Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer II Glen Alvin Gaspar

Honolulu Police Department, Hawaii

End of Watch Tuesday, March 4, 2003

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer II Glen Alvin Gaspar

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones on this day. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones. Let them feel your presence around them so that they know you are near and protecting them from harm. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

March 4, 2009

My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this anniversary of your EOW. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You will never be forgotten.

James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

March 4, 2009

6 years... thoughts of you today... not of the details of it so long ago... not the heartache or the pain of missing you... but more the life you lived... a still reminder of your place in our lives even today... blessings of the memories... the friends and familiar places that bring your image to the minds eye... knowing the events surrounding us now would hold entirely different meaning with you here... and knowing still that we go through this thing called life in great hope to see you again one day... i know that you are beaming with pride... our big girl - how softly she landed in a place where she is successful and content... beautiful and poised… there are many times where she carries me… i know her strength comes from you… and our little one... at the open door of immense opportunity... brave in facing the unknown - standing bold in who she has become... she is a free spirit with a mind of her very own… sound familiar? i love them with your spirit daddy and want them to know that you know... how hard they have worked and what great young women they have grown to be... how many odds they have beaten and the statistics they have proven wrong… they will ALWAYS be our greatest accomplishment... and for that i will always be grateful to you… today i honor you and everything you stood for… not with sadness but gratitude that part of that was shared with me… today i remember you… not in the past… but as you are still a part of my every day… and today i love you… as i always have and always will… beloved angel now that guides me… forever in my heart! 3.04.09

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

March 3, 2009

six years ago at this time, i would have been with you or i would have known you would have picked me up after school. i miss you now more than ever.. it feels as if this just happened yesterday. isn't time supposed to heal? well it doesn't. i haven't wrote on here for like years, but i figured i would type to you instead of talking your ears off for once... i'm in hawaiian history finishing this picture i drew of you. I already drew one and its up in our room but i'm doing another one for granny and granddad so they can frame it and put it up by all of your other pictures and stuff. Wanna know something weird? i have an art teacher that really reminds me of you. Not cause you guys like look alike or anything, but he's funny and pushes me to do my best like you used to. I guess thats why i like art so much now... thats what i want to do in college. I automatically wanted to do photography cause of the business, but printmaking is just as fun too. i wish i was better at it though ha. i have three printmaking projects up in the art show in midkiff... and i just finished the one i made of you. It's a picture of you and underneath it it says HONOR in big letters... yeah you probably already know... but yeah... i just know i wanna do some kind of art in college, maybe all of them who knows. But me and joey are talking about moving in somewhere together cause i think i need it... mom supports me so hopefully it works out. i have to get a new job though, maybe two. we'll see... hopefully more photography jobs. School might hire me for a photo shoot so hopefully that goes through... graduation is coming up and i can't wait but at the same time i wish i was back in the 6th grade... :/ well the bell is about to ring soon, then im off to psych. story. I bet you would like that class, cause its about your mind and stuff like that and you liked that stuff... i wish i could come home from school and tell you how that class was everyday... :/ were watching a movie in that class...

but i have to go.
love you daddy.


March 3, 2009

miss you..


February 16, 2009

happy valentines day sweet g!!! know what i thought of besides the biggest roses EVER?????? lanikai.... and that boat ride... what a great memory.... you so slick!!! lol... you still keep this heart as no one else ever will.... miss you...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03....

February 14, 2009

g... being out of the country for your birthday was surreal... actually felt like i was missing a celebration... so proud of our babies that they each did their own thing in your honor... it did not matter where i was or what the time difference was... you were my first thought of the day... as always... thanks for your 'help' at the slots!!! forget vegas... aruba no ka oi... :) the girls and i will do some 'girly days' once it all settles down... back to work on monday... school... life as we know it... at any rate... this is written a few days late... but never the less... happy birthday sweet g... beloved angel... i miss you still...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

January 26, 2009

happy new year sweet g... i am ready for 2010... ugh! you know what weighs heavy on my heart... if you were here it would be different... at any rate i will hold my head up high and do what i gotta... you will always be my motivation and our babies my every day reasons... i miss you... it feels like forever... and then sometimes not... like you were just here... causing trouble... :) no matter what... beloved angel now that guides me... forever in my heart...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

January 5, 2009

missing you at christmas sweet g... more than ever this year, we all feel it... touch the hearts of our babes - they need you... i need you...

