Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer II Glen Alvin Gaspar

Honolulu Police Department, Hawaii

End of Watch Tuesday, March 4, 2003

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer II Glen Alvin Gaspar

Thank you and prayers continuing for the sacrifices you and your family have made to protect us. Blessing upon your family - may they continue to have strength through the power of prayers from strangers across the world.

Trisha, civilian Oregon

November 28, 2006

I wish I found this webpage along time ago. Glen, I remember that day when you were taken from us. I was the first patrol officer on scene at Baskin-Robbins that afternoon. I remember the commotion as I went into the ice cream parlor where the suspect was in custody. I didn't realize how severe the incident was as I took that no good suspect "S.M" in the back of my blue and white and off to the police station. I discovered about the tragedy when I later went to the hospital to see how you were doing. I felt very angry and later distraught about the whole thing. How can a routine sunny day on the road turn into a gloomy one in the matter of minutes? I thought about my kids that day and how I wanted to see them and tell them that I love them. I couldn't sleep that night. Even though I didn't know you personally, I felt an emptiness in my heart when you left. I think about that tragic day everytime I pass that ice cream parlor while patroling in the Makakilo area and how much I wish you were still here working with us doing what you loved (making a difference in the community). I realized how precious life is and to live everyday to the fullest with the people you love. You will never be forgotten. May your family be forever blessed as you watch over them. Much Love and Aloha to you and your Ohana....

Honolulu Police Department

November 21, 2006

Thank you for your service. You will always be remembered.

July 26, 2006

RG - it is great to see you here. Don't worry about those who remember only during the month of May. Many of us will remember until the day that we join the final roll call in the Lord's house. Just wanted to let you know that I finally made it. 30.4 years and now am retired. Will visit here until I am not long able. Great to see your posts here.

Lt. Stephen Jackson (retired)
Baton Rouge Police Dept

July 25, 2006

sweet sweet g... where does all the time go... i come to this site nightly as i have since i knew of its existance... i read over and over again the messages left... not just by me but so many others whose lives you have impacted... as time goes on visitors are less frequent and i pray that the impact you once made on them does not fade in time as well... your presence when you were here and the memories you left behind are constant reminders for me of so many things... i have learned definately that life is too short... i often hear that phrase roll of people's lips and wonder if they even know how painfully true that statement is... the only way i can view your tragic death now is as a lesson... you know... as you are still my greatest ear and sounding board that i have been contemplating those lessons a lot lately... the what's, the why's, the how the heck's????? i retreat a lot when i feel overwhelmed to a time when things were so simple... when i am certain had we been wiser to the ways of the world we would have handled much differently... i know i would have... i find myself numb sometimes to things that would rattle the toughest of tough men only because everything pales in comparson to having had to accept your loss, live in it and move forward... i constantly search in the girls for hints of you... i see more and more of you as they get older... mannerisms... the way they turn their heads a certain way... something they say sometimes having no idea that before they were old enough to speak it had been a favorite phrase of yours... i wonder and hope that in a silence that sometimes is deafining - if they too can find the strength to carry their grief through to a place where it becomes learning... you know i try to instill this in them but it cannot be forced... i try to lead by example but am human... and i constantly find myself worrying that because you are not here... in some small way we have all just thrown our hands up... i pray for strength all the time to show them promise and purpose and our ever growing and changing calendar is a testiment to living every day to the fullest... i am thankful for their tough skin, stubborness and sometimes yes sometimes... their attitudes that are truly a combination of you and i... sometimes so much so that all i can do is laugh... and somewhere in the great beyond i know you laugh too... BUT... no matter what our days hold... at the end of them i am thankful... i ask god too give me the opportunity to raise my head in the morning and do it all over again... it is amazing the people i have met over the last few years that seem to be messengers... and this i am certain you know... the foot massage was great and you are welcome for the flowers... :) i am no longer a skeptic! we all need to know you are around... spending time with your mom, dad and greig has been great... my mom and dad wont miss a week of weed wacking and making sure your resting place is clean and green... and i have been keeping sadie busy making those loud, bright arrangements to put there... with the winds picking up lately we have eased up on the pinwheels but as soon as its safe again the girls will load you up again... we love driving by and seeing them spinning from the roadside... please know that whether we are standing there watching the pinwheels spin, shuttling to soccer practice or enjoying quiet moments alone... you are always in our thoughts... continue to watch over our babies... they miss you... i know... remember parenting takes two and i ALWAYS need you... we miss you and love you always... beloved angel now that guides us... forever in our hearts...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

