Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant David Paul Land

Forsyth County Sheriff's Office, Georgia

End of Watch Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sergeant David Paul Land

Just wanted to let you know, Doodle and I were talking about you. I got my new sleigh bed and was changing all the bedspreads out, and gave Taylor our bedroom suit. She looked down at the tags on the sheets and said I'm right at home in my Daddy's Polo stuff... She wants the bed spread you bought me but it's to old and worn but I'm sure she doesn't care.. It was cute to see her smile and say- boy I'm going to sleep good tonight !!
R_I_P.. DPL.. we will miss you this Thanksgiving. As always..


November 22, 2004

I escorted a ride past the sight yesterday, how I wish you were still here to have rode it with me. I dont think it possible to find another partner quite like you. somehow you managed to make even the crappy details seem fun. Your smile and laugh are greatly missed and still echo in my mind.
Till we ride again brother. Love ya

Cpl. T.M. Lewis

November 14, 2004

IT's been a while since I have been on here but not since we have shed another tear..
This year the time has come for school plays and teacher conferences...How fun ! She loves her teacher, and loves the school. We went to her play not to long ago and she did great !!Just a big smile across the stage as she said her lines.. Im sorry you missed it. Grandad,Grandmother, Big Daddy and Granny and Ryan and I were there to cheer her on !!
I met with her teacher for the first conference for the year.. You would have loved to hear the story she wrote about you. Her teacher has moved her up to advanced classes as soon as they can enroll ... I'm so proud of her... She doing so good and getting so tall... We miss you Daddy


November 12, 2004

Son you are forever in my heart.
I Love You.


November 8, 2004

Hey Bubba,
Just wanted to tell you that I still think about what a wonderful friend you were to my son and that you will always be in our hearts. Be with your friends and help them to have a safe Halloween and of course be sure that baby girl of yours and all your loved ones are safe.
Miss you

Mary Honiker

October 29, 2004

Hey Bubba,
You've been on my mind so much lately! The holidays are coming up and I know that they will be difficult for everyone but I know that you are with each and every one of us. Jennie and I talk about you often and laugh about you leading us back from Jasper on your bike and singing "Life Would Be A Dream" on ch. 5. That will forever be the song that reminds us of you. Jennie went out and bought it not long ago. It's funny. Now when I pray, I say my prayers to God and an extra one to you to keep all your brothers and sisters safe. I still get teary eyed when I see an officer on a motorcycle. It is such a beautiful sight and it makes me think of you. The last thing you said to me was that you hoped that me and our friend would bury the hatchet and be friends again. Always thinking of others. Things are back to normal and I know that you had something to do with it. We all miss you so much brother! We cheers to you anytime we are all together. I look forward to seeing you again someday and catching a ride with you to Heaven.Until then...

Forsyth Co So

October 14, 2004

I could write a book about you. I don’t. The truth is that it hurts too much to allow myself to remember too much. I miss you every day.

Your loving sister,


October 5, 2004


I haven't been on in a while to check this site, I have been a little preoccupied with my new little bundle. I had a baby boy on June 16, and we named him Mason. I met with Lauren and Taylor so they could meet him and Taylor is just such a joy. You would be so proud! She was dying to meet Mason and hold him.

She calls me Kel-Bel - it is so sweet. It is so strange to hear her say it, because you were the only one that ever called me that, but I think it makes her feel closer to you, if that makes any sense. I remember the times you used to stop by my apartment so I could see her - she has grown so much. She is a beautiful young lady and boy does she love her daddy!!!

Anyway, I just wanted to check in and say hello. Please know that I think of you often and imagine your laugh, and your face and wish so bad that you were still here to see all that is going on - meet Mason, see him with Taylor, etc... But you will meet him one day and see him and Taylor playing.

I love you and miss you so much!

Kelly Day Anders

September 15, 2004

I know you were not in 9-11 but it still rings true for you and ever other officer that have given their life or the life they had was taken so very quickly with out notice. Thank you for being a great dad, and thank you for protecting all the people that you met that became your friends. thank you- thank you- Your honored every day in our thoughts and conversation... was at my moms cleaning out stuff getting ready to move, came across some pictures of you when we met.. how funny they are.. im glad i still have some of your stuff around.. goodbye for now..