Fly me up
To where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile
To know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are
(Josh Grobin)

remembering christmas as it used to be...

forever in my heart...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

December 24, 2008

thinking of you today... what's new? as the holidays approach i miss you more... if that is possible... i wish you were here... more than you could imagine... i wish you were here...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

November 18, 2008

sweet g... i sit here in the aftermath of another day in court... for some reason i never imagined it would come to this... never thought for a single moment that 'this' would ever be possible... where is the justice? i don't feel at this point that we will ever know... i do know as this drags out now almost 6 years after your senseless murder that we - those of us who love and miss you desperately... those whose lives you touched in your short time here... are serving the most horrible sentence of all... it is a life sentence with no possible chance of freedom from the pain and loss... why then should there be ANY chance that your killer be given even a remote possibility of freedom... the mere thought of it makes me physically sick... and once again i am existing in this fog of disbelief... angry that you cannot rest... again i must watch the pain in the beautiful eyes of our babies and witness the heart wrenching sorrow mom and dad must live through all over again... i cannot imagine how we all would make it through another trial... the thought of seeing him everyday sickens me and more so the thought of hearing life with the possibility of parole makes me wonder if justice exists... it seems like the only rights to be had are those of the defendant... be certain that we will not rest... that we will see this through with vigilance... seeking justice for your name... faith... it's all i have left... surely HE can provide what the courts cannot... beloved angel now that guides me... forever in my heart...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

October 9, 2008

happy father's day sweet g... thank you for laying such a great foundation for our ladies... i am so grateful for the time they had with you... my prayer is that time never allow them to forget you... what you stood for... who you were... be close to their hearts always... i hold you close to mine... beloved angel now that guides me... happy father's day sweet g...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

June 16, 2008

i miss you... and it hurts to the core... i miss you...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

April 21, 2008

sweet g… what a night… the kamehameha schools 88th annual song contest... she was stunning... her class of ’09 in their regal red… they sounded wonderful and so grown up… they have come a long way… the judges thought otherwise - but you could not convince an ’09 parent that they were anything short of supreme! and when it was over… the running around following her with her ‘makana’ for her classmates… all the hugs and pictures… i’ll never tire of that… my heart ached so when kiana went through all of this... ached for missing you in the midst of something we had hoped for - for so very long... but nothing could compare to the realization that our little one is almost done with high school... i… as i know you are - am so proud of her… her quarterly trip to the ‘ice cream social’ (students earning honors) has become a victory walk every time… i know there will be great things in her future… she too has come a long way… where has the time gone??? i have missed you every step of the way... i know you are here in a presence of a different kind... i don't let you go very far... i can’t and won't… i need you most at times like this when such milestones bring the sucker-punch of reality that our babies are not babies anymore… and that for 5 years we have survived this crazy little thing called life without you (physically) here… and that soon… real soon… life will start changing in an even greater way… i look forward to what the future holds for our ladies with great anticipation… i support their every endeavor… and am proud of who they have become… this year marked the 5 year anniversary of your senseless murder… ironically… i have been called to support another family as we approach national police week... it is one way that i am able to heal the pain of losing you... and i take great pride in the work that cops (concerns of police survivors) does... you of anyone knows my struggle with that... i have talked your ears off the last few weeks about it ALL... ugh... who would have imagined the history that comes with this... it is all starting to make sense now... there will no longer be that 'stigma' any more... i will fight it with everything in me... tenari, harold, andy and i will travel with the coelho family from our department and mrs browne and lt oakland from the state sherriffs department... again i will go to the wall and trace your name with my fingers... the finalty of it numbing... at the same time beaming with pride for the way you have changed lives even in death... coming to this website nightly is a testiment to that... when i read the reflections of your friends and co-workers who continue to remember and honor you... some may think because i don't write for every occassion i don't come here as often... not the case... in fact i still visit every night... the difference is now that as the years go on i am more and more comfortable with the place that you are in and the knowledge that someday i will see you again... my faith reminding me with the trials of the day to day that you have been rewarded the greatest of gifts... for you are in HIS presence now... you are still my strength and sounding board... but you know that already... and you will always be... the only heart and soul that could possibly understand the unconditional love for our beautiful ladies... the gut wrenching pain when i cannot right the wrongs that are done to them in this world... and the heartfelt hope that they forever know the love that brought them into this world... the same love that will carry them through the end of time... nothing could ever compare to having you here... and it is a struggle but i try to continue to teach them to live life to the fullest... embracing all its joys and sorrows, ups and downs, achievements and failures... all of these equally shape who we are... i try to lead by example... to continue to look for good in this world as i know you would... and most of all to count our blessings daily... there are many... we are continually blessed with wonerful friends and family... blessed with wonderful memories of you tucked away where not even time can tarnish the vividness of your image and touch... and more than anything we are blessed with our faith and it's teachings that we will one day be with again... you are missed, loved and will never be forgotten... beloved angel now that guides me... forever in my heart!