July 19, 2006

sweet g... it has been a whirlwind couple months... the banquets, proms, three graduations this weekend, washington dc, san diego... and the list goes on... and although i have not posted reflections you know i have been burning your ears off... even as i write this we are counting down 2.5 hours before we head to europe with the kamehameha school group we traveled with last year... i am looking forward to having both girls there this year... you were a firm believer in travel as an education and i am so greatful for these opportunities... we barely touch down and will be off again for our california college tour... after that we will be planted firmly for awhile i think... i still come nightly to read any new postings and am touched by the last two... and i am thankful that the prayers for the girls and i keep coming... to your partner below... the entire hpd 'ohana is always in our prayers... and for the wonderful folks i have the opportunity to work with every year at national police week... it is my annual retreat and refuge... a bitter sweet reminder every year of your sacrafice and thousands of others who have made the same... never ever forgotten... i miss you desperately and the spin you would have put on these years as i watch the girls become beautiful young ladies... continue to watch over our babies and be my strength... and please ask uncle myk to watch over us too... i know he is doing good work there... beloved angel now that guides me... forever in my heart...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

May 30, 2006

My prayers are with you and your family. Keep up the good work with COPS. I know that it isnt always easy but you are there to help so many families. I enjoyed talking with you at police week. I look forward to seeing you there for many years.

God bless you Glen. May you rest in peace.

Mont. Co Police

May 13, 2006

Glen my brother,

I have missed you dearly my friend. I sit up and cry often when thinking of you and what a great father, police officer and friend you are....and dont get me wrong, ARE is correct you will always be those things to me.
I have always and will always look up to you. You were a great beat partner and someone who was never selfish....always willing to help people and friends in need.
Glen....there is no one that can hold a torch to you, you are the best police officer I have ever known and it was a great honor to have served next to you.
You will always be in my thoughts.

Renee, my love to you and the girls.

April 24, 2006

uncle glen
boys, it's been a while since i've been here. look at all the hearts that you've touched and are still touching. how bout that? i'm not surprised. that's who you were, and that's who everyone loves. i remember coming here and finding comfort in knowing that i could talk to you on this page. i was looking for some comfort today, and i thought about you.
you're girls are so beautiful. i haven't seen them too often, but i tell them often how much i love them.
i needed to sit here and write to you to tell you that i think about you often. it gives me comfort to know that you and myk are there together, making a way for the rest of us to be together again, someday.
i love you with all my heart. please watch over us always.
love ya

auntie sherrie

March 14, 2006

Aloha to Officer Glenn Gaspar and his loved ones:

On this the third anniversary week of your tragic death, please know that your memory is honored and revered today.

My heart goes out to your family. You’re in our thoughts and our prayers.

Glen, you rescued us, saved our possessions, our lives and our families. You are one of the rare heroes among us. You were always there for us in the most traumatic moments of our lives. No matter when we called, we just expected that you would come and do whatever it took to help us, and you always met our expectations. Your selflessness and dedication are awe-inspiring.

This world, this country, your community truly are better places because of you. To have lost you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We are grateful for and to you, and honor you for all you did for us day in and day out whether you received a word of thanks or praise.

Rest in Peace, Officer Gaspar.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the distinquished service Glen gave to his community and the citizens of Hawaii, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on March 4,2003.

Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

March 7, 2006

sweet g... it's been three years today and i still find myself hoping that you will walk through that door one day... we visited your resting place this morning with your mom and dad... it is so hard to believe that you have been gone three years already... sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday i was making my way through rush hour traffic with the 2 officers that picked me up... trying to get to the girls... trying to get to you... telling myself the whole time that it was going to be okay... that losing you was not an option... that things like this just don't happen to good people... i will never come to understand the why of it all... we are healing and making our way through this thing called life now without you... there are good days... there are bad days... but there is never a day that i do not wake with you on my mind nor sleep without you being my last thought... i do my best to be a parent for our babies but know that it could never compare to having you here... the common course that was our bond... i miss it so very much... i look to find you in them... i am thankful for the gift of having that every day... it has been three years... but time will never change the place in our lives... the love in our hearts or the imprints on our souls that you left us with... beloved angel guide us ALWAYS... be forever in our hearts...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

March 5, 2006

Remembering you and your family on this day, and always honoring you for your great sacrifice.

With love and respect,
Linda Rittenhouse,
920 Matt's Mom Forever

Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Fallen Officer Matthew Rittenhouse 9/16/04

March 4, 2006

sweet sweet g... i am finding the ground under my feet again... thank you for being my strength and reminding me that it will all be okay... in the midst of all the chaos our two beautiful ladies made their way to the st louis crusader ball and the kamehameha sophmore banquet... so neat that they each got to attend both events... all dressed up-hair done... what beauties!where is the time going??? keep a watchful on on them both... it is a tough life that of a teenager... remind them as i do that we love them and will always stand by them... please ask uncle myk to keep one eye on them as well... we miss you both... beloved angels guide us... forever in our hearts...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

February 23, 2006

remembering confetti roses and dinner at aarons... happy valentines day sweet g...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

February 14, 2006

g... my spirit is crushed under the weight of this all... you know what these last few days have been like... please carry me until i can get my footing again... i need you... beloved angel guide... forever in my heart...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

