Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer II Glen Alvin Gaspar

Honolulu Police Department, Hawaii

End of Watch Tuesday, March 4, 2003

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer II Glen Alvin Gaspar

RG and Family,

There is so little that I can say to easy the pain and loss. I lost one of my friends on 5-22-2004 (Lt. Vickie Wax) and healing takes a long time. The only thing that I can say is that you have a very extended family in blue, that say prayers for all of the fallen heroes. May Glen rest in peace knowning that the rest of his "extended family" are watching out for you and you are not alone.

Lt. Stephen Jackson
Baton Rouge Police Department

June 14, 2004

Hi Daddy im in social studies class and we are signing year books and i was thinking of you...I was thinking of how proud you would have been to see me in the Kamehameha Yearbook... Ummmm.... We had an interview with Jim Mendoza to be on the news so we could tell everyone what we did on our Washington D.C. trip...the memorial was pretty fun... ummmm..... I really miss you and wish you were here right now...To see how well im doing and what im doing...I know you are here with me but i cant see you and that what brings my head down..I MISS YOU!!! I hope to see you sometime...can you visit me??well talk to you later....

Daddy's Baby Girl

May 26, 2004

g... it has taken me awhile to sit and write this... the girls and i returned from d.c. a week ago... what an awesome tribute to law enforcement it was... i had tried to prepare the girls for what would take place there... i should have prepared myself a little more... i cannot begin to explain the emotions that are brought to the surface 14 months later... watching hundreds of other mothers arrive with their now fatherless children... some with 4 and five children... some with babies who came into this world after their daddy's left it... my heart broke for all of them... so many brave faces... mothers and fathers... brothers and sisters... daughters and sons... all coming together to share one pain yet honoring so many... there were others who lost their hero years ago... they came to remember... healing is on-going... they came to share promise and hope... the candlelight vigil was breathtaking... the wall - so final... there are so many times we are reminded of the finality of your passing... but something about that wall... painful yet proud... so very hard to put into words... to put that piece of paper over your name and watch it lift as we etched over it... almost like taking a piece of your spirit home... it was overwhelming to be surrounded by literally thousands of others who greived for you as they did for their own loved one... the glances that needed no words... the kind smiles that spoke volumes... then there was the ceremony at the capitol... kiana so proudly placed a flower on the wreath in your honor... russ escorted her as she received your medal of honor... the president spoke of your bravery and sacrafice... i met people there that i may never see again... but for a few days they shared with us a common bond... bonded in heart ache... bonded in healing... bonded in hope... this was a special year traveling with chief and his family... chris t represented your recruit class... the chaplain and derrick too... renice and kaina... thank god for their support... and of course russ... what would i have done without him... i will take the girls back as many years as they want to attend... it was a wonderful experience... getting back into the swing of things here at home was a little rough... putting the emotions back in check... it is finals week for the girls and i have gone back to work as well... it has been harder than i though to switch gears so quickly... the girls feel it too... we love you daddy and miss so you very much... we honor and celebrate your life among us daily... beloved angel now that guides me... forever in my heart...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

May 26, 2004

g... finally a quiet moment... tonight was the annual memorial mass that begins police week here on oahu... jamie and kynsie attended with the girls and i... it was a beautiful ceremony ending with the lighting of memorial candles... i guess i was not quite prepared for the emotions and pain that still seem so fresh... i just can't help remember last years memorial service... just months after your death... somehow today i felt like i had to be stronger... that noone would expect tears... after all it has been over a year... right... NOT! it hurt like it did one year ago - maybe more... i was angry all over again that you were gone... i was sad as i watched the girls look longingly at your photo... although at the same time i was grateful for the continued support of your blue 'ohana... on the way to the memorial taysia noticed a huge ray of sunlight beaming through the clouds... it was as if all of our fallen heroes were making their presence known... letting us know that you still watch over us... for some families it has been years since their officer's death... for others not so many... for all tonight was an opportunity to remember... in two days the girls and i will travel with chief donahue to national police week in washington dc... preparing has been harder than i thought it would be... i see the anticipation and anxiety building in the girls as well... excited at the opportunity to honor your name... hesitant to once again call upon the painful instant that changed our lives forever... they say time heals... i find that these last few weeks have been the hardest... although i have visited the finality of your loss more than once over the last 14 months, this celebration of your life, engraved in stone, hits home with numbing pain... this roller coaster of emotions made up of holidays, court dates, quiet moments and cherished memories seem to pale in comparison to being in a community of other famlies who have suffered the same loss... hundreds of people from all over the country hurting and healing in one place... the thought of it takes my breath away... i pray that you give me strength to get through it... i pray that you let the girls feel your presence... i have begged them to let this be an opportunity for them to seek healing... it has been so hard for them that your death has been such a public event... i have tried to tell them that this is their chance to be in place full of people who understand what they are feeling... and at the same time to listen to others who need to be heard as survivors... sweet g watch over us... guide us to help and heal... comfort us with your presence... know that you are remembered with each sunrise and nightfall... honored with each tear... and loved with each breath... beloved angel now that guides me... forever in my heart...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