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

March 18, 2008

Thankyou for your service and sacrifice. You are a hero to us all and will never be forgotten


March 14, 2008



March 3, 2008

lt jackson -- it was wonderful to log on and see that you had stopped by to visit today... my heartfelt condolences to your department and the family of your fallen hero... no matter the circumstances it is always such a great loss... the ripple effect of each loss touches all survivors at the core... in just a few short days glen will have been gone 5 years... at times it still seems so surreal... and we miss him desperately... more so as our girls continue to meet the milestones of life that daddy's make so special... they have grown into such beautiful young ladies... kiana graduated from high school last year and is studying early childhood education and taysia is a junior starting to narrow down her college options... i am so proud of them and know that they walk with daddy in their hearts always... there is not a day that goes by that i do not see glen in them... and i am so thankful that i am blessed with that... in may i will be traveling to washington dc for national police week for the 5th year since glen's passing... we have 2 surviving families from our state attending this year... one from our department and one from our state sheriffs department... it is always so fulfilling being with our families and sharing the healing that comes with participating... a place where thousands of others know your pain... and are all searching for the new "norm" that will become their lives going forward... at the same time... it is always such a great sense of pride to see how our heroes are forever remembered... it's the same pride on days like today when i read the reflection of a friend that continues to remember glen... for your rosary and rememberance of glen -- thank you... and for your years of service among heroes -- god bless you lt jackson... aloha...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

February 29, 2008


It has been a long time, but we have lost another officer. This time it was an accident where he ran into the rear of a tank truck that has to stop at all RR crossings. When I heard of it, I thought of you and how strong you are. I hope that Glen is there to help him into the kingdom of heaven. I will say the rosery for Glen tonight. Heroes are never forgotten by those who have been there. Hope the girls are doing well and you also.

Lt. Stephen Jackson (Retired)
Baton Rouge PD

February 28, 2008

happy valentines day... remembering aaron's & wearing hats!
i miss you... <3 <3 <3

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

February 14, 2008

Hi Renee,

Hope this finds you well, I haven't been on this site in a while, my mom is 90 (gulp!) now and I'm helping take care of her. I can't believe that Glen's been gone almost 5 years, I pray the girls are well, both my kids are at Kamehameha now (senior and freshman) I want to say I'll always remember Glen, I say a prayer for you and your girls today and that you'll continue to have peace and healing, I believe that's what Glen would want, I still see his silly smile and antics and remember him with fondness. We've lost a few elementary school classmates in the last two years, it's sobering to know how precious and fragile life is, I pray for you and your family. May you always carry his spirit within you, I know you are. Love, Melissa K.

Melissa Kamakawiwo'ole

February 6, 2008

hey "alvin" -
after almost 5 years, its still hard to admit that you're not here. i still reach for my work phone to dial your extension when i have a hpd question, then stop short when i realize you won't be there to answer. i even wish for those days when we'd celebrate our birthdays together, although i know that won't happen either. i guess i just dropped by your reflection page to wish you a happy belated birthday, and to let you know that a lot of us still think of you and miss you very much.
love and aloha,

classmate and friend

January 24, 2008

My dear Renee, I too was disgusted and outraged that a convicted murderer was to be considered as a witness for the defendant of Daniel's murder. Thank goodness he was not called. How could they even consider him as credible to support, what I believe to be, a series of lies. My heart goes out to you and your children as you were reminded of that tragic day. Since Daniel has gone from my life I have not yet been able to offer condolences to officers downed in the past months. I hope, soon, I will find the words to offer solace to the families who are experiencing the loss of someone dear to them because of people out there who have no regard for life or the families and friends of those they terrorize, nor can they take responsibiliy for the choices they make. I thank you for your thoughts which reminded me I am not alone in my loss and there are many of us who have lost very special people in our lives who have served to protect their communities. I hope your family's life is going well and your children are succeeding in school. God bless you

Robina Browne
Mother to Deputy Daniel Browne-Sanchez EOW 2-10-07

October 29, 2007

g... i am enraged... to think that there is so little importance placed on this... to let your killer out to testify on behalf of another... i am sorry that there is nothing more that can be done to make people understand...
i miss you.... to henry who placed his reflection below... i both laughed and cried while reading it... remembering all the stories i would hear from glen about the 5'5" boys and the times we all were able to spend together.... i just recently looked at pictures of kiana's first christmas where it took glen and i almost and hour to convince you that she would not break if you carried her and the neat ernie and bert shoes that you bought her... thank you for remembering glen here and as you said in your reflection on many occassions... we all miss him desperately and think of him every day... beloved angel now that guides me... forever in my heart!

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

October 24, 2007

On days like today, usually Sunday mornings for some reason, memories of our friendship come back to me out of nowhere. I can never predict these moments, they happen whenever they want to. I'm glad they do. Today is one of those days.

I should have told you this earlier, but a lot of my friendships with other people over the years has been based on what I learned from our friendship. I seek certain traits out in other people that are similar to the ones we shared, the most important one being generosity of spirit.

'k den bra.

Henry Balanay Jr.

October 14, 2007

"The Badge"
He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.
He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.
Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.
He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.
His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.
He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.
And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.
But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.
Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.
Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.
So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.
In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.
Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.
Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission

Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC

October 10, 2007

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