Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant David Paul Land

Forsyth County Sheriff's Office, Georgia

End of Watch Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sergeant David Paul Land

Mothers Day didnt feel the same- sincce you didn't come pick her up and go shopping. No phone call from you.. But Life has changed..for all of us. Tator- is growing up so much, we miss you- glad to know yr grave looks good- Taylor was pleased today to go visit..


May 9, 2004

Hi Bud,

I miss you and love you with all my heart.


Linda B. Land/ Mother

May 4, 2004

Hey Bud, still can't call you David, will always think of you as Bud, Bubba or Bubanski!! We sure do miss you and think of you often. an officer was unfortunately killed at the exit where i get off the interstate everyday. there is a memorial there to him but everytime i see it, i don't think of him but of you. Hard to look at but it keeps you fresh in my mind and in my thoughts. Can't believe it has been a year and more, if anything it only seems like yesterday. The one thing i hope to have learned after all of this is to be good to the people i care about and live and love like it could be your last day. i am trying not to let the little things stand in the way. Someone told me, they wished they has spend less time being pissed off (sorry Dad) that the other person did not unload the dishwasher or some sort of other thing that seems silly in comparision. DON'T WASTE YOUR DAYS BEING MAD AT EACH OTHER ABOUT SILLY STUFF!! Get over it! Tell someone you care about them before it is too late. Spend some time with people you care about before they are gone. I tell Mckenzi about you so she will remember "Taylor's Daddy"! Bye for now, Stephanie

April 29, 2004


Saturday was your day my Friend I rode the memorial ride that day to Honor you. As years past we would ride together along with other Motor Officers to Honor Fallen Brothers and Sisters. Although I was not in uniform or riding the County Bike other officers still remembered me not because it was me, It was because I used to ride beside you and you touched so many people they all remembered.

Officers would say remember when we rode to Helen or to Stone Mountain with you and your partner "Bubba" and it would just go on and on with stories. All I could say was yea it was the best 3 and half years of my career.

D.P. it was an Honor to be your partner and to ride beside you
and some day I will have that Honor again.

But the greatest Honor ever asked of me was when Paula asked me to Escort the Family for the service in Washington,I am so proud to have this opportunity to Honor You and Your Family.

I know you are watching over all of us because thats just you. I think of you everyday and man do I miss ya.

Detective D.M. Carr
Forsyth County S.O.

April 28, 2004


Today is the memorial motorcycle ride in Atlanta and I was again thinking of you.

I always think of your "racoon eyes" tan line from wearing your sunglasses as you rode and how and why I thought it was endearing and uniquely showed how much you must have been on your motorcycle. The funny way you stood and that weathered leather jacket. I think of Chuck and you at roadchecks and the way Chuck said you two were just the "Wagon Masters" loading up the van to take the arrested people to jail. How the two of you were clowns and loved to laugh. The silly sticker's on your ticket book that I read the first day I met you while I was a rookie.

You were there for me on one of the worst days and embarrassing days in my personal life. You didn't have to come to help, you did so because you were a "Brother" and that was how you were. I remember you telling me "you're not alone "Sister", we all have been through this".

As you know, the Honor Guard has been getting ready to take a road trip to Washington D.C. to honor you at the Police Officer's Memorial. I cannot tell you indeed what a honor it will be to pay tribute to an officer like you. If only we all officers were like you, a cop's cop. I always remember you calling us "Brother" and "Sister" as if the badge that all of us wear is a family symbol to each other. I heard it will be Mikey's birthday during the trip and Im sure we will all toast (many times) a drink in your honor. "Amen Brother" as you always said.

You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Deputy Angela M. Taylor
Forsyth County Sheriff's Office

April 24, 2004

Hi Bud,
Big motorcycle ride coming up this weekend (the 24th) honoring all the police lost last year in Georgia.
Mom is still swearing she is going to learn to ride. She normally gets her way about stuff, but we will have to see about this one. Dwayne will be carrying your flag on his motorcycle and riding up front with the other flag carriers. We will be in the middle of the parade in our car. Mom and I met the folks from C.O.P.S. in the city of Forsyth, the meeting was for explaining the May 15th HONOR ROLL day in Wash. D.C. They are Great People and very caring. Writing to you is still very hard for me. I stay strong for Mom and Taylor and Shelly but your not being here, eats at me everyday. The only thing that makes it even halfway bearable is the pride I continue to feel when everyone and I mean everyone still has a meaningful or touching story to tell us about you. I don’t write often son, because it hurts too bad. But I will keep you up to date on everything. Taylor is getting to be an “I’m seven and I’ll give you a handful” type, but she is so bright and caring. She is a pleasure. We now have a large selection of Video of you with Taylor through the years, Thanks to Rebecca. They are hard to watch but help us feel closer.
Enough for now, see you at the motorcycle ride. Oh, I almost forgot. The people from C.O.P.S. were talking about how you were always at every ride. Mom was going through their ride pictures and, sure enough, you were in quite a few. Of Course, only a mother would recognize a son from the back
Love and miss you terribly