May 11, 2004

uncle glen

thank you. thank you so much for watching over kanaho during his ordeal. he's home, he's eating and he's screaming. i will make sure he knows of all of the wonderful things you did and what a dynamic person you are. i'm hoping because he's your name sake, he'll have your disposition.

please continue to watch over him for me. as always, we continue to watch over the girls and "r". remember we love you.

auntie sherrie

auntie sherrie

May 3, 2004

Hi uncle glen this is corrie....kalae is over here and he is being a dork :) well kanaho is sleeping now but i know he would like to say hello....ok well just wanted to drop down and say hi... ok we all love you...BYE

May 2, 2004

Hey Glen, I just wanted to leave a note here to let you and your family know that you never will be forgotten. Over time I imagine people from the department come less and less to visit your family, but at times it not easy to say the things that need to be said. You know the men and women of blue...sometimes they act like they are made of steel. I took my kids for the first time to Baskin n' Robins since all this happened to you. It was very surreal. There was no plaque, no sign indication that anything had ever happened there. I was sad. My husband knew you well and told me that was expected. I saw Rene and your brother on t.v a couple of weeks ago and felt the outrage. What if that was my husband that this happened to? What would I say, where would I find the strengh to go on for our children? I dont know. I hope everyday he leaves the house that he will come back. He says he will because he is safe. No one is really safe who chooses this job. He tells me if anything every happens to him he is good with it. Good with it?? I have tried for years to wrestle with that one. I know there is nothing in this world he would want to do than doing what he does now. I wish I felt that way about the department and what I do. I pass your picture in the hall everyday I go to work and well up inside. I well up for your children (my son use to to go to ST. JOHNS with yours when all this happened). I come here and read Rene's post and feel for her and her journey as a single parent. I feel for everyone who has known you and miss you so much. My husband may not say it but I know he misses you....he tells me so many stories when you both worked in D7 together. He is still there. He is training the new blood that is coming out. I cant think of a better officer to teach them. I never want to be in your family's shoes....but I do think about it now and then. I suppose it comes with the territory. You and Ryan are in my prayers everynight. I know somehow you know there are lots of people who think of you a lot. I am one of them. I know you are still taking care of your family. Thank you for giving me the gift of being able to kiss my husband good-bye each day and having so much meaning in it. You just never really know. You are a light that guide us ...more than you know. L

dispatcher and wife of an HPD officer
Honolulu Police Department

April 29, 2004

g... today is just an ordinary day... no special court date or occasion... just a normal day when we made it home through the day's traffic to do homework, have dinner and enjoy a little bit of the evening together... i tucked the girls in and sat for a moment until they fell asleep... it's the little things and the every day "stuff" that make me miss you so much... we still giggle and talk about the days events before bed... i miss you squeezing in with us... i know it's not the same but i tell them you love them too... they know... i know they know... i know this because there was never a day that passed without you telling them so... i am so grateful that you did... so grateful that you never missed an opportunity to tell them... to hug them... to spoil them... to truly love them... i am grateful too that we took the time to tell each other... to share the differences we made in each other's lives... that we were grateful for the gifts we gave each other... beautiful babies and wonderful memories... the gift of your friendship keeps me going... sometimes when i am not so sure i can... i remember... what was "ours"... thank you for that... i miss you sweet g... i miss you a lot... beloved angel now that guides me... forever in my heart...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

April 27, 2004

g... it was evident from the crowd today, you are not forgotten... further evidence was the anger and outrage at the judges decision to postpone sentencing... i was prepared to read a statement to the court about how your death has impacted my life... how could anyone possibly expect me to put that in words... i never got a chance to read that statement... it was so important to us all to have justice for you today... to once again attempt to find some kind of closure... we will not rest g... we will continue to collect letters and crusade for a sentence that fits this crime... the court expects us to throw out calvins charges... as if the attempt on his life meant nothing... we will not allow it... i know that you would fight it all the way and we will in your honor... you are missed... loved... and not forgotten... beloved angel now that guides me... forever in my heart...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

April 20, 2004

...happy easter sweet g ...we colored eggs last night and missed the challenge of beating your best egg of the night ...we are getting pretty good at it though ...we miss you on these special days especially ...after the bunny left we hunted eggs and left the prettiest ones for you in your basket ...thank you for the so very many special memories we have of this day with you ...missing you ...beloved angel now that guides me ...forever in my heart

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

April 11, 2004

Hey daddy!! Just wanted to stop by and say Happy Easter!!! We colored eggs yesterday...We are just about to hunt now!! I wish you were here!!! Remember when we used to hunt eggs and Kiana always won?? Well this year i am going to win!! hehehe...
I'll write to you tonight!! Ill talk to you later daddy...