September 11, 2004

I miss you sooooo much!!!
Love you!

August 30, 2004

It has been around 17 months since I have talked to you. As time passes I honestly believe that it is getting harder on her.. As she grows older she is becoming more aware that you really are not here and you are not coming back. She can shut her eyes and imagine, but it does no good. I can't keep her eyes from welling up with little tears of pain and sorrow, but as I lay down next to her and share stories of you with her, she cries. All I can say is "I'm sorry baby".
She has grown so much, and she will be eight before I know it.
She longs to feel your touch, or the warmth of your hug. Maybe something to remember you from, not just a uniform. She's got your little dog, and a room full of pictures, but for that little child she longs to hear your voice, to smell your clothes, the sound of your sirens, or your loud bike. Everytime we see a patrol car pulled over she says " Someone likes to police just like my Dad did."
Time goes by so fast, but somedays we are in slow motion. Is this a bad dream? I wish. I think everyone wishes this was a bad dream, and we would all love to wake up.
Today was the firdt day of school. All of her teachers from last year were very interested in how she has been coping over the summer. She has been in many prayers and there are people all around who check on her, and she has her favorites that she calls on my cell phone. It is very amusing in the car when I realized that my phone was gone, to look in my mirror and see her talking to one of your friends. She's so grown-up in her own way, but in her little heart she mourns your death deeply.
We had gymnastics this summer again. she's getting really good at those splits...cartwheels too !!
We are taking care of her the best way we know how, and that is with love. Just like you did, loving her like there was no tomm. I wish everyone lived like it was their last day and loved like it was their last, and maybe this world wouldn't be so bad.

P.S. She enjoyed meeting Pres. Bush, but told me the best suprise of the week was Chuck. Thank you taking time out of your schedule to call her.I know your busy, but it means alot. You just don't know.


August 9, 2004

This is a message to Paula, I just wanted to tell you that I think about you often. I think about how Happy I saw the two of you together. You both completed each other. David was very happy to be in your life and I know you in his. The day I heard what happened it tore me up because I knew your heart was like a puzzle & now it was not complete anymore..He finally had the life he wanted a wonderful wife & his daughter who he loved very much. I remember talking to him and he was so happy just to mention you. You brought a smile to his face.It was the perfect match again I believe you both were soul mates and one day you will be together again. I know and others will know that the 2 of you are one again and happy. Sometimes I know you wish you would have been able to have a child with David and Im very sorry that you did not and I know it hurts you to read in some of the entry's about him having his daughter when you couldnt with him. He was so much in love with you that it didnt matter because his life was complete.You loved him & Taylor so much that he knew where he was in his life was what he always wanted even through it all you both found each other and true love. I'm sorry that everything was taken away from you. Just remember you and David were husband and wife and he wouldnt have wanted it any other way.

August 7, 2004

unforunatley I never got the chance to know you except in passing when you were picking up or dropping of Taylor. The people who did have the great fortune to know you were all very lucky from what I understand. Please be assured that we down here are trying everything in our power to comfort, console and be there for those of your family members that we are close to. It is difficult to comprehend when you could not possibly imagine the gammet of emotions they must be feeling. Your legacy of course was your loving spirit and Taylor is so lucky to have that in common with you. She is such a joy and blessing and lights up any life she enters into. Look down on the family and put a hedge of protection around them so they might feel your spirit again. They need to be reassured now that you will never leave them completely. I look forward to getting to know you myself one day until then....

Lauren's Best Friend
and Taylor's "Auntie Wiss"

August 4, 2004

Hey - I just wanted to say Hello. We miss you !!!


July 27, 2004


As they say, things happen for a reason. I really did not believe that until 3 weeks after you had your wreck. You know, I was having financial hardship, you and I decided that Taylor would finally be able to come stay with you for two months, so I could get a second job to get out of my hardship.