February 13, 2006

remembering you today... happy birthday sweet g...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

January 23, 2006

just another day... thinking of you... missing your spin on things... wishing you were here... beloved angel guide me... forever in my heart...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

January 17, 2006

hey glen it is me your wayward cousin sharolynne. i just wantd to put down some of my feelings and to let you know that i was thinking about you and i always pray to you and other family members. i guess this is one way for me to release all my anger i have and to ease the pain and suffering that i have gone through. just wish i did not have to do it this way. anyway cousin of mine i ove and miss you very much and i am looking forward to the day when i will be seeing you and the others. being away from family is especially hard during the holidays but then you know me always have to be on the go and never staying in ome place too long. this way i can cope with a lot of stresses that life has given me. well dear sweet cousin i am fixin' to sign off but know and always remember that i love you very much and miss you tremendously. see you in the future. aloha sharolynne

January 13, 2006

g… the new year is well on it’s way… we made it safely through our holiday trip… enjoyed time with russ, jamie and the girls and even got to see deb and joey… kalae came with us too… he is always so much fun to have around… somehow he has inherited a combination of humor and witt that is all uncle glen and uncle myk… it was fun… cold but fun… it was so different being away for the holidays… at the same time it was nice to deviate from the norm… make some new memories… not that you were ever far from my thoughts… nor were the holidays we used to share together with the girls… and most of all the conversations we had the last 2 christmas’s… long after the girls were in bed… funny how the feeling of christmas made it so easy to talk about “things”… I’ll never forget them… new years was different too… we did christmas first early in the evening here at the house… opened gifts and stuff and then started the new years eve celebration… popping and eating… you know how that goes… right up till midnight and bean soup… the girls went with your mom and dad to la’s house on new years day… they did bingo and visited with the cousins… i was still battling the cold i came home from the trip with… i enjoyed a very quiet day at home… contemplating the year ahead… looking forward to good things… the girls are becoming such beautiful young ladies and are keeping me on my toes as you well know… i talk your ears off don’t i… :) watch over us in the new year… continue to show us you are ‘around’… we miss you still and love you always… beloved angel guide us… forever in our heats…

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

January 10, 2006

Brother Glen, always remembering. It's is one year into retirement, and let me tell you, it was the right move. I stopped by as I said I would and always read how much you are missed by your family. It's nice having you all around us, embracing all, calming all, just always there...

W. Kim, Detective (Retired)
Honolulu Police Department

December 31, 2005

sweet g... the girls and i are off to disneyland tonight with the won 'ohana... it will be our first christmas away from home... something different... i can't help but remember the last time we were in disneyland... all together... but then again the holidays have not been the same... we miss you and the spin you would put on them... kalae is coming with us too... this is an especially hard christmas for him as it will be the first without uncle myk... i am hoping that you both will watch over us and keep us safe in our travels... i am looking forward to the new year and all that it has in store for us... merry christmas daddy... we love and miss you... give uncle myk a holiday hug for us and tell him we love and miss him too... beloved angels now that guide us... forever in our hearts...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

December 22, 2005

g... last night was another evening up at kapalama where i missed you so very much... kiana danced in the performing arts dance showcase... it is a small presentation put on by all the performing arts classes at the end of the semester... a small production but a big part of why we hoped and dreamed someday our girls would be a part of the kamehameha 'ohana... it was her final grade for hawaiian chant and dance-a class she truely enjoyed... this came with the news too that our little lady - knees bruised and exhausted made it through the dance team try outs... i know you are as proud of them both as i am... i am always amazed at the level of maturity these kids exhibit when put to the task up there... the resources are endless and nothing is ever a small production... my mom and i picked up your mom and dad... can't find grandparents any more proud than that group... i know they think about you too... knowing how proud you would be sitting in ke'elikolani... keep them on the path - our little ladies... let them feel your presence... give them the stregth to stand strong... in the face of all the high school kuleana... i am certain that you and uncle myk do not miss a beat... at your post at the gate... here and there... beloved angels guide us... forever in our hearts...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

December 15, 2005

quiet rainy day at home... thinking of you... and holidays past...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

December 6, 2005

happy thanksgiving sweet g... it was festive and filled with family... as we have since losing you we took lunch to the station... it always feels so nice to be back in the old squad room... the girls make themselves right at home there... the watch was gracious and thankful as always... the rest of the day we spent at home eating and eating and eating... you know how we do here... we did not make it to la's house this year because we had such a crowd here... it rained a lot and it felt like the kick off of the holidays... a time more than any other when we miss you so desperately... know that no matter how many seasons pass you will never be forgotten... i am thankful every day for the gift of our beautiful ladies... my constant reminder of your love... don't forget to give uncle myk a big hug for us... we miss him so very much too... beloved angel now that guides me... forever in my heart...

gg3127.. eow 3.04.03...

November 26, 2005


gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

October 31, 2005

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