Daddy's Little Girl

April 11, 2004

I stop by this website often after the death of two dear friends with the NCSHP (Troopers Calvin Taylor E.O.W. October 3, 2001 and Anthony Cogdill E.O.W. May 30, 2003).

We all grieve over the lives lost in the line of duty. I hope you can find some comfort knowing that there are countless prayers that go out for your family.

These are senseless tragedies that never seem to stop. God Bless the men and women who continue to serve their communities in our great Nation.

From the reflections, it is obvious that Officer Gaspar is a wonderful man.

...Gone, but never Forgotten....

Marti (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)

April 6, 2004

g... it was our first spring break vacation without you... i took the girls to New York... we had a lot of fun although there were many times i think we all felt like it wasn't the same... your sense of adventure and spark was missing... it was definately different from the annual ski event that normally took place over this spring break... but there was something about it... something about visiting "ground zero" that brought to mind your ultimate sacrafice... it made me very sad at first... and at the same time i was so very proud of you... like the hundreds of your fellow officers and firefighters who made the ultimate sacrafice on 9/11... there is a unified sense of pride... i remembered back to 9/11 and how i felt terrible for all those familes... little did i know we would soon know that very same heartache... i did find comfort as well... knowing that just like those whose lives were lost a ground zero... you will never be forgotten... i come to this site nightly... it seems as time passes fewer folks visit and leave reflections... but when they do... it is so evident that the pain of missing you is as real as it was on march 4, 2003... we are so very fortunate to have friends and family who love and support us and get us through the rough times... there are wonderful times that we celebrate your name as well... while we were in New York we got the news that Kanaho had arrived... he was born on march 23... tha day after we left... go figure... kalae and ama were there to welcome him... he is 5lbs, 4oz and 19.5 inches long... he is brave and strong just like his name sake... but he needs your help... he is at Stanford University Medical Center right now having a heart operation to correct the functions of his heart intake valves... watch over him please and help him to feel your presence... that safe place that kumu spoke of in your name... we know that kanaho ho'omau'ikalani is going to be just fine... and that your spirit of love and strength are his... we miss you... today and everyday... and love you eternally... sweet g...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03...

March 30, 2004

Brother Glenn

every time I pass down the hall and see your and ryan picture, I shed a tear, since our time in recruit school 109th & 110 class. I have known u I have known you since Godin's Kempo karate class but we had never talked to each other then, But now since we have met I know you area a excellent Offcier as we had shared stories, and laughter and when we all have walked together the foot beats in Waikiki, 4th watch. I am proud to have u as a freind and beat partner. we shall walk a beat together again in heaven so both you a Ryan keep watch over us all in the Law Enforcement Field,

Eho'oikaika mai ia'u i kelia la, e ke akua
strengthen me today, dear load

a e kokua mai ia 'u e ho' om ana'o,
and help me keep in mind,

i na kanawai au i kauoha ai
the laws that you created

no ka honua au i ho'okumu ai.
for the world that you designed.

ikumai au no ke kaulike
may I stand for justice

a e kokua au i na kanaka a pau
so one day crime may cease

i nalowale ke kalaima i kekahi la,
and let me serve all people

i nolo lakau i ka maluhia.
so they may live in peace


Untill we meet again....Aloha...

Honolulu Police Department, District 5.

March 30, 2004

Hi Daddy..just was thinking about u..i just want to ask u watch over us everyday and all day..well i just wanted to say I LOVE U and that i will never forget u!!I will never i forgot the days we spent together and the days u spent at the mall when we were looking for those special nike shoes.. Well ill never forget that day..the day that Dearie told us the news...All she said is..."Daddy's been shot.." As soon as Kiana and I heard the news..We dropped to the ground..we bursted out crying.. I have one question Daddy..Why you?? Why did it have to be u?? Well i will never forget the times we had with u and the times we spent with our whole, kiana, mom and was the best days..well my life didnt go down the drain like some leftovers going down the disposal!! I hate my life!! I wish you were here!!! I WOULD DO ANYTHING!! Well i have to go...All i asked of u is to watch over everyone...and i will never forget u...I LOVE YOU!!!

Your BIG small Honey

March 21, 2004

I have read all your reflections . . . it is so readily obvious you are still so loved . . . so much loyalty from your personal family and extended blue family. I honor you, your name, your service and your memory . . . we will never forget you my brother. We'll cover your post on the thin blue line . . . you rest and look over us. With brotherly love and respect, Jim Crotty (Former Richmond, VA Police Officer).