I remember as if it was yesterday..We talked for about two hours at my house. I remember you sitting on my bed looking at me saying “Lauren , you have had her day in and day out her entire life, Let me be the one to take care of her for a while.. You need a break and I can see her everyday for once, not just over the phone while I’m at work”. I can see her at lunch at school, check on her everyday, pick her up and be with her more.” I pondered that for 3 weeks. After many tears shed b/c I didn’t want to let go of my called one day and said.. “ She will be with me, call me everyday and you can talk to her. You will be able to see what it was like for me for the past 2 ½ years. It hasn’t been easy..” I cried for days.. I felt so lost with out her. I felt like my heart was ripped out of me. We had finally changed positions. I saw her on the days I had off, and called her everyday at “Kids-R-Kids” at 5:00. Normally she would be watching you direct traffic. Sometimes I would cry to hear her little voice... I began to realize how you felt all the time... I remember the first time that I met you at the mall to pick her up for the entire weekend. I was so happy to see her, I finally knew then, what you went through. I guess that explains you coming over all the time, whatever hour to look at her sleep.. I never had imagined or thought about what you had to go through but I’m sure it was very hard.

Things happen for reasons not always explained. I’m not sure what told me to let her stay with you. I fought it tooth and nail...then one day I told myself, “That is her own father who loves her like I do..He would protect her like I did/do” why not..Maybe it will be good for her. Little did I know 3 weeks later you would be gone with no notice.. I’m still not sure why things happen for a reason. All I know is that I’m SO GLAD that Taylor’s last memories of you are with you. Getting her up in the mornings, (putting that blanket in the dryer so she wouldn’t be cold) Thank you Dad.

I still don’t understand why all of these things happened to you and me. I am thankful for having financial problems so she could have her last days with you, and for that... I am grateful...

You should see her swim like a little fish with Gray... They are so cute !!!

I'm forever grateful for our relationship that we had after being divorced, I have many memories of you and Taylor and I at the park feeding the ducks, and us hanging out at the mall. Cherokee Anyone ?? I miss our talks, heart to hearts and all we had overcome. I miss you. and your baby too...

Taylor's mother

June 29, 2004

Dear David,

Not a day goes by that I do not think of you. You are forever in my heart. The years we were together, Father's Day, was about you more so than anyone. I always wanted you to know what a great dad you were even though at times it seemed difficult. It never mattered what anyone else thought or knew but only what Taylor knew. You used to sit and talk with me about your thoughts and wishes for her. You loved her so much. I will never forget when we first met and she was around two or two and a half and you used to swing her all around and tell her you loved her so much and how wonderful she was. I never doubted having children with you because I got to see first hand how you were with her. Then she came to live with us. Now, we had her all the time and you really had to learn to fix hair!!! You were a little tired in the beginning but were never going to say so. I am so thankful that you had that time with her and she with you, not knowing what the future would hold. You were and will always be a wonderful father and person to Tayor and all of us who knew you and loved you. I miss you to infinity and would give anything in this world to see your smiling face and just have one more kiss...

your loving wife


June 20, 2004

Happy Father's Day to one of the best Fathers I knew. You were so proud of Taylor! You cherished her with all your heart. I wish you were here to spend Father's Day with her but you will always be in her heart. I know you are looking down today proud as ever and saying, "That's my baby" to everyone up there.
Till the day we meet again, watch over all and keep kindness in our hearts.


June 20, 2004

Happy Father's Day - Dad.. We miss you and love you very much... thank you for reminding us of how near you really are... Just when we start to get a litlle sad, you show your heart once again.. you always loved children.. and her goes one more...

