I think cops are angels in a human bodies. They were sent here by GOD to be our protectors against the evil of this world. When our LORD feels they worked long and hard enough here, HE brings them back home to be with HIM in Heaven. Everyone has a seaon, and some have longer season than others. This particular angel, did a lot for all of us in just a short season. GOD BLESS Officer Richard Lawn.
Rita McBride
October 20, 2003
Ofc. Lawn
It's not surprising that after reading the memorials left on this page, I find myself wanting to hold my husband and my 4 children that much closer. I had the pleasure of meeting you once while you visited your Mom on campus, and I could see her love and pride she has for you. You are so profoundly missed that there are no words to describe the grief. I cried not only for you at your funeral, but also for your family, friends, and co-workers who you touched so deeply. .
You lost your life with only the thought of saving others and that is the most blessed gift of all. The best way to honor you is to live our lives as a reflection of yours, with strength, kindness, and a love of life. You and your family will be remembered in our prayers.
Heidi Norton
GMC College
October 14, 2003
Gone but not forgotten, still can’t believe it's true
Each day seems like a year, living without you.
Always with a smile, a shoulder for our pain.
No doubt our tragic loss, is truly Heavens gain.
The foundation for a family, the roots of that big tree.
Your strength was an example, a light for all to see.
Four children and a wife, left searching for a clue.
A way to carry on, going forward without you.
An angel once among us, but God has called you home.
With so many left behind you, each one now feels alone.
October 13, 2003