Special Agent Jim Crotty
ATF (SA, Retired)

March 20, 2004

g... it's 12:51am on 3.20.04... we just got home from the 82nd Annual Kamehameha Schools Song Contest... remember when we used wish that some day we would be watching our girls there??? well that wish came true tonight... she was stunning... in her white mu'u and green class lei... we had her hair done earlier today and she just looked beautiful... as i sat there i thought of the many times we talked about the school and remembered how passionate you were about the girls being a part of it all... it was a wonderful experience and at the same time my heart ached... i know she longed for you... wanting for that special spin you would have put on the day... i hurt for her as well... comfort her tonight g and let her know that you were there... that you heard their rendition of ho'olako hawai'i... laughed with them as they proudly snuck all their snacks, balloons and streamers past the teachers and advisors... and watched as for the first time she raised her hands in unity with her class and proudly sang your alma mater... she has been uncovered now from her mountain of leis and flowers and is ready for bed... as always daddy watch over her and our little one too... watch them as they sleep... and guide them as the light of a new day is upon us... loving you... missing you... finding comfort in a memory and the thought that you are here with us... forever in our hearts... g'night sweet g... g'night daddy...

imua kamehameha '82 '07 '09...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03

March 20, 2004

Hi Daddy..I know i havent wrote to you in a long time but that doesnt mean i dont think about u 24/7...every day all day... Well i really miss you and you dont know what it is like without you!! So how is it up there? What does it look like...i cant wait to see you again!! do you miss me? Well ill talk to you later...You know what my Science teacher told me...She told me.."Even if you cant see him...hes still here!!" Kamehameha schools has been so supportive of us and i really like it..i got honoroll for the first trimester...I wish you were here to see the certificate i got... It was a silver certificare and my GPA was 3.0...nothing special but if you were here i knew you would be proud but you would say i could do better..Life will never be the same without you!! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND NOTHING WILL STOP ME FROM LOVING YOU!!!
Love always and 4ever...
Your BIG small Honey..

Your BIG small Honey...

March 7, 2004

Glen, we're reminded of better days, for all of us, the hurt is still new, even as this year passes us. It is a different time, in a different department, going in a different direction. But of course, you know that. The one constant, we swore to remember, you.


March 6, 2004 year ago today our world was turned upside down as we have for many days over this last year, we gathered at the place where you lay ...bringing flowers candles ...we even wrote messages on balloons and hoped they would find you is always so comforting with family and friends see the love for you on their faces ...the warmth in their hearts that is evident by tears cried for losing you ...each with their own reasons ...each with treasured memories ...and each searching for healing and understanding ...coming home tonight is not much different than it was one year ago ...the pain is numbing ...the hurt so deep ...the world continues to go on around us and at times it is as if we are standing still ...trying to catch our breath and belong again ...i still don't know if time will ever change that ...what i do know today, one year later is that you are still remembered, desperately missed and forever loved ...not one nor twenty years will change that sensless act can take away what has been engraved on hearts and souls over us special angel and know that we carry you within us ...beloved angel now that guides me ...forever in my heart

gg3127 eow 3.04.03

March 5, 2004

March 4, 2004
Remembering you on the anniversary of your death. May God comfort
all those who are still grieving your passing. Life is difficult at times
and the Lord Jesus wants to help carry our burdens. He gives us many
beautiful promises in His Word to help us through our valleys. I pray you
will feel His presence and know His peace. God bless!

Lynn Kole
Washington State

March 4, 2004

We will always remember, not this day or what it symbolizes, but more so the way you lived, because in the end, that's the most important thing for any of us. By the way, can you believe the stuff that is happening? Go figure.


March 4, 2004

Dear Officer Gaspar and Family,
I never met you but I am aquainted with someone very dear to you, Taysia. God has sent angels to watch over your family and friends. At school your daughters have their friends comforting them and making them laugh. I know that you are watching over them too. I will never forget you and your daughter. I will pray for strength and courage for your family to carry on will a smile everyday.
Class of 2009 ~ Imua

March 4, 2004

thinking of you today as always... we are planning our trip to washington for national police week... you will be honored there... your name inscribed on the national monument... such a bitter sweet time... i am so greatful that your memory is being perpetuated but still so sad that you are not here... the girls are such beautiful young ladies... i know that you are proud of them... they are great students and are so proud to be at Kamehameha... i know it reminds them of you... i watch them daily and run through in my mind the conversations we used to have about them and with them... i talk to them as if you are here still... i tell them all the time that daddy and i are proud of them... that daddy and i love them... they seem comforted at times when we talk about the things that you used to do with them... tell me again mom about that time... what was it that daddy used to say... they are so full of your spirit... help them to feel your presence always and to know that you are always there... continue to be my guide as i look to you for strength... parenting takes 2 remember... beloved angel now that guides me... forever in my heart...

gg3127... eow 3.04.03

February 26, 2004


...thinking of you sweet g
...happy valentines day daddy

gg3127... eow 3.04.03

February 14, 2004

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