June 19, 2004

As I put her to bed tonight, I got in bed to tell her a story. We just looked at each other and I checked her little tooth..(I pulled it at Perimeter Chili's-your fav. rest..chips and ranch..) some things never change. I was getting her hair out of her face and she looked at me and said.."Would you tell me some stories of my Dad ?.." I kinda laughed and thought which one? I have 7 yrs. worth. She wanted to know of why at the hospital you were laying on the bed, and not me.. (so I told her-you were having golf-clubs and I was having a baby..) she says your were funny.. we said our prayers and then she wanted to know more.. what I had to eat while I was preg. So I told her, now she thinks the reason she's hooked on yogurt and green apples is b/c of "that tube that ran from you to me".. What a child !! I told her each morning you would get up for work you made me watch "The Wedding Story- then The Baby Story on t.v. she says that the reason she loves babies (ZACH) and weddings.. (I'm not sure I know too many Girls that have been the flower girl in 5 weddings..) you can't help but love that little smile.. needless to say she is such a wonderful blend of us ~ ya know.. your cheeks and smile and dark hair, my added highlights "ha-ha" and my eyes, eyebrows, and both of our brains... I was so proud when you told me you passed the test, then not much longer(a few hours) then I got the call that I never imagined I would get from Paula.. I knew something was wrong, but I thought another wreck.. this will be # 5. I have lost count between them all from Stone Mt. and now up in Forsyth.. My heart fell to my feet and I thought- this just cannot be true, but it was..How things have changed, how lives have been engraved with memories forever.. I guess I am the lucky one, to get up every morning and know that I have the most important person between you and me. Taylor Rene Land. Named by her proud father, and after his "sissy"...
Father's day is coming soon Taylor is excited to get stuff for Ryan, Big-daddy" and "Grand-daddy" We have kept your tradition with "Grand-daddy" alive with GT gifts and lots of laughs... " still can hear him say "Bud" you live down the street- why are you in my bathroom"... (Sorry Paul) I guess you really felt at home at your parents..huh... Happy Father's Day. Taylor listens to a song almost every day- from you..
Taylor says.."Ride your Iron Horse Daddy".. I love you..


June 16, 2004

Hey Brotha,
I was just reading all of the reflections of your friends and Love ones, I sit here remembering all the wonderful memories I have of you and all my Brothers and Sisters of the Sheriffs office, But Only one stands out above all the rest.. I remember the first day that I ever met you.I hadn't been at the sheriffs office that long when you walked in with Taylor. she couldn't have been more than 1. And you sat there and played with her in the floor of the communications room.When you left I said to my Co-workers " Now that is a " True Daddy" We could only wish that all parents were as Great as you.. As time went on and I got to know more of you,I realized not only how great of a father you are.But how great a person you are.You touched so many peoples lives. You are truly an Angle...

Paula,I want you to know that above all the rest you and that little girl was at the top of his list.. Love ya

In closing I would like to say " If you close your eyes you can still see him dance and Who could forget that laugh"


June 15, 2004

Daddy... one more tooth loose.. :) we love you- us..

mom and daughter...
Lauren and Taylor Land

June 11, 2004

Hi son,

I want you to know you are always in my heart.
Miss You So

Linda B. Land

June 11, 2004

Hi bestest friend in the whole wide world,
I couldn't get on to talk to youin a long time, glad they fixed your page. Guess what I have done, I have signed up to go to the Police Academy in August. I start on the 2nd, I know I know what you are saying, but I really want to do this and I know you will be with me the whole way. I love you and miss you soo much. Please look after all of us down here and let us see that smile and wear one ourselves.
Love you!!!!!

Barrow County

June 8, 2004

I never knew you, but I know your love for your family and daughter. I know your history as a GREAT father, son and friend. I can only wish to accept honors such as yours in my own passing. Things you have done have affected people beyond your human spirit and I applaud you for the great things you have left behind. Your family has fought through things unimaginable and is still standing with your heart in mind. You are proof that nothing is for certain, besides the fact that a fathers love lives on forever in our dreams. Your love (Taylor)and family are in good hands my friend, blow a cool breeze by me somday. Sincerely, the friend you never knew.


May 18, 2004

I am so glad that there will be a delegation to go to D.C. to put your name on the Honor Wall. I am sure that many officers deserve that honor, but maybe I am just a little bias in my opinion that you really deserve to be there. I am also very happy that Mike is going, even though I will miss him on his birthday. But I will gladly give up the opportunity to be with my son on his birthday so that he can be with your friends and family to honor you. I only hope that I will soon have the opportunity to travel to DC so that I can see your name on the wall of honor, where you rightfully belong, for myself. I know you will be with them going to DC so watch over Mike and all of the other officers going along.
Mary Honiker

May 10, 2004

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