Paul Land

April 19, 2004

Dear David,

I could hear you and see you all over the hospital on Wednesday. It was pretty special becoming an aunt. I told baby girl, Makayla Danielle all about her uncle David. Danielle is for you! I know you would be smitten with her. The whole experience kind of reminded me of your talk with Tracey the weekend before your accident, when you told her she needed to talk of me about getting pregnant ... not to wait. I know you would have had me pregnant on our wedding day if I would of allowed it. Funny how things work out. It was not meant to be. It has been difficult caring for me; there is no way I could have cared for a baby. You left one legacy and it is unfortunate that you will not be around to watch her grow. You would not have wanted this for any of us. I love you and you are missed dearly.

I am my beloved and beloved is mine---now and always


April 18, 2004

Hey bubba-
I know you can see us down here wishing and wanting to have you back with us but someday we will all be with you. What a reunuion that will be. I just have to laugh at some of the memories I have. This is a pretty funny story, I remember one day we were sitting in your living room with your Mom(that I had just met for the first time) and you went to show your Mom your scar from your wreck and I guess when she asked to see it she didn't think you would just drop your drawers right then and there. All your Mom said was "David" and her mouth just dropped, and my face was as red as red could be. But that was you, no cares in the world, you were just being you. Well, as this Easter rolls on you brought out the sunshine for all of us to have fun with the kids and think of you and that beautiful smile you had. I wish I knew your family as well as I knew you, I know they cherish the memories of you just as I have. Please look over us and keep everyone safe until that sweet day comes.
Love you


April 11, 2004

Daddy,....Happy Easter !! This year Grandaddy's Birthday is on Easter.
Not to long ago we were riding in our car singing every Toby Keith song on his cd. As Taylor told me all kinds of funny things you did. Just bought some Polo sheets, and thought about you- Polo- Polo -Polo... All my dad wears is POLO your little one told me as we checked out of the store..Laugh and Cry.. I cant believe yr gone. Even though I'm married and living my life- somethings just not right. Your not over - every-other weekend.. your not calling every day at 4pm... Your not hunting us down to say LOVE YA BUGGA BEAR... just not the same... Just before you had that wreck- we took off the message that we kept for so long... your voice-only if we could hear your voice..
I hear you loud and clear sometimes.. you come visit in my dreams, play with Taylor, look around and tell me things. Things that I think are relevant to today and how you want things..Sometimes your peaceful and sometimes your not. I wish I new what it all meant.. But wishing is all we have. Peace to you- I know you need it... We will be there in Washington... For you.

Taylor is such a blessing- I know you know that...

mother & daughter
LAuren and Taylor

April 10, 2004

Hi Bud's,

It.... feel so different leaving a nessage on a web site for you . I need to put my arms around your neck and hold you. Shelly , Mike, Zackery, Taylor, Dad, Paula, and myself and
so many more people there at the accident that love you. March 26, 2003 The day that someone took my son from me and I will never recover from that. I can never get him back. .Bud Thank you for being the son you are I am so very proud of you. Bud's as you can see it's not getting any easier for mom. My heart and stomack
ache so badly.
Love and Miss You

Mother/Linda B. Land

April 4, 2004

I stop by this website often after the death of two dear friends with the NCSHP (Troopers Calvin Taylor E.O.W. October 3, 2001 and Anthony Cogdill E.O.W. May 30, 2003).

We all grieve over the lives lost in the line of duty. I hope you can find some comfort knowing that there are countless prayers that go out for your family.

These are senseless tragedies that never seem to stop. God Bless the men and women who continue to serve their communities in our great Nation.

...Gone, but never Forgotten....

Marti (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)

April 4, 2004

My keyboard is wet with tears as I write this. I have been thinking about you so much the past two weeks. My daughter had been watching the calendar for the 26th and then was upset that she had to go to school on Friday and miss your service at the accident site.

Want to hear something funny that will make you smile? Last year I followed a Sheriff's vehicle back to Central Park and probably scared the guy to half to death wondering what I was doing. He had a sticker on the back of his car honoring you and I wanted one. Luckily he wasn't upset that I had followed him and he was nice enough to get one of the stickers for me. It is still there on my car today and we think of you everytime we see it.

We stop by the accident site often and just sit and think. My girls like to put fresh flowers from our yard there and make sure it is pretty and clean.

I hope that you know how much you touched all of our lives. Brittany still refers to you in everyday conversation and she waves "hi David" when we drive past Kids-R-Kids even when another officer is there. Did you know your picture is still on the computer when you check your kids in at Kids-R-Kids? We all still think of you so often.

I am just so glad that I got to see you that last day. I will never forget driving home to meet the bus and stopping to talk to you. I just thank God that I got to hear that last "Hey Baby" to my girls and I will always remember you offering to watch out for us with my husband being away with the war. That is so like you to give of yourself for others... both with your smile and happy attitude to brighten everyone's day and your time to help others in need. You have set an incredible example for others to live up too. Still today, if I say "What would Mr. David say about that?" Brittany will tell me the right answer. You may also remember that we passed you again on our way out of the subdivision that afternoon and you waved to us with that big smile of yours. When we came back and saw the accident I just couldn't believe it. I must have been in a daze for two solid days. It is terrible how someone so wonderful can be here one hour and just be gone in a matter of minutes.

On Friday the 26th I could not bring myself to go to the service at the accident site. I drove up there intending to go but just couldn't stop. I am sorry. I decided instead that I would honor you by overcoming my own fear of motorcycles and I took my VERY FIRST MOTORCYLE RIDE that afternoon to remember you. I was scared to death at first but I just kept thinking that you loved riding so much that it had to be fun. After I relaxed a little ( luckily my brother was the one driving so that helped ) I had a great time.

So, to thank you even more for all that you have done to positively influence my girls and the entire kids-r-kids family as well as support my husband in his military duty, my brother and I will be riding in the Georgia Police Memorial ride on April 24th. I hope you will enjoy watching us from above as we honor your memory.

I will say a prayer for Paula and Taylor and we are all looking forward to seeing you again someday in Heaven.

Kim, Karl, Brittany, Sarah Funderburg
Kids-R-Kids family

April 2, 2004

Hi David,

I did not forget Friday. Michael and I talked about you as we so often do. He misses you a lot. Please continue to watch over him. I miss you as well because I don't hear about any more of your escapades from Michael. You and your family and especially Taylor are forever in my prayers.

Mary Honiker

Mary Honiker

March 29, 2004

Hi Daddy, I love you and I miss you alot. You are the best Daddy in the world. Sunday is my b-day. We are going to ChuckECheese and some of your freinds are coming to it. They gave me some money for my birthday and I bought a Gameboy with Super Mario 3. It is charging right now. Thank you everybody.

Taylor Land

March 26, 2004

Thoughts of you are weighing really heavy on my heart and mind today as they often do... Bubba, if I could just hear you say "Kel-bel" one more time... See that huge smile... a hug, anything... I miss you so much and think about you so often.

Please continue to watch over everyone... We all miss you so much.

Paul, Linda, and Taylor and all of David's family: please know you are continually in my prayers and thoughts!

All my love,
Kel Bel

Kelly (Day) Anders

March 26, 2004

Dear David,

The past two weeks have been very hard. It is so weird that eventhough a year has passed, your body still reacts as if it has just happened. I have so many dreams of you returning only to awake to find our bed empty and house empty. I remember everything leading up to your tragic accident as if it were yesterday. I am so thankful that you came home earlier that day to tell me you loved me and hug me one last time. If only we had known that would be the last hug or kiss.
I found the poem if Tomorrow Never Comes would I know how much you loved me dated years ago. How ironic to find it after your death with your handwriting and the I Love You of you. Did you give me that so that I would always know how deep and true your love for me was? Did you give me that because god forbid something happened to you, you wanted me to take a minute to realize what life would be like without each other and so that we could cherish every moment? Life is different.
I have learned so much since your death. I have learned what the true meaning of life is, which I don't think you can truly understand and appreciate until you have a loss as deep as this. I have learned the true meaning of family and friends. Those are the people that stick by your side, always. It certainly is a loss of innocence. How unfortunate for someone of my age to have to experience the loss of a spouse. Many people don't experience something this horrible until they are in their seventies and eighties. It would have been nice if I had been spared the hurt another forty years. It did not work out that way, however. One thing that I know is that I am a better person because you left the better part of yourself with me. Please continue to watch over me and all the people you love so that we may all have peace and heal.

To Taylor,
Happy almost seventh birthday. Your daddy will be watching down from heaven just as he did last year. I hope that you are okay and that you are growing to be a smart and beautiful little girl. We both love you...your Miss Paula.


March 25, 2004

As I am missing you today, I love you as always.
I wish oday and everyday I could get one of those big hugs and that sweet smile.


March 25, 2004

We miss you Daddy--

Taylor has done great in school- her report card was excellent all the way across !!! we are going to chucky cheese to celebrate.."Imagine" that.
I know that you would be so proud of her if you were here. Zach is so big and such a little blessing... His little smile reminds me of Shelly-he is so cute- and then she -- in return reminds me of you so much. Actions-hand motions- her laughter- when she's in a hurry- it's like you rushing around to do something...
I can't believe that right around the corner we will be on yr one yr anniv.. And Taylor will be 7 !!! how time flies !
David- she is so smart- my genes....HA HA !!
Then you have her lovely smile-and dimples...That's ALL YOU !!!!
she misses you the most- then Chuckie-poo !! She loves her Scott-Scott- and Whit- Whit- SHE IS SUCH A CHARACTER !!
and boy~ she got her shopping ability honest !! She kept her shoes you bought her in one spot in her closet... and keeps changing your pictures around in her room- keeping her favorite color blue like her father... no more lime green !! phew !!!!

miss you- think of you daily...

Lauren and Taylor Land

March 18, 2004

It's soooo hard to believe that a year ago today I talked to you on the phone and everything was going so good for you. We laughed about life, kids, and work. I hung up that phone just like any other day that we would talk. If I only knew that one phone call would be the last I would have never have let you go. But I know that is impossible to know, that is when I learned a valuable lesson. Don't ever let a day go by without letting your loved ones know how special they are. You were special to me and our friendship will never end. You were a great person all around. You loved life and life loved you. I miss you so much. I miss getting mad at you for being soo bossy to me. I used to tell Bubba he didn't have to act like my boss but I know he was just giving good advice. I miss you!


March 13, 2004

Dear Bubba,
It is hard to believe it has almost been one year since your physical presence left us. Of course, your spirit continues to live on, bringing a smile in the most obscure moments of our busy lives. I think of you often and miss you dearly. I'm sure you're having a good laugh watching me trying to learn how to be a Daddy. Our little man is now 8 mos. and into everything. I promise to try and teach him the game of golf When doing so, I will tell him the story of my friend, who would sneak me onto to the links at Hidden Hills golf course and then procede to demonstrate the greatest patience known to man. All the while, smiling and laughing. That's how I choose to remember my friend, smiling and laughing , 9 iron in hand, walking on golden links...I love you man

Ole' Friend
Cobb Police

March 5, 2004


Faith and Mary,
Thank you for remenbering Bud birthday. Shelly his sister and his Aunt Louise and I were over with him that special day. ( ANGLES DANCE THE DAY HE WAS BORN) That is what the tile read that I took over to his grave .(It"s gone missing and I know who took it (WHAT A SHAME.) We did have lunch with Bud , had candles that read 33 and left them lite the whole time we had lunch and cake with my SPECIAL SON.. Ooooo how I miss him. Shelly sat on his belly just like they use't to do. They would play wrestling as often as a years before this aweful accident happened.



March 1, 2004

I ran across this web page last night and sat and read all the reflections wrote about Officer Land. He sounded like a well loved man. My prayers go out to Paula, Taylor, Mom&Dad & the rest of his extended family. May you all find peace knowing you now have a special ANGEL watching over you. GOD BLESS!

Forsyth County Citizen

February 23, 2004

As we are coming up on the one year mark, I think of you everyday. I know you are looking down on each and everyone that loves you and guiding them through their lives to help them get to where you are. I remember the sound of your voice as if it were yesterday. I miss you soo much. I can't wait till I can get a big hug from you again one bright day when I come home. Please look out for the men and women who put there lives on the line everyday for the community just as you did.
Love you and may god bless your family and give them peace as they go through such a horrible tragedy.
HEY TAYLOR!! I know you may not remember me and Kyle but we remember you and you are in our hearts. I used to love hearing about your adventures from your Daddy and now I read about them on his memorial page. You hang in there and be a very strong little lady for Daddy.


February 21, 2004

It seems as though David is being thought of as tug of war. Any body who knew him knew how he felt about everybody in his life. In order for everybody to begin healing, there needs to be peace. If not for any other reason, respect David and honor him. Everybody lost. Whether you are his wife, daughter, parents, in-laws, brothers and sisters, etc. His relationship with each of you was different. Perhaps if everybody could stop and think about everybody else and how they might be feeling, all this fighting and tension would end. All of us miss David dearly. It has been almost one year and emotions are still high. Unfortunately, life continues to go on. You do not know what each other faces daily until you walk in their shoes. Don't pretend to know. Be thankful you were a part of his life and respect him and the people he loved. May this year bring some peace and happiness to his wife, daughter, parents, in-laws, brothers and sisters, and all.

friend of David and Paula

February 18, 2004

Let us remember that this site is for David , please do not to try to make his ex wife,or anyone else in his exsisiting family appear to be anything less than what they are. Normal people who have suffered a great loss and are trying to go on with life. Let us remember that Taylor is our main focus , this beautiful child lost her father, but not her mother. She is/has been taken care of. No doubt...


February 16, 